Link feature type
Links represent all linear features; that is boundaries, extent of the realm (EOR) and mean high water (springs) mark (MHW). All links are broken when they intersect with one another. The first and last coordinate pairs in a link correspond exactly with the end coordinates of the adjoining link(s). Links may comprise up to several thousand line segments.
Feature type attributes
The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included with this feature type, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Feature identifier added by the software.
Attribute Name: fid (GKPG), Not provided (TAB), Not provided (Shapefile)
Multiplicity: [0..1]
Feature geometry.
Attribute Name: Not provided (GKPG), Not provided (TAB), SHAPE (Shapefile)
Data Type: Polyline
Multiplicity: [1]
Feature code
Code value assigned to the Mean High Water Line polyline. This value will always be set to – 0071
as this is the feature code applicable to a Mean High Water Line feature.
Attribute Name: Feature_Code (GKPG), Feature_Code (TAB), CODE (Shapefile)
Data Type: char
Size: 4
Multiplicity: [1]
Feature description
Description of the boundary feature. Set to ‘High Water Mark’ (HWM)
Attribute Name: Feature_Description (GKPG), Feature_Description (TAB), DESCRIPT0 (Shapefile)
Data Type: char
Size: 21
Multiplicity: [1]
File name
Name of the boundary polygon that the line is contained by; written in UPPERCASE with underscores.
The high water mark line is split up by every boundary that it crosses. Where the resulting line is contained in multiple polygons, for the product the same geometry is used for multiple features, with the File_Name
referencing the containing boundary polygon, and the same Global_Link_ID
used for all of them.
Attribute Name: File_Name (GKPG), File_Name (TAB), FILE_NAME (Shapefile)
Data Type: char
Size: 100
Multiplicity: [1]
Feature serial number
Serial number applied to the polyline feature during the production of the product.
In the current product, this is not unique nor maintained.
Attribute Name: Feature_Serial_Number (GKPG), Feature_Serial_Number (TAB), NUMBER (Shapefile)
Data Type: Integer (TAB), Number (Shapefile)
Size: n/a (TAB), 11 (Shapefile)
Multiplicity: [1]
Global link ID
A maintained sequential integer identifier that is unique, except for records with duplicate geometry referencing multiple boundary polygons.
Attribute Name: Global_Link_ID (GKPG), Global_Link_ID (TAB), LINK_ID (Shapefile)
Data Type: Integer (TAB), Number (Shapefile)
Size: n/a (TAB), 11 (Shapefile)
Multiplicity: [1]
Last updated
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