Product Supply

Supply format

The OS Open TOIDs and Associated Geometry data will be provided in 100km tiles and distributed in two product formats using British National Grid (EPSG 27700) projection:

  • Comma-Separated Value (CSV)

  • GeoPackage (GPKG)

These formats allow the data to be easily integrated and ingested with either a database or a GIS application, respectively. Each tile will contain unique features that will not be shared across multiple tiles, as such there is not a 1:1 feature relationship between the OS Open TOID tiles and those in OSMM Topography Layer.


GeoPackage is an open data format as is defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It is designed to be a lightweight format that contains both spatial (vector) and metadata tables in a single, ready-to-use file. Please note that older versions of GIS software may need updating before being able to display and interact with GeoPackage files.

Comma-Separated Value

CSVs are a simple file format used to store data, often in the form of a table or spreadsheet. These tables can be freely loaded into databases and programs allowing for the easy loading and updating of data holdings.

Supply update

OS Open TOID will be updated on a 6-weekly basis, in line with the OS MasterMap Topography Layer COU (Change Only Update) releases and will maintain consistency with OS MasterMap products.

Last updated

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