Adding data to AGOL
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The AGOL ‘Content’ page is the primary means for building and viewing the collection of resources that you are going to be using in your project. This includes any OS 3D mesh objects you might be wishing to work with. Data layers can be added in to your Content page in a few distinct ways. If you already have data within ArcGIS Pro, you can copy that into AGOL. Alternatively, data can be uploaded from your local machine, or from cloud services like Dropbox or OneDrive. Web service links are also supported. The ‘New Item’ button, found in the Content page, is used to access most of these options.
If data is already present in an ArcGIS Pro project, you can push this into your AGOL environment from within ArcGIS Pro itself. To achieve this, open your ArcGIS Pro project and select the layer you wish to use within the Contents pane. Then, right-click the layer and select Sharing -> Share As Web Layer, as shown below:
Upon doing this, a ‘Share as Web Layer’ window should become visible. Here, descriptive details about the layer can be entered. These will then be made present in the online content.
This tool also includes an ‘Analyze’ function, which checks that the layer is suitable for inclusion within the Online space. A common reason for this to fail is when ‘Unique numeric IDs are not defined’. To solve this, right-click the error message and select ‘Auto-Assign IDs Sequentially’.
To continue with the upload, use the ‘Publish’ button.
On completion of the upload, the layer should then be listed within AGOL’s Content page. That screen should then look something like this: