A code list or enumeration is a controlled set of values which can be used to populate a specific column.
Value defining the land cover of the greenspace feature.
Areas of land covered with trees with an area size larger than 0.1hectares and width greater than 5m.
Open Semi-Natural
Areas of undeveloped or previously developed land with natural habitats (except woodland) for example, scrub, heath and rough grassland.
Inland Water
Static water bodies (for example, reservoirs, lakes and ponds) and rivers above the normal tidal limit.
Beach Or Foreshore
Areas of beach above the tidal minimum low tide (for example, sand and shingle).
Manmade Surface
Manmade areas within sites used for exercise and recreation (for example, paths and car parks within a public park).
Polygons which may be comprised of multiple surface types, such as grass, decking and hard standing making up a private garden polygon. This applies to Private Gardens* and is generated from the Topography Layer Descriptive Term of Multi-Surface for the corresponding polygon.
* While most polygons with this form will have a primary function of Private Gardens, this will not always be the case due to the Function Hierarchy.
All features will have a primary function. Where appropriate for the feature, a secondary function may also be recorded.
Value defining the function of the greenspace feature.
Allotments Or Community Growing Spaces
Areas of land for growing fruit, vegetables, and other plants, either in individual allotments or as a community activity. Produce is for the growers’ own consumption and not primarily for commercial activity.
Amenity – Residential or Business
Landscaped areas providing visual amenity or separating different buildings or land uses for environmental, visual or safety reasons. Where the area is better described by another category this will be used in preference (for example, playing field, public park, play space).
Amenity – Transport
Landscaped areas providing visual amenity or separating different buildings or land uses for environmental, visual or safety reasons when related to a transport function, such as a road, or within a transport hub.
Land Use Changing
Areas of land that are currently under development or awaiting redevelopment.
Bowling Green
A specially prepared area intended for playing bowls.
Camping Or Caravan Park
An organised area of ground designated for tents or caravans, intended for temporary occupation by holidaymakers.
Areas of land associated with burial areas or crematoriums.
Golf Course
A specially prepared area intended for playing golf
Institutional Grounds
Areas of land normally enclosed and associated with institutions. Grounds may be reserved for private use or have restricted access.
Includes: Universities, Hospitals, Nursing homes, Emergency Services, Prisons, Military Sites, Government and Community Buildings providing public services, Libraries, Museums, Zoos and Theatres.
Land use areas with no other greenspace function but with Form attribute of woodland, open semi-natural, open water, beach or foreshore.
Other Sports Facility
Land used for other sports not specifically described by other categories. Includes facilities for sports spectating (for example, stadiums) as well as participation.
Religious Grounds
Areas of land associated with churches and other places of worship.
Play Space
A specially prepared area intended for children’s play, usually linked to housing areas or parks and containing purpose-built equipment. Not captured if within schools or paid-for tourist attractions.
Playing Field
Large, flat areas of grass or specially designed surfaces, generally with marked pitches, used primarily for outdoor sports (i.e. football, rugby, cricket).
Private Garden
Areas of land normally enclosed and associated with private residences and reserved for private use.
Public Park or Garden
Areas of land designed, constructed, managed and maintained as a public park or garden. These normally have a defined perimeter and free public access, and generally sit within or close to urban areas.
Access is granted for a wide range of uses and not usually restricted to paths or tracks within the area. May include areas with managed facilities such as benches and flowerbeds, and more natural areas.
School Grounds
Areas of land normally enclosed that is associated with a school and primarily reserved for their use.
Tennis Court
A specially prepared area intended for playing tennis.