This section describes data types which make up OS MasterMap Highways Network - Routing and Asset Management. The attributes associated with these data types are listed below along with a brief description of their data properties.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value.
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
The length of the attribute provided (optional).
The Network Reference references the feature back to the network element. The Network Reference has been extended and the feature types which solely use Network Referencing are Maintenance, Reinstatement, Special Designation and Highways Dedication. These features will all reference back to the id of the Street feature: the USRN. Geometry will not be provided. However, where these features do not reference an entire Street feature, and are a partial reference, they will provide a Network Reference Location. This is made up of a locationDescription which provides a textual description of where the feature relates to which will be populated directly from the NSG / SSG.
The feature types which use the Network Reference Location are Maintenance, Reinstatement, Special Designation, and HighwayDedication.
The identifier of the feature being referenced; this will always be the gml:id.
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Textual description of the location extent of the referenced property when the feature partially references the network.
Type: CharacterString
Multiplicity: [1]
Size: 250
The geometry of where the feature starts.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The geometry of where the feature ends.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A linear representation of the feature.
Type: GM_MultiCurve
Multiplicity: [0..1]
An area representation of the feature.
Type: GM_MultiSurface
Multiplicity: [0..1]
There have been small enhancements to the OS MasterMap Highways Network Version 2.2 to enable the release of new features and functionality. This page will outline the main changes to the RAMI product. For changes to the Roads or Paths products, please see their respective Technical Specifications.
Added new feature type, HighwayDedication, to denote dedications of highways as defined in the Highway Act 1980 and Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
Added new code list, DedicationValue, for HighwayDedication features.
March 2021 – The ReinstatementTypeValue code list has been updated with four new values added to include Scottish codes.
March 2021 – The SpecialDesignationTypeValue code list has been updated with five new values added to include Scottish codes.
The NetworkReferenceLocation has been further extended to accept additional geometry types, lines and polygons, in addition to start and end points. This affects Maintenance, Reinstatement and Special Designation and the information provided on their location for partial records.
The SpecialDesignationTypeValue code list has been updated with multiple new values added.
The MaintenanceValue enumeration has been updated with two values added.
v2.1 RAMI schema is being released which will enable the code list and enumerations described above to be delivered.
v1.0 Highways Dedication schema has been introduced which defines the Highways Dedication feature.
The RAMI product contains the base road network and RAMI features, which reference back to the network. The base road network features are detailed in the Roads Technical Specification. The current specification focuses on RAMI.
RAMI has been categorised into the following themes:
Rights and Restrictions: Defines properties that restrict, regulate or prohibit the use of the network by traffic such as turn restrictions, or access and use restrictions which may affect the allowable route for users.
Advisory Information: These provide additional information that may affect a driver’s preferred choice of route or highlight potential hazards such as the presence of a toll, ford, or level crossing.
Asset Management: Provides additional information to support the management of Highways Assets by Highways and Roads Authorities such as detailed physical characteristics relating to the asset (reinstatement), road maintenance responsibility, and whether it has any special designations
RAMI is related back to features in the OS MasterMap Highways Network – Roads product using Network Referencing, through the networkRef attribute. All RAMI features extend the INSPIRE NetworkProperty class. This allows several types of Network Referencing to relate the RAMI to the relevant feature:
Network Reference: This is used to relate the information to a Street.
Node Reference: This is used to relate the information to a RoadNode.
Link Reference: This is used to relate the information to a complete RoadLink.
Multiple Link Reference: This is used to relate the information to more than one complete RoadLink.
Point Reference: This is used when the information is related to a specific point along a RoadLink.
Linear Reference: This is used to relate the information to a specific section of a RoadLink. This type of referencing is not used in the RAMI specification.
The different types of Network Referencing all extend the INSPIRE Network Reference data type.
In the INSPIRE specification, the networkRef is a voidable field. For all features in the RAMI specification, the networkRef will never be voided.
For a feature that happens at a specific point, that is not coincident with a RoadNode, a Point Reference will be used which will reference a RoadLink. The Point Reference will give the location of the point, defined as a distance value in metres from the start of the RoadLink through the atPosition attribute. In addition, the location of the point will be given by a pair of coordinates which are snapped to the RoadLink, through the atPositionGeometry attribute. Finally, the direction along the RoadLink for which the feature applies is given through the applicableDirection. If the feature applies to the RoadLink regardless of which way you travel along it (for example, a Gate), the value will be both directions. If the feature applies to the RoadLink in a specific direction of travel (for example, an Access Restriction), the direction will be defined in relation to the digitisation of the RoadLink (the order of coordinates).
The feature types which use a Point Reference are , ,, and .
The identifier of the feature being referenced; this will always be the gml:id of a RoadLink.
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The direction of the RoadLink to which the reference applies in relation to the direction the link has been captured in.
Type: LinkDirectionValue
Size: 21
Multiplicity: [1]
Position of the point, expressed as the distance from the start of the linear network element along its curve geometry.
Type: Length
Multiplicity: [1]
The location geometry of the restriction, will be snapped to the RoadLink.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
A Multiple Link Reference is the same as a , except the feature will contain more than one link reference. This referencing will be used when a feature references multiple, complete RoadLinks, for example a No Turn. The order in which these features apply to the RoadLink is important to ensure the feature is being interpreted correctly and therefore the Link References in the product have been ordered to reflect this. In addition to the order, the direction will be provided in relation to the digitisation of the RoadLink and this is important in interpreting the feature. Geometry will not be provided for these features.
The feature types which use a Multiple Link Reference are and .
When a feature in the RAMI specification occurs at a RoadNode a Node Reference will be provided. As a part of the networkRef an element attribute will be given which defines the id of the RoadNode. A location will be provided for Node References which will be the coordinates of the RoadNode the feature references. Finally, a linkReference will contain a reference to the id of the RoadLinks that are affected by the restriction. In most instances, this will be all the RoadLinks that start or end at the referenced RoadNode. However, when a RoadNode has a classification of Grade Separation, then it will only reference the RoadLinks that are at the same level as the feature. An example of this could be at a bridge with a height restriction. The height restriction will only impact the RoadLinks that are passing under the bridge.
The RoadLinks which are travelling over the bridge are not impacted by the height restriction. Therefore, the NodeReference will provide a reference to the RoadLinks which are passing under the bridge and will not reference all RoadLinks which reference the RoadNode through the start or end node references.
The feature types which use a Node Reference are , , and .
The identifier of the feature being referenced; this will always be the gml:id of a RoadNode.
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The co-ordinates for the RoadNode the feature is referencing.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
A reference to the RoadLink(s) that the feature effects.
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1..*]
When a feature occurs along a complete single RoadLink, a Link Reference will be used. Geometry is not provided for these features. The direction along the RoadLink for which the feature applies is supplied through the applicableDirection. If the feature applies to the RoadLink, regardless of which direction you travel along it (for example, Traffic Calming), then the value will be both directions. If the feature applies to the RoadLink in a specific direction of travel (for example, a One-Way road), the direction will be given in relation to the digitisation of the RoadLink (the order of coordinates).
The feature types which use a Link Reference are and .
The identifier of the feature being referenced; this will always be the gml:id of a RoadLink.
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The direction of the RoadLink to which the reference applies in relation to the direction the link has been captured in.
Size: 21
Type: LinkDirectionValue
Multiplicity: [1]
For a feature that happens at a specific point, that is not coincident with a RoadNode, a Point Reference will be used which will reference a RoadLink. The Point Reference will give the location of the point, defined as a distance value in metres from the start of the RoadLink through the atPosition attribute. In addition, the location of the point will be given by a pair of coordinates which are snapped to the RoadLink, through the atPositionGeometry attribute. Finally, the direction along the RoadLink for which the feature applies is given through the applicableDirection. If the feature applies to the RoadLink regardless of which way you travel along it (for example, a Gate), the value will be both directions. If the feature applies to the RoadLink in a specific direction of travel (for example, an Access Restriction), the direction will be defined in relation to the digitisation of the RoadLink (the order of coordinates).
The feature types which use a Point Reference are , , , and .
The identifier of the feature being referenced; this will always be the gml:id of a RoadLink.
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The direction of the RoadLink to which the reference applies in relation to the direction the link has been captured in.
Type: LinkDirectionValue
Size: 21
Multiplicity: [1]
Position of the point, expressed as the distance from the start of the linear network element along its curve geometry.
Type: Length
Multiplicity: [1]
The location geometry of the restriction, will be snapped to the RoadLink.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
The Rights and Restrictions sub-theme includes properties that prohibit, restrict or regulate the use of the network by traffic. Rights and Restrictions are typically defined through legislation, including the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
The following types of rights and restrictions are in the scope of the current product:
Access Restrictions
Turn Restrictions
Restrictions For Vehicles (Height, Weight, Width and Length restrictions)
Highways Dedications (indications of Rights of Way)
Rights and Restrictions features record the effect and nature of the real-world restriction or environmental factors. However, this is not always possible as restrictions may manifest in many different ways yet have the same effect.
For example, a single restriction may consist of a one-way street that has a no entry sign, no right/left turn sign and/or mandatory turn signs on the approach roads. This is represented in the simplest way by recording a one-way street. To ensure a level of consistency, a hierarchy is used when more than one restriction that has the same effect occurs at a given location. Only the restriction that has the highest priority will be captured.
One Way
No Entry/Access Prohibited To/Access Limited To
Mandatory Turns
No Turn
Therefore, Rights and Restrictions primarily model the effect of any restriction in the simplest possible way and secondary to this is recording the real-world manifestation.
Advisory Information provides additional information relating to the highway that affects traffic movement such as:
Hazards: These are locations which are dangerous, and caution should be taken to ensure safe travel. Examples include Fords and Dangerous Bends.
Structures: These are built features which relate to the highway. Examples include Barriers, Bridges and Tunnels.
Each feature within the RAMI theme will have the following common attribution:
gml:id, gml:identifier and inspireId
This is assigned a nilReason value unknown for most features.
The RAMI product holds information on restrictions which apply to a temporal period. The different Temporal Properties have been categorised and the different categories are detailed below. In addition, they have been given a hierarchy within the RAMI product which is illustrated in the figure below Temporal Properties are applied to four Feature Types in RAMI: AccessRestrictions, HighwayDedication, TurnRestrictions and SpecialDesignation.
A Named Date would be when a restriction applies to a specified date which is named. For example, All Year or January. There are no further sub-categories of a Named Date.
A Date Range is provided when a restriction applies between two dates and there will always be a start date and an end date. These two dates can be specified using two different data types: either StartDate and EndDate or StartMonthDay or EndMonthDay.
The StartDate and EndDate will always be used for Date Ranges for Special Designation features. These are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, for example, 2016-09-20. The StartMonthDay and EndMonthDay will always be used for Access Restrictions and Turn Restrictions. These are formatted as --MM—DD, for example, -- 03—23.
A Day Period would be a restriction which applies on a specified day. A Day Period is made up of the following properties:
Named Day – A restriction which applies to a specified day which is named, for example, Monday or Weekends.
Named Period – A restriction which applies to a specified period which is named, for example, School Holidays.
Time Period – A time period is made up of a further two properties:
Named Time – A restriction which applies to a specified time period which is named. Does not necessarily relate to the same time each day consistently across the country, for example, Peak Time.
Time Range – When a restriction applies between two specified times which will always have a start time and an end time. These data types are formatted as HH:MM:SS and will use the 24hr clock, for example, 16:30:00.
This technical specification provides detailed technical information about OS MasterMap Highways Network – RAMI. It is targeted at technical users and software developers.
The OS MasterMap Highways Network is the authoritative highway network for Great Britain. It brings together Ordnance Survey’s large-scale road and path content, the National Street Gazetteer (NSG), the Trunk Road Street Gazetteer (TRSG) and the Scottish Street Gazetteer (SSG).
OS MasterMap Highways Network is made up of four product schemas: Linear Highway Network, Highways Dedication, Routing and Asset Management Information and Highways Water Transport Network. These four schemas, shown in the diagram below, create three products which are a part of the OS MasterMap Highways Network 'family':
OS MasterMap Highways Network – Roads
OS MasterMap Highways Network – Routing and Asset Management Information
OS MasterMap Highways Network – Paths
This technical specification covers the OS MasterMap Highways Network – Routing and Asset Management Information (from here, referred to as RAMI) product specification, providing a focus on the RAMI features. To use this product, you will have received the features which make up the Roads product. For further details on the Roads or Paths products, please see their respective Technical Specifications.
All features that comprise the OS MasterMap Highways Network product will be assigned a persistent identifier, which in most instances is an Ordnance Survey TOID (Topographic Identifier). For features which have originated from the National Street Gazetteer, the persistent identifier will be either a Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) for Street features or a unique ID for Maintenance, Reinstatement, Special Designation and Highways Dedication.
Identifiers shall be encoded in three properties in the data:
gml:id – This feature identifier consists of the shorthand prefix namespace and local identifier which is used to uniquely identify and reference the feature within the dataset, for example, osgb4000000009461245.
gml:identifier – This is a global feature identifier and can be used to identify and reference the feature within other datasets, for example, http://data.os.uk/id/4000000009461245.
inspireID – This is a complex property made up of a localId, namespace and versionId which uniquely identifies the feature and version within an INSPIRE dataset.
Where features have come from OS MasterMap ITN Layer, the identifier will be persistent and correspond to the same feature in ITN.
The gml:id is used throughout the OS MasterMap Highways Network products as the identifier used to reference to other features.
TOIDs (Topographic Identifiers) are strings of up to twenty characters which comprise two parts:
Namespace: This is either a HTTP URI (http://data.os.uk/) or a shorthand prefix (osgb)
Local identifier: A 16-digit numeric string (0-9)
gml:id – ‘osgb4000000009461245’
localId – ‘4000000009461245’
identifier - ‘http://data.os.uk/4000000009461245’
USRNs (Unique Street Reference Numbers) are strings of up to 12 characters which consist of 2 parts:
Namespace: This is either a HTTP URI or shorthand prefix (‘usrn’)
Local identifier: Up to an 8-digit numeric string (0-9)
gml:id – ‘usrn82101225’
localId – ‘82101225’
identifier - ‘http://data.os.uk/82101225’
Although the gml:id is the identifier used for referencing features in OS MasterMap Highways Network products, the localId is the identifier used by the National Street Gazetteer, National Land and Property Gazetteer and the OS AddressBase family of products.
Unique IDs for Maintenance, Reinstatement, and Special Designation are strings of up to 17 characters which consist of two parts:
Namespace: This is either a HTTP URI (http://data.os.uk/) or shorthand prefix (‘id_’)
Local identifier: 14-character alphanumeric string
The ID for HighwayDedication is a string of up to 25 characters comprised of the characters “esu” followed by three parts separated by “_” (underscore):
LHA authority code
ESU it references
Dedication code in the NSG
For example: esu4720_4280330430163_8, esu4720_4280340431456_11
gml:id – ‘id_3700MA01862142’ or ‘esu4720_4280330430163_8’
localId – ‘3700MA01862142’ or ‘esu4720_4280330430163_8’
identifier - ‘http://data.os.uk/3700MA01862142’ or ‘https://data.os.uk/id/ esu4720_4280330430163_8’
OS MasterMap Highways Network – RAMI will be supplied in two formats: Geography Markup Language (GML 3.2.1) and GeoPackage. Both formats are compressed into a regular zip file (.zip).
OS MasterMap Highways Network– Roads and OS MasterMap Highways Network – Paths will be supplied in three formats: Geography Markup Language (GML 3.2.1), GeoPackage and vector tiles. All formats are compressed into a regular zip file (.zip).
OS MasterMap Highways Network extends the INSPIRE Transport Networks (Road and Water) Technical Specification (version 3.2).
OS MasterMap Generic Network model extends the INSPIRE Base Models - Generic Network Model (version 3.0rc3).
OS MasterMap Highways Network extends the INSPIRE Specification to include the additional properties required by BS 7666-1:2006 defined within the National Street Gazetteer (NSG) Data Transfer Format (DTF) and Scottish DTF (SDTF) to ensure that conformance to both INSPIRE and BS7666-1:2006 can be achieved.
The data structure is described by means of UML class diagrams and accompanying data dictionary tables. The specification conforms to the rules for application schema specified in ISO 19103 Conceptual schema language and ISO 19109 Rules for application schema, as adopted by INSPIRE.
Colour conventions have been used in the diagrams and tables to allow users to easily distinguish the INSPIRE feature classes (coloured grey) from the Ordnance Survey feature classes which extend the INSPIRE specifications (coloured orange). All code list classes are coloured blue, enumeration classes are green and data types/union classes are purple (see diagram below).
The data dictionary tables use orange for a feature type, blue for a code list, green for enumerations, and purple for data types.
Class names are conceptually meaningful names (singular noun) in UpperCamelCase.
Class names end in “Value” where the class is assigned the stereotype <<CodeList>> or <<Enumeration>>.
Class names shall end in “Type” where the class is assigned the stereotype <<DataType>>.
Property names (attributes and associations) are in lowerCamelCase.
The following stereotypes are used on UML elements:
Parent package containing sub-packages and elements that comprise part of the modular specification.
A spatial object type. [ISO 19136].
A structured data type with identity.
A structured data type without identity. [ISO/TS 19103].
A structured data type without identity where exactly one of the properties of the type is present in any instance.
A fixed controlled set of values for a free text data type.
A controlled set of values for a free text data type that may be extended.
A property that is required but is either not currently captured (unknown) or is partially populated (unpopulated).
Property considered part of the life cycle information.
Constraints are defined on the Class using human readable language only. Constraints are displayed on class diagrams below. These constraints are used to define co-constraints or restrict INSPIRE properties only.
There are three key types of relationship defined between classes:
Generalisation/Specialisation – used to denote either:
An extension relationship. The target class represents the same real-world entity and is extending it to include additional properties not defined on the parent class.
This class has the same name as the class it is extending.
A sub-typing relationship. The target class defines a specialised sub-type of parent feature. For example, TransportNode is a specialised sub-type of a generic Node class.
Directed Association – used to denote relationships between features. These relationships are encoded as references to the related feature via the identifier assigned in the gml:id. The directed end shall be assigned a name which describes the relationship between the two features and a multiplicity.
Aggregation – used to denote part-of relationships. Aggregations are used to describe loose part-of relationships. If the parent feature ceases to exist, then the part feature can continue to exist. For example, a Road Name may cease to exist, but the Road will still exist.
This technical specification includes the following sections:
Asset management information provides additional information describing the network to support its long- term operation and maintenance which has been sourced from the road or highways authorities. This includes Maintenance, Reinstatement and Special Designation.
This section describes the features which make up OS MasterMap Highways Network - Routing and Asset Management advisory information. The attributes associated with these feature types are listed below along with a brief description of their data properties.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
The length of the attribute provided (optional).
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value.
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
The OS MasterMap Highways Network – RAMI can be ordered as either full supply or change-only update (COU). The GML structure for full supply and COU is different. The differences are fundamentally the open and closing tags which will have an impact on how you choose to load the product. Examples of the different opening and closing tags can be found in GML examples. If a customer wishes to move their order from full supply to COU, then they will need to receive an initial supply and apply the COU file to an initial supply. The COU should not be applied to a full supply order.
When an order for full supply is placed, the product will contain all features for the customer’s area of interest. When a product refresh is ordered, for this type of order, the supply will contain all the features for the area of interest which will include features that have not changed. This supply mechanism will not explicitly identify which features are new, have been modified or have been removed. This can still be identified by querying the reasonForChange and the beginLifespanVersion attribute.
When an order is placed for COU, the first order received will be an initial supply. Initial supply refers to the first order that a customer takes of OS MasterMap Highways Network under the COU order type. An initial supply contains all features for the complete area covered by the order, and every feature will be an insert. Updates, which contain the latest changes to the features, are sent out automatically.
Following the initial order, a COU will be supplied, at the selected update schedule of the customer. COU only contains new features, new versions of features and information about deleted features. A feature can be deleted from the customer’s holdings for two reasons; the feature has been deleted and the id will no longer exist in the product, or the feature has moved outside of the customer’s area of interest but still exists in the national product and therefore could be reinstated in a customer’s holdings. To identify the difference between the two deletes, the reasonforchange can be used. If the value is ‘end of life’, then this feature has been permanently deleted, whilst any other change value would indicate the feature has moved outside of the holdings and could be reinstated in future. Any feature within the area of interest that has not undergone any change will not be supplied.
The features within the initial supply and COU are provided as transactions. A transaction identifies if the feature is new, modified or removed from the product. The three types of transactions are as follows:
These are features which have been newly inserted into the product or the customer’s area of interest since the last product supply
These are features which have had either a geometry change or an attribute change since the last product supply. The whole feature will be supplied, not just the changed attributes. The recommended action would be to completely replace the feature which currently exists in the customer’s holdings.
These are features which have ceased to exist in the last product release or have moved out of the customer’s area of interest. Features which have been deleted will be supplied with the entire feature’s attribution. These features should be removed from the customer’s live data holding.
The initial supply will contain an insert transaction for all features in the customer’s holdings. The following COU supplies will have insert and replace transactions in one GML file and deleted features will be supplied in a separate file. Where a delete file has been supplied, this must be loaded before the file containing inserted and replaced features. There are examples in GML examples of the different types of transactions.
OS MasterMap Highways Network – RAMI is supplied in two formats: Geography Markup Language (GML 3.2.1) and GeoPackage. All formats are compressed into a regular zip file (.ZIP).
A code list or enumeration is a controlled set of values which can be used to populate a specific column.
The reasonForChange attribute is used across all features found within the OS MasterMap Highways Network. The following table describes the codes which will be used to populate this field and the description for each code.
New feature has been added.
Modified Geometry
The geometry of the feature has been altered.
Modified Attributes
One or more attribute properties have been altered.
Modified Geometry and Attributes
Geometry and attribution properties have been altered.
End of Life
The feature has been removed from Ordnance Survey’s master database. This value will only be used with change-only update orders.
This section describes the features which make up OS MasterMap Highways Network - Asset Management. The attributes associated with these feature types are listed below along with a brief description of their data properties.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
The length of the attribute provided (optional).
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value.
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
This section describes the features which make up OS MasterMap Highways Network - Routing and Asset Management rights and restrictions. The attributes associated with these feature types are listed below along with a brief description of their data properties.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
The length of the attribute provided (optional).
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value.
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
The NamedDayValue is used to name specific days a restriction may apply. This code list is used for the property ‘namedDay’ within the data type DayPropertyType. The following table lists the codes which can be found.
This is the day of Monday.
This is the day of Tuesday.
This is the day of Wednesday.
This is the day of Thursday.
This is the day of Friday.
This is the day of Saturday.
This is the day of Sunday.
Public Holidays
A holiday established by law.
Market Days
The day which a market is regularly held.
A time interval which occurs during the working week, Monday to Friday.
A time interval which occurs over the non-working days, Saturday and Sunday.
All Days
Applies to every day of the week.
A turn restriction is a restriction based upon a vehicle manoeuvre. This type of restriction includes prohibitive driving instructions, mandatory driving instructions and implicit restrictions. Prohibited instructions are indicated by road signs within a red circle, examples include No U Turn, No Right Turn or No Left Turn. These can include exceptions to the instruction and are typically elements like Except for Buses. Mandatory driving instructions are indicated by road signs within a blue circle or painted on the roadway such as Turn Right, Ahead Only and No Left Turn. Implicit restrictions occur where a turn is not signed as prohibited but would not be a normal manoeuvre. For example, where a road splits around a traffic island or at complex junctions where additional geometry has been captured to reflect the traffic flow. These are not differentiated from actual signed restrictions.
A Turn Restriction will reference back to the Roads product through Link References and Multiple Link References.
A restriction on vehicular manoeuvre.
Unique identifier, for TurnRestriction this is a TOID.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of turn constraint.
Attribute name: restriction
Type: TurnRestrictionValue
Size: 34
Multiplicity: [1]
Types of vehicle or use that the restriction applies to.
Attribute name: inclusion
Type: VehicleQualifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Types of vehicle or use that are exempt from the turn restriction.
Attribute name: exemption
Type: VehicleQualifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Time period to which the restriction applies.
Attribute name: timeInterval
Type: TemporalPropertyType
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Highway dedication indicates which types of user have access to the given section of the Highway.
Against every section of geometry supplied by the local highway authority, there will be one of eight different types of Highway Dedication defined in the Highways Act 1980 and the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 which determines the Highway user access.
There can only be one Highway Dedication type applied to the geometry at any given date or time. It is likely that more than one Highway Dedication type applies to a section of Highway (i.e. a highway open to all vehicles will also have pedestrian way or footway access). The following table gives the order of priority where the highway dedications under each is inferred:
All Vehicles
Byway open to All Traffic
Restricted Byway
Cycle track or Cycle way
Pedestrian way or Footpath
*Motorways and Cycle Tracks (not Cycle Ways) impose restrictions on all other Highway users.
The Highway Dedication also identifies if the feature forms part of a National Cycle Route, Public Right of Way, Quiet Route, or Physical Obstruction, or if a Planning Order or Vehicular Traffic order exists.
The Highway dedication value is only an inference of where a Public Right of Way exists and therefore not the definitive record of Public Rights of Way; that is in the definitive map held by the relevant authority.
A Highway Dedication feature will reference back to the Path Network through Network Reference and will reference a RoadLink or Street Feature.
The Highway dedication feature type is not extended to Scotland because this information does not exist in the source local authority data.
Definition of which type of Highway user has access to a particular section of the Highway.
Unique identifier
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
The type of Highway Dedication that applies to this section of the Street.
Attribute name: dedication
Type: DedicationValue
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
Time period to which the dedication applies.
Attribute name: timeInterval
Type: TemporalPropertyType
Multiplicity: [0..*]
An indication if the dedication is subject to a public right of way.
Attribute name: publicRightOfWay
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
An indication if the dedication is subject to a formal cycle classification.
Attribute name: nationalCycleRoute
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
An indication if the dedication is subject to a quiet route.
Attribute name: quietRoute
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [0..1]
An indication if the dedication contains a physical obstruction to vehicles.
Attribute name: obstruction
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
An indication if a pedestrian planning order applies to the dedication.
Attribute name: planningOrder
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [0..1]
An indication if the dedication has a Traffic Regulation Order prohibiting any works in the Highway at all times.
Attribute name: worksProhibited
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The geometry that represents the centreline of the dedication.
Attribute name: geometry
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference back to the Roads product through Network Reference and will reference a Street Feature. Features which are a partial reference will provide a Network Reference Location. For more information on Network References see Routing and Asset Management feature information.
A description applied to a highway to protect it during Street or Road Works.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The time from which the transport property no longer exists in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validTo
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Type of Special Designation.
Attribute name: designation
Size: 65
Multiplicity: [1]
Additional information describing the special designation.
Attribute name: description
Type: CharacterString
Size: 250
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Time period to which the restriction applies.
Attribute name: timeInterval
Type: TemporalPropertyType
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Highway authority to be contacted for further consultation about the special designation.
Attribute name: contactAuthority
Type: ResponsibleAuthority
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Flag to indicate that the maintenance feature partially references a Street.
Attribute name: partialReference
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Access to a road or area by vehicles can be legally prohibited. Prohibited access restrictions are indicated by regulatory signs with a red circle or a no entry sign. In addition, access could be limited for use by particular classes of vehicle, these are indicated by regulatory signs with a blue circle. Access restrictions may also include exemptions to the restriction. The Access Restriction feature type comprises of these types of restrictions.
An Access Restriction will reference back to the Roads Product Network through Point Referencing.
A restriction based on vehicular access to a highway.
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.
The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Nature of the access restriction.
Attribute name: restriction
Type: AccessRestrictionValue
Size: 21
Multiplicity: [1]
Types of vehicle or use that the restriction applies to.
Attribute name: inclusion
Type: VehicleQualifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Types of vehicle or use that are exempt from the restriction.
Attribute name: exemption
Type: VehicleQualifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Time period to which the restriction applies.
Attribute name: timeInterval
Type: TemporalPropertyType
Multiplicity: [0..*]
A description of the traffic sign indicating the restriction, for example, Access Limited to Buses.
Attribute name: trafficSign
Type: CharacterString
Size: 120
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
These are locations which are hazardous, and caution should be taken to ensure safe travel. Hazards are usually signed using the warning sign through a red triangle.
A Hazard will reference back to the Roads product through a Node Reference, Point Reference or Multiple Link Reference. For more information on these different types of Network References, see the common attribution page.
A location where a threat is imposed and caution should be taken.
Unique identifier, for Hazard this is a TOID.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Classification of the type of risk that applies that may impact choice of route or where caution should be observed.
Attribute name: hazard
Type: HazardTypeValue
Size: 15
Multiplicity: [1]
Additional information describing the hazard.
Attribute name: description
Type: CharacterString
Size: 50
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
OS MasterMap Highways Network – RAMI is a relational product. This results in there being relationships between different feature types. This section summarises how the different feature types relate to one another, and which attributes are the primary and foreign keys for the RAMI feature. For information on the Roads features, please see the Roads Technical Specification.
The following table identifies how the feature types relate to one another and which attributes are the primary and foreign keys. This is also represented diagrammatically in the figure below the table. The attribute at the arrowhead is the primary key, and the attribute at the base of the arrow is the foreign key.
Feature type
feature type
The UseTypeValue is used to describe exceptions to a specific use, for example, no entry except for access. This code list is used for the property ‘use’ within the data type VehicleQualifier. The following table lists the codes which can be found.
Access To Off Street Premises
Authorised Vehicles
Emergency Access
Escorted Traffic
Fuel Tankers
Official Business
Permit Holders
Public Transport
School Buses
Service Vehicles
Through Traffic
The VehicleTypeValue is used to describe exceptions to specific vehicles, for example no access, except for buses. This code list is used for the property ‘vehicle’ within the data type VehicleQualifier. The following table lists the codes which can be found.
All Vehicles
Articulated Vehicles
Emergency Vehicles
Goods Vehicles
Goods Vehicles Exceeding 3T
Goods Vehicles Exceeding 3.5T
Goods Vehicles Exceeding 5T
Goods Vehicles Exceeding 7.5T
Goods Vehicles Exceeding 16.5T
Goods Vehicles Exceeding 17T
Goods Vehicles Exceeding 17.5T
Goods Vehicles Exceeding 18T
Goods Vehicles Exceeding 26T
Goods Vehicles Exceeding 33T
Heavy Goods Vehicles
Horse Drawn Vehicles
Large Vehicles
Light Goods Vehicles
Long Vehicles
Motor Cycles
Motor Vehicles
Motor Vehicles Including Pedal Cycles
Pedal Cycles
Ridden Or Accompanied Horses
Towed Caravans
Tracked Vehicles
Wide Vehicles
Empty Vehicles
The HighwayDedication feature has the field ‘dedication’, which has the value populated from DedicationValue. The following table identifies the codes used to populate this field and a description for each code. These codes conform to the legal categories of highway as defined in the Highway Act 1980 and Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, with the exception of No Dedication Or Dedication Unknown.
Dedications indicate the legal access status for a given feature only; no indication as to its physical accessibility is made in this attribute.
Byway Open To All Traffic
A Byway with rights for all vehicles.
Pedestrian Way Or Footpath
A Way for pedestrians only. Also known as a Pedestrian Way or Walkway. Excludes Footway.
Cycle Track or Cycle Way
Cycle Track: A highway for cyclists and pedestrians which is maintainable at public expense.
Cycle Way: Any Way designed for the use of cycles and from which other wheeled traffic is excluded.
All Vehicles
Highway open for all vehicles.
Restricted Byway
Highway with rights for pedestrians, horse riders, cyclists and horse-drawn vehicles, but not for mechanically propelled vehicles.
A highway with rights of passage for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders only.
The commonest type of Special Road which is restricted to two classes of vehicles.
No Dedication Or Dedication Unknown
A Highway Dedication type that is currently unknown and is still under investigation or has been proven to have no public rights of access.
The TurnRestriction feature type has the property ‘restriction’, which has the type TurnRestrictionValue. The following table identifies the codes used to populate this field.
Prohibitive instruction (signs with red circles) or positive instruction (signs with blue circles) for regulating manoeuvres or turns.
Mandatory Turn
No Turn
One Way
The AccessRestriction feature type has a property of ‘restriction’, which has the type AccessRestrictionValue. The following table describes the codes which will be used to populate this field and the description for each code.
This is an INSPIRE code list which cannot be extended.
Types of access restrictions for a transport element.
Forbidden legally
Access to the transport element is forbidden by law.
Physically impossible
Access to the transport element is physically impossible due to the presence of barriers or other physical obstacles.
Access to the transport element is restricted because it is privately owned.
Public access
The transport element is open to public access.
Access to the transport element depends on the season.
Access to the transport element is subject to toll.
The NamedTimeValue is used to name specific time periods when a restriction may apply. This code list is used for the property ‘namedTime’ within the data type TimePropertyType. The following table lists the codes which can be found.
Morning Rush Hour
A busy part of the day where people are travelling usually before work, in the morning.
The period from sunset to sunrise.
Part Time
For only some of the time.
Peak Time
A time when a lot of people are using the same service.
All Day
Applies to the entire day.
At High Tide
When the tide is at its highest level.
At Low Tide
When the tide is at its lowest level.
The period of time at the end of the day.
Dawn Till Dusk
Time period between dawn and dusk.
Dawn is the time that marks the beginning of the twilight before sunrise. Dusk is the darkest stage of twilight in the evening.
A twenty-four-hour period, from 00:00–23:59.
Dusk Till Dawn
Time period between dusk and dawn.
Dawn is the time that marks the beginning of the twilight before sunrise. Dusk is the darkest stage of twilight in the evening.
Evening Rush Hour
A busy part of the day where people are travelling usually after work, in the evening.
The Structure and RestrictionForVehicles feature type has the property ‘structure’, which has the type StructureTypeValue. The following table identifies the codes used to populate this field.
A barrier that can be moved horizontally or vertically to allow access.
Bridge Over Road
The representation of a bridge or structure.
Bridge Under Road
The representation of a bridge passing over an obstruction that is not another road.
A moveable barrier, hinged at one end, that moves through the horizontal plane to control access.
Level Crossing On Route Fully Barriered
A railway intersects with the road network and rail or road vehicles are controlled by warning signs, lights and fully gated barriers.
Level Crossing On Route Part Barriered
A railway intersects with the road network and rail or road vehicles are controlled by warning signs, lights and part gated barriers.
Level Crossing On Route Unbarriered
A railway intersects with the road network and rail or road vehicles are controlled by warning signs, lights and no gated barriers.
Moveable Barrier
A barrier that can be moved horizontally or vertically to allow access.
Pedestrian Crossing
A place dedicated to pedestrians to cross the road.
Rising Bollards
A bollard that that can be retracted/hinged to allow access.
A structure over the road.
Toll Indicator
An indication that there is a charge payable to use the highway.
Traffic Calming
A physical feature on the road surface designed to slow down the flow of traffic.
A road which passes underground or water.
The NamedDateValue is used to name specific dates a restriction may apply. This code list is used for the property ‘namedDate’ within the data type TemporalPropertyType. The following table lists the codes which can be found.
This is the month of January.
This is the month of February.
This is the month of March.
This is the month of April.
This is the month of May.
This is the month of June
This is the month of July.
This is the month of August.
This is the month of September.
This is the month of October.
This is the month of November.
This is the month of December.
This is a holiday season in December.
This is a holiday season in March or April which varies each year.
All Year
Applies throughout the entire year.
This is the season of Autumn, usually by the months September, October and November.
This is the season of Spring, covered by March, April and May.
This is the season of Summer, covered by June, July and August.
This is the season of Winter covered by December, January and February.
The NamedPeriodValue is used to name specific periods when a restriction may apply. This code list is used for the property ‘namedPeriod’ within the data type DayPropertyType. The following table lists the codes which can be found.
Firing Times
A period when the activities of defence forces make it unsafe.
Extreme Weather
A period when weather conditions are dangerous.
School Holidays
A period when schools are closed.
Term Time
A period when schools are open.
School Arrival And Departure
The time when pupils will be arriving for the start of the school day and the end of the school day.
School Hours
The period of the day when schools are open.
Local Times Apply
A time which varies locally.
Special Arrangements
The LoadTypeValue is used to describe exceptions to specific loads a vehicle may carry. This code list is used for the property ‘load’ within the data type VehicleQualifier. The following table lists the codes which can be found.
Abnormal Loads
A vehicle which is carrying an unusually large weight, or which has an unusually large width or length.
Animal Loads
A vehicle which is carrying livestock and animals.
Dangerous Goods
A substance which could harm people, living organisms, property or the environment.
A substance which can explode.
Wide Loads
A vehicle which is wide.
The Hazard feature type has the property ‘hazard’, which has the type HazardTypeValue. The following table identifies the codes used to populate this field.
Firing Range
A sign indicating a highway which may have access and use restrictions applied when the Ministry of Defence is active on the site.
Location where the highway passes through a watercourse which passes over and/or along the carriageway.
Note: the watercourse may be permanent or temporary.
Severe Turn
A manoeuvre that by virtue of the geometry of the joining roads is difficult or dangerous to perform. An angle of less than 50 degrees is considered severe.
The Reinstatement feature type has the property ‘reinstatementType’, which has the type ReinstatementTypeValue. The following table identifies the codes used to populate this field.
Carriageway Type 0
The carriageway has a limiting capacity between 30 and 125 Million Standard Axles.
Carriageway Type 1
The carriageway has a limiting capacity between 10 and 30 Million Standard Axles.
Carriageway Type 2
The carriageway has a limiting capacity between 2.5 and 10 Million Standard Axles.
Carriageway Type 3
The carriageway has a limiting capacity between 0.5 and 2.5 Million Standard Axles.
Carriageway Type 4
The carriageway has a limiting capacity up to 0.5 Million Standard Axles.
Carriageway Type 6
The carriageway has a capacity over 125 Million Standard Axles. This code is not used in Scotland.
Coloured Surfacing
Where the carriageway is treated in a special coloured coating. This code is not used in England and Wales.
Friction Coatings
Where the carriageway is treated in a special friction coating. This code is not used in England and Wales.
High Amenity Carriageway
Where the carriageway is surfaced in special materials such as setts and block paving. This code is not used in England and Wales.
High Amenity Footway
Where a footway, footpath or cycle track which have been constructed maintained and surfaced to a high standard with special materials such as setts and block paving.
High Duty Footway
Routes used by an exceptionally large number of pedestrians and/or cyclists. In Scotland, this is defined as where the two-way traffic, pedestrian and/or cyclist is greater than 22 persons per minute.
Other Footways
Neither high duty nor high amenity.
No designation information held by Street Authority
Private streets where there is no reinstatement information.
Porous Asphalts
Where the carriageway is constructed with special porous asphalts. This code is not used in England and Wales.
Features which use either Point Referencing, Link Referencing or Multiple Link Referencing will include an applicableDirection attribute. The LinkDirectionValue code list are the codes used to populate this attribute.
List of values for directions relative to a link.
Both directions
In both directions.
In direction
In direction of the link.
In opposite direction
In the opposite direction of the link.
This section describes data types which make up OS MasterMap Highways Network - Paths. The attributes associated with these data types are listed below along with a brief description of their data properties.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value.
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
The length of the attribute provided (optional)
The dateRange attribute on the TemporalPropertyType has a data type of DateRangeType. The following sections describe the attributes of this data type.
The date which the restriction applies starts. This will be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Attribute name: startDate
Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date which the restriction applies ends. This will be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Attribute name: endDate
Type: Date
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date which the restriction applies starts. This will be in the format -MM-DD.
Attribute name: startMonthDay
Type: gMonthDay
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The date which the restriction applies ends. This will be in the format -MM-DD.
Attribute name: endMonthDay
Type: gMonthDay
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Reinstatement defines the standard to which the path must be restored following opening due to works in the highway, as defined in the New Roads and Street Works Act Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways in England and Wales and the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Roads in Scotland.
A Reinstatement feature will reference back to the Road Network through a Network Reference and will reference a Street Feature. Features which are a partial reference will provide a Network Reference Location. For more information on Network References see Routing and Asset Management feature information.
The standard to which the highway must be restored to following street works.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Reinstatement as defined in the Specification for Reinstatement of Opening in Highways codes of practice in England and Wales and the Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Roads in Scotland.
Attribute name: reinstatementType
Type: ReinstatementTypeValue
Size: 51
Multiplicity: [1]
Flag to indicate that the maintenance feature partially references a Street.
Attribute name: partialReference
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
These indicate the location of key structures related to the highway network. These may be:
Barriers: Structures or equipment constructed to control, obstruct or prevent passage or access
Bridges and Tunnels
Crossings and Signals: Equipment such as traffic signals, and locations that control the flow of traffic
A Structure will reference back to the Roads product through a Node Reference, Link Reference or Point Reference.
A built feature with relation to the highway network.
Unique identifier, for Structure this is a TOID.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Type of built feature.
Attribute name: structure
Type: StructureTypeValue
Size: 39
Multiplicity: [1]
Additional information describing the structure.
Attribute name: description
Type: CharacterString
Size: 50
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
Maintenance provides information about whether the road is maintained at public expense by a national or local highway authority, a road authority, or is maintained by another responsible organisation (i.e. not maintained at public expense). If a path is prospectively maintainable at public expense, then this is not currently maintained by a road or highway authority, but the responsible organisation has started the process for a highway or road authority to become responsible for the maintenance of the street at public expense.
Maintenance responsibility is not an indication of ownership.
A Maintenance feature will reference back to the Roads product through Network Reference and will reference a Street Feature. Features which are a partial reference will provide a Network Reference Location. For more information on Network References, see Routing and Asset Management feature information.
Indication of whether the highway is maintained by a Highways Authority, Local Highways Authority, Road Authority or privately.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Indication of whether the highway is maintainable at public expense.
Attribute name: maintenanceResponsibility
Type: MaintenanceValue
Size: 44
Multiplicity: [1]
Authority responsible for maintenance of the highway.
When maintenanceResponsibility = Not Maintained at Public Expense, the maintenanceAuthority will be null.
Attribute name: maintenanceAuthority
Type: ResponsibleAuthority
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Flag to indicate that the maintenance feature partially references a Street.
Attribute name: partialReference
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The authority which the highway resides in. Note: When the maintenanceAuthoirty is Highways England, then highwayAuthority will be set to Highways England. When maintenanceResponsibility = Not Maintained at Public Expense, then this is the authority the works operator must contact when applying to carry out works on this street.
Attribute name: highwayAuthority
Type: ResponsibleAuthority
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
RestrictionForVehicles are constraints that apply to the vehicles based on their physical characteristics: height, weight, width and length. These are required to protect structures such as bridges and tunnels from damage, or to restrict/prohibit use by vehicles that exceed specific dimensions, usually for environmental reasons.
RestrictionForVehicles has been extended to support the full definition of height, weight, width and length restrictions as defined in the UK to ensure that they can:
Apply to specific vehicle types only.
Relate to a structure for which the restriction is designed to protect (for example, a Bridge).
A RestrictionForVehicles will reference back to the Roads product through either a Node Reference or a Point Reference.
The context diagram below shows how the RestrictionForVehicles has been inherited from INSPIRE and the attribution held on a feature.
Height, Weight, Width and Length restrictions (HWWL) for vehicles. Measure shall be defined in metric units for width, height and length restrictions. For all weight restrictions, measure will be defined in tonnes and measure2 will not be supplied.
Unique identifier, for RestrictionForVehicle this is a TOID.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 37
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Type: Identifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The measure for the restriction which will be given in metres. Note: A Unit of Measure (uom) is provided as part of the attribute.
Attribute name: measure
Type: Measure
Size: 6,1
Multiplicity: [1]
The type of restriction.
Attribute name: restrictionType
Type: RestrictionTypeValue
Size: 26
Multiplicity: [1]
Indicates if the measure value is from a sign or has been converted from a different unit of measure.
Attribute name: sourceOfMeasure
Type: CharacterString
Size: 10
Multiplicity: [1]
The measure for the restriction in imperial units and will be in inches. It will only be provided if the imperial restriction is present on the sign.
A Unit of Measure (uom) is provided as part of the attribute.
Attribute name: measure2
Type: Measure
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Vehicle types or uses that the restriction applies to.
Attribute name: inclusion
Type: VehicleQualifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Vehicle types or uses that are exemptions to the restriction.
Attribute name: exemption
Type: VehicleQualifier
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Description of the structure to which the restriction applies.
Attribute name: structure
Type: StructureTypeValue
Size: 40
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A description of the traffic sign indicating the restriction, for example, Maximum Height Restriction 6'-6".
Attribute name: trafficSign
Type: CharacterString
Size: 120
Multiplicity: [1..2]
Reference to the Traffic Regulation Order that formally created the restriction. Note: This is not currently populated.
Attribute name: trafficRegulationOrder
Size: 250
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Type: ChangeValue
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
The RestrictionForVehicles feature type has the property ‘restrictionType’, which has the type RestrictionTypeValue. The following table identifies the codes used to populate this field and a description for each code.
This is an INSPIRE code list and cannot be extended.
Possible restrictions on vehicles that can access a transport element.
SpecialDesignations, TurnRestrictions, and AccessRestrictions have a property of timeInterval which has the type of TemporalPropertyType. The following sections describe the attributes of this data type in detail, while the diagram below illustrates the type’s hierarchal structure.
A description applied to a highway to protect it during Street or Road Works.
Unique identifier.
Attribute name: id
Type: CharacterString
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [1]
Uniform Resource Identifier.
Attribute name: identifier
Type: CharacterString
Size: 35
Multiplicity: [1]
External object identifier of the spatial object.
Attribute name: inspireId
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: beginLifespanVersion
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
Spatial reference of the network-related property.
Attribute name: networkRef
Type: NetworkReference
Multiplicity: [1..*]
The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validFrom
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [1]
The time from which the transport property no longer exists in the real world. Note: The time part is always set to zero.
Attribute name: validTo
Type: DateTime
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Type of Special Designation.
Attribute name: designation
Type: SpecialDesignationTypeValue
Size: 65
Multiplicity: [1]
Additional information describing the special designation.
Attribute name: description
Type: CharacterString
Size: 250
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Time period to which the restriction applies.
Attribute name: timeInterval
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Highway authority to be contacted for further consultation about the special designation.
Attribute name: contactAuthority
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Flag to indicate that the maintenance feature partially references a Street.
Attribute name: partialReference
Type: Boolean
Size: 5
Multiplicity: [1]
The reason for a change made to a feature.
Attribute name: reasonForChange
Size: 32
Multiplicity: [1]
The SpecialDesignation feature type has the property ‘designationType’, which has the type SpecialDesignationTypeValue. The following table identifies the codes used to populate this field and a description for each code.
SpecialDesignationTypeValue coverage varies between LHAs and the individual codes. While coverage for statutory designations is good overall, coverage for some other values may be sporadic and inconsistent.
Designation of highways that are subject to special controls when undertaking street or road works
The dayPeriod attribute on the TemporalPropertyType has a data type of DayPropertyType. The following sections describe how this data type is constructed.
A DayPropertyType shall have at least one of namedDay, namedPeriod, or timePeriod.
When namedDay = All Days, no other values for namedDay or namedPeriod shall be populated.
The named day this restriction applies.
Attribute name: namedDay
Size: 15
Multiplicity: [0..*]
A specified period which the restriction applies.
Attribute name: namedPeriod
Size: 28
Multiplicity: [0..*]
The period of time on the specified day which the restriction applies.
Attribute name: timePeriod
Multiplicity: [0..*]
The timePeriod attribute on the DayPropertyType has a data type of TimePropertyType. The following attributes describe how this data type is constructed.
A TimePropertyType shall have at least one of timeRange, or namedTime.
When namedTime = All Day, no other values for namedTime or timeRange shall be populated.
These are named time periods that do not relate to the same time each day.
Attribute name: namedTime
Size: 17
Multiplicity: [0..*]
The range of time which a restriction applies.
Attribute name: timeRange
Multiplicity: [0..*]
Maintainable At Public Expense
The highway is maintained at public expense by a responsible highways or roads authority.
Prospectively Maintainable At Public Expense
An application has been submitted to maintain the highway or road at public expense.
Not maintained at public expense
The highway or road is not maintained at public expense.
Maintenance Responsibility Is To Another Highway Authority
A National Highway or Roads Authority or a Regional Highway Authority is responsible for maintaining the highway.
Street Outside Scope Of EToN
A Street which exists for National Land Property Gazetteer purposes only and is not identifiable as a street on the ground.
Protected Street
Statutory designation which restricts the placement of apparatus by a street or road works undertaker.
Special Engineering Difficulty
Statutory designation relating to streets or parts of streets associated with structures, or streets of extraordinary construction.
Traffic Sensitive Street
Statutory designation that restricts street works to be undertaken during period of high traffic.
Lane Rental
Indication that Street is part of a Lane Rental scheme. Section 74A of NRSWA enables highway authorities, with the approval of the Secretary of State, to charge street works undertakers a daily charge for each day during which their works occupy the highway – commonly referred to as lane rental schemes. This code is not used in Scotland.
Event Information
Indication that this Street has an event planned. This code is not used in Scotland.
Drainage And Flood Risk
Optional designation that provides details of areas that are susceptible to drainage and flood risk. This code is not used in Scotland.
Emergency Services Routes
Optional designation that alerts the Works Promoter if there is a need to keep the emergency services informed of proposed works and progress. This code is not used in Scotland.
Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Optional designation that identifies information about the local environment. This includes environmentally sensitive areas, such as sites of specific scientific interest and ancient monuments, or specially cultivated areas containing shrubs, plants or bulbs which shall be reinstated using the same or similar species. In Scotland, these are designations not made by Roads Authorities which place restrictions on activities, for which permission subject to conditions may or may not be granted, which can be carried out within or adjacent to the designated area. Consequently, any streets which pass through such designated areas are covered by any restrictions imposed by the designation.
Hazardous Material
Indication of hazardous materials that could be exposed or disturbed when roads are excavated or planed, for example, coal tar. This code is not used in England and Wales.
HGV Approved Routes
Optional designation that allows Works Promoters to consider the impact on HGVs of restricted traffic flow or alerts the Works Promoter that wide vehicles are commonplace. This code is not used in Scotland.
Level Crossing Safety Zone
Optional designation created by a Railway Operator, Network Rail or a Roads Authority. It identifies an area around a level crossing where, if occupied to carry out works, there is a risk of traffic obstructing the crossing.
Local Considerations
Optional designation that should be used to inform the Works Promoter of any special schemes that may impact working, for example, noise levels. This code is not used in Scotland.
Parking Bays And Restrictions
Optional designation that provides details of streets with parking meters, residents parking bays and parking restrictions such as yellow lines, red routes, and other permanent parking restrictions. This code is not used in Scotland.
Pedestrian Crossings, Traffic Signals And Traffic Sensors
Optional designation that captures streets that have a pedestrian crossing, permanent traffic signals or traffic sensors. For Scotland, this code also includes Loop in Road Surface. Loops include traffic signal detectors, vehicle counting and ice detection cables that are generally close to the surface of the road.
Pipelines And Specialist Cables
Optional designation that is created by the Local Highway Authority on behalf of the private sector oil or gas pipeline owner. This designation should be treated as a reminder to consult further, not as an absolute indicator of the nature of the pipeline or cable. For Scotland, this code also includes Apparatus at Shallow Depth which details apparatus placed at a shallower than recommended depth.
Priority Lanes
Optional designation that allows the Local Highway Authority to identify the location of bus lanes, and Cycle Routes in the street. This code is not used in Scotland.
Proposed Special Engineering Difficulty
Optional designation used to identify new streets or assets of extraordinary construction. One typical use is to identify the location of a designation during any consultation period. On conclusion of the consultation period this feature will typically become a Special Engineering Difficulty (SED). This code is not used in Scotland.
Road Trees
These are trees that the Roads Authority are responsible for, which grow near or within the road boundary (including the verge, footway, etc.). This code is not used in England and Wales.
Service Strips
These are areas, usually found in housing developments, abutting shared use surfaces and should be of 2m width, where the services to the housing are located. This code is not used in England and Wales.
Special Event
Optional designation that provides early awareness of special events to Work Promoters to enable them to consider any actions that they may need to take to avoid any works taking place on the street during the time(s) of the Special Event. This code is not used in Scotland.
Speed Limits
Optional designation that provides information about the speed limit applicable for the street. Only speed limits (signed or as per the legal order) over 40mph are recorded as standard with some LHAs providing 30mph speed limits as well. This data is intended to be used for planning of traffic management and works safety measures. This code is not used in Scotland.
Strategic Route
Optional designation that is used by Local Highway Authorities to identify Strategic Routes, such as the Primary Route Network. Strategic Routes are identified by the Highways Agency, TfL in London and the South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA) and North & Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent (NMWTRA) in Wales. This code is not used in Scotland.
Street Lighting
Optional designation that helps Works Promoters to carry out works in the evenings and at nights by providing relevant information about Street lighting. It is particularly useful for when Part night lighting where a council has a policy of turning lights off during specific hours. This code is not used in Scotland.
Streets Subject To Early Notification Of Immediate Activities
Optional designation that enables street authorities to designate streets that are particularly vulnerable to traffic. Work Promoters are required to provide early warning of activities to the authority immediately after the activity has commenced. This code is not used in Scotland.
For England and Wales, this is an optional designation used by asset owners to identify the existence of a structure that has not been designated as an SED. In cases where this identifies a Bridge, Works Promoters should regard it as a reminder that under Section 88 they must consult the Bridge Authority prior to serving Notices. For Scotland, this includes over-bridges and under-bridges as well as other structures including retaining walls, gantries, pipelines and cellars.
Traffic Calming Features
Traffic Calming Features include islands, build-outs, cushions, raised tables etc. This code is not used in England and Wales.
Traffic Sensitive Side Road When Temp Traffic Control is Employed
A traffic sensitivity designation applied to the first 50m (or complete length, whichever is shorter) of an adjoining street that has a junction with that traffic sensitive street. This code is used where road works on the adjoining street could cause delays on the traffic sensitive route. This code is not used in England and Wales.
Transport Authority Critical Apparatus
Optional designation that provides details of transport authority apparatus critical to operations of that authority which if damaged or if interrupted could disrupt or temporarily stop services (for example, HV cables to a rail network). This code is not used in Scotland.
Unusual Traffic Layout
Optional designation that provides details of where the layout of existing traffic signs, road markings, studs or verge markers is not in accordance with the Traffic Signs Manual. This code is not used in Scotland.
Winter Maintenance Route
Optional designation that helps determine the relative importance a route is given by a Local Highway Authority for clearing and treatment during the winter months. This code is not used in Scotland.
Maximum double axle weight
The maximum weight per double axle of a vehicle allowed at a transport element. Note: This value applies to wheeled vehicles only.
Maximum height
The maximum height of a vehicle which can pass under another object.
Maximum length
The maximum length of a vehicle allowed at a transport element.
Maximum single axle weight
The maximum weight per single axle of a vehicle allowed at a transport element. Note: This value applies to wheeled vehicles only.
Maximum total weight
The maximum total weight of a vehicle allowed at a transport element.
Maximum triple axle weight
The maximum weight per triple axle of a vehicle allowed at a transport element. Note: This value applies to wheeled vehicles only.
Maximum width
The maximum width of a vehicle allowed on a transport element.
The timeRange attribute on the TimePropertyType has a data type of TimeRangeType. The following sections describe the attributes of this data type.
The time the restriction begins.
Attribute name: startTime
Type: Time
Multiplicity: [1]
The time the restriction ends.
Attribute name: endTime
Type: Time
Multiplicity: [1]
The Maintenance and SpecialDesignation feature types are made up with the ResponsibleAuthority feature type. The following sections illustrate what attribution makes up this data type.
The authority responsible for the street naming and numbering or maintenance.
Identification code used to identify the authority.
Attribute name: identifier
Example: 0114
Type: CharacterString
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
Official name of the authority.
Attribute name: authorityName
Example: Bath and North East Somerset
Type: CharacterString
Size: 100
Multiplicity: [1]
The RestrictionForVehicles feature contains the data type TrafficRegulationOrderType. The following sections describe the attribution that makes up the data type.
This will not be populated in the current product offering.
Traffic management controls which highway authorities apply to their roads.
Reference to the Traffic Regulation Order that formally created the restriction.
Attribute name: trafficRegulationOrder
Type: CharacterString
Multiplicity: [1]
Description of restriction defined in the Traffic Regulation Order.
Attribute name: troDescription
Type: CharacterString
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The Identifier is an INSPIRE data type and its elements make up the inspireId attribute which can be found across all feature type in the OS MasterMap Highways Network.
External unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object.
The local identifier is unique within the namespace, that is no other spatial object carries the same unique identifier.
Type: CharacterString
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [1]
Namespace uniquely identifying the data source of the spatial object.
Type: CharacterString
Size: 18
Multiplicity: [1]
OS MasterMap Highways Network – RAMI is supplied as one GeoPackage file for GB. GeoPackage (*.gpkg) is an open, standards-based data format, as is defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It is designed to be a lightweight format that can contain large amounts of varied and complex data in a single, easy to distribute and ready to use file.
GeoPackage can be used in most GIS software in its native format without translation. GeoPackage attribute names are not limited in length. A GeoPackage file has no size limit, and it supports raster, vector, and database formats, making it a highly versatile solution.
The naming of attributes between GeoPackage and the Geography Markup Language (GML) file is very similar as GeoPackage files are not limited in the number of characters for an attribute name. Therefore, the following tables map the GML attribute name to the attribute name in the GeoPackage files.
The GML contains an attribute which describes the geometry of the feature; this is not applicable for a GeoPackage file as they are separated by their geometry. Please note not all GML attributes have been mapped to GeoPackage. In the tables below, a greyed-out box with an asterisk (*) marks a GeoPackage attribute that is not mapped from a GML attribute.
This section describes how OS MasterMap is defined in GML. An understanding of XML (Extensible Markup Language) and XML schema is required.
GML is an XML grammar for expressing geographic features. GML serves as a modelling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet. More information can be found on the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC): http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/gml.
The XML specifications that GML is based on are available from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): http://www.w3.org.
Information about Unicode and UTF-8, the character encoding we have chosen, is available on the Unicode Consortium website: http://www.unicode.org.
XML schemas are used to define and validate the format and content of GML. The GML 3.2 specification provides a set of schemas that define the GML feature constructs and geometric types. These are designed to be used as a basis for building application-specific schemas, which define the data content.
The OS MasterMap Highways Network RAMI product uses the following application schemas, which are referenced by the data:
The RoutingAndAssetManagement.xsd defines the features which make up the RAMI features. Therefore, it imports the INSPIRE transport network road application schema.
The GeneralNetwork.xsd defines how the RAMI features reference back to the network. Therefore, it imports the INSPIRE network application schema. Through the INSPIRE schemas, both the RoutingAndAssetManagement.xsd and GeneralNetwork.xsd import the GML 3.2 schemas. These in turn import schemas produced by the W3C, which are available from the W3C website at http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace.html.
The OSProducts.xsd defines the feature collection and feature members. In addition, this application schema will define the transactions used for a COU supply.
The RAMI schema document defines the http://namespaces.os.uk/mastermap/routingAndAssetManagement/2.1 namespace;
this is defined in the XSD at: http://www.os.uk/xml/schema/highwaysnetwork/2.1/RoutingAndAssetManagement.xsd.
The General Network schema document defines the http://namespaces.os.uk/mastermap/generalNetwork/2.0 namespace;
this is defined in the XSD at: https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/xml/schema/network/2.0/generalNetwork.xsd.
The Highways Dedication schema document defines the http://namespaces.os.uk/mastermap/highwayDedication/1.0 namespace;
this is defined in the XSD at: https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/xml/schema/highwaysnetwork/1.0/HighwayDedication.xsd.
The application schema uses the following XML namespaces, for which definitions are available as given in the following table:
Each feature type in the Rights and Restrictions sub theme contain the attributes inclusion and exemption, which are of data type VehicleQualifier. The following sections describe this data type, while the figure below illustrates what it is made up of.
Types and uses of vehicles that a restriction can apply to or restrict
List of vehicles exempt from the restriction.
Attribute name: vehicle
Type: VehicleTypeValue
Size: 38
Multiplicity: [0..*]
List of uses exempt from the restriction.
Attribute name: use
Type: UseTypeValue
Size: 30
Multiplicity: [0..*]
List of loads considered to be dangerous and exempt from the restriction.
Attribute name: load
Type: LoadTypeValue
Size: 16
Multiplicity: [0..*]
Built in to XML
This annex includes examples of the different GML structures for full supply orders and change-only update (COU) orders and the transactions within.
An example of the full supply GML, including the opening and closing tags:
An example of the change-only update (COU) GML, including opening and closing tags and the different types of transactions: