GML Feature types
The feature types within the contours enable their representation as individual features to allow for easier interpretation; for example, the contours can be drawn as different colours to highlight the index contours, the high-water mark, and spot heights over a certain value. The contours and tidelines have been rounded to two decimal places.
The column names have been reformatted to facilitate compliance with Esri software.
Contour line feature type
Column name | Type | Description |
+geometry | GM_LineString | The structure of the feature |
+propertyValue | Distance | The length of the contour |
+contourLineType | String | master ordinary auxiliary |
The ContourLine sub-type value names align with INSPIRE draft elevation specification. The terms 'master' and 'ordinary' represent the more traditionally recognised terms index and standard (contours) respectively.
SpotHeight feature type
Column name | Type | Description |
+geometry | GM_Point | The structure of the feature. |
+propertyValue | Distance | The z value (height above Newlyn, or other British height datum) of the feature. |
+spotHeightType | String | formSpot generic mountainPass summit |
At launch only the sub-type value 'generic' has been used but the other values provide functionality to enrich the attribution if required in a later product release.
LandWaterBoundary feature type
Column name | Type | Description |
+geometry | GM_LineString | The structure of the feature. |
+propertyValue | Distance | The length of the boundary line. |
Column name | Type | Description |
+waterLevelCategory | String | meanHighWater meanLowWater meanHighWaterSprings meanLowWaterSprings |
At launch only the sub-type value 'generic' has been used but the other values provide functionality to enrich the attribution if required in a later product release.
Example of the ContourLine feature type
Last updated