A road is defined as a metalled way for vehicles. A vehicle is defined as one with wheels on both sides of its body. Metalling is defined as any artificial (man-made) surface including areas of asphalt, concrete and gravel. Roads that form part of the public network and driveways to private properties that are over 100m in length are captured. Dual carriageways are represented by centrelines when the two carriageways are closer than 32.5m, roundabouts are represented by points when smaller than 450m², dead ends are removed when shorter than 36m, and roads are simplified with a 4m tolerance.
Road attributes
The classification of the Road. The valid values are defined in the RoadClassification Code List
Type: RoadClassificationType
Length: 45
Multiplicity: [1]
The name of the road. When a road is dual named, the Welsh or Gaelic name is presented first, followed by a space, a forward slash, a space and then the English name.
Type: CharacterString
Length: 100
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The drawLevel value of the Road, used for cartographic styling. The valid values are defined in the DrawLevelValue Code List.
Type: DrawLevelValue
Length: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Line representing the alignment of the road.
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
The override value of the Road used for cartographic styling. The valid values are defined in the OverrideValue Code List.
Type: OverrideValue
Length: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
For Roads with RoadClassification of Motorway, Primary Road, A Road and B Road, this is the number of the road defined by the Department for Transport.
Type: CharacterString
Length: 10
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Last updated
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