This section defines the attributes associated with the FunctionalSite feature. It is important to note that UML notation has been used to show the multiplicity for an attribute. These indicate whether an attribute is optional (0), has a single value (1), or can have either/or (0..1) where ‘or’ is represented by double dots (..).
FunctionalSite attributes
Subtype of: ActivityComplex Feature
A spatial area object that describes the geometry, extent and function of a real-world feature.
The coordinate geometry defining the area of the functionalSite. This relates to multi-part geometry. The geometry is projected in two dimensions (2D).
Attribute Name: geometry
Value type: GM_Object
Size: Minimum of 3 vertices
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique identifier for a functionalSite that is maintained along with the version number and version date to reflect the life cycle of the feature. NOTE: equivalent to INSPIRE identifier.
Attribute Name: toid
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The version number of the data representation of the persisting functionalSite feature.
Attribute Name: version
Value type: Integer
Size: 3
Multiplicity: [1]
The date on which the current version of the functionalSite was created.
Attribute Name: versionDate
Value type: Date
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
Reason for the current version of the functionalSite to be created. The valid reasons for change are defined in the ReasonForChangeValue code list.
Attribute Name: reasonForChange
Value type: ReasonForChangeValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
This refers to the INSPIRE Activity Complex Status. This refers to a description of the state of a functionalSite. The valid states are defined in the FunctionStatusValue code list.
Attribute Name: functionStatus
Value type: FunctionStatusValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
A description of the theme that a particular site falls under (that is, air transport, education, medical care and so on). The valid themes are defined in the FunctionThemeValue code list.
Attribute Name: functionTheme
Value type: FunctionThemeValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
A description of the actual function of a site (that is, airfield, junior school, hospital and so on). The valid themes are defined in the FunctionValue code list. For sites with multiple functions, the values will be provided together and separated by a ‘,’. Valid multiple functions are described in the Function combination table.
Attribute Name: function
Value type: FunctionValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [1]
The perimeter (m) of the site or sum of the sites for a non-contiguous feature. The perimeter is projected in two dimensions (2D).
Attribute Name: perimeter
Value type: Length
Size: 10.2
Multiplicity: [1]
The area (m2) of the site or sum of the sites for a non-contiguous feature. The area is projected in two dimensions (2D).
Attribute Name: area
Value type: Real
Size: 16.6
Multiplicity: [1]
The name of the site (for example, ‘Brighton College’). Note this may be null if the captured value is a house number.
Attribute Name: distinctiveName1
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A second name of the site, if applicable. Note this may be null if the captured value is a house number.
Attribute Name: distinctiveName2
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A third name of the site, if applicable. Note this may be null if the captured value is a house number.
Attribute Name: distinctiveName3
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A fourth name of the site, if applicable. Note this may be null if the captured value is a house number.
Attribute Name: distinctiveName4
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) assigned by the local custodian or Ordnance Survey to the primary building within a functional site (for example, main building in a school).
Attribute Name: primaryAddressBaseUPRN
Value type: Integer
Size: 12
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Information on parties related to the functionalSite. It is open to many different roles, such as owners, operators or competent authorities. Where more than one stakeholder exists, this field contains multiple stakeholders separated by ‘ + ‘.
Attribute Name: stakeholder1
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Information on parties related to the functionalSite. It is open to many different roles, such as owners, operators or competent authorities. Currently not populated.
Attribute Name: stakeholder2
Value type: Text
Size: 99
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Information on the different roles of stakeholders for a particular functionalSite, such as users, owners, operators or competent authorities. The valid roles are defined in the StakeholderRoleValue code list.
Attribute Name: stakeholder1Role
Value type: StakeholderRoleValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Information on the different roles of stakeholders for a particular functionalSite, such as users, owners, operators or competent authorities. The valid roles are defined in the StakeholderRoleValue code list. Currently not populated.
Attribute Name: stakeholder2Role
Value type: StakeholderRoleValue
Size: NA
Multiplicity: [0..1]
This describes the nature of the defined extent of the functionalSite at the time of capture. The valid roles are defined in the ExtentDefinitionValue code list.
Attribute Name: extentDefinition
Value type: ExtentDefinitionValue
Size: 20
Multiplicity: [1]
The 'stakeholder2' and 'stakeholder2Role' attribute values are currently not populated in OS MasterMap Sites Layer
Last updated
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