A code list or enumeration is a controlled set of values which can be used to populate a specific column.
The following pages contain the code lists / enumerations used by OS MasterMap Water Network Layer:
This is a new feature in the database.
The feature has been edited by an operator, i.e. the geometry of a feature is changed following real-world change.
Feature has been adjusted by an automatic software process. Includes geometric adjustment, cleaning and reversing direction of digitising.
The classifying attributes of a feature have changed
New feature(s) have been created from parts of existing feature(s). Applied to features where a feature is split into two or more features, or when two or more features are joined together.
Applied to features that have attributes other than the classifying ones changed.
Correction of position of feature, not related to real-world change.
Classification value defining the type of WatercourseLink.
Where the WatercourseForm has not been determined, this attribute is set to 'null' and the value of nilReason is set to ‘unknown’.
A correct value will exist, but the methods employed by Ordnance Survey to date have not facilitated capture.
A manmade watercourse originally created for inland navigation.
A manmade watercourse whose primary purpose is the removal of excess water from a localised area.
This attribute is not fully populated in this release of the data; however, it will be added to in future data updates.
A watercourse that flows without a well-defined channel over the foreshore (the area between the high and low water marks).
A river or stream that is not influenced by normal tidal action.
A large area of non-tidal water without an obvious flow that is enclosed by land.
An enclosure in a canal or navigable river with a movable gate and sluices at either end. Designed to allow vessels to move between sections of canal or navigable river at different levels by filling or draining the enclosure.
This attribute is not fully populated in this release of the data; however, it will be added to in future data updates. Where watercourses flow through Locks, they are included but may be attributed with a more general term.
An area of ground that is predominantly waterlogged by freshwater throughout the year with no identifiable specific alignment for the flow. For the water network, they are captured only where water flows into and out of the marsh and connects to other watercourses.
An area of non-tidal water used for storing water that may be used for irrigation, water supply, power generation or flood control. The area has been created artificially either fully or in part.
This attribute is not fully populated in this release of the data; however, it will be added to in future data updates. Where watercourses flow through Reservoirs they are included but may be attributed with a more general term.
Tidal water where the influence of inland watercourses is negligible, for example, a wide estuary or the open sea. They are usually included to provide connections for watercourses running into estuaries.
Watercourses that are subject to the effect of normal tidal action. These exist between the Normal Tidal Limit and Point B (an intangible line where the level of a river meets the level of the sea).
A manmade watercourse whose primary purpose is to move water from one location to another (using gravity and / or pumping) typically for water supply or power generation.
List of values for flow relative to a WatercourseLink coordinate order http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/codelist/LinkDirectionValue/
Water flows in both directions along the watercourse.
Water flows in the same direction as the order of the coordinate vertices.
Water flows in the opposite direction to the order of the coordinate vertices.
Where the flow direction has not been determined, this attribute is set to null and a ‘nilReason’ is given.
Where the value of nilReason is set to ‘unknown’, then the flow direction is not known to Ordnance Survey. A correct value may exist, but the methods employed by Ordnance Survey to date have not facilitated capture.
Where the value of nilReason is set to ‘missing’, then the flow can be considered indiscernible. Ordnance Survey has attempted to identify the flow on the ground, but no flow has been determined.
The source and/or technique used to create the WatercourseLink feature.
The WatercourseLink is based upon Topographic line features representing watercourses within Ordnance Survey basic scale data, where the line feature was originally captured to an accuracy of 0.5 m RMSE.
See Topographic line and area features for more information.
The WatercourseLink is based upon Topographic line features representing watercourses within Ordnance Survey basic scale data, where the line feature was originally captured to an accuracy of 1.1 m RMSE.
See Topographic Line and Area features for more information.
The WatercourseLink is based upon Topographic line features representing watercourses within Ordnance Survey basic scale data, where the line feature was originally captured to an accuracy of 4.1 m RMSE.
See Topographic Line and Area features for more information.
The WatercourseLink is based upon Topographic area features representing watercourses within Ordnance Survey basic scale data, where the area feature was originally captured to an accuracy of 0.5 m RMSE.
See Topographic Line and Area features for more information.
The WatercourseLink is based upon Topographic area features representing watercourses within Ordnance Survey basic scale data, where the area feature was originally captured to an accuracy of 1.1 m RMSE.
See Topographic Line and Area features for more information.
The WatercourseLink is based upon Topographic area features representing watercourses within Ordnance Survey basic scale data, where the area feature was originally captured to an accuracy of 4.1 m RMSE.
See Topographic Line and Area features for more information.
A WatercourseLink where the alignment has been added by deduction from existing Ordnance Survey Topographic features or terrain data to provide an indicative connection between other WatercourseLink features.
A WatercourseLink provided by a local authority that has not been measured or otherwise confirmed on the ground, but which has been added to provide an indicative connection between other WatercourseLink features.
A WatercourseLink provided by a local authority that has been measured or otherwise confirmed on the ground.
A WatercourseLink provided by an accepted national authority that has not been measured or otherwise confirmed on the ground, but which has been added to provide an indicative connection between other WatercourseLink features.
A WatercourseLink provided by an accepted national authority that has been measured or otherwise confirmed on the ground.
A feature may have been obtained from more than one source; where this is the case, the following priority order is used to assign the provenance value:
OS-line or OS-area
localAuthoritySurveyed or nationalAuthoritySurveyed
localAuthorityInferred or nationalAuthorityInferred
The relative vertical position of a feature.
Where the VerticalPosition has not been determined, this attribute is empty, with a nilReason explicitly stated as ‘unknown’. A correct value does exist, but the methods employed by Ordnance Survey to date have not facilitated capture.
The feature is on ground level.
The feature is suspended or elevated.
The feature is underground.
Classification value defining the type of hydrographic node.
A split in the network captured to indicate a hydrographic point of interest or facility, or a man-made object that affects the network flow. This attribute is not manifested in this release of the data; however, it will be utilised in future data updates.
A split in the network captured to indicate a man-made object that is used to regulate the network flow. This value is not currently supplied.
A split in the network to indicate where three or more WatercourseLink features meet at the same level, for example, confluences or bifurcations.
The end terminal of a set of one or more interconnected links that does not have any downstream flow, for example, where a watercourse sinks into the ground or the point where a river enters the sea.
The start terminal of a set of one or more interconnected links that has downstream flow, for example, springs or collects.
A location where the real-world attribution of a watercourse changes that requires a WatercourseLink to be split.
HydroNode used to connect different networks.
Note: Can be used to connect cross border networks or adjacent networks together. Differs from source / outlet in that in the real world there is an adjacent link that is not present in the dataset supplied.
Where the hydroNodeCategory has not been determined, this attribute is set to null and the value of nilReason is set to ‘unknown’.
Classification value defining the type of Watercourse.
The area drained by a watercourse and its tributaries that enters the sea, a lake or a sink where no further flow is identified.
Supplied by the Environment Agency for England, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency for Scotland, and Natural Resources Wales for Wales.
A water body defined under the Water Framework Directive (WFD).
A watercourse with an accepted proper name in common use.
This attribute is currently set to a single value of ‘Local’, pending future developments in creating an attribute set in sympathy with OS Open Rivers data.
A calculated value indicating the relative cartographic importance of a WatercourseLink to aid selection and depiction when styling the data.
A watercourse which is important mainly at a local level, recommended for representation only at scales of 1:20 000 and larger.
Not in this release of the product.
A watercourse which is important at a local and district level, recommended for representation only at scales of 1:50 000 and larger.
Not in this release of the product.
A watercourse which is important at a local, district and regional level, recommended for representation at scales of 1:250 000 and larger.
Not in this release of the product.
A watercourse which is important at a national level, recommended for representation at all scales.