Common attribution

Each feature within the RAMI theme will have the following common attribution:

  • gml:id, gml:identifier and inspireId

  • beginLifespanVersion

  • reasonForChange

  • validFrom

This is assigned a nilReason value unknown for most features.

Temporal properties

The RAMI product holds information on restrictions which apply to a temporal period. The different Temporal Properties have been categorised and the different categories are detailed below. In addition, they have been given a hierarchy within the RAMI product which is illustrated in the figure below Temporal Properties are applied to four Feature Types in RAMI: AccessRestrictions, HighwayDedication, TurnRestrictions and SpecialDesignation.

Diagram of temporal properties structure
Temporal Properties structure

Named Date

A Named Date would be when a restriction applies to a specified date which is named. For example, All Year or January. There are no further sub-categories of a Named Date.

Date Range

A Date Range is provided when a restriction applies between two dates and there will always be a start date and an end date. These two dates can be specified using two different data types: either StartDate and EndDate or StartMonthDay or EndMonthDay.

The StartDate and EndDate will always be used for Date Ranges for Special Designation features. These are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, for example, 2016-09-20. The StartMonthDay and EndMonthDay will always be used for Access Restrictions and Turn Restrictions. These are formatted as --MM—DD, for example, -- 03—23.

Day Period

A Day Period would be a restriction which applies on a specified day. A Day Period is made up of the following properties:

  • Named Day – A restriction which applies to a specified day which is named, for example, Monday or Weekends.

  • Named Period – A restriction which applies to a specified period which is named, for example, School Holidays.

  • Time Period – A time period is made up of a further two properties:

    • Named Time – A restriction which applies to a specified time period which is named. Does not necessarily relate to the same time each day consistently across the country, for example, Peak Time.

    • Time Range – When a restriction applies between two specified times which will always have a start time and an end time. These data types are formatted as HH:MM:SS and will use the 24hr clock, for example, 16:30:00.

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