A unique identifier that enables records to be identified easily. The identifier will be persistent for all LocalTypes, except Section of Named Road and Section of Numbered Road. Settlements will have a TOID range allocated. Postcodes will use the postcode without spaces as the identifier. Roads will reuse identifiers from OS MasterMap Highways Network. For Section of Named Road and Section of Numbered Road, a Fid is supplied as the Id. For example, ID_4e27cf36-1157-4748-a7ab-4c63283ba101. This Fid will not persist through product releases.
Attribute name: GML: namedPlace, CSV/GeoPackage: Id
Value type: Text
Size: 39
Multiplicity: 1
INSPIRE identifier for the Named Place which is maintained along with the version number and version date to reflect the life cycle of the feature.
Attribute name: GML: identifier, CSV/GeoPackage: names_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 75
Multiplicity: 1
INSPIRE identifier for the Named Place which is maintained along with the version number.
Attribute name: GML: inspireId
Value type: Text
Size: 60
Multiplicity: 1
For consistency with other Ordnance Survey products, this is the date of publication. This date will change with every refresh of the product.
Attribute name: GML: beginLifespanVersion
Value type: DateTime
Size: 30
Multiplicity: 1
The product only contains live names and as such this attribute will not be populated.
Attribute name: GML: endLifespanVersion
Value type: DateTime
Size: 30
vMultiplicity: 0…1 <<voidable>>
The proper noun that applies to the real world entity. Names that are prefixed by the definite article are not formatted for alphabetical sorting, that is, ‘The Pennines’ not ‘Pennines, The’. This is likely to be the attribute most used when searching the product.
vAttribute name: GML: spelling, CSV/GeoPackage: name1, name2
vValue type: Text
Size: 250
Multiplicity: 1…2
The language type is only set where more than one name exists. See Language code list.
Attribute name: GML: language, CSV/GeoPackage: name1_lang, name2_lang
Value type: Text
Size: 3
Multiplicity: 1…2 (CSV Multiplicity: 0…2)
providing/publishingOriginal data source from which the geographical name is taken from and integrated in the data set providing / publishing it. For some named spatial objects, it might refer again to the publishing data set if no other information is available. Set to <gn:sourceOfName nilReason=“unknown” xsi:nil=“true”/>.
vAttribute name: GML: sourceOfName
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 1
Always the endonym. The name for a geographical feature in an official or well-established language occurring in that area where the feature is situated.
Attribute name: GML: nativeness
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 1
The status of a geographical name that is the information enabling to discern which credit should be given to the name with respect to its standardisation and / or its topicality.
Attribute name: GML: nameStatus
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 1
The INSPIRE type of named place being represented by the specific feature.
Attribute name: GML: type, CSV/GeoPackage: type
Value type: Text
vSize: 30
Multiplicity: 1
The Ordnance Survey classification for the named place being represented by the specific feature. The LocalType will enable you to make your searches more efficient.
Attribute name: GML: localType, CSV/GeoPackage: local_type
Value type: Text
Size: 250
Multiplicity: 1
Point geometry in British National Grid. Resolution up to 1m.
Attribute name: GML: geometry, CSV: GEOMETRY_X , GEOMETRY_Y; GeoPackage: geometry
Value type: GML – GM_Point, CSV – Real
Size: GML – No decimal places, CSV – (precision, scale) x 9,0; y 10,0
Multiplicity: 1
The maximum recommended viewing resolution or scale at which the names should no longer be displayed in a viewing service such as a GIS.
Attribute name: GML: mostDetailedViewingResolution, CSV/GeoPackage: most_detail_view_res
Value type: Integer
Size: 9
Multiplicity: 1
The minimum recommended viewing resolution or scale at which the names should no longer be displayed in a viewing service such as a GIS.
Attribute name: GML: leastDetailedViewingResolution, CSV/GeoPackage: least_detail_view_res
Value type: Integer
Size: 9
Multiplicity: 1
Bounding box or Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) for roads and settlements. For Settlements and Sections of Named and Numbered Roads, the MBR gives a representation of the extent of these features and is not snapped to the real world extent. Postcodes do not have an MBR; the Most and Least Detailed View Resolutions can be used as a substitute in this instance.
Attribute name: GML: boundedBy, CSV/GeoPackage: mbr_xmin, mbr_ymin, mbr_xmax, mbr_ymax
Value type: GML – GM_Envelope, CSV – Real
Size: GML – 3 decimal places, CSV – (precision, scale) x 9,3; y 10,3
Multiplicity: 0…1
The postcode district (for example, SO15) is supplied for all features, except where LocalType is Postcode. This helps to distinguish between features that have the same name, which makes it particularly useful when creating a search function.
Attribute name: GML: inPostcodeDistrict, CSV/GeoPackage: postcode_district
Value type: Text
Size: 4
Multiplicity: 0…1
The Linked Data identifier for Code-Point Open. Linked Data is a useful way of looking at or utilising data associated with the feature.
Attribute name: GML: inPostcodeDistrict, CSV/GeoPackage: postcode_district_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 60
Multiplicity: 0…1
The name of the settlement that the point geometry given for the road or postcode is within, to distinguish between roads with the same name, to improve searches, and to improve identification of postcodes. Where the settlement has more than one name, the name is concatenated with a space, a forward slash and a space. This can be used to assist with identifying a specific road within the data.
For example, High Street, Southampton or High Street, Portsmouth or to extract all roads within a settlement.
Attribute name: GML: inPopulatedPlace, CSV/GeoPackage: populated_place
Value type: Text
Size: 103
Multiplicity: 0…1
This is the Linked Data identifier for the settlement. Linked Data is a useful way of looking at or utilising data associated with the feature.
Attribute name: GML: inPopulatedPlace, CSV/GeoPackage: populated_place_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 60
Multiplicity: 0…1
URI to the code list which classifies the types of settlement that the feature is within.
Attribute name: GML: inPopulatedPlace, CSV/GeoPackage: populated_place_type
Value type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The name of the District, Metropolitan District or London Borough administrative unit that the point geometry for the feature is within.
Note: These areas do not cover the whole of GB so some values will be blank. This gives additional context to the location of the feature and enables all features with the same value to be easily identified.
Attribute name: GML: inDistrictOrBorough, CSV/GeoPackage: district_borough
Value type: Text
vSize: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The Linked Data reference to the District.
Attribute name: GML: inDistrictOrBorough, CSV/GeoPackage: district_borough_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The URI to the code list which classifies the type of administrative unit.
vAttribute name: GML: inDistrictOrBorough, CSV/GeoPackage: district_borough_type
vValue type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The name of the County (non-metropolitan or Metropolitan), Unitary Authority or Greater London Authority administrative area that the point geometry for the feature is within or nearest to. This assists with the identification of specific features within searches and enables all features with the same value to be easily identified. There are some rules applied: If within COUNTY_UNITARY, select COUNTY_UNITARY. If not within COUNTY_UNITARY but is within DISTRICT_BOROUGH, then do not populate. If not within COUNTY_UNITARY and not within DISTRICT_BOROUGH, then select the nearest COUNTY_UNITARY.
Attribute name: GML: inCountyOrUnitaryAuthority, CSV/GeoPackage: county_unitary
Value type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The Linked Data reference to the County, Unitary Authority or Greater London Authority.
Attribute name: GML: inCountyOrUnitaryAuthority, CSV/GeoPackage: county_unitary_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The URI to the code list which classifies the type of administrative unit.
Attribute name: GML: inCountyOrUnitaryAuthority, CSV/GeoPackage: county_unitary_type
Value type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The name of the European Region (was Government Office Region) that the point geometry for the feature is within or nearest to. This gives additional context to the location of the feature and enables all features with the same value to be easily identified.
Attribute name: GML: inEuropeanRegion, CSV/GeoPackage: region
Value type: Text
Size: 30
Multiplicity: 1
The Linked Data reference to the European region.
Attribute name: GML: inEuropeanRegion, CSV/GeoPackage: region_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 60
Multiplicity: 1
The name of the country that the point geometry for the feature is within or nearest to. This gives additional context to the location of the feature and enables all features with the same value to be easily identified.
Attribute name: GML: inCountry, CSV/GeoPackage: country
Value type: Text
Size: 30
Multiplicity: 1
The Linked Data reference to the country.
Attribute name: GML: inCountry, CSV/GeoPackage: country_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 60
Multiplicity: 1
When a feature (for example, a section of Named Road) is a section of another feature (for example, a Settlement), this attribute references the inspireId attribute of the whole feature. Examples are given in Section 1.3.
Attribute name: GML: relatedSpatialObject, CSV/GeoPackage: related_spatial_object
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 0…1
References DBpedia for settlements. The reference to DBpedia, for example, Bournemouth =
Attribute name: GML: sameAsDBPedia, CSV/GeoPackage: same_as_dbpedia
Value type: Text
Size: 100
Multiplicity: 0…1
References GeoNames for settlements. The reference to GeoNames, for example, Bournemouth =
Attribute name: GML: sameAsGeoNames, CSV/GeoPackage: same_as_geonames
Value type: Text
Size: 100
Multiplicity: 0…1
Last updated
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