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AddressBase Plus

AddressBase Plus contains current properties using addresses sourced from Local Authorities, Ordnance Survey and Royal Mail for England, Wales and Scotland. The product currently contains approximately 37 million records.

The product contains all current addresses validated from Local Custodians and non-postal addresses such as ponds, electricity sub-stations and telephone boxes are also included.

The product enables the end-user to locate an address or property on a map using either X, Y coordinates supplied on a British National Grid or Latitude and Longitude coordinates provided on an ETRS89 projection, and display the Local Authority address elements or the Royal Mail address elements where matched.

This product is updated every six weeks.

Representation of AddressBase Plus data showing addresses identified on a background map
Representation of AddressBase Plus data showing addresses identified on a background map.

Please see Getting started with AddressBase products for instructions on how to load and work with AddressBase data; this is a composite guide for AddressBase, AddressBase Plus and AddressBase Plus Islands.

Flat file model

AddressBase Plus is structured in a flat file model – containing current properties and addresses sourced from local authorities, Ordnance Survey and Royal Mail matched to the UPRN.

Accuracy guaranteed

The address information is sourced from 380 local authorities across Great Britain, our own large-scale mapping, Royal Mail and the Valuation Office Agency.

Useful addresses

As well as 28 million defined properties, Ordnance Survey have included more than 7 million local authority addresses, such as depots and church halls, places of worship and community centres.

Property classification

Understanding the need to categorise properties, Ordnance Survey incorporated a four-level classification scheme that explains the function of each property.

How to get this product

Access to this product is free for Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) Members. Find out if you are a PSGA Member or download a sample of AddressBase Plus data by accessing the AddressBase Plus product page on the OS website, which has links to all of the relevant resources. Alternatively, you can try out the full product by applying for a Data Exploration license.

Visualise AddressBase Plus data online

This product is available to try out online using one of our three sets of sample data (Exeter, Newport and Inverness) through the OS MasterMap Product Viewer:

What's next?

To access additional documentation and resources relating to this product, please refer to the following:


AddressBase Plus Lightning Talk

A helpful introductory article on using AA helpful introductory article hosted on our More than Maps platform providing additional information and context about using AddressBase Plus data.


AddressBase Fundamentals

The AddressBase Fundamentals pages provide an overview of the 'family' of AddressBase products, covering key elements of design for AddressBase products.


Getting Started Guide

The getting started guide provides instructions for using three AddressBase products in different software applications. Users with limited technical knowledge will be able to follow this guide.


Technical Specification

The technical specification provides detailed technical information about AddressBase Plus. It is targeted at technical users and software developers.



The downloads page provides links and resources to support the application of AddressBase Plus within your environment.

New users should start with the Fundamentals pages to gain high-level insight into AddressBase products. The Getting Started Guide will help you to begin using product data in different software systems. The Technical Specification contains detailed technical insights.

Last updated

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