Attribute mapping
The naming of attributes will be different between the various formats due to the differing naming conventions associated with each format (for example, presence of underscores, character limitations and capitalisation). Therefore, the following tables map the differing format attribute names to one another for each feature type.
Please note that the 'fid' attribute in the GeoPackage format does not align to the 'fid' attribute in the GML format. In GeoPackage, 'fid' is a mandatory field that is procedurally generated, with a non-persistent number, when the format is produced. In GML, the 'fid' attribute houses the feature's unique TOID.
Boundary Line
GeoPackage | Vector tiles | GML |
fid | N/A | N/A |
toid | toid | fid |
feature_code | N/A | featureCode |
version | N/A | version |
version_date | N/A | versionDate |
theme | theme | theme |
accuracy_of_position | N/A | accuracyOfPosition |
change_date | N/A | changeDate |
reason_for_change | N/A | reasonForChange |
descriptive_group | N/A | descriptiveGroup |
descriptive_term | N/A | descriptiveTerm |
physical_level | N/A | physicalLevel |
physical_presence | N/A | physicalPresence |
style_description | style_description | N/A |
style_code | style_code | N/A |
Cartographic Symbol
GeoPackage | Vector tiles | GML |
fid | N/A | N/A |
toid | toid | fid |
feature_code | N/A | featureCode |
version | N/A | version |
version_date | N/A | versionDate |
theme | theme | theme |
change_date | N/A | changeDate |
reason_for_change | N/A | reasonForChange |
descriptive_group | N/A | descriptiveGroup |
descriptive_term | N/A | descriptiveTerm |
orientation | orientation | orientation |
physical_level | N/A | physicalLevel |
physical_presence | N/A | physicalPresence |
reference_to_feature | N/A | N/A |
style_code | style_code | N/A |
style_description | style_description | N/A |
Cartographic Text
GeoPackage | Vector tiles | GML |
fid | N/A | N/A |
toid | toid | fid |
feature_code | N/A | featureCode |
version | N/A | version |
version_date | N/A | versionDate |
theme | theme | theme |
change_date | N/A | changeDate |
reason_for_change | N/A | reasonForChange |
descriptive_group | N/A | descriptiveGroup |
descriptive_term | N/A | descriptiveTerm |
make | N/A | make |
physical_level | N/A | physicalLevel |
physical_presence | N/A | physicalPresence |
anchor_position | N/A | anchorPosition |
font | N/A | font |
height | height | height |
orientation | N/A | orientation |
text_string | text_string | textString |
style_description | style_description | N/A |
style_code | style_code | N/A |
colour_code | colour_code | N/A |
font_code | font_code | N/A |
rotation | rotation | N/A |
geo_x | geo_x | N/A |
geo_y | geo_y | N/A |
anchor | anchor | N/A |
Topographic Area
GeoPackage | Vector tiles | GML |
fid | N/A | N/A |
toid | toid | fid |
feature_code | N/A | featureCode |
version | N/A | version |
version_date | N/A | versionDate |
theme | theme | theme |
calculated_area_value | N/A | calculatedAreaValue |
change_date | N/A | changeDate |
reason_for_change | N/A | reasonForChange |
descriptive_group | N/A | descriptiveGroup |
descriptive_term | N/A | descriptiveTerm |
make | N/A | make |
physical_level | N/A | physicalLevel |
physical_presence | N/A | physicalPresence |
style_description | style_description | N/A |
style_code | style_code | N/A |
Topographic Line
GeoPackage | Vector tiles | GML |
fid | N/A | N/A |
toid | toid | fid |
feature_code | N/A | featureCode |
version | N/A | version |
version_date | N/A | versionDate |
theme | N/A | theme |
accuracy_of_position | N/A | accuracyOfPosition |
change_date | N/A | changeDate |
reason_for_change | N/A | reasonForChange |
descriptive_group | N/A | descriptiveGroup |
descriptive_term | N/A | descriptiveTerm |
non_bounding_line | N/A | nonBoundingLine |
height_above_datum | N/A | heightAboveDatum |
accuracy_of_height_above_datum | N/A | accuracyOfHeightAboveDatum |
height_above_ground_level | N/A | heightAboveGroundLevel |
accuracy_of_height_above_ground_level | N/A | accuracyOfHeightAboveGround |
make | N/A | make |
physical_level | N/A | physicalLevel |
physical_presence | N/A | physicalPresence |
style_description | style_description | N/A |
style_code | style_code | N/A |
Topographic Point
GeoPackage | Vector tiles | GML |
fid | N/A | N/A |
toid | toid | fid |
feature_code | N/A | featureCode |
version | N/A | version |
version_date | N/A | versionDate |
theme | theme | theme |
accuracy_of_position | N/A | accuracyOfPosition |
change_date | N/A | changeDate |
reason_for_change | N/A | reasonForChange |
descriptive_group | N/A | descriptiveGroup |
descriptive_term | N/A | descriptiveTerm |
height_above_datum | N/A | heightAboveDatum |
accuracy_of_height_above_datum | N/A | accuracyOfHeightAboveDatum |
height_above_ground_level | N/A | heightAboveGroundLevel |
accuracy_of_height_above_ground_level | N/A | accuracyOfHeightAboveGround |
make | N/A | make |
physical_level | N/A | physicalLevel |
physical_presence | N/A | physicalPresence |
style_description | style_description | N/A |
style_code | style_code | N/A |
Geometry mapping
Feature type format | GeoPackage | Vector tiles | GML |
Boundary Line | MultiLineString | line | GM_MULTICURVE (MULTILINE) |
Cartographic Symbol | Point | point | GM_POINT (POINT) |
Cartographic Text | Point | point | GM_POINT (POINT) |
Topographic Area | Polygon | polygon | GM_SURFACE (POLYGON) |
Topographic Line | MultiLineString | line | GM_MULTICURVE (POLYLINE) |
Topographic Point | Point | point | GM_POINT (POINT) |
Last updated