The primary supply mechanism of AddressBase Premium data is referred to as non-geographic chunks. This is a way of dividing up the data into chunks that are supplied in separate volumes, which have a fixed maximum amount of records. The supply is not supplied with any reference to the geographic position of records.
Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) customers are able to order geographic chunks (5km tiles) as well as non-geographic chunks, although geographic chunks are not considered the main form of supply.
All customers are also able to take a complete supply (referred to as a Managed Great Britain Set: MGBS) or an area of interest (AOI) as a full supply or change-only update (COU) supply.
The filename for non-geographic chunks is constructed as follows:
ProductName: AddressBasePremium
supply: FULL
or COU
ccyy-mm-dd: the date the file was generated
vvv: the volume number of the file
format: the format of the files, for example, csv
, gml
or gpkg
For example:
(GML full supply)
(GeoPackage full supply)
(CSV COU supply)
A file size limit might be imposed by the file system to which the file is written.
If the data has been provided in a ZIP file, the filename is constructed as follows:
For example:
(GML full supply zipped)
If you receive your data as geographic chunks (PSGA customers only), the filename for geographic chunks (PSGA customers only) is constructed as follows:
ngxxyy: The four-digit grid reference belonging to the 1 km south-west corner of the 5 km chunk.
format: The format of the files received, for example, csv
or gml
For example:
(GML geographic supply)
(CSV geographic supply)
When you receive your geo-chunked download data for GKPG, you will see a single folder on opening the data.
For example:
(GPKG full supply)
If the data has been provided in a ZIP file, the following file naming convention will be used for CSV and GML:
For example:
(geographic supply zipped)
For GeoPackage supply, you will see a single zipped folder on downloading the data. For example:
(GeoPackage full supply)
AddressBase Premium is available as a change-only update (COU) supply for CSV and GML formats. COU supplies are not available for GPKG format.
A COU supply of data contains records or files that have changed between product refresh cycles. The primary benefit in supplying data in this way is that data volumes are smaller, reducing the amount of data that requires processing when compared to a full supply.
COU data enables a user to identify three types of change:
Deletes (CHANGE_TYPE ‘D’) are objects that have ceased to exist in your areas of interest (AOI) since the last product refresh.
Inserts (CHANGE_TYPE ‘I’) are objects that have been newly inserted into your AOI since the last product refresh.
Updates (CHANGE_TYPE ‘U’) are objects that have been updated in your AOI since the last product refresh.
A COU file for non-geographic chunked data can be identified by its naming convention as highlighted above. Any change record will be provided as a full record with the appropriate change type, as listed above.
A geographic chunked COU is not supplied as per the non-geographic chunked COU outlined above. Its file naming convention can be found above. If a single record has changed within a specified 5km tile, the entire 5km tile containing all features will be supplied. This means the user will need to remove all features that previously existed in the provided tile(s) and insert the entire new tile(s) in its place.
When users are deleting, inserting or updating features, it is up to the user to consider their archiving requirements. If deleted records are important to your business requirements, you must take appropriate action to archive previous records.
This technical specification provides detailed technical information about AddressBase Premium. It is targeted at technical users and software developers.
AddressBase Premium provides the most detailed view of an address and its life cycle for England, Wales and Scotland. It has more records than AddressBase Plus as it provides all information relating to an address or property from its creation to retirement.
The product contains Local Authority, Ordnance Survey and Royal Mail addresses. This includes alternative addresses for current records where available, indicating variations on the official addresses; and provisional addresses (proposed planning developments), and historic information (no longer existing, for example demolished properties) where available. OWPA (Objects Without a Postal Address) and cross references to VOA (Valuation Office Agency) data and products such as OS MasterMap Topography Layer are also included.
This technical specification includes the following sections:
All AddressBase products include the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) and are based on same coordinate reference systems.
Please see the General AddressBase information section for additional information that applies across all AddressBase products.
This section describes the feature types (one for CSV and GeoPackage, and two for GML) which make up the AddressBase Premium product, giving the following information about each attribute.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
A condition associated with this attribute (optional).
The nature of the attribute, for example, a numeric value or a code list value.
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
This feature is formally known as the GML feature collection and is used to define a collection of features.
This is not supplied as part of the CSV or GPKG supply. Please see the model overviews in AddressBase Premium structure for more information.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this feature, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Time the data was extracted from the database.
Attribute Name: queryTime (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The date given as part of a change-only query.
Attribute Name: queryChangeSinceDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A way or thoroughfare providing a right of way on foot, by cycle or by motor vehicle, or access to more than one property. This record assigns a Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) to each street and holds the start and end coordinates of the street feature with information about surface type and classification.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this feature, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies this record as a Street Record (type 11).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer (CSV)
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: Provided in FeatureWithLifeCycle (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) - the unique key for the record and primary key for the Street table.
Attribute Name: usrn (GML), USRN (CSV), usrn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [1]
Description of the street record type, for example whether it is a named or numbered street.
Attribute Name: recordType (GML), RECORD_TYPE (CSV), record_type (GKPG)
Code List Name: StreetRecordTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The code which identifies the Street Naming and Numbering Authority or the Local Highway Authority.
Attribute Name: swaOrgRefNaming (GML), SWA_ORG_REF_NAMING (CSV), swa_org_ref_naming (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
A code identifying the current state of the Street, ‘Open’ for example.
Attribute Name: state (GML), STATE (CSV), state (GKPG)
Code List Name: StreetStateCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date at which the street achieved its current state as referenced in the ‘State’ column.
Attribute Name: stateDate (GML), STATE_DATE (CSV), state_date (GKPG)
Condition: If State Date is present, State must also be present.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A code to indicate the surface finish of the street.
Attribute Name: streetSurface (GML), STREET_SURFACE (CSV), street_surface (GKPG)
Code List Name: StreetSurfaceCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A code for the primary street classification, for example denoting it to be ‘open to all vehicles’.
Attribute Name: streetClassification (GML), STREET_CLASSIFICATION (CSV), street_classification (GKPG)
Code List Name: StreetClassificationCode
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Version number of the street record.
Attribute Name: version (GML), VERSION (CSV), version (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
Date this record or version was inserted into the database.
Attribute Name: Provided in FeatureWithLifeCycle (GML), STREET_START_DATE (CSV), street_start_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
Date on which the street was closed in the product database. This can occur due to the street being permanently closed in the real world.
Attribute Name: Provided in FeatureWithLifeCycle (GML), STREET_END_DATE (CSV), street_end_date (GKPG)
Condition: If State is equal to 4, Street End Date must be populated.
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any attribute of the Record was last changed.
Attribute Name: Provided in FeatureWithLifeCycle (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date that the record was entered into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: Provided in FeatureWithLifeCycle (GML), RECORD_ENTRY_DATE (CSV), record_entry_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
A value in metres defining the x and y location in accordance with the British National Grid for the start point of the street.
Attribute Name: streetStart (GML), STREET_START_X, STREET_START_Y (CSV), street_start_x, street_start_y (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: STREET_START_X (precision, scale) – (8, 2), STREET_START_Y (precision, scale) – (9, 2)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value defining the Latitude and Longitude start point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 coordinate reference system.
Attribute Name: streetStartLatLong (GML), STREET_START_LAT, STREET_START_LONG (CSV), street_start_lat, street_start_long (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: LATITUDE (precision, scale) – (9, 7), LONGITUDE (precision, scale) – (8, 7)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value in metres defining the x and y location in accordance with the British National Grid for the end point of the street.
Attribute Name: streetEnd (GML), STREET_END_X, STREET_END_Y (CSV), street_start_lat, street_end_x, street_end_y (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: STREET_END_X (precision, scale) – (8, 2), STREET_END_Y (precision, scale) – (9, 2)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value defining the Latitude and Longitude end point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 coordinate reference system.
Attribute Name: streetEndLatLong (GML), STREET_END_LAT, STREET_END_LONG (CSV), street_end_lat, street_end_long (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: LATITUDE (precision, scale) – (9, 7), LONGITUDE (precision, scale) – (8, 7)
Multiplicity: [1]
The accuracy of data capture (in metres) to which the Street Start and End coordinates have been captured.
Attribute Name: streetTolerance (GML), STREET_TOLERANCE (CSV), street_tolerance (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
The pages in this section describes the structured data types which make up the AddressBase Premium product.
Application cross reference links to third-party identifiers.
AddressBase Premium application cross references contain a lookup between the AddressBase Premium UPRN and the unique identifiers of other relevant datasets.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies this record as an Application Cross Reference Record (type 23).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) - foreign key used to reference the application cross reference record to the corresponding BLPU.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), UPRN (CSV), uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique key for the application cross reference record and primary key for this table.
Attribute Name: xrefKey (GML), XREF_KEY (CSV), xref_key (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 14
Multiplicity: [1]
Primary key of corresponding record in an external dataset.
Attribute Name: crossReference (GML), CROSS_REFERENCE (CSV), cross_reference (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 50
Multiplicity: [1]
Certain data sources may reference objects with lifecycles. This field enables users to reference specific versions of an object, for example, OS MasterMap Topographic Layer TOID and Version.
Attribute Name: version (GML), VERSION (CSV), version (GKPG)
Condition: Version must be present if Source value is one of the following: 7666MT, 7666MA or 7666MI.
Data Type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [0..1]
External dataset identity.
Attribute Name: source (GML), SOURCE (CSV), source (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 6
Multiplicity: [1]
Date the feature was matched to the cross reference dataset for the first time.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), START_DATE (CSV), start_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the external cross reference was no longer valid.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), END_DATE (CSV), end_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any attribute on this record was last changed.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the Local Authority record matched to the cross reference was inserted into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), entry_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The values in this table are not a code list and may be amended or extended in the future.
OS MasterMap Topography Layer TOID.
OS MasterMap Address Layer 2 TOID.
OS MasterMap Highways TOID.
Centrally created Council Tax.
Centrally created non domestic rates.
ONS Ward Code.
ONS Parish Code.
The AddressBase Premium product is distributed as comma-separated value (CSV), Geography Markup Language (GML) version 3.2.1 or GeoPackage (GPKG) formats. The CSV and GML formats can be supplied as a full supply or a change-only update (COU); the GPKG format is available as a full supply only.
The CSV supply of AddressBase Premium means:
There will be one record per line in each file.
Fields will be separated by commas.
String fields will be delimited by double quotes.
No comma will be placed at the end of each row in the file.
Records will be terminated by Carriage Return / Line Feed.
Double quotes inside strings will be escaped by doubling.
Where a field has no value in a record, two commas will be placed together in the record (one for the end of the previous field and one for the end of the null field). Where the null field is a text field double quotes will be included between the two commas, for example - , “”,
AddressBase Premium CSV data will be transferred using Unicode encoded in UTF-8. Unicode includes all the characters in ISO-8859-14 (Welsh characters). Some accented characters are encoded differently.
The transfer will normally be in a single file, but the data can be split into multiple files using volume numbers. AddressBase Premium records are provided within continuous files cut at approximately 1 million lines as referred to above.
Street and Street Descriptor records are provided together and then a new file is started independent of count for the additional record types.
This means different record types, for example, BLPU and LPIs (see AddressBase Premium structure) can be found in the same CSV file.
The record types are provided in the following order:
Street (Type 11)
Street Descriptor (Type 15) – a new file is started after the last Street Descriptor record for your supply is reached
BLPU (Type 21)
LPI (Type 24)
Delivery Point Address (Type 28)
Organisation (Type 31)
Classification (Type 32)
Application Cross Reference (Type 23)
The GML Encoding standard is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) grammar for expressing geographical features. XML schemas are used to define and validate the format and content of GML. The XML specifications that GML is based on are available from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) website: http://www.w3.org. More information can be found in the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) document, Geography Markup Language v3.2.1.
The GML 3.2.1 specification provides a set of schemas that define the GML feature constructs and geometric types. These are designed to be used as a basis for building application-specific schemas, which define the data content.
A GML document is described using an XML schema. The AddressBase Premium schema document (addressbasepremium.xml) defines the features in AddressBase Premium GML and is available on the Ordnance Survey website at: https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/xml/products/AddressBasePremium.xml. It imports the GML 3.2.1 schemas which rely on XML, as defined by W3C at: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace.html.
The application schema uses the following XML namespaces:
Information about Unicode and UTF-8, the character encoding we have chosen, is available on the Unicode Consortium website.
Each feature within the AddressBaseSupplySet:FeatureCollection is encapsulated in the following member element according to its feature type:
Feature Type: BasicLandPropertyUnit
Member Element: <abpr:basicLandPropertyUnitMember>
The UPRN of the feature is provided in the XML attribute of the gml:id
Feature Type: Street
Member Element: <abpr:streetMember>
The USRN of the feature is provided in the XML attribute of the gml:id
See Example records > GML supply for specific GML examples.
In the GML supply, you can determine the extent of your supply by the <gml: Envelope>
. For example:
GPKG is an open, standards-based data format as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It is designed to be a lightweight format that can contain large amounts of varied and complex data in a single, easy to distribute and ready to use file. Please be advised that older versions of GIS software may need updating before being able to display and interact with GPKG files.
GPKG offers the following benefits:
The single file is easy to transfer and offers the end-user a rich experience.
Attribute names are not limited in length, making it user friendly.
The file size limit is very large at 140 TB1, so lots of data can be easily accommodated.
It supports raster, vector and database formats, making it a highly versatile solution.
It is an OGC Standard.
In most cases, it is a plug-in-and-play format.
AddressBase Premium is structured as a series of relational tables. The data structure is described by means of unified modeling language (UML) class diagrams and accompanying tables containing text.
The AddressBase Premium product is constructed as per the following UML diagrams on this page.
This diagram shows the relationships between each of the record types and their foreign keys.
A UML model of AddressBase Premium in CSV and GKPG formats can be seen in the diagram below. In the UML diagram, feature types from the Ordnance Survey product specification are orange and data types are purple.
and pro_order
are not included in GKPG format.
The diagram below shows a high-level data model representing the GML AddressBase Premium data model. This diagram shows the relationships between each of the record types and their foreign keys.
The diagram below is a UML model of AddressBase Premium in GML format; feature types from the Ordnance Survey product specification are orange and data types are purple.
Definition: A way or thoroughfare providing a right of way on foot, by cycle or by motor vehicle, or access to more than one property.
Description: This record assigns a Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) to each street and holds the start and end coordinates of the street feature with information about surface type and classification.
Definition: A descriptive identifier providing additional information about the street feature.
Description: This record holds information about locality, town name and street name.
Definition: A BLPU is defined as a real-world object that is an ‘area of land, property or structure of fixed location having uniform occupation, ownership or function’.
Description: A real-world object that is of interest and within scope of the CLASS_SCHEME.
Definition: Application cross reference links to third-party identifiers.
Description: AddressBase Premium application cross references contain a lookup between the AddressBase Premium UPRN and the unique identifiers of other relevant datasets.
Definition: An LPI is a structured entry that identifies a BLPU.
Description: A simple identifier or description for the object. The richness of the data structure within AddressBase Premium provides the facility to describe a BLPU by more than one LPI.
Definition: A Delivery Point Address is defined as a property that receives deliveries from Royal Mail.
Description: The structure of this address is taken from Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) and other supplementary data files.
Definition: This record holds references to a UPRN and to any replacement UPRN, for example, if a building is split into two sub-buildings; the sub-building UPRNs will be referenced in the successor record.
Description: This record holds information about a UPRN and the UPRNs of the records that succeed that record.
Definition: A structured entry identifying the name of the current non-domestic occupier of the BLPU.
Description: This record holds information about the organisation of the record.
Definition: A structured entry that provides the code for the type of BLPU and the classification scheme from which the code is taken.
Description: This record holds the classification of a property and allows one to search upon the use of a feature.
The following are contained within CSV only:
Definition: A structured entry that provides key information about the source, time and supply mechanism of the AddressBase Premium file.
Definition: A structured entry providing metadata information such as the gazetteer owner, scope and character sets.
Definition: A structured entry which terminates the file. This includes information on the record counts, and next volume number.
The following are contained within GML only:
Definition: This feature holds the lifecycle information about the data type record.
Definition: This feature holds the lifecycle information about the whole feature.
Definition: This feature is formally known as the GML feature collection and is used to define a collection of features.
Built into XML –
This record holds references to a UPRN and to any replacement UPRN, for example, if a building is split into two sub-buildings; the sub-building UPRNs will be referenced in the successor record.
Please note that this record type is not currently utilised in the product.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies this record as a Successor Cross Reference (type 30).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) - foreign key used to reference the LPI to the corresponding BLPU.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), UPRN (CSV), uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
Key value to uniquely identify the successor cross reference record and the primary key for this table.
Attribute Name: succKey (GML), SUCC_KEY (CSV), succ_key (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV ), String (GKPG)
Size: 14
Multiplicity: [1]
Date on which the record was first loaded into the database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), START_DATE (CSV), start_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the record ceased to exist.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), END_DATE (CSV), end_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any attribute on this record was last changed.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the UPRN attached to this record was entered into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), entry_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
UPRN of successor BLPU.
Attribute Name: successor (GML), SUCCESSOR (CSV), successor (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
A descriptive identifier providing additional information about the street feature. This record holds information about locality, town name and street name.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies this record as a Street Descriptor record (type 15).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique Street Reference Number (USRN): used as foreign key to reference the corresponding street record.
Attribute Name: usrn (GML), USRN (CSV), usrn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [1]
Name, description or Street number for this record.
Attribute Name: streetDescription (GML), STREET_DESCRIPTION (CSV), street_description (GKPG)
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 100
Multiplicity: [1]
A locality defines an area or geographical identifier within a town, village or hamlet. Locality represents the lower-level geographical area. The locality field should be used in conjunction with the town name and street description fields to uniquely identify geographic area where there may be more than one within an administrative area.
Attribute Name: locality (GML), LOCALITY (CSV), locality (GKPG)
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The town name.
Attribute Name: townName (GML), TOWN_NAME (CSV), town_name (GKPG)
Condition: Town name must be present if the Street Record Type is 1 or 2 and may be entered for type 3, 4 and 9 Streets.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Local Highway Authority name for the area this record exists within.
Attribute Name: administrativeArea (GML), ADMINSTRATIVE_AREA (CSV), administrative_area (GKPG)
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [1]
A code identifying the language in use for the record.
For GML language qualifiers are provided in the parent element as ‘xml:lang’
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), LANGUAGE (CSV), language (GKPG)
Code List Name: LanguageCode
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
Date this record was first created in the database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), START_DATE (CSV), start_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which this record ceased to exist.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), END_DATE (CSV), end_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which an attribute on this record was last changed.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the record was entered into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), entry_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
A Delivery Point Address is defined as a property that receives deliveries from Royal Mail. The structure of this address is taken from Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) and other supplementary data files.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies the record as a Royal Mail Delivery Point Address Record (type 28).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) - foreign key used to reference the DPA record to the corresponding BLPU.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), UPRN (CSV), uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
Royal Mail’s Unique Delivery Point Reference Number (UDPRN) and the Primary key for this table.
Attribute Name: udprn (GML), UDPRN (CSV), udprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [1]
The organisation name is the business name given to a delivery point within a building or small group of buildings. For example: TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE. This field could also include entries for churches, public houses and libraries.
Attribute Name: organisationName (GML), ORGANISATION_NAME (CSV), organisation_name (GKPG)
Condition: Organisation Name must be present if Building Name or Building Number or PO Box Number are all not present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 60
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
For some organisations, department name is indicated because mail is received by subdivisions of the main organisation at distinct delivery points.
For example, Organisation Name: ABC COMMUNICATIONS RM Department Name: MARKETING DEPARTMENT
Attribute Name: departmentName (GML), DEPARTMENT_NAME (CSV), department_name (GKPG)
Condition: If a Department Name is present an Organisation Name must also be present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 60
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
The sub-building name and/or number are identifiers for subdivisions of properties. For example:
Sub-building Name: FLAT 3 Building Name: POPLAR COURT Thoroughfare: LONDON ROAD
If the above address is styled 3 POPLAR COURT, all the text will be shown in the Building Name attribute and the Sub-building Name will be empty. The building number will be shown in this field when it contains a range, decimal or non-numeric character (see Building Number).
Attribute Name: subBuildingName (GML), SUB_BUILDING_NAME (CSV), sub_building_name (GKPG)
Condition: If a Sub Building Name is present a Building Name or Building Number must also be present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
The building name is a description applied to a single building or a small group of buildings, such as Highfield House. This also includes those building numbers that contain non-numeric characters, such as 44A.
Some descriptive names, when included with the rest of the address, are sufficient to identify the property uniquely and unambiguously, for example, MAGISTRATES COURT.
Sometimes the building name will be a blend of distinctive and descriptive naming, for example, RAILWAY TAVERN (PUBLIC HOUSE) or THE COURT ROYAL (HOTEL).
Attribute Name: buildingName (GML), BUILDING_NAME (CSV), building_name (GKPG)
Condition: Building Name must be present if Organisation Name or Building Number or PO Box Number are all not present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 50
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
The building number is a number given to a single building or a small group of buildings, thus identifying it from its neighbours, for example, 44. Building numbers that contain a range, decimals or non-numeric characters do not appear in this field but will be found in the building name or the sub- building name fields.
Attribute Name: buildingNumber (GML), BUILDING_NUMBER (CSV), building_number (GKPG)
Condition: Building Number must be present if Organisation Name or Building Name or PO Box Number are all not present.
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
In certain places, for example, town centres, there are named thoroughfares within other named thoroughfares, for example, parades of shops on a high street where different parades have their own identity. For example, KINGS PARADE, HIGH STREET and QUEENS PARADE, HIGH STREET.
Attribute Name: dependentThoroughfare (GML), DEPENDENT_THOROUGHFARE (CSV), dependent_thoroughfare (GKPG)
Condition: If a Dependent Thoroughfare is present a Thoroughfare value must also be present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 80
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
A thoroughfare in AddressBase is fundamentally a road, track or named access route on which there are Royal Mail delivery points, for example, HIGH STREET.
Attribute Name: thoroughfare (GML), THOROUGHFARE (CSV), thoroughfare (GKPG)
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 80
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
This is used to distinguish between similar thoroughfares or the same thoroughfare within a dependent locality. For example, Millbrook Industrial Estate and Cranford Estate in this situation: BRUNEL WAY, MILLBROOK INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, MILLBROOK, SOUTHAMPTON and BRUNEL WAY, CRANFORD ESTATE, MILLBROOK, SOUTHAMPTON.
Attribute Name: doubleDependentLocality (GML), DOUBLE_DEPENDENT_LOC ALITY (CSV), double_dependent_locality (GKPG)
Condition: If a Double Dependent Locality is present a Dependent Locality must also be present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
Dependent locality areas define an area within a post town. These are only necessary for postal purposes and are used to aid differentiation where there are thoroughfares of the same name in the same locality. For example, HIGH STREET in SHIRLEY and SWAYTHLING in this situation: HIGH STREET, SHIRLEY, SOUTHAMPTON and HIGH STREET, SWAYTHLING, SOUTHAMPTON.
Attribute Name: dependentLocality (GML), DEPENDENT_LOC ALITY (CSV), dependent_locality (GKPG)
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
The town or city in which the Royal Mail sorting office is located which services this record. There may be more than one, possibly several, sorting offices in a town or city.
Attribute Name: postTown (GML), POST_TOWN (CSV), post_town (GKPG)
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [1]
Source: Royal Mail
A postcode is an abbreviated form of address made up of combinations of between five and seven alphanumeric characters. These are used by Royal Mail to help with the automated sorting of mail. A postcode may cover between 1 and 100 addresses.
There are two main components of a postcode, for example, NW6 4DP:
The outward code (or ‘outcode’). The first two–four characters of the postcode constituting the postcode area and the postcode district, for example, NW6. It is the part of the postcode that enables mail to be sent from the accepting office to the correct area for delivery.
The inward code (or ‘incode’). The last three characters of the postcode constituting the postcode sector and the postcode unit, example, 4DP. It is used to sort mail at the local delivery office.
Attribute Name: postcode (GML), POSTCODE (CSV), postcode (GKPG)
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [1]
Source: Royal Mail
Describes the address as a small or large user as defined by Royal Mail.
Attribute Name: postcodeType (GML), POSTCODE_TYPE (CSV), postcode_type (GKPG)
Condition: If PO Box number is present, Postcode Type must be ‘L’.
Code List Name: PostcodeTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
Source: Royal Mail
A two-character code uniquely identifying an individual delivery point within a postcode.
Attribute Name: deliveryPointSuffix (GML), DELIVERY_POINT_SUFFIX (CSV), delivery_point_suffix (GKPG)
Condition: If PO Box number is present, Postcode Type must be ‘L’.
Code List Name: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Source: Royal Mail
The Welsh translation of DEPENDENT_THOROUGHFARE.
Attribute Name: welshDependentThoroughfare (GML), WELSH_DEPENDENT_THOROUGHFARE (CSV), welsh_dependent_thoroughfare (GKPG)
Condition: If a Welsh Dependent Thoroughfare is present, a Welsh Thoroughfare must also be present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 80
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
The Welsh translation of THOROUGHFARE.
Attribute Name: welshThoroughfare (GML), WELSH_THOROUGHFARE (CSV), welsh_thoroughfare (GKPG)
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 80
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
The Welsh translation of Double Dependent Locality.
Attribute Name: welshDoubleDependentLocality (GML), WELSH_DOUBLE_DEPENDE NT_LOCALITY (CSV), welsh_double_dependent_locality (GKPG)
Condition: If a Welsh Double Dependent Locality is present, a Welsh Dependent Locality must also be present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 36
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
The Welsh translation of DEPENDENT_LOCALITY.
Attribute Name: welshDependentLocality (GML), WELSH_DEPENDENT_LOCALITY (CSV), welsh_dependent_locality (GKPG)
Condition: If a Welsh Double Dependent Locality is present, a Welsh Dependent Locality must also be present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
The Welsh translation of post town value.
Attribute Name: welshPostTown (GML), WELSH_POST_TOWN (CSV), welsh_post_town (GKPG)
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
Post Office Box (PO Box) number.
Attribute Name: poBoxNumber (GML), PO_BOX_NUMBER (CSV), po_box_number (GKPG)
Condition: Organisation Name or PO Box Number must be present if Building Name or Building Number are all not present.
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 6
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Source: Royal Mail
The date on which the PAF record was processed into the database.
Attribute Name: processDate (GML), PROCESS_DATE (CSV), process_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the address record was matched to the Delivery Point Address.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), START_DATE (CSV), start_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the PAF record no longer existed in the database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), END_DATE (CSV), end_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any attribute on this record was last changed.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the PAF record was first loaded by Geoplace.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), entry_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
A structured entry identifying the name of the current non-domestic occupier of the BLPU. This record holds information about the organisation of the record.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies this as an Organisation Record (type 31).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) - foreign key used to reference the LPI to the corresponding BLPU.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), UPRN (CSV), uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique key for the organisation record and primary key for this table.
Attribute Name: orgKey (GML), ORG_KEY (CSV), org_key (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV),
String (GKPG)
Size: 14
Multiplicity: [1]
Name of the organisation currently occupying the address record as provided by the local authority custodian.
Attribute Name: organisation (GML), ORGANISATION (CSV), organisation (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 100
Multiplicity: [1]
Registered legal name of the organisation.
Attribute Name: legalName (GML), LEGAL_NAME (CSV), legal_name (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 60
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date on which the record was first loaded into the database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), START_DATE (CSV), start_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the record ceased to exist.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), END_DATE (CSV), end_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any attribute on this record was last changed.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the UPRN attached to this record was entered into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), entry_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
This feature holds the lifecycle information about the whole feature.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this feature, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: changeType (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Multiplicity: [1]
Date on which the record was first loaded into the database.
Attribute Name: startDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the record ceased to exist.
Attribute Name: endDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any attribute on this record was last changed in the product database.
Attribute Name: endDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which the record was entered into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: entryDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The pages in this section define dataset metadata for the CSV format of AddressBase Premium product.
This feature holds the lifecycle information about the data type record.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Date on which the record was first loaded into the database.
Attribute Name: startDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the record ceased to exist.
Attribute Name: endDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any attribute on this record was last changed.
Attribute Name: lastUpdateDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which the record was entered into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: entryDate (GML), Not provided (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
An LPI is a structured entry that identifies a BLPU. It is a simple identifier or description for the object. The richness of the data structure within AddressBase Premium provides the facility to describe a BLPU by more than one LPI.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies this Record as an LPI Record (type 24).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) - foreign key used to reference the LPI to the corresponding BLPU.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), UPRN (CSV), uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique key for the LPI and primary key for this table.
Attribute Name: lpiKey (GML), LPI_KEY (CSV), lpi_key (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 14
Multiplicity: [1]
For GML language qualifiers are provided in the parent element as ‘xml:lang’
A code that identifies the language used for the LPI record.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), LANGUAGE (CSV), language (GKPG)
Code List Name: LanguageCode
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
Logical status of this record.
Attribute Name: logicalStatus (GML), LOGICAL_STATUS (CSV), logical_status (GKPG)
Code List Name: LogicalStatusCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
Date that this LPI record was first loaded into the database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), START_DATE (CSV), start_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date this record ceased to exist in the database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), END_DATE (CSV), end_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The last date an attribute on this record was last changed.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the record was inserted into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), entry_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The number of the secondary addressable object (SAO) or the start of the number range.
Attribute Name: saoStartNumber (GML), SAO_START_NUMBER (CSV), sao_start_number (GKPG)
Condition: If a SAO Start Number is present a PAO Start Number or PAO text must also be present.
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The suffix to the SAO_START_NUMBER.
Attribute Name: saoStartSuffix (GML), SAO_START_SUFFIX (CSV), sao_start_suffix (GKPG)
Condition: If a SAO Start Suffix is present a SAO Start Number must also be present.
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The end of the number range for the SAO, where the SAO_START_NUMBER contains the first number in the range.
Attribute Name: saoEndNumber (GML), SAO_END_NUMBER (CSV), sao_end_number (GKPG)
Condition: If SAO End Number is present, a SAO Start Number must also be present.
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The suffix to the SAO_END_NUMBER.
Attribute Name: saoEndSuffix (GML), SAO_END_SUFFIX (CSV), sao_end_suffix (GKPG)
Condition: If a SAO End Suffix is present, a SAO End Number must also be present.
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Contains the building name or description for the SAO.
Attribute Name: saoText (GML), SAO_TEXT (CSV), sao_text (GKPG)
Condition: If SAO Text is present, a PAO Start Number or PAO Text must also be present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 90
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The number of the primary addressable object (PAO) or the start of the number range.
Attribute Name: paoStartNumber (GML), PAO_START_NUMBER (CSV), pao_start_number (GKPG)
Condition: PAO Start Number must be present if PAO Text is not present.
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The suffix to the PAO_START_NUMBER.
Attribute Name: paoStartSuffix (GML), PAO_START_SUFFIX (CSV), pao_start_suffix (GKPG)
Condition: If a PAO Start Suffix is present, a PAO Start Number must also be present.
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The end of the number range for the PAO where the PAO_START_NUMBER contains the first number in the range.
Attribute Name: paoEndNumber (GML), PAO_END_NUMBER (CSV), pao_end_number (GKPG)
Condition: If a PAO End Number is present, a PAO Start Number must also be present.
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The suffix to the PAO_END_NUMBER.
Attribute Name: paoEndSuffix (GML), PAO_END_SUFFIX (CSV), pao_end_suffix (GKPG)
Condition: If a PAO End Suffix is present, a PAO End Number must also be present.
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Contains the building name or description for the PAO.
Attribute Name: paoText (GML), PAO_TEXT (CSV), pao_text (GKPG)
Condition: PAO Text must be present if PAO Start Number is not present.
Data Type: LocalisedCharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 90
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) - foreign key linking the Street record to the LPI record.
Attribute Name: usrn (GML), USRN (CSV), usrn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [1]
This field indicates how the item was matched to a Street. 1 is matched manually to the most accessible USRN and 2 is matched spatially to the nearest USRN, which may not be the nearest accessible street.
Attribute Name: usrnMatchIndicator (GML), USRN_MATCH_INDICATOR (CSV), usrn_match_indicator (GKPG)
Code List Name: USRNMatchIndicatorCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
Third level of geographic area name, for example, to record island names or property groups such as crofts.
Attribute Name: areaName (GML), AREA_NAME (CSV), area_name (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 40
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Detail on the vertical position of the property if known and provided by the Local Authority Custodian.
Attribute Name: level (GML), LEVEL (CSV), level (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Status of the Address.
Attribute Name: officialFlag (GML), OFFICIAL_FLAG (CSV), official_flag (GKPG)
Code List Name: OfficialFlagCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A structured entry that provides the code for the type of BLPU and the classification scheme from which the code is taken. This record holds the classification of a property and allows one to search upon the use of a feature.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies this record as a Classification Record (type 32).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) - foreign key used to reference the LPI to the corresponding BLPU.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), UPRN (CSV), uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique key for the classification record and primary key for this table.
Attribute Name: classKey (GML), CLASS_KEY (CSV), class_key (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 14
Multiplicity: [1]
A code that describes the classification of the record.
Attribute Name: classificationCode (GML), CLASSIFICATION_CODE (CSV), classification_code (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 6
Multiplicity: [1]
The name of the classification scheme used for this record.
Attribute Name: classScheme (GML), CLASS_SCHEME (CSV), class_scheme (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GKPG)
Size: 60
Multiplicity: [1]
The name of the classification scheme used for this record.
Attribute Name: schemeVersion (GML), SCHEME_VERSION (CSV), scheme_version (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), float (CSV), double (GKPG)
Size: (precision, scale) – 2(1)
Multiplicity: [1]
Date on which this classification record was first loaded into the database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), START_DATE (CSV), start_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
Date this classification record ceased to exist.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), END_DATE (CSV), end_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any attribute on this record was last changed.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the address record associated with this classification record was inserted into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: Provided in EntityWithLifeCycle (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), entry_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
A BLPU is defined as a real-world object that is an ‘area of land, property or structure of fixed location having uniform occupation, ownership or function’. It is a real-world object that is of interest and within scope of the CLASS_SCHEME.
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this feature, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
A non-persistent integer which is autogenerated and is required within the OGC GPKG format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), Not provided (CSV), fid (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies this record as a BLPU Record (type 21).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer (CSV)
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of record change – please see COU supply for more information.
Attribute Name: Provided in FeatureWithLifeCycle (GML), CHANGE_TYPE (CSV), change_type (GKPG)
Code List Name: ChangeTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PRO_ORDER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
The order in which the records were processed in to create the data supply.
Attribute Name: uprn (GML), UPRN (CSV), uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [1]
Logical status of this address record as given by the local custodian. This attribute shows whether the address is currently live, provisional or historic.
Attribute Name: logicalStatus (GML), LOGICAL_STATUS (CSV), logical_status (GKPG)
Code List Name: LogicalStatusCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
A code identifying the current state of the BLPU.
Attribute Name: blpuState (GML), BLPU_STATE (CSV), blpu_state (GKPG)
Code List Name: BlpuStateCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date at which the BLPU achieved its current state as defined in the BLPU State field.
Attribute Name: blpuStateDate (GML), BLPU_STATE_DATE (CSV), blpu_state_date (GKPG)
Condition: BLPU State Date must be present if BLPU State is present.
Data Type: Date
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [0..1]
UPRN of the parent Record if a parent-child relationship exists.
Attribute Name: parentUPRN (GML), PARENT_UPRN (CSV), parent_uprn (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A value in metres defining the x and y location in accordance with the British National Grid.
Attribute Name: position (GML), X_COORDINATE, Y_COORDINATE (CSV), x_coordinate, y_coordinate (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: X_COORDINATE (precision, scale) – (8, 2), Y_COORDINATE (precision, scale) – (9, 2)
Multiplicity: [1]
A value in metres defining the x and y location in accordance with the British National Grid.
Attribute Name: positionLatLong (GML), LATITUDE, LONGITUDE (CSV), latitude, longitude (GKPG)
Data Type: GM_POINT (GML), Float (CSV), Double (GPKG)
Size: latitude, longitude
Multiplicity: [1]
Representative Point Code: this describes the accuracy of the coordinate that has been allocated to the BLPU as indicated by the local authority custodian.
Attribute Name: rpc (GML), RPC (CSV), rpc (GKPG)
Code List Name: RPCCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique identifier of the Local Authority Custodian responsible for the maintenance of this record.
Attribute Name: localCustodianCode (GML), LOCAL_CUSTODIAN_C ODE (CSV), local_custodian_code (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
The country in which a record can be found. This is calculated by performing an intersection with OS Boundary Line. This means records such as wind and fish farms will be assigned a value of ‘J’. Please see CountryCode for more information.
Attribute Name: country (GML), COUNTRY (CSV), country (GKPG)
Code List Name: CountryCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the address record was inserted into the database.
Attribute Name: Provided in FeatureWithLifeCycle (GML), START_DATE (CSV), start_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the address record was closed in the database.
Attribute Name: Provided in FeatureWithLifeCycle (GML), END_DATE (CSV), end_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date on which any of the attributes on this record were last changed.
Attribute Name: Provided in FeatureWithLifeCycle (GML), LAST_UPDATE_DATE (CSV), last_update_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which this record was inserted into the Local Authority database.
Attribute Name: Provided in FeatureWithLifeCycle (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), entry_date (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
Identifies addresses which are believed to be capable of receiving mail as defined specifically for the AddressBase products and details their relationship with other AddressBase Postal records.
This field identifies some addresses which the AddressBase product believes to be capable of receiving mail which are not contained within the Royal Mail PAF database, such as flats behind a front door with single letter box.
Attribute Name: addressbasePostal (GML), ADDRESSBASE_POSTAL (CSV), addressbase_postal (GKPG)
Code List Name: AddressbasePostalCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
This field contains the Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) postcode where the local authority address has been matched to PAF, that is, the POSTCODE field found within the Delivery Point Address table. Where a match has not been made, the postcode information is sourced from the local authority in collaboration with Royal Mail. Where the local authority does not hold a current valid postcode, a nearest neighbour function is used to spatially derive the postcode based on the position of the nearest UPRN which has a valid PAF match or valid local authority postcode assigned to it. The postcode value for Street Records (Classification "PS") will always be spatially assigned. This field must be used in conjunction with the RPC field to determine the accuracy of its position.
Attribute Name: postcodeLocator (GML), POSTCODE_LOCATOR (CSV), postcode_locator (GKPG)
Data Type: CharacterString (GML), char (CSV), String (GPKG)
Size: 8
Multiplicity: [1]
This is a count of all of the child UPRNs for this record where a parent-child relationship exists.
Attribute Name: multiOccCount (GML), MULTI_OCC_COUNT (CSV), multi_occ_count (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
A structured entry which terminates the file. This includes information on the record counts, and next volume number.
A Trailer record is not provided in GML or GPKG
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Identifies the record as a Trailer Record (type 99).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
The sequential number of the next volume in the transfer set. For geographic supply this will always be zero (0). For non-geographic supply zero (0) will denote the last file in the transfer set.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), NEXT_VOLUME_NAME (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
The sequential number of the next volume in the transfer set. For geographic supply this will always be zero (0). For non-geographic supply zero (0) will denote the last file in the transfer set.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), NEXT_VOLUME_NAME (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
Count of the number of records in the volume (excluding the header record, metadata and trailer records).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_COUNT (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
The date of data entry.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
Time of creation in HH:MM:SS format.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), TIME_STAMP (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Time
Multiplicity: [1]
A structured entry that provides key information about the source, time and supply mechanism of the AddressBase Premium file.
A Header record is not provided in GML or GPKG
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Identifies the record as a Header Record (type 10).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Name of the data provider organisation.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CUSTODIAN_NAME (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 40
Multiplicity: [1]
Unique identifier for the data provider code.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), LOCAL_CUSTODIAN_CODE (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the data supply was generated.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), PROCESS_DATE (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
The sequential number of the volume in the transfer set.
For Geographic supplies, this number will always be zero ‘0’.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), VOLUME_NUMBER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
Date of data entry for this volume.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), ENTRY_DATE (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
Time of file creation in HH:MM:SS format in a 24-hour clock.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), TIME_STAMP (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Time
Multiplicity: [1]
The version number relates to the product schema and not this technical specification.
Version number of the product schema, for example, 1.0, 2.0.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), VERSION (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 7
Multiplicity: [1]
States whether the data supply is a full supply or change only supply.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), FILE_TYPE (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Code List Name: FileTypeCode
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
A structured entry providing metadata information such as the gazetteer owner, scope and character sets.
A Metadata record is not provided in GML or GPKG
The following page provides details about the attributes included with this data type, their types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Identifies the record as a Metadata Record (type 29).
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), RECORD_IDENTIFIER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 2
Multiplicity: [1]
Name of the Gazetteer, this will most likely reflect the product name, for example, AddressBase Premium.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), GAZ_NAME (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 60
Multiplicity: [1]
Description of the content of the gazetteer.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), GAZ_SCOPE (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 60
Multiplicity: [1]
Geographic domain of the gazetteer, for example, England, Wales and Scotland.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), TER_OF_USE (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 60
Multiplicity: [1]
List of other datasets used to contribute to the creation of the product.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), LINKED_DATA (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 100
Multiplicity: [1]
The organisation with overall responsibility for the gazetteer.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), GAZ_OWNER (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 15
Multiplicity: [1]
The frequency with which the data is maintained and sent to the customer.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), NGAZ_FREQ (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
Organisation or department responsible for the compilation and maintenance of the data, for example Geoplace.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CUSTODIAN_NAME (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 40
Multiplicity: [1]
Four-digit code identifying the gazetteer custodian.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), LOCAL_CUSTODIAN_CODE (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Integer
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
Coordinate Reference System used in the gazetteer to describe the position, for example British National Grid.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CO_ORD_SYSTEM (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 40
Multiplicity: [1]
Unit of measurement of coordinates.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CO_ORD_SYSTEM (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 10
Multiplicity: [1]
Date metadata was last updated.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), META_DATE (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
Classification scheme (s) used in the Gazetteer.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CLASS_SCHEME (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 60
Multiplicity: [1]
Date at which the gazetteer can be considered to be current.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), GAZ_DATE (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: Date
Multiplicity: [1]
Language used for the descriptors within the gazetteer, for example ‘ENG’.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CLASS_SCHEME (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Code List Name: LanguageCode
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
The character set used in this gazetteer.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GML), CHARACTER_SET (CSV), Not provided (GKPG)
Data Type: char
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [1]
A code list or enumeration is a controlled set of values which can be used to populate a specific column.
The diagram below shows the code list and enumeration UML model associated with AddressBase Premium with their appropriate descriptions.
The naming of attributes between CSV, GML and GPKG will be different due to the requirements of the file formats. The following tables map the CSV attribute name to the GML and GPKG attribute names.
Not required in GML
Not provided in GeoPackage
changeType (Provided in FeatureWithLifecycle)
Not required in GML
Not provided in GeoPackage
startDate (Provided in FeatureWithLifecycle)
endDate (Provided in FeatureWithLifecycle)
lastUpdateDate (Provided in FeatureWithLifecycle)
entryDate (Provided in FeatureWithLifecycle)
Not required in GML
Not provided in GeoPackage
Not required in GML
Not required in GML
Not provided in GeoPackage
uprn (obtained from the feature)
START_DATE (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
Provided in EntityWithLifecycle
Provided in EntityWithLifecycle
Provided in EntityWithLifecycle
Not required in GML
Not provided in GKPG
Not required in GML
Not required in GML
Not provided in GKPG
uprn (obtained from the feature)
START_DATE (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
Provided in EntityWithLifecycle
Provided in EntityWithLifecycle
Provided in EntityWithLifecycle
Not required in GML
Not provided in GPKG
Not required in GML
Not required in GML
Not provided in GPKG
uprn (obtained from the feature)
Provided within an ‘xml:lang’ tag
startDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
endDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
lastUpdateDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
entryDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
Not required in GML
Not provided in GPKG
Not required in GML
Not required in GML
Not provided in GPKG
uprn (obtained from the feature)
startDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
endDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
lastUpdateDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
entryDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
Not required in GML
Not provided in GPKG
Not required in GML
Not required in GML
Not provided in GPKG
uprn (obtained from the feature)
startDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
endDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
lastUpdateDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
entryDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
Not required in GML
Not provided in GeoPackage
changeType (Provided in FeatureWithLifecycle)
Not required in GML
Not provided in GeoPackage
startDate (Provided in FeatureWithLifecycle)
endDate (Provided in FeatureWithLifecycle)
lastUpdateDate (Provided in FeatureWithLifecycle)
entryDate (Provided in FeatureWithLifecycle)
Not required in GML
Not provided in GeoPackage
Not required in GML
Not required in GML
Not provided in GeoPackage
usrn (obtained from the feature)
Provided within an ‘xml:lang’ tag
startDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
endDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
lastUpdateDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
entryDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
Not required in GML
Not provided in GeoPackage
Not required in GML
Not required in GML
Not provided in GeoPackage
startDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
endDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
lastUpdateDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
entryDate (Provided in EntityWithLifecycle)
Provided within the datatypes
Provided within the datatypes
Provided within the datatypes
Provided within the datatypes
Provided within the datatypes
Provided within the datatypes
Provided within the datatypes
Provided within the datatypes
Provided within the feature type
Provided within the feature type
Provided within the feature type
Provided within the feature type
Provided within the feature type
Provided within the feature type
Provided within the feature type
Provided within the feature type
Provided within the feature type
Provided within the feature type