Attribute naming format comparison
The naming of attributes will be different between the various formats due to the differing naming conventions associated with each format (for example, presence of underscores, character limitations and capitalisation). Therefore, the following table maps the differing format attribute names to one another.
A few attributes are not mapped to all formats; the absence of an attribute field is represented by ‘N/A’ in the table. For example, the Fid attribute is only available in GeoPackage format, so 'N/A' is noted in the CSV and GML cells in the table for that attribute.
CSV attribute | GeoPackage attribute | GML attribute |
N/A | Fid | N/A |
Id | Id | <names:NamedPlace gml:id> |
names_uri | names_uri | <gml:identifier> |
N/A | N/A | <gn:inspireId> |
N/A | N/A | <gn:beginLifespanVersion> |
N/A | N/A | <gn:endLifespanVersion> |
name1 | name1 | <gn:spelling> |
name1_lang | name1_lang | <gn:language> |
name2 | name2 | <gn:spelling> |
name2_lang | name2_lang | <gn:language> |
N/A | N/A | <gn:sourceOfName> |
N/A | N/A | <gn:nativeness> |
N/A | N/A | <gn:nameStatus> |
type | type | <gn:type> |
local_type | local_type | <gn:localType> |
GEOMETRY_X | geometry | <gn:geometry> |
GEOMETRY_Y | geometry | <gn:geometry> |
most_detail_view_res | most_detail_view_res | <gn:mostDetailedViewingResolution> |
least_detail_view_res | least_detail_view_res | <gn:leastDetailedViewingResolution> |
mbr_xmin | mbr_xmin | <gml:boundedBy> |
mbr_ymin | mbr_ymin | <gml:boundedBy> |
mbr_xmax | mbr_xmax | <gml:boundedBy> |
mbr_ymax | mbr_ymax | <gml:boundedBy> |
postcode_district | postcode_district | <names: inPostcodeDistrict xlink:title> |
postcode_district_uri | postcode_district_uri | <names: inPostcodeDistrict xlink:href> |
populated_place | populated_place | <names:inPopulatedPlace xlink:title> |
populated_place_uri | populated_place_uri | <names:inPopulatedPlace xlink:href> |
populated_place_type | populated_place_type | <names:inPopulatedPlace xlink:role> |
district_borough | district_borough | <names:inDistrictOrBorough xlink:title> |
district_borough_uri | district_borough_uri | <names:inDistrictOrBorough xlink:href> |
district_borough_type | district_borough_type | <names:inDistrictOrBorough xlink:role> |
county_unitary | county_unitary | <names:in CountyOrUnitaryAuthority xlink:title> |
county_unitary_uri | county_unitary_uri | <names:in CountyOrUnitaryAuthority xlink:href> |
county_unitary_type | county_unitary_type | <names:in CountyOrUnitaryAuthority xlink:role> |
region | region | <names:inEuropeanRegion xlink:title> |
region_uri | region_uri | <names:inEuropeanRegion xlink:href> |
country | country | <names:inCountry xlink:title> |
country_uri | country_uri | <names:inCountry xlink:href> |
related_spatial_object | related_spatial_object | <gn:relatedSpatialObject> |
same_as_dbpedia | same_as_dbpedia | <names:sameAsDBPedia xlink:href> |
same_as_geonames | same_as_geonames | <names:sameAsGeoNames xlink:href> |
Last updated