A code list or enumeration is a controlled set of values which can be used to populate a specific column.
RoadLink is attributed with "operationalState" with a data type of "OperationslStateValue" and Street is attributed with an “operationalState” with a data type of “OperationalStateType”. This data type has the attribute of ‘state’ with a data type of “OperationalStateValue”. The table below describes the codes which will be used to populate attributes with the data type “OperationalStateValue”.
Plans have been submitted for development, but construction has not commenced.
Under Construction
Construction has commenced but the road cannot be used.
Temporarily Closed
The way has been temporarily closed for a specified reason under Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Section 14 1(b): • Strewetworks; • likelihood of danger to public; and • Litter clearing or cleaning (duty imposed by section 89(1)(a) or (2) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (litter clearing and cleaning) to be discharged). Note: The operationalState shall only be set to Temporarily Closed when the duration of the closure is intended to last more than 4 weeks.
Permanently Closed
A Street that has been permanently blocked up according to a Stopping Up Order Constraint: If the Street operationalState = Permanently Closed then the endLifespanVersion shall be set.
Addressing Only
A street which has been created for addressing purposes of the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG).
The RoadLink feature is attributed with a “routeHierarchy” with a data type of “RoadFunctionValue”. The table below describes the codes used to populate this field and the description for each code. In addition, INSPIRE provides an attribute “Functional Road Class” which identifies the importance of the role that the road performs in the road network. Therefore, these values have been mapped to the INSPIRE values.
A multi-carriageway public road connecting important cities.
A Road Primary
A major road intended to provide the principal link between the most significant destinations in the country, as defined by the DfT, and that is currently classified by the DfT as an A Road.
A Road
A major road intended to provide large-scale transport links within or between areas.
B Road Primary
A major road intended to provide the principal link between the most significant destinations in the country, as defined by the DfT, and that is currently classified by the DfT as a B Road.
B Road
A road intended to connect different areas, and to feed traffic between A roads and smaller roads on the network.
Minor Road
A public road that provides interconnectivity to higher classified roads or leads to a point of interest.
Local Road
A public road that provides access to land and/or houses, usually named with addresses. Generally, not intended for through traffic.
Local Access Road
A road intended for the start or end of a journey, not intended for through traffic but will be openly accessible.
Restricted Local Access Road
A road intended for the start or end of a journey, not intended for through traffic and will have a restriction on who can use it.
Secondary Access Road
A road that provides alternate/secondary access to property or land not intended for through traffic.
Restricted Secondary Access Road
A road that provides alternate/secondary access to property or land, not intended for through traffic and will have a restriction on who can use it.
The ‘reasonForChange’ attribute is used across all features found within the OS MasterMap Highways Network. The table below describes the codes which will be used to populate this field and the description for each code.
New feature has been added.
Modified Geometry
The geometry of the feature has been altered.
Modified Attributes
One or more attribute properties have been altered.
Modified Geometry And Attributes
Geometry and attribution properties have been altered.
End of Life
The feature has been removed from Ordnance Surveys master database. This value will only be used with Change Only Update orders.
The RoadLink feature is attributed with a “matchStatus” with a data type of “MatchStatusValue”. The table below describes the codes used to populate this field and the description for each code.
The RoadLink has been matched with an Elementary Street Unit from the NSG.
No Match
The RoadLink has not been matched with an Elementary Street Unit from the NSG which has been accepted.
Not Matched Awaiting Review
The RoadLink has not been matched with an Elementary Street Unit from the NSG and is waiting to be manually reviewed to identify if there is an Elementary Street Unit it should have been matched too.
Matched With Attribute Discrepancy
The RoadLink has been matched with an Elementary Street Unit from the NSG and there is a discrepancy between the attribution supplied by the NSG and information from OS.
Road classification is used by government to ensure that there is a feasible, logical road network throughout the country. Road classifications are set to take into account the traffic management goals and road categorisation approach of the Local Highway Authority (LHA) in England and Wales. Currently, in Scotland only Motorway A Road and B Road classifications are provided.
RoadLink, Road and Street features are attributed with a “roadClassification” with a data type of “RoadClassificationValue”. The table below describes the codes which will be used to populate this field and the description for each code.
Roads intended for local traffic.
NOTE 1: These may be designated Unofficial local road classifications. For example: D, E, F and G roads.
Not Classified
Roads that have not been assigned a road classification at national or local level by a designation authority.
The classification of the road is unknown because the RoadLink is not a Motorway, A or B road and the RoadLink has not been matched to the National Street Gazetteer.
The RoadLink feature is attributed with a “roadStructure” property with the data type of RoadStructureValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
Road In Tunnel
A road which passes underground or water.
Road On Bridge
A road that passes over a river, railway, road or ravine on a structure.
Not Currently used.
The RoadLink feature is attributed with a “directionality” property and the “NumberOfLanesType” data type has “direction” with the data type of LinkDirectionValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
The code list has been inherited from INSPIRE and is not extendable.
List of values for directions relative to a link
both directions
In both directions.
In direction
In direction of the link.
In opposite direction
In the opposite direction of the link.
The “RoadWidthType” data type is attributed with a “confidenceLevel” property with the data type of “RoadWidthConfidenceLevelValue”. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
OS Urban And Full Extent
Data captured to 0.5m planimetric accuracy and entire link within relevant Topographic Area.
OS Rural And Full Extent
Data captured to 1.1m planimetric accuracy and entire link within relevant Topographic Area.
OS Moorland And Full Extent
Data captured to 4.1m planimetric accuracy and entire link within relevant Topographic Area.
OS Urban And Part Extent
Data captured to 0.5m planimetric accuracy and part of link not within relevant Topographic Area.
The RoadLink and Street feature is attributed with a ‘provenance’ property with the data type of ProvenanceSourceValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
Highways England
The source for the geometry of the feature is Highways England.
Local Highway Authority
The source for the geometry of the feature is Local Highways Authority.
Ordnance Survey
The source for the geometry of the feature is Ordnance Survey.
Transport Scotland
The source for the geometry of the feature is Transport Scotland.
Welsh Government
The source for the geometry of the feature is Welsh Government.
OS Urban And OS Height
Data captured to 0.5m planimetric accuracy and elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content.
OS Rural And OS Height
Data captured to 1.1 planimetric accuracy and elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content.
OS Moorland And OS Height
Data captured to 4.1m planimetric accuracy and elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content.
OS Urban And Interpolated OS Height
Data captured to 0.5m planimetric accuracy and elevation interpolated from OS detailed height content and other OS data.
OS Rural And Interpolated OS Height
Data captured to 1.1m planimetric accuracy and elevation interpolated from OS detailed height content and other OS data.
OS Moorland And Interpolated OS Height
Data captured to 4.1m planimetric accuracy and elevation interpolated from OS detailed height content and other OS data.
OS Urban And Low Confidence OS Height
Data captured to 0.5m planimetric accuracy, elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content but expected to be low quality.
OS Rural And Low Confidence OS Height
Data captured to 1.1m planimetric accuracy, elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content but expected to be low quality.
OS Moorland And Low Confidence OS Height
Data captured to 4.1m planimetric accuracy, elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content but expected to be low quality.
The RoadNode feature is attributed with a “formOfRoadNode” property with the data type of FormOfRoadNodeValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
The code list has been inherited from INSPIRE and is not extendable.
enclosed traffic area
The road node is situated inside and/or represents an enclosed traffic area.
A traffic area is an area with no internal structure of legally defined driving directions. At least two roads are connected to the area.
Three or more road links intersect at the road node.
level crossing
A railway crosses a road on the same level at the position of the road node.
pseudo node
Exactly two road links connect to the road node.
road end
Only one road link connects to the road node. It signifies the end of a road.
The road node represents or is a part of a roundabout.
traffic square
The road node is situated inside and/or represents a traffic square.
A traffic square is an area (partly) enclosed by roads which is used for non- traffic purposes and which is not a roundabout.
road service area
Surface annexed to a road and devoted to offer particular services for it.
The “CycleFacilityType” data type is attributed with a “cycleFacility” property with the data type of “CycleFacilityValue”. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
This value is provided from the National Street Gazetteer. Currently only “Unknown Type Of Cycle Route Along Road” is available for population. The other values are for future use.
Advisory Cycle Lane Along Road
A cycle way along a road carriageway where motorised vehicles are allowed to drive or park. Does not require a Traffic Regulation Order.
Normally indicated by road markings consisting of a broken line.
Mandatory Cycle Lane Along Road
A cycle way along a road carriageway where motorised vehicles are prohibited from driving or parking. Requires a Traffic Regulation Order to prohibit the use by vehicles.
Normally indicated by road markings consisting of a solid line.
Physically Segregated Cycle Lane Along Road
A cycle way along a road carriageway that has been physically separated by kerbs, posts, barriers or similar.
Unknown Type Of Cycle Route Along Road
A cycle way along a road carriageway where the detailed nature is not known.
Signed Cycle Route
A route identified for cyclists along roads that is signed but does not have any significant infrastructure along the road such as road markings or kerbs.
For example, Sustrans routes along quiet roads.
The RoadNode feature is attributed with a “classification” property with the data type of RoadNodeClassificationValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
It is possible for a RoadNode to have more than one RoadNodeClassificationValue, in these rare instances, the highest value in the table below is applied.
Additional classification of the road node.
For example, if a node represents a roundabout it may also be classified as a mini roundabout.
Grade Separation
A RoadNode which represents where there is a difference in physical level of either two RoadLinks, or a RoadLink and a PathLink, and in the real world they do not meet and split here.
Mini Roundabout
A road junction where the effects of a roundabout on traffic flow are recreated by use of a delineated circular area of road markings or surface changes.
Motorway Junction
A named intersection where a vehicle gains access or exits the motorway.
The RoadNode feature is attributed with an “access” property with the data type AccessPointValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
Not currently populated.
The junction facilitates entry onto the adjoining link.
The junction facilitates exit from the link.
The FerryTerminal feature is attributed with a “type” property with the data type of ConnectionTypeValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
The code list has been inherited from INSPIRE and is not extendable.
Types of connections between different networks.
Connection between two network elements in different transport networks that use a different transport mode. The connection represents a possibility for the transported media (people, goods, etc) to change from one transport mode to another.
The FerryNode feature is attributed with a “formOfWaterwayNode” property with the data type of FormOfWaterwayNode Value. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
The code list has been inherited from INSPIRE and is not extendable.
Function of a Waterway Node in the water transport network.
water terminal
The location where goods are transhipped.
The RoadLink feature is attributed with a “formOfWay” property with the data type of FormOfWayValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
Single Carriageway
A road consisting of one carriageway with traffic in one or both directions. There may be more than one lane in any particular direction.
Dual Carriageway
A road consisting of two separate carriageways with separate flow directions. The carriageways are partitioned by physical features, such as a barrier and/or verge.
Slip Road
A road that provides exit from or entry to another road.
A method of controlling traffic flow by allowing vehicles from a particular direction priority.
Service Road
Road running parallel to and connecting to a road with a relatively high connectivity function, which is especially designed to enable access from the connecting roads to roads with a low connectivity function in its vicinity.
Enclosed Traffic Area
Area with no internal structure of legally defined driving directions. At least two roads are connected to the area, for example, a car park.
Traffic Island Link At Junction
Where an island that is over 8m² exists in the middle of a road on the approaches to a junction, the road link is split around it.
Traffic Island Link
Where an island that is over 8m² exists in the middle of a road, the road link is split around it.
Entrance Way
Link that provides entry to a site (e.g. Car Park, Hospital, Police Station or Ambulance Station).
Entrance Or Exit Way
Link that provides access in both directions (entry and exit) to a site (e.g. Car Park, Hospital, Police Station, or Ambulance Station).
Exit Way
Link that provides exit from a site (e.g. Car Park, Hospital, Police Station or Ambulance Station).
An area at the side of the road where vehicles can stop on an ad hoc basis usually for a short time.
An unmade way for a vehicle.
Guided Busway
A specially constructed or modified route for passenger road vehicles that have been built or adapted to be steered by external means. Typically, along guided busways, a raised kerb acts upon small wheels protruding from the sides of the modified vehicle.
This classification is only for the specific cases where buses run along specifically designed tracks or channels that remove the need for steering.
Shared Use Carriageway
Roads that have been altered for use principally by pedestrians but may provide some access for certain types of vehicle.
The RoadJunction feature is attributed with a “junctionType” property with the data type of JunctionTypeValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
Named Junction
A Road Junction that is officially named. For example, Gravelly Hill.
Numbered Motorway Junction
A Road Junction that is part of a Road classified as Motorway.
Numbered A Road Junction
A Road Junction that is part of a Road classified as A Road.
The Street feature is attributed with a “streetType” property with the data type of StreetTypeValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
Designated Street Name
Officially named street
Officially Described Street
Officially Described Street
Numbered Street
Officially numbered street
Unofficial Street Name
Unofficial local name for a street