The HydroNode feature is attributed with a hydroNodeCategory with a data type of hydroNodeCategoryValue. The following table lists the codes which are used to populate this field and gives a description for each code.
The code list has been inherited from INSPIRE and is not extendable.
Classification value defining the type of hydrographic node
A split in the network to indicate where three or more watercourses meet at the same level, for example, confluences or bifurcations.
The end terminal of a set of one or more interconnected links that does not have any downstream flow, for example, sinks or the point where a river enters the sea.
The start terminal of a set of one or more interconnected links that has downstream flow, for example, springs or collects.
Where the hydroNodeCategory has not been identified, this attribute is set to null and a nilReason of inapplicable is given. This will indicate where an attribute of the watercourse changes which requires a watercourseLink to split, for example, watercourseName. In the Esri shapefile, these are given the attribute value of pseudo.
A code list is a controlled set of values for an attribute. This section identifies the code lists used within OS Open Rivers and describes their values.
The WatercourseLink feature is attributed with a flowDirection with a data type of LinkDirectionValue. The following table lists the codes which are used to populate this field and gives a description for each code.
This code list is inherited from INSPIRE and is not extendable.
List of values for directions relative to a link
both directions
In both directions.
in direction
In the direction of the link.
in opposite direction
In the opposite direction of the link.
Where the flow direction has not been determined, this attribute is set to null and a nilReason is given.
Where the value of nilReason is set to unknown, then the flow direction is not known to Ordnance Survey. A correct value may exist, but the methods employed by Ordnance Survey to date have not facilitated capture.
Where the value of nilReason is set to missing, then the flow can be considered indiscernible. Ordnance Survey has attempted to identify the flow on the ground, but no flow has been determined.
The WatercourseLink feature is attributed with a form with a data type of WatercourseFormValue. The following table lists the codes which are used to populate this field and gives a description for each code.
Classification value defining the type of WatercourseLink
A manmade watercourse originally created for inland navigation.
A river or stream that is not influenced by normal tidal action.
A large area of non-tidal water without an obvious flow that is enclosed by land.
Tidal river or stream (that is, below Normal Tidal Limit).