Asset management information provides additional information describing the network to support its long- term operation and maintenance which has been sourced from the road or highways authorities. This includes Maintenance, Reinstatement and Special Designation.
This section describes the features which make up OS MasterMap Highways Network - Asset Management. The attributes associated with these feature types are listed below along with a brief description of their data properties.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
The length of the attribute provided (optional).
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value.
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
Maintenance provides information about whether the road is maintained at public expense by a national or local highway authority, a road authority, or is maintained by another responsible organisation (i.e. not maintained at public expense). If a path is prospectively maintainable at public expense, then this is not currently maintained by a road or highway authority, but the responsible organisation has started the process for a highway or road authority to become responsible for the maintenance of the street at public expense.
Maintenance responsibility is not an indication of ownership.
A Maintenance feature will reference back to the Roads product through Network Reference and will reference a Street Feature. Features which are a partial reference will provide a Network Reference Location. For more information on Network References, see Routing and Asset Management feature information.
Indication of whether the highway is maintained by a Highways Authority, Local Highways Authority, Road Authority or privately.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Indication of whether the highway is maintainable at public expense.
Attribute name: maintenanceResponsibility
Type: MaintenanceValue
Size: 44
Multiplicity: [1]
Authority responsible for maintenance of the highway.
When maintenanceResponsibility = Not Maintained at Public Expense, the maintenanceAuthority will be null.
Attribute name: maintenanceAuthority
Type: ResponsibleAuthority
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Flag to indicate that the maintenance feature partially references a Street.
Attribute name: partialReference
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The authority which the highway resides in. Note: When the maintenanceAuthoirty is Highways England, then highwayAuthority will be set to Highways England. When maintenanceResponsibility = Not Maintained at Public Expense, then this is the authority the works operator must contact when applying to carry out works on this street.
Attribute name: highwayAuthority
Type: ResponsibleAuthority
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference back to the Roads product through Network Reference and will reference a Street Feature. Features which are a partial reference will provide a Network Reference Location. For more information on Network References see Routing and Asset Management feature information.
A description applied to a highway to protect it during Street or Road Works.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The time from which the transport property no longer exists in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validTo
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Type of Special Designation.
Attribute name: designation
Size: 65
Multiplicity: [1]
Additional information describing the special designation.
Attribute name: description
Type: CharacterString
Size: 250
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Time period to which the restriction applies.
Attribute name: timeInterval
Type: TemporalPropertyType
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Highway authority to be contacted for further consultation about the special designation.
Attribute name: contactAuthority
Type: ResponsibleAuthority
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Flag to indicate that the maintenance feature partially references a Street.
Attribute name: partialReference
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Reinstatement defines the standard to which the path must be restored following opening due to works in the highway, as defined in the New Roads and Street Works Act Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways in England and Wales and the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Roads in Scotland.
A Reinstatement feature will reference back to the Road Network through a Network Reference and will reference a Street Feature. Features which are a partial reference will provide a Network Reference Location. For more information on Network References see Routing and Asset Management feature information.
The standard to which the highway must be restored to following street works.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Reinstatement as defined in the Specification for Reinstatement of Opening in Highways codes of practice in England and Wales and the Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Roads in Scotland.
Attribute name: reinstatementType
Type: ReinstatementTypeValue
Size: 51
Multiplicity: [1]
Flag to indicate that the maintenance feature partially references a Street.
Attribute name: partialReference
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]