
Features representing topographic objects and other concepts that have a point-based geometry (for example, Telephone Call Box).

  • Spatial attribute: point

  • Data type attribute: GM_Point

TopographicPoint attributes

TOID or gml:id

The unique topographic reference number consists of the letters ‘osgb’ followed by either thirteen or sixteen digits. The TOID must always be retained/stored in its entirety, and any leading zeros on the TOID are retained to permit linking of the feature to other OS MasterMap products.

  • Attribute Name: TOID or gml:id

  • Type: String

  • Multiplicity: [1]


Topographic features have a numerical feature code (a five-digit integer) assigned to each feature. This feature code is wholly determined by the feature type, the descriptive group(s) and the descriptive term(s). The feature code does not add any information to that contained in these attributes. The 'physicalLevel' attribute, 'physicalPresence' attribute and 'Make' attribute do not affect the feature code.

The feature code itself is arbitrarily assigned and is therefore not informative without the feature code lookup table that gives the feature type and attribute values corresponding to each feature code.

  • Attribute Name: featureCode (GML), feature_code (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Type: Integer

  • Multiplicity: [0..1]


The version number of the feature (in the range 1 to 4294967295). This uniquely identifies a specific version of a feature with a given TOID.

  • Attribute Name: version (GML), Version (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Type: Integer

  • Multiplicity: [0..1]


The date on which this version of the feature became the current version. This is the date on which the feature was changed in the database and is not the date of any associated real-world change.

  • Attribute Name: versionDate (GML), version_date (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Type: Date

  • Multiplicity: [1]


A theme that the feature belongs to.

  • Attribute Name: theme (GML), Theme (GeoPackage), theme (Vector Tiles)

  • Multiplicity: [1..*]


The accuracy of a horizontal position in metres at the 95% confidence level.

  • Attribute Name: accuracyOfPosition (GML), accuracy_of_position (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Multiplicity: [1]


Information about the change history of a feature that comprises the reason for the change and the date for this change. Each feature may have numerous change history records, and these are ordered chronologically. A complex attribute.


This is the primary classification attribute of a feature.

It assigns a feature to one or more of 21 groups, most of which are categories of real-world topographic objects, such as path, building or natural environment; others are categories of supportive or administrative features, such as network or polygon closing geometry and political or administrative. In general, values of this attribute are not specific to particular feature types.

Due to limitations in the source data from which OS MasterMap Topography Layer was created, there are some exceptions to this principle. For instance, the descriptiveGroup buildings or structure contain text describing or naming buildings and structures, while the topographic features have the descriptiveGroup values of building, glasshouse or structures.

  • Attribute Name: descriptiveGroup (GML), descriptive_group (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Multiplicity: [1..*]


This attribute, if present, gives further classification information about the feature.

A feature may have multiple descriptiveTerm attributes. Most features have zero or one descriptiveTerm attribute/s. Multiple descriptiveTerm attributes occur in several different scenarios, such as where point features have a descriptiveGroup with the value of ‘Structure’ or ‘Inland Water’. These features can have one or more descriptiveTerm attributes specifying the type of feature shown by the point.

  • Attribute Name: descriptiveTerm (GML), descriptive_term (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Multiplicity: [0..*]


A complex attribute that is comprised of two simple attributes. The height of the feature above the Ordnance Datum Newlyn (ODN) vertical datum (in metres) is defined in the ‘heightAboveDatum’ attribute The accuracy of the vertical position in metres at the 95% confidence level is defined by the ‘accuracyOfHeightAboveDatum’ attribute.

  • Attribute Name: heightAboveDatum (GML), height_above_datum (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Multiplicity: [0..1]


A complex attribute that is comprised of two simple attributes. The height of the feature above ground level (in metres) is defined in the ‘heightAboveGroundLevel’ attribute. The accuracy of the vertical position in metres at the 95% confidence level is defined by the ‘accuracyOfHeightAboveGroundLevel’ attribute.

  • Attribute Name: heightAboveGroundLevel (GML), height_above_ground_level (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Multiplicity: [0..1]


Where known, indicates whether the real-world nature of the feature is man-made or natural.

  • Attribute Name: make (GML), Make (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Type: MakeValue

  • Multiplicity: [0..1]


This attribute states whether the feature is underground, obscured below normal cartographic level, at normal cartographic level or overhead.

Normal cartographic level is that perceived to be the normal surface level. Where an area feature overlies another (for example, bridges), they are at normal cartographic level and the features below them are recorded as obscured.

Indicates the physical level of a feature with reference to the normal cartographic surface level. Only four values are used:



Underground detail


Obscured detail below the normal cartographic level


Detail at the normal cartographic level


Overhead detail above normal cartographic level

  • Attribute Name: physicalLevel (GML), physical_level (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Type: Integer

  • Multiplicity: [1]


This attribute indicates the nature of the object represented by the feature. This is normally used for TopographicLine, for example, a value of ‘obstructing’ indicates that the feature prevents pedestrian access, whereas a value of ‘edge/limit’ means that the feature represents a change of surface type and does not generally impede access. This attribute is also used to identify administrative boundary and inferred line features, and moveable area features (for example, moveable cranes).

  • Attribute Name: physicalPresence (GML), physical_presence (GeoPackage), N/A (Vector Tiles)

  • Multiplicity: [0..1]


A pair of easting and northing ordinates in metres, defining a horizontal location in the British National Grid spatial reference system.

  • Attribute Name: point

  • Type: GM_Point

  • Multiplicity: [1]

Last updated

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