Use of NSG and OS Data

Briefing Note: The Use of the National Street Gazetteer (NSG) and Ordnance Survey Data

Who is this briefing note for?

Any user of the National Street Gazetteer (NSG) who has been registered or is in the process of being allocated a Street Works Data Capture Code and, in particular, Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) Members and their contractors, street works statutory undertakers and works promoters and their contractors.

If access to NSG data is required solely for academic research, then the academic institution should approach Ordnance Survey to discuss the details of the project for which the NSG data is required. If appropriate, NSG data may be made available under a separate research data licence. Enquiries to:


Any entity that wishes to use NSG data will need to agree to terms and conditions of supply set out in a “click through” page for registered users on the NSG data download section of the NSG website managed by GeoPlace™ LLP; a copy of these terms and conditions can be found at

One of the main conditions of supply of NSG data is that the user must also be appropriately licensed for the use of certain underlying Ordnance Survey data before GeoPlace is able to allow access to the NSG data. This briefing note provides a short summary explaining this requirement for users of NSG data to be licensed for the use of underlying Ordnance Survey data.

Why does an NSG user need to be licensed for the use of underlying Ordnance Survey data?

OS MasterMap Topography Layer and OS MasterMap Highways Network (and / or their legacy equivalents, notably Land-Line, Integrated Transport Network (ITN) and OSCAR Traffic / Asset Manager) were and are used in the creation and maintenance of Local Street Gazetteer (LSG) / NSG data. This means that, prior to using data from the LSG / NSG, all LSG / NSG data users must have in place an appropriate licence for such underlying Ordnance Survey data covering at least the same geographical extent of the LSG / NSG data.

Impact on different categories of NSG users

The following table summarises the situation for different categories of users of NSG data:

User Category

PSGA Member

Where a PSGA Member uses LSG / NSG data in accordance with its PSGA Member Licence, then the underlying Ordnance Survey data is licensed under the relevant PSGA Member Licence, and no further licence or payment in relation to such Ordnance Survey data is required.

PSGA Contractor

If a PSGA Member requires work to be done using the LSG / NSG data, then that member can appoint a contractor in accordance with the terms of the PSGA Member Licence. Provided that the contractor only uses the data on behalf of the PSGA Member and in accordance with its PSGA Contractor Licence, then no additional fee is required in relation to the underlying Ordnance Survey data.

Statutory Undertaker

Where a Statutory Undertaker uses NSG data (other than as a Contractor to a PSGA Member), for example, for their own day to day business activities associated with street works, then an appropriate licence for OS MasterMap Topography Layer and OS MasterMap Highways Network is required.

Statutory Undertaker Contractor

If a Statutory Undertaker requires work to be done using NSG data, and itself has an appropriate licence for OS MasterMap Topography Layer and OS MasterMap Highways Network, then that body can appoint a contractor in accordance with the terms of their Ordnance Survey data licence. Provided that the contractor only uses the data on behalf of the Statutory Undertaker and in accordance with its Ordnance Survey Contractor Licence, then no additional fee is required in relation to the underlying Ordnance Survey data.

Product pricing

Full pricing details for OS MasterMap Topography Layer and OS MasterMap Highways Network can be found on the OS website.


  1. OS MasterMap Topography Layer and OS MasterMap Highways Network are available for small geographical areas and on licensed user bands, either supplied directly from Ordnance Survey or supplied from our partner channel.

  2. Users should note that a range of discounts and supply options have been developed. The current minimum annual contract value, when supplied directly from Ordnance Survey, is £500. Ordnance Survey does not impose a minimum contract value on its partner channel and Ordnance Survey has no control over any partner’s price list.

If you are not sure whether your organisation has the appropriate Ordnance Survey licence, or for further information, please contact either your Ordnance Survey account manager or the Ordnance Survey helpline on 08456 05 05 05.

Last updated

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