Vector Tile Sea Extent
If you’re creating an interactive web map, you may wish to restrict the ability to pan beyond the extent of the sea polygon. The necessary coordinates for this are:
-11.3, 49.4 - Southwest coordinates
3.5, 61.5 - Northeast coordinates
Name Languages
The names layer is multi-lingual. For settlement names (Cities, Towns, Villages, etc.) the name1 attribute will contain the accepted or English name and name2 will contain the Welsh, Gaelic or English name.
The name1language and name2language attributes let you select which names to display. For example, if you want to show all the Welsh language names then you can use these attributes to filter them out and render them on your map.
These are the attribute values in the language fields:
cym = The name is in the Welsh language.
eng = The name is in the English language.
gla = The name is in the Scottish Gaelic language.
NULL = The language type is not set if there is only one name, or if there are two names, and the language of one or both of the names is not recorded as English, Welsh or Gaelic.
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