This code list is used in association with the Match Type attribute which is present within the Crowd Sourced Name Point Feature Type. The code list describes the outcome of the matching conducted against OS NGD features.
Alternative Name For Existing Feature
The crowd sourced name is matched to an OS NGD feature. This name may act as an alternative name for the existing feature.
Under Review
The crowd sourced name is awaiting review into whether it should be matched to an OS NGD feature.
Unmatched - Feature Not In Current Specifications Or Scope
The crowd sourced name is not matched to an OS NGD feature. The crowd sourced name classification does not have an equivalent feature in current OS NGD specifications or scope.
Unmatched - Name And Classification Supplied Are Ambiguous
The crowd sourced name is not matched to an OS NGD feature. The name and associated attribution were ambiguous, and an appropriate action could not be determined.
Unmatched - Name Persists For Feature That No Longer Exists
The crowd sourced name is not matched to an OS NGD feature. The name persists for a feature that no longer exists.