Accessing GeoPackage data via ArcGIS Pro
ArcGIS Pro (version 1.1 or later)
A GeoPackage dataset
Certain versions of ArcPro (for example, version 2.5) require GeoPackages to have a spatial index added before the data can be viewed on the map. This can be done in the Catalog by opening the Feature Class Properties window within the 'Indexes' page.
These instructions were created using ArcGIS Pro version 2.5, but versions from 1.1 onwards will support GeoPackage.
Start ArcGIS Pro, then open an existing project or create a new one. To create a new project, select Map from the Blank Templates section, then enter a Name and a Location for the project in the Create a New Project section. Click OK.
In the ribbon at the top of the project, select Map > Add Data.
A dialog box will appear. Navigate to the GeoPackage to be added into ArcGIS Pro. Select the GeoPackage and click Open. This will open the GeoPackage to reveal the individual layers.
The layers can be selected either individually or together. Once the relevant layers have been selected, click OK. The selected layers will then be added into ArcGIS Pro.
More than one layer can be selected at any time by holding down the Ctrl (control) key and clicking on multiple layers.
The layers added into ArcGIS Pro will appear in the contents pane on the left-hand side of the project.
Accessing GeoPackage data via CadCorp
CadCorp SIS (version SIS 9 or later)
A GeoPackage dataset
These instructions were created using CadCorp SIS 9 Desktop Express; however all versions of CadCorp SIS 9 or later support GeoPackage.
Start CadCorp SIS.
In the upper ribbon, select Add Overlay.
A dialog box will appear. Select Files > File.
From here, another dialog box appears where you can map to where the GeoPackage has been stored locally.
Once the correct GeoPackage has been located, click Finish.
The data should now appear on the map.
Accessing GeoPackage data via ArcMap
ArcMap (version 10.2.2 or later)
A GeoPackage dataset
Certain versions of ArcMap (for example, version 10.8.1) require GeoPackages to have a spatial index added before the data can be viewed on the map. This can be done in the Catalog by opening the Feature Class Properties window within the 'Indexes' page.
These instructions were created using ArcMap version 10.7, but versions from 10.2.2 onwards will also support GeoPackage features.
Open ArcMap.
Once ArcMap loads, select the Add Data button, which can be found in the ribbon at the top of the workspace.
Once you have connected to the appropriate folder, locate the GeoPackage to upload into ArcMap. The GeoPackage file will look similar to the one in the following screenshot:
Double-click on the GeoPackage file to reveal the layers within it. Select the layers you want to upload into ArcMap.
More than one layer can be selected at any time by holding down the Ctrl (control) key and clicking on multiple layers.
Add the relevant selected GeoPackage layers into the map by clicking the Add button.
The GeoPackage layers should now be viewable in the layers list in the Table Of Contents on the left-hand side of the workspace.
GeoPackage (.gpkg) is an open, non-proprietary, platform-independent, and standard data format for geographic information systems (GIS), as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It is designed to be a lightweight format that can contain large amounts of varied and complex data in a single, easy to distribute and ready to use file. GeoPackage is natively supported by numerous software applications.
GeoPackage offers users the following key features and benefits:
The single file is easy to transfer and offers the end-user a rich experience.
Attribute names are not limited in length, making the format user-friendly.
The file size limit is very large at 140 TB, so lots of data can be easily accommodated (please note that a file size limit may be imposed by the file system to which the file is written).
It supports raster, vector and database formats, making it a highly versatile solution.
It is an OGC standard.
In most cases, it is a plug and play format.
Data will be supplied in British National Grid (ESPG:27700), World Geodetic System (WGS84: EPSG: 4326), or British National Grid + ODN Height (EPSG: 7405), depending on your selection when ordering OS NGD data.
The following sub-sections provide step-by-step instructions on how to access GeoPackage data via various GIS software packages, all current versions of these support GeoPackages natively.
It is possible to use Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) tools to convert the data into different formats and to load into databases.
In the OS NGD GeoPackages, the column ordering is slightly different to those listed on the individual feature types pages, and therefore the OS NGD CSV files.
The first column is an additional fid
attribute, which is an INTEGER NOT NULL
column. This acts as a primary key and is a requirement of the OGC GeoPackage specification.
Additionally, the geometry column will always be the second column; however, the attribute, or its value, isn't usually visible in GIS software.
The remaining ordering of columns will match the attribute listings on the feature types pages.
Using GDAL to load a GeoPackage into a database
GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source License by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. It comes with a variety of useful command line utilities for data translation and processing. The following section covers the loading of GeoPackage datasets into a PostgreSQL database using the ETL tool GDAL. The process will be similar for other databases such as Oracle and SQL Server, as well as converting to other data formats.
A PostgreSQL database with PostGIS extension enabled
GDAL version 1.11.0 or above (with access to a command line interface to use it)
A GeoPackage dataset
You can interrogate a GeoPackage dataset using the ogrinfo program which lists information about it. At a basic level it will return the layers contained within it:
Using the ‘Summary Only’ (-so
) and ‘List all features of all layers’ (-al
) arguments you can view summary information about all the layers within the GeoPackage, including projection, schema, feature count and extents:
-so -al
The GeoPackage can be loaded into a PostgreSQL database using the ogr2ogr program, the below will load all layers from the source GeoPackage into the specified target schema in the database:
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL "PG:user=
<USERNAME>, <PASSWORD>, <DATABASENAME>, <HOST>, <PORTNUMBER> are the connection details of the target PostgreSQL database.
<TARGETSCHEMA> is the schema in the database that the layers should be loaded into. If this doesn’t exist or if it is omitted, they will be loaded into the default schema, the default is usually the ‘public’ schema.
Will create two tables in the example_schema
Different loading options (including renaming tables, reprojecting the data, etc.) can be found on the PostgreSQL / PostGIS — GDAL documentation page.
Accessing GeoPackage data via MapInfo Professional
MapInfo Professional (version 15.2 or later)
A GeoPackage dataset
These instructions were completed using MapInfo Professional version 2019; however, any version from 15.2 onwards can be used.
Start MapInfo Professional.
Select Open > Table in the top ribbon.
A dialog box will appear where you can search for the appropriate GeoPackage. Once located, select the GeoPackage and click Open.
Another dialog box will appear. Here, it is possible to select which layers to import into MapInfo Professional from the GeoPackage.
Once the layers have been selected, click OK.
The data should now be available in your workspace.
Accessing GeoPackage data via QGIS
QGIS (version 2.10.1 or later)
A GeoPackage dataset
These instructions were created using QGIS version 3.22. Other versions of QGIS can be used, from version 2.10.1 onwards.
Open a new or existing QGIS project.
On the top ribbon of the workspace, add a layer by selecting Layer > Add Layer > Add Vector Layer.
The Data Source Manager - Vector dialog box will appear. Here, it is possible to select the GeoPackage that will be loaded using the three dots button located next to the Vector Dataset(s) box. Click the three dots button.
Navigate to the GeoPackage. Double-click the file or select it, then click Add.
A separate dialog box will appear. Here, the layers of the GeoPackage can be selected and added to a map. It is possible to add selected layers, numerous layers or all layers.
Once the relevant layers have been selected, click OK.
The GeoPackage layers should now be viewable in the layers list on the left-hand side of the workspace.
Reading GeoPackage data via FME
FME is a data integration platform which can read the GeoPackage format and be used to convert and transform the data into other formats or databases. The below example shows how to read a GeoPackage into an FME workbench.
FME Desktop
An FME license
A GeoPackage dataset
Start up FME. In the top ribbon, click the Add Reader button, which will look similar to the following image:
A dialog box will appear. Here, the format (OGC GeoPackage in this instance) can be specified using the drop-down list. Select the three dots button next to Dataset to specify which GeoPackage you want to read. The Coordinate System should also be set appropriately.
Click Parameters…
Another dialog box will appear. Here, specific layers within the GeoPackage can be selected, rather than importing the entire file. Additionally, the Search Envelope can be used to clip the GeoPackage to an extent.
Click the three dots button next to the Tables drop-down menu.
The next dialog box to appear allows for the selection of specific layers. Here, it is possible to select which themes / layers should be added into the workbench.
Click OK.
An orange reader will appear which will display the name of the GeoPackage table that has been ‘read in’.
A comma-separated values (CSV) file is a common interchange format for spreadsheets and databases which facilitates a simplistic use of data. Each field is either textual or numeric. Within the CSV, each field is separated from the next by a comma. CSV file format is universally supported for easy ingestion into all major database products.
Please be aware that CSV files are designed to be opened in a database or GI system, and opening them in other software applications could corrupt the data. In particular, Excel has a row limit which might be exceeded by some of our CSV files containing OS NGD data, depending on the order you placed and its size. We recommend that you load CSV files containing OS NGD data directly into a database or GI system, rather than trying to open these files in Excel.
Change-Only Update (COU) files are only available for CSV data supplies of the OS NGD.
If you are using a large Area of Interest (AOI) or a full GB supply of data, for performance reasons we would suggest you load the CSV data into a database rather than trying to open directly in a GI system.
CSV offers users the following key features:
Change-Only Update (COU) files are only supplied in CSV format (they are not supplied in GeoPackage format)
Geometry provided as Well-Known Text (WKT)
Header rows included in the file
There will be one record per line in each file
Fields will be separated by commas
Where string fields contain commas, they will be delimited by double quotes
Double quotes inside strings will be escaped by doubling
Records will be terminated by Carriage Returns and Line Feeds
CSV files will be Unicode encoded in UTF-8
Temporal filtering allows you to order a one-off snapshot of data from the OS National Geographic Database (NGD) from a current or past date.
Temporal filtering is an optional step when you create a new data package against one of your existing recipes. For further information and step-by-step instructions on creating recipes and data packages, please see the 'Downloading with OS Select+Build' page.
You cannot apply a temporal filter to an existing data package held in your Data packages list; a temporal filter can only be added to new data packages during the data package creation stage.
The earliest date you can request for the majority of feature types in the OS NGD via a temporal filter is 29 September 2022.
Please note, as new feature types are added to the OS NGD, their temporal filter range will begin on the date they are added (for example, 28 March 2023 for the Waterbody Catchment Feature Type). Each feature type page states the earliest start date available for temporal filtering on that feature type.
If you request a temporal filter date for your new data package that precedes the date a feature type in the data package was added to the OS NGD, then no results will be returned.
To create a new OS NGD data package and apply a temporal filter to it:
Log into your OS Data Hub account.
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
In your OS NGD Select+Build Recipe Library, scroll or search for the recipe you wish to create a data package against, select that recipe, then click the Add data package button.
Add the following details to your data package under Add a data package in the secondary navigation menu:
Give your data package a name.
Choose the area you want to receive your data for: Either all of Britain or Predefined Area (this means you receive data and it will not be refined by location) or Draw a polygon / upload a file / use an OS polygon to select a smaller area for your data to be provided for.
Select the desired coordinate reference system.
Select a file format: CSV or GeoPackage.
Select the updates you want: Instead of selecting the 'not required' or COU (Change-Only Update) frequency options (which are available under the 'Select updates' drop-down), to apply a temporal filter, you should select the option for a one-off snapshot of a current or past date by ticking the following check box:
Select the supply date needed for the snapshot:
Click the Create data package button.
You will receive an email confirming that your data package is being created and another one when your new data package is ready to download.
Attribute filtering is a new concept which we have introduced as part of OS Select+Build. The filters can help you to narrow down the exact data you need from the OS National Geographic Database (NGD). If required, you can add attribute filters to individual feature types when you create a new bespoke recipe of OS NGD data using OS Select+Build. (The has step-by-step instructions on how to create a new recipe.)
Attribute filtering is an optional step for those with advanced OS data knowledge.
You cannot apply attribute filters to feature types in existing recipes held in your OS Select+Build Recipe Library; they can only be added to new recipes during the recipe creation stage.
The following sub-sections give step-by-step instructions on how to add attribute filters to a new recipe and provide worked examples of creating both simple and nested filters.
To add attribute filters to a new recipe:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
The Advanced Filter Options panel will slide into view from the right, where you can begin to build your filter(s):
For a simple filter, select +Add rule.
For a more complex nested filter, select +Add group.
Once you have added all of your relevant filters, click Apply Filter.
Click the Create recipe button.
In the following worked example of creating a simple filter, we will use the OS NGD Buildings Theme and select the Building Part Feature Type from the Building Features Collection. Our aim is to build a filter to select buildings where education is recorded as the land use.
To do this:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
Click the Create a new recipe button.
Click on the arrow to the right of Buildings within the theme selection tree to see the collections available within the theme, then click on the arrow to the right of Buildings Features to see the feature types available within that collection.
Click on the check box next to Building Part to select that feature type.
The Advanced Filter Options panel will slide into view from the right, where you can begin to build your filter(s).
We are going to build a filter where the OS Land Use Tier A attribute is set to Education.
In the Advanced Filter Options panel, click + Add rule, then select OSLandUseTierA from the first drop-down.
Leave the operator in the second drop-down as: = (i.e. the equal sign), then select Education from the third drop-down.
Click Apply filter.
Click the Create recipe button.
Your filter will return buildings where education (Education) is recorded as the land use (OS Land Use Tier A attribute).
What if, in addition to the simple filter above (returning results for buildings with a land use of education), we want those results to show only buildings over 15 metres in height? What if you also wanted to add an additional filter to show buildings with a land use of rail? To achieve this, you could create a nested filter using the + Add group option.
To do this:
Follow the steps outlined above for creating a simple filter for Building Part until you reach the Advanced Filter Options panel step.
In the Advanced Filter Options panel, click + Add group, then select OSLandUseTierA from the first drop-down. Leave the operator in the second drop-down as: = (i.e. the equal sign), then select Education from the third drop-down.
Click + Add rule to add a second rule below the OSLandUseTierA rule.
In the second rule, select relativeHeightMaximum from the first drop-down, set the operator in the second drop-down as > (i.e. the more than sign), and type 15 in the input box.
Before continuing, select whether you would like the rules within the group to have an And or an Or condition. In this case, you should select And from the And / Or selector.
Next, click + Add group.
The application has drawn an extra box for you. Whatever rules are contained inside this box will be evaluated together, before combining with any rules outside the box.
Before continuing, select whether you would like the rule in the second group to have an And or an Or condition. In this case, you should select Or from the And / Or selector.
In the rule in the extra box, select OSLandUseTierA from the first drop-down, leave the operator as = (i.e. the equal sign) in the second drop-down, and select Transport: Rail from the third drop-down.
Click Apply filter.
Click the Create recipe button.
Your filter will return results for buildings (Building Part) that have either an education (Education) land use if that building is over 15 metres high or a railway land use (Transport:Rail).
To check what filters have been applied to feature types in an existing recipe:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
In your OS NGD Select+Build Recipe Library, scroll or search for the recipe you would like to find out more about.
Click on the name of the recipe you would like to find out more about.
You are now within the Recipe details screen, where you can view detailed information about the recipe, including the recipe's name, the date it was created, etc. If filters have been applied to the recipe, a filter icon (i.e. a black funnel symbol) will appear under the recipe name alongside text stating: 'Filters have been applied to this recipe'.
Click View all filters to view all of the filters that have been applied to feature types in the recipe.
In the example recipe below, you can see that there is a filter icon (i.e. the black funnel symbol) against the Building Part Feature Type; therefore, this feature type has filters applied to it.
Loading OS NGD CSV files into databases
It is recommended that you have a basic understanding of database terminology before following the guides in the tabs below. The guides contain generic instructions, and it is recognised that there are multiple ways to load CSV files into databases which may be more suitable to your environment and existing processes.
Prior to loading the data into a database, it is necessary to create the relevant tables in the database. We have supplied the DDL statements that can be accessed in our .
These instructions are based on version 14, but should work for all supported versions. The instructions assume that you have set-up your database with the spatial extension.
Once connected to your PostgreSQL database, with the relevant schema and table created, the CSV file can be loaded with the following SQL statement using the :
PostGIS will automatically store the geometry data that is supplied in Well-Known Text (WKT) format.
There is a known bug affecting PostgreSQL versions 11, 12 and 13 in Windows environments, where the COPY
command cannot load files larger than 4GB. As a workaround, version 14 (or later) of the COPY
command can be used to load data into the affected database versions.
For reference, the error message states ERROR: could not stat file.
These instructions are based on 2019, but should work for all supported versions.
Once connected to your SQL Server database, with the relevant schema and table created, the CSV file can be loaded with the following SQL statement using the :
It is not possible to BULK INSERT
the geometries directly in their Well-Known Text (WKT) format.
However, it is possible to change the destination geometry
column to a nvarchar(max)
type, and then either post process the table or use a a computed column to generate a geometry type column (see code examples below).
It is not possible to load OS NGD CSV files into an Oracle database using the default SQL*Loader utility. The geometries are supplied in Well-Known Text (WKT) format and some of them are too large for SQL*Loader to process.
Change-Only Update (COU) files are only available for CSV data supplies of the OS NGD. Further information about COU data supplies can be found on the page.
The process to load the COU files will depend on a number of factors based on your own environment and requirements, including:
Database software
Data loading method or software
Feature retention and lifecycle requirements
There are two main scenarios that represent either extreme of the feature lifecycle options:
Latest feature view
Full feature archive
In this scenario, the COU files are processed and only the current version of every feature is retained. This will result in the same data holdings that would be achieved if a new full supply was received on this date.
To achieve this, either post-processing will have to be done once all COU data is loaded into a database, or the loading process will need to evaluate the COU data against your existing data and process accordingly. This processing will be based on the supplied attributes which detail the type of change and the dates for that version.
Each feature type is supplied with a Change Type attribute (changetype
), which is populated from a code list value (changetypevalue
Below is a table of the possible change types and the resultant actions required to maintain a latest feature view of the data for the specific feature type. Individual features should be targeted based on that feature type's unique identifier. In the majority of feature types, this will be the osid
, but this is not always the case; therefore, please check the appropriate feature type documentation.
A single feature may be updated multiple times in a single COU file when multiple changes occur within the selected COU frequency. Instead of suppressing all changes other than the last edit, the COU will contain all of the edits which have been made to that feature.
To obtain the current 'live' view of a feature, the latest edit is required; all previous edits can be discounted. In essence, this requires the following two processes:
Discarding all feature records with the exception of the latest Version Available From Date (versionavailablefromdate
Discarding all feature records that have a Version Available To Date (versionavailabletodate
) populated, i.e. it is NOT NULL. These records will also have the Change Type Value (changetypevalue
) of 'End Of Life' or 'Moved To A Different Feature Type'.
In this scenario, every record is retained, giving a full lifecycle since the supply started of each feature. This will result in multiple records for each feature.
To enable this in a database, the default primary keys (as defined in the provided DDL scripts) will have to be changed to also include the version available from and to dates (versionavailablefromdate
, versionavailabletodate
OS Select+Build is our download service that gives you access to OS National Geographic Database (NGD) data. You can use it to choose and download the OS NGD data you need (by ) and select how you want to receive your data.
For the first time, you can select and build only the data you require rather than taking off-the shelf OS products. For example, if you're only interested in buildings information, then you just select the OS NGD Buildings Theme and the content you require within that theme. There's no need to take a whole product and spend time filtering out the data you need from it.
You can also take data from different OS NGD collections. For example, you could select the Building Line and Building Part Feature Types (which are both in the Building Features Collection of the Buildings Theme) and the Structure Line Feature Type (which is in the Structure Features Collection of the Structures Theme).
The screenshot below shows what selecting this data would look like using OS Select+Build. The secondary navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen is where you select the feature types you want from the tree view of the OS NGD themes, collections, and feature types, and where you can apply filters to the feature types (if needed). The right-hand side panel displays the definition for the feature type you've selected and lists all the attributes present within it.
A recipe is a bespoke selection of OS NGD data which is made by a user within OS Select+Build. Recipes allow you to choose the OS NGD data that best fits your requirements.
Every new recipe you create will be stored in your OS NGD Select+Build Recipe Library. This library will be visible to other people in your organisation. It provides a central place for colleagues to view and use recipes.
Before you create a data package to receive your OS NGD data, you'll need to create a recipe.
To create a new recipe:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
Click the Create a new recipe button.
Add the following details to your recipe under Create your recipe in the secondary navigation menu:
Give your recipe a name.
Add a description for your recipe.
Select your OS NGD data by choosing the themes, collections and feature types you want to include in your recipe.
If you wish to choose which schema version (where applicable) you'd like to receive the data in for a feature type, click on the feature type name within the tree view in the secondary navigation menu, then choose a data schema version from the drop-down box in the right-hand side panel.
Add filters to the feature types, if needed.
Click the Create recipe button.
Your new recipe will now instantly be available in your OS Select+Build Recipe Library.
Please note:
We recommend defining a naming convention for your organisation before creating OS NGD recipes and / or data packages.
Any recipes created by your organisation will be stored in your OS Select+Build Recipe Library in the OS Data Hub.
To find your OS Select+Build Recipe Library:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
You will then be taken to your organisation's OS Select+Build Recipe Library.
You can easily check details about any of your organisation's existing recipes, including a recipe's name, description, creation date, author, the filters used (if applicable), and what OS NGD themes, collections and feature types are included in a recipe.
To check what's in an existing recipe:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
In your OS NGD Select+Build Recipe Library, scroll or search for the recipe you would like to find out more about.
In this view, you can see the following high-level details about a recipe:
The recipe's name
The recipe's author
The date the recipe was created
A description of the recipe, if one has been added
OS NGD theme tags to show which themes are included in the recipe
In the screenshot below, you can see that the example recipe includes the following OS NGD themes: Land, Buildings, and Structures.
To see what OS NGD themes, collections and feature types are in a recipe, follow the steps above to find a recipe in your OS Select+Build Recipe Library, then:
Click on the name of the recipe you would like to find out more about.
You are now within the Recipe details screen, where you can view detailed information about the recipe, including:
The recipe's name
A description of the recipe, if one has been added
An option to view all of the filters applied to feature types in the recipe (if applicable)
The date the recipe was created
The recipe's author
An option to show the data schema version of each feature type in the recipe
A recipe tree detailing the OS NGD themes, collections, and feature types included in the recipe
A recipe can be deleted within your recipe library. You can do this if you are the author of the recipe or an admin user.
To delete a recipe:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
In your organisation's OS Select+Build Recipe Library, scroll or search for the recipe you want to delete.
Click on the name of the recipe to view the recipe details.
In this view, you will be able to see the Recipe actions dropdown
Click the Recipe actions dropdown.
Click the Delete recipe button.
Click on the name of the recipe to view the recipe details.
If there are no data packages associated with the recipe, you will be asked to confirm the deletion of the recipe.
Where there are data packages associated, you will see the following warning:
Click the Delete recipe button.
A shared recipe cannot be deleted.
To edit a recipe's name:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
In your organisation's OS Select+Build Recipe Library, scroll or search for the recipe you want to edit.
Click on the name of the recipe to view the recipe details.
Click on the pencil icon next to the recipe name.
Enter the required changes to the recipe name.
To save your changes, simply click away from the edit box.
The change log will update to reflect the change to the recipe name.
To edit a recipe's desciption:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
In your organisation's OS Select+Build Recipe Library, scroll or search for the recipe you want to edit.
Click on the name of the recipe to view the recipe details.
Click on the pencil icon next to the recipe description.
Enter the required changes to the recipe description.
To save your changes, simply click away from the edit box.
The change log will update to reflect the change to the recipe description.
A recipe can be shared with another organisation to enable collaboration.
To share a recipe:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
In your organisation's OS Select+Build Recipe Library, scroll or search for the recipe you want to share.
In this view, you will be able to see the Share recipe button; please note that you can only share recipes created by your organisation.
Click the Share recipe button.
The share recipe dialog will appear.
Search for the organisation with whom you wish to share the recipe. To do this, just start to type the organisation's name, then select the correct organisation from the list.
Add a message for the organisation receiving the recipe to provide them with context around why you are sharing the recipe with them.
Click Send.
To accept a shared recipe:
You will see a new notification at the top right of your screen, indicated by a bell button and a number count of any unread notifications.
Click the bell button.
You will then see details of a notification explaining You have been sent a shared recipe, which will include the name of the organisation that shared the recipe with you, along with a message if they added one when sharing the recipe.
Click View recipe details.
The recipe details will be displayed for you to review. If you are happy with the shared recipe:
Click the Accept recipe button.
You will be presented with a dialog box explaining: When you accept a recipe, it is added to your organisation’s recipe library. It will show as 'shared'. You can create data packages from it, but you can’t share the recipe with other organisations.
If another team member in your organisation declines the invitation to accept a shared recipe before you view it, you may no longer have access to the shared recipe.
Shared recipes that you have accepted from another organisation can be identified by the presence of the Shared with me tag against them.
To reject a shared recipe:
You will see a new notification at the top right of your screen, indicated by a bell button and a number count of any unread notifications.
Click the bell button.
You will then see details of a notification explaining You have been sent a shared recipe, which will include the name of the organisation that shared the recipe with you, along with a message if they added one when sharing the recipe.
Click View recipe details.
The recipe details will be displayed for you to review. If this recipe is not right for you and you want to reject it:
Click the Reject button.
Once a shared recipe is rejected, you will not be able to access it again.
Once you've created a recipe, you'll then need to create a data package against it to receive your OS NGD data.
To create a new OS NGD data package:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
In your OS NGD Select+Build Recipe Library, scroll or search for the recipe you wish to create a data package against, select that recipe, then click the Add data package button.
Add the following details to your data package under Add a data package in the secondary navigation menu:
Give your data package a name.
Choose the area you want to receive your data for: Either all of Britain or Predefined Area (this means you receive data and it will not be refined by location) or Draw a polygon / upload a file / use an OS polygon to select a smaller area for your data to be provided for.
Select the updates you want: Either not required or COU (Change-Only Update) frequency. There is also an option to select a one-off snapshot of a current or past date.
Set your initial supply date.
Click the Create data package button.
You will receive an email confirming that your data package is being created and another one when your new data package is ready to download.
When you order data through OS Select+Build, the data package/s you receive will be provided at a feature type level. Each feature type you order will be available to download as a .zip file. Currently, grouped files are not available for OS NGD data packages.
Single or multiple data packages can be created from a single defined recipe. Creating multiple data packages from a single recipe is useful if you want to select a different file format or area of interest for a recipe.
Please note that the Annual Full Supply order frequency option will not be available for the the three new feature types released in March 2023 (River Basin District Catchment, Waterbody Catchment, and Average and Indicative Speed Feature Types) or the data schema version 2.0 addressing feature types until 01 January 2023. If you select this order frequency for a data package containing one (or more) of the three new feature types or the data schema version 2.0 addressing feature types before 01 January 2023, then you will receive blank files.
All OS NGD, OS OpenData and OS Premium data packages created and ordered by your organisation will be catalogued in your Data packages list in the OS Data Hub.
To find and download an existing data package:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose Data packages from the secondary navigation menu.
You will be then taken to your Data packages list.
Scroll through the list to find a particular data package or use the search bar to search by data package name, data package number, or product name.
Data packages linked to an OS NGD recipe can be identified by their prefix of 'OS NGD Recipe' against the recipe name in the Product column in the Data packages list:
Once you have found the data package you want from the list, click the Download button in the Status column.
You are now within the Data package summary screen, where you can view and download files. Under 'Individual file downloads' in the bottom left-hand side of your screen, you will see a .zip file for every feature type in your data package order.
Click on a file to download it.
This is also known as a manifest file, a computing file which contains metadata. We provide an Order Summary file for each feature type in your data package. The following file naming convention will be applied to each Order Summary file you receive:
For example, the file name for the Building Part Feature Type Order Summary file would look like this:
The example below shows the information an Order Summary file contains:
You can:
Delete a recipe
Edit the name or decription of a recipe
Create multiple data packages from a single recipe.
Delete a data package.
Search through your organisation's recipes in the OS Select+Build Recipe Library using the recipe name, description, or content (i.e. themes, collections, or feature types).
Search through your organisation's data packages in the Data packages list screen using the data package name, data package number, or product name.
Share a recipe with another organisation that has access to OS Select+Build.
You can't:
Edit the data or filtering within recipe once it's been created.
Download the contents of an OS NGD data package using the grouped file function.
Future OS Select+Build enhancements being considered:
The ability to edit a recipe.
Log into your account.
Click the Create a new recipe button, adding the relevant details to your recipe (see the for more information on creating recipes).
Click the filter icon next to the feature type(s) you want to add a filter to in the theme selection tree.
Log into your account.
Click on the filter icon to the right of Building Part.
Log into your account.
However, with the relevant schema and table created in your Oracle database, the CSV file can be loaded using ETL (extract, transform, load) tools, for example, or .
There are two different file formats options available when you download OS NGD data from OS Select+Build: GeoPackage and CSV. Various are available.
OS Select+Build is available via the .
OS NGD data is structured by ; the main advantage to this data structure is that you can easily find and select individual feature types across different themes and build your own recipes and data package/s containing only the data you are interested in. There's also the option to select all or only a few feature types from a single theme.
Log into your account.
Selecting a data schema version for a feature type is an optional step; if you don't choose a particular data schema version for a feature type, OS Select+Build will always select the latest available data schema version for you by default. See the for more information.
Adding filters to feature types is an optional step for those with advanced OS data knowledge; see the for more information on applying filters and step-by-step instructions.
Log into your account.
Log into your account.
Log into your account.
Log into your account.
Log into your account.
Log into your account.
Log into your account.
Log into your account.
Log into your account.
Select the desired .
Select a file format: or .
Log into your account.
Collect your data package(s) via the or the .
Insert as a new feature
Moved From A Different Feature Type
Insert as a new feature
End Of Life
Delete existing feature based on unique identifier
Moved To A Different Feature Type
Delete existing feature based on unique identifier
Modified Attributes
Update the record (see section below)
Modified Geometry
Update the record (see section below)
Modified Geometry And Attributes
Update the record (see section below)