This feature holds the lifecycle information about the whole feature.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this feature, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: changeType (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Multiplicity: [1]
Date on which the record was first loaded into the database.
Attribute Name: startDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the record ceased to exist.
Attribute Name: endDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any attribute on this record was last changed in the product database.
Attribute Name: endDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which the record was entered into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: entryDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
A BLPU is defined as a real-world object that is an ‘area of land, property or structure of fixed location having uniform occupation, ownership or function’. It is a real-world object that is of interest and within scope of the CLASS_SCHEME.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this feature, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies this record as a BLPU Record (type 21).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer (CSV)
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: uprn (GML), UPRN (CSV), uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
Logical status of this address record as given by the local custodian. This attribute shows whether the address is currently live, provisional or historic.
Attribute Name: logicalStatus (GML), LOGICAL_STATUS (CSV), logical_status (GKPG)
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
A code identifying the current state of the BLPU.
Attribute Name: blpuState (GML), BLPU_STATE (CSV), blpu_state (GKPG)
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date at which the BLPU achieved its current state as defined in the BLPU State field.
Attribute Name: blpuStateDate (GML), BLPU_STATE_DATE (CSV), blpu_state_date (GKPG)
Condition: BLPU State Date must be present if BLPU State is present.
Data Type: Date
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [0..1]
UPRN of the parent Record if a parent-child relationship exists.
Attribute Name: parentUPRN (GML), PARENT_UPRN (CSV), parent_uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A value in metres defining the x and y location in accordance with the British National Grid.
Attribute Name: position (GML), X_COORDINATE, Y_COORDINATE (CSV), x_coordinate, y_coordinate (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: X_COORDINATE (precision, scale) – (8, 2), Y_COORDINATE (precision, scale) – (9, 2)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value in metres defining the x and y location in accordance with the British National Grid.
Attribute Name: positionLatLong (GML), LATITUDE, LONGITUDE (CSV), latitude, longitude (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: latitude, longitude
Multiplicity: [1]
Representative Point Code: this describes the accuracy of the coordinate that has been allocated to the BLPU as indicated by the local authority custodian.
Attribute Name: rpc (GML), RPC (CSV), rpc (GKPG)
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique identifier of the Local Authority Custodian responsible for the maintenance of this record.
Attribute Name: localCustodianCode (GML), LOCAL_CUSTODIAN_C ODE (CSV), local_custodian_code (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
Attribute Name: country (GML), COUNTRY (CSV), country (GKPG)
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the address record was inserted into the database.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the address record was closed in the database.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any of the attributes on this record were last changed.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which this record was inserted into the Local Authority database.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies addresses which are believed to be capable of receiving mail as defined specifically for the AddressBase products and details their relationship with other AddressBase Postal records.
This field identifies some addresses which the AddressBase product believes to be capable of receiving mail which are not contained within the Royal Mail PAF database, such as flats behind a front door with single letter box.
Attribute Name: addressbasePostal (GML), ADDRESSBASE_POSTAL (CSV), addressbase_postal (GKPG)
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
This field contains the Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) postcode where the local authority address has been matched to PAF, that is, the POSTCODE field found within the Delivery Point Address table. Where a match has not been made, the postcode information is sourced from the local authority in collaboration with Royal Mail. Where the local authority does not hold a current valid postcode, a nearest neighbour function is used to spatially derive the postcode based on the position of the nearest UPRN which has a valid PAF match or valid local authority postcode assigned to it. The postcode value for Street Records (Classification "PS") will always be spatially assigned. This field must be used in conjunction with the RPC field to determine the accuracy of its position.
Attribute Name: postcodeLocator (GML), POSTCODE_LOCATOR (CSV), postcode_locator (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GPKG)
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [1]
This is a count of all of the child UPRNs for this record where a parent-child relationship exists.
Attribute Name: multiOccCount (GML), MULTI_OCC_COUNT (CSV), multi_occ_count (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
This section describes the feature types (one for CSV and GeoPackage, and two for GML) which make up the AddressBase Premium product, giving the following information about each attribute.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
A condition associated with this attribute (optional).
The nature of the attribute, for example, a numeric value or a code list value.
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
This feature is formally known as the GML feature collection and is used to define a collection of features.
This is not supplied as part of the CSV or GPKG supply. Please see the model overviews in for more information.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this feature, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Time the data was extracted from the database.
Attribute Name: queryTime (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The date given as part of a change-only query.
Attribute Name: queryChangeSinceDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Type of record change – please see for more information.
Attribute Name: Provided in (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name:
Code List Name:
Code List Name:
Code List Name:
The country in which a record can be found. This is calculated by performing an intersection with OS Boundary Line. This means records such as wind and fish farms will be assigned a value of ‘J’. Please see for more information.
Code List Name:
Attribute Name: Provided in (GML), START_DATE (CSV), start_date (GKPG)
Attribute Name: Provided in (GML), END_DATE (CSV), end_date (GKPG)
Attribute Name: Provided in (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Attribute Name: Provided in (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), entry_date (GKPG)
Code List Name:
A way or thoroughfare providing a right of way on foot, by cycle or by motor vehicle, or access to more than one property. This record assigns a Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) to each street and holds the start and end coordinates of the street feature with information about surface type and classification.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this feature, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies this record as a Street Record (type 11).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer (CSV)
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) - the unique key for the record and primary key for the Street table.
Attribute Name: usrn (GML), USRN (CSV), usrn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [1]
Description of the street record type, for example whether it is a named or numbered street.
Attribute Name: recordType (GML), RECORD_TYPE (CSV), record_type (GKPG)
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The code which identifies the Street Naming and Numbering Authority or the Local Highway Authority.
Attribute Name: swaOrgRefNaming (GML), SWA_ORG_REF_NAMING (CSV), swa_org_ref_naming (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
A code identifying the current state of the Street, ‘Open’ for example.
Attribute Name: state (GML), STATE (CSV), state (GKPG)
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date at which the street achieved its current state as referenced in the ‘State’ column.
Attribute Name: stateDate (GML), STATE_DATE (CSV), state_date (GKPG)
Condition: If State Date is present, State must also be present.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A code to indicate the surface finish of the street.
Attribute Name: streetSurface (GML), STREET_SURFACE (CSV), street_surface (GKPG)
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A code for the primary street classification, for example denoting it to be ‘open to all vehicles’.
Attribute Name: streetClassification (GML), STREET_CLASSIFICATION (CSV), street_classification (GKPG)
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Version number of the street record.
Attribute Name: version (GML), VERSION (CSV), version (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
Date this record or version was inserted into the database.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
Date on which the street was closed in the product database. This can occur due to the street being permanently closed in the real world.
Condition: If State is equal to 4, Street End Date must be populated.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any attribute of the Record was last changed.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date that the record was entered into the Local Authority database.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
A value in metres defining the x and y location in accordance with the British National Grid for the start point of the street.
Attribute Name: streetStart (GML), STREET_START_X, STREET_START_Y (CSV), street_start_x, street_start_y (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: STREET_START_X (precision, scale) – (8, 2), STREET_START_Y (precision, scale) – (9, 2)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value defining the Latitude and Longitude start point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 coordinate reference system.
Attribute Name: streetStartLatLong (GML), STREET_START_LAT, STREET_START_LONG (CSV), street_start_lat, street_start_long (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: LATITUDE (precision, scale) – (9, 7), LONGITUDE (precision, scale) – (8, 7)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value in metres defining the x and y location in accordance with the British National Grid for the end point of the street.
Attribute Name: streetEnd (GML), STREET_END_X, STREET_END_Y (CSV), street_start_lat, street_end_x, street_end_y (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: STREET_END_X (precision, scale) – (8, 2), STREET_END_Y (precision, scale) – (9, 2)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value defining the Latitude and Longitude end point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 coordinate reference system.
Attribute Name: streetEndLatLong (GML), STREET_END_LAT, STREET_END_LONG (CSV), street_end_lat, street_end_long (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: LATITUDE (precision, scale) – (9, 7), LONGITUDE (precision, scale) – (8, 7)
Multiplicity: [1]
The accuracy of data capture (in metres) to which the Street Start and End coordinates have been captured.
Attribute Name: streetTolerance (GML), STREET_TOLERANCE (CSV), street_tolerance (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of record change – please see for more information.
Attribute Name: Provided in (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name:
Code List Name:
Code List Name:
Code List Name:
Code List Name:
Attribute Name: Provided in (GML), STREET_START_DATE (CSV), street_start_date (GKPG)
Attribute Name: Provided in (GML), STREET_END_DATE (CSV), street_end_date (GKPG)
Attribute Name: Provided in (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Attribute Name: Provided in (GML), RECORD_ENTRY_DATE (CSV), record_entry_date (GKPG)