The ‘reasonForChange’ attribute is used across all features found within the OS MasterMap Highways Network. The table below describes the codes which will be used to populate this field and the description for each code.
New feature has been added.
Modified Geometry
The geometry of the feature has been altered.
Modified Attributes
One or more attribute properties have been altered.
Modified Geometry and Attributes
Geometry and attribution properties have been altered.
End of Life
The feature has been removed from Ordnance Survey's master database. This value will only be used with Change Only Update orders.
The PathLink and Street feature are attributed with a “provenance” property with the data type of ProvenanceSourceValue. The following table identifies the codes used to populate this field.
Highways England
The source for the geometry of the feature is Highways England.
Local Highway Authority
The source for the geometry of the feature is Local Highways Authority.
Ordnance Survey
The source for the geometry of the feature is Ordnance Survey.
Transport Scotland
The source for the geometry of the feature is Transport Scotland.
Welsh Government
The source for the geometry of the feature is Welsh Government.
OS Urban And OS Height
Data captured to 0.5m planimetric accuracy and elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content.
OS Rural And OS Height
Data captured to 1.1m planimetric accuracy and elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content.
OS Moorland And OS Height
Data captured to 4.1m planimetric accuracy and elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content.
OS Urban And Interpolated OS Height
Data captured to 0.5m planimetric accuracy and elevation interpolated from OS detailed height content and other OS data.
OS Rural And Interpolated OS Height
Data captured to 1.1m planimetric accuracy and elevation interpolated from OS detailed height content and other OS data.
OS Moorland And Interpolated OS Height
Data captured to 4.1m planimetric accuracy and elevation interpolated from OS detailed height content and other OS data.
OS Urban And Low Confidence OS Height
Data captured to 0.5m planimetric accuracy, elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content but expected to be low quality.
OS Rural And Low Confidence OS Height
Data captured to 1.1m planimetric accuracy, elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content but expected to be low quality.
OS Moorland And Low Confidence OS Height
Data captured to 4.1m planimetric accuracy, elevation obtained from drape of OS detailed height content but expected to be low quality.
The PathLink feature is attributed with a “surfaceType” with a data type of “SurfaceTypeValue”. The table below describes the codes used to populate this field and the description for each code.
Made Sealed
A constructed surface, commonly mineral based, that consists of a solid material that is bonded (i.e. is not loose) such as asphalt or concrete.
Made Unknown
A constructed surface, commonly mineral based, that may be bonded or loose. This value is used where the revision method employed does not allow it to be differentiated into ‘Made Sealed’ or ‘Made Unsealed’.
Made Unsealed
A constructed surface, commonly mineral based, that consists of an unbonded surface (i.e. the material is loose) such as gravel (including self-binding gravel), cinder or hoggin. Also used to describe surfaces that are bonded but have been employed as a mesh/grid or similar form; to allow vegetation to grow and water to drain through the surface.
A surface that has not been constructed but has evolved through use by pedestrians, cyclists, horses being ridden or motorised vehicles and where the use has removed or minimised the natural vegetation and fully or partly exposed the underlying mineral surface and/or mud.
The PathLink feature is attributed with a “formOfWay” property with the data type of FormOfWayValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
An unmade way created by the passage of vehicles.
Canal Path
A path which runs alongside a canal.
A structure that is built over a river, railway, road or ravine to permit the flow of pedestrians of cyclists.
Path With Ford
A path where all or parts run through an area where a river or stream crosses.
A made surface for use by pedestrians
Path With Steps
A made path that includes an area using a series of raised areas which links surfaces at different heights.
A structure that is built under a road to permit the flow of pedestrians or cyclists.
Path With Level Crossing
A made path that includes all or part where a railway line intersects with the path at the same level.
The PathLink feature is attributed with a “matchStatus” with a data type of “MatchStatusValue”. The table below describes the codes used to populate this field and the description for each code.
The RoadLink has been matched with an Elementary Street Unit from the NSG.
No Match
The RoadLink has not been matched with an Elementary Street Unit from the NSG which has been accepted.
Not Matched Awaiting Review
The RoadLink has not been matched with an Elementary Street Unit from the NSG and is waiting to be manually reviewed to identify if there is an Elementary Street Unit it should have been matched too.
Matched With Attribute Discrepancy
The RoadLink has been matched with an Elementary Street Unit from the NSG and there is a discrepancy between the attribution supplied by the NSG and information from OS.
The PathNode feature is attributed with a “formOfRoadNode” property with the data type of FormOfRoadNodeValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
The code list has been inherited from INSPIRE and is not extendable.
A code list or enumeration is a controlled set of values which can be used to populate a specific column.
The “CycleFacilityType” data type is attributed with a “cycleFacility” property with the data type of “CycleFacilityValue”. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
This value is provided from the National Street Gazetteer and Ordnance Survey data collection. Currently only “Unknown Type Of Cycle Route Along Footway” is available for population. The other values are for future use.
The PathNode feature is attributed with a “classification” property with the data type of RoadNodeClassificationValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
Additional classification of the road node. For example, if a node represents a roundabout it may also be classified as a mini roundabout.
Marking Segregated Cycle Route Along Footway
A cycle way along a path shared with other users with segregation indicated by markings.
Physically Segregated Cycle Route Along Footway
A cycle way along a path shared with other users with segregation physically enforced by kerbs, posts, barriers or similar.
Shared Use Cycle Route Along Footway
A cycle way along a path shared with other users without any segregation.
Unknown Type Of Cycle Route Along Footway
A cycle way along a footway where the detailed nature is not known.
Signed Cycle Route
A route identified for cyclists along roads that is signed but does not have any significant infrastructure along the road such as road markings or kerbs.
For example, Sustrans routes along quiet roads.
Designated Street Name
Officially named street.
Officially Described Street
Officially described street.
Numbered Street
Officially numbered street.
Unofficial Street Name
Unofficial local name for a street.
Street for addressing purposes only
A street which has been created for addressing purposes of the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG).
Grade Separation
A node which represents where there is a difference in physical level of either two PathLinks, or a PathLink and a RoadLink, and in the real world they do not meet and split here.
The FerryTerminal feature is attributed with a “type” property with the data type of ConnectionTypeValue. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
The code list has been inherited from INSPIRE and is not extendable.
Types of connections between different networks.
Connection between two network elements in different transport networks that use a different transport mode. The connection represents a possibility for the transported media (people, goods, etc.) to change from one transport mode to another.
The FerryNode feature is attributed with a “formOfWaterwayNode” property with the data type of FormOfWaterwayNode Value. The following table describes the codes used to populate this field.
The code list has been inherited from INSPIRE and is not extendable.
Function of a Waterway Node in the water transport network.
The HighwayDedication feature has the field ‘dedication’ which has the value populated from ‘DedicationValue’. The table below identifies the codes used to populate this field and a description for each code.
These codes conform to the legal categories of highway as defined in the Highway Act 1980 and Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, with the exception of “No Dedication Or Dedication Unknown”.
Dedications indicate the legal access status for a given feature only, no indication as to its physical accessibility is made in this attribute.
Byway Open To All Traffic
A Byway with rights for all vehicles.
Pedestrian Way Or Footpath
A Way for pedestrians only. Also known as a Pedestrian Way or Walkway. Excludes Footway.
Cycle Track or Cycle Way
Cycle Track: A highway for cyclists and pedestrians which is maintainable at public expense.
Cycle Way: Any Way designed for the use of cycles and from which other wheeled traffic is excluded.
All Vehicles
Highway open for all vehicles.
Restricted Byway
Highway with rights for pedestrians, horse riders,
cyclists and horse-drawn vehicles, but not for mechanically propelled vehicles.
A highway with rights of passage for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders only.
The commonest type of Special Road which is restricted to two classes of vehicles.
No Dedication Or Dedication Unknown
A Highway Dedication type that is currently unknown and is still under investigation, or
Has been proven to have no public rights of access.
Carriageway Type 0
The carriageway has a limiting capacity between 30 and 125 Million Standard Axles.
Carriageway Type 1
The carriageway has a limiting capacity between 10 and 30 Million Standard Axles.
Carriageway Type 2
The carriageway has a limiting capacity between 2.5 and 10 Million Standard Axles.
Carriageway Type 3
The carriageway has a limiting capacity between 0.5 and 2.5 Million Standard Axles.
Carriageway Type 4
The carriageway has a limiting capacity up to 0.5 Million Standard Axles.
Carriageway Type 6
The carriageway has a capacity over 125 Million Standard Axles.
High Amenity Footway
Routes which have been constructed maintained and surfaced to a high standard.
High Duty Footway
Routes used by an exceptionally large number of pedestrians and/or cyclists
Other Footways
Neither high duty nor high amenity.
No designation information held by Street Authority
There is no reinstatement information.
water terminal
The location where goods are transhipped.
The SpecialDesignation feature has property field ‘designationType’ which has the type allocated from ‘SpecialDesignationTypeValue’. The table below identifies the codes used to populate this field and a description for each code.
‘SpecialDesignationTypeValue’ coverage varies between LHAs and the individual codes. While coverage for statutory designations is good overall, coverage for some may be sporadic and inconsistent.
Designation of highways that are subject to special controls when undertaking street or road works
Protected Street
Statutory designation which restricts the placement of apparatus by a street or road works undertaker.
Special Engineering Difficulty
Statutory designation relating to streets or parts of streets associated with structures, or streets of extraordinary construction.
Traffic Sensitive Street
Statutory designation that restricts street works to be undertaken during period of high traffic.
Lane Rental
Indication that Street is part of a Lane Rental scheme. Section 74A of NRSWA enables highway authorities, with the approval of the Secretary of State, to charge street works undertakers a daily charge for each day during which their works occupy the highway – commonly referred to as “lane rental” schemes.
Event Information
Indication that this Street has an event planned.
Drainage And Flood Risk
Optional designation that provides details of areas that are susceptible to drainage and flood risk.
Emergency Services Routes
Optional designation that alerts the Works Promoter if there is a need to keep the emergency services informed of proposed works and progress
Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Optional designation that identifies information about the local environment. This includes environmentally sensitive areas, such as sites of specific scientific interest and ancient monuments, or specially cultivated areas containing shrubs, plants or bulbs which shall be reinstated using the same or similar species.
HGV Approved Routes
Optional designation that allows Works Promoters to consider the impact on HGVs of restricted traffic flow or alerts the Works Promoter that wide vehicles are commonplace.
Level Crossing Safety Zone
Optional designation and mainly created by a Railway Operator. It identifies an area around a level crossing where, if occupied to carry out works, there is a risk of traffic obstructing the crossing.
Local Considerations
Optional designation that should be used to inform the Works Promoter of any special schemes that may impact working, for example, noise levels.
Parking Bays And Restrictions
Optional designation that provides details of streets with parking meters, residents parking bays and parking restrictions such as yellow lines, red routes, and other permanent parking restrictions.
Pedestrian Crossings, Traffic Signals And Traffic Sensors
Optional designation that captures streets that have signalled controlled pedestrian crossings and permanent traffic signals or any Traffic Sensors in the highway.
Pipelines And Specialist Cables
Optional designation that is created by the Local Highway Authority on behalf of the private sector oil or gas pipeline owner. This designation should be treated as a reminder to consult further, not as an absolute indicator of the nature of the pipeline or cable.
Priority Lanes
Optional designation that allows the Local Highway Authority to identify the location of bus lanes, and Cycle Routes in the street.
Proposed Special Engineering Difficulty
Optional designation used to identify new streets or assets of extraordinary construction. One typical use is to identify the location of a designation during any consultation period. On conclusion of the consultation period this feature will typically become a ‘Special Engineering Difficulty’.
Special Event
Optional designation that provides early awareness of special events to Work Promoters to enable them to consider any actions that they may need to take to avoid any works taking place on the street during the time(s) of the Special Event.
Speed Limits
Optional designation that provides information about the speed limit applicable for the street. Only speed limits (signed or as per the legal order) over 40mph are recorded as standard with some LHAs providing 30mph speed limits as well. This data is intended to be used for planning of traffic management and works safety measures.
Strategic Route
Optional designation that is used by Local Highway Authorities to identify Strategic Routes, such as the Primary Route Network. Strategic Routes are identified by the Highways Agency, TfL in London and the South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA) and North & Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent (NMWTRA) in Wales.
Street Lighting
Optional designation that helps Works Promoters to carry out works in the evenings and at nights by providing relevant information about Street lighting. It is particularly useful for when Part night lighting where a council has a policy of turning lights off during specific hours.
Streets Subject To Early Notification Of Immediate Activities
Optional designation that enables street authorities to designate streets that are particularly vulnerable to traffic. Work Promoters are required to provide early warning of activities to the authority immediately after the activity has commenced.
Optional designation used by asset owners to identify the existence of a structure that has not been designated as an SED. In cases where this identifies a Bridge, Works Promoters should regard it as a reminder that under Section 88 they must consult the Bridge Authority prior to serving Notices.
Transport Authority Critical Apparatus
Optional designation that provides details of transport authority apparatus critical to operations of that authority which if damaged or if interrupted could disrupt or temporarily stop services (for example, HV cables to a rail network).
Unusual Traffic Layout
Optional designation that provides details of where the layout of existing traffic signs, road markings, studs or verge markers is not in accordance with the Traffic Signs Manual.
Winter Maintenance Route
Optional designation that helps determine the relative importance a route is given by a Local Highway Authority for clearing and treatment during the winter months.
The Maintenance feature type has the property ‘maintenanceResponsibility’ which has the type ‘MaintenanceValue’. The table below identifies the codes used to populate this field and a description for each code.
Maintainable At Public Expense
The highway is maintained at public expense by a responsible highways authority.
Prospectively Maintainable At Public Expense
An application has been submitted to maintain the highway at public expense.
Not maintained at public expense
The highway is not maintained at public expense.
Maintenance Responsibility Is To Another Highway Authority
A National Highway Authority or a Regional Highway Authority is responsible for maintaining the highway.
Street Outside Scope Of EToN
A Street which exists for National Land Property Gazetteer purposes only and is not identifiable as a street on the ground.
Street is attributed with an “operationalState” with a data type of “OperationalStateType”. This data type has the attribute of ‘state’ with a data type of “OperationalStateValue”. The table below describes the codes which will be used to populate this field and the description for each code.
Plans have been submitted for development, but construction has not commenced.
Under Construction
Construction has commenced but the road cannot be used.
Temporarily Closed
The way has been temporarily closed for a specified reason under Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Section 14 1(b):
likelihood of danger to public
Litter clearing or cleaning (duty imposed by section 89(1)(a) or (2) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (litter clearing and cleaning) to be discharged)
Note: The operationalState shall only be set to Temporarily Closed when the duration of the closure is intended to last more than 4 weeks.
Permanently Closed
A Street that has been permanently blocked up according to a Stopping Up Order
Constraint: If the Street operationalState = Permanently Closed then the endLifespanVersion shall be set.
Addressing Only
A street which has been created for addressing purposes of the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG).