The OS National Geographic Database (NGD) contains authoritative data that describes the geography of Great Britain. It delivers improved data structures, increased currency of data supply and enhanced metadata. OS NGD data can be accessed through the OS Data Hub via the download service, OS Select+Build, and two APIs: OS NGD API – Features and OS NGD API – Tiles.
OS Select+Build and the OS NGD APIs are available to Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) Members and OS Partners. To get access to the OS NGD you must first log into the OS Data Hub. The OS NGD will be accessible via both the Premium Plan and Public Sector Plan on the OS Data Hub.
OS NGD data has been categorised to make it easier for you to discover the data you need:
The data is structured into nine themes of related items: Address, Administrative and Statistical Units, Buildings, Geographical Names, Land, Land Use, Structures, Transport, and Water.
Each theme is made up of one or more collections, which in turn have feature types.
Feature types are the most granular level, with objects grouped by geometry or classification.
This platform is where you will find documentation to help you get started using OS NGD data via OS Select+Build and the OS NGD APIs. Using the navigation panel on the left-hand-side of the screen, you can select and view pages of interest, including OS NGD core principles, getting started information and guides for using OS Select+Build and the APIs, key benefits to customers, FAQs, and detailed information about the data structure and code lists.