Administrative boundary alignments
Administrative boundaries may or may not have a predefined relationship with topographic features in their locality. This relationship is known as a 'boundary mereing' and is recorded within OS MasterMap as a textual description. A list of the most common abbreviations is given in the following table:
Common abbreviations for boundary mereings in OS MasterMap Topography Layer.
Object or mereing | Abbreviation |
Baulk, bank, base of, basin, bridge, broad | B |
Cam, canal, causeway, centre of, channel, cliff, conduit, cop, course of, covered, culvert, cut | C |
Dam, ditch, dock, double, down, drain | D |
Double ditch or drain | DD |
Double fence | DF |
Defaced | Def |
Edge of, eyot | E |
Face of, fence, fleet, freeboard | F |
Feet | ft |
Harbour, hedge | H |
Inches | Ins |
Kerb | K |
Lade, lake, lead, loch, lockspit, lynchet | L |
Marsh, mere, moat | M |
Mean high water | MHW |
Mean high water springs (Scotland only) | MHWS |
Mean low water | MLW |
Mean low water springs (Scotland only) | MLWS |
Metres | M |
Old | O |
Passage, path, pond, post | P |
Race, railway, ride, river, road, root of | R |
Root of hedge | RH |
Scar, sewer, side of, slope, sluice, stone, stream | S |
Top of | T |
Track | Tk |
Undefined | Und |
Wall, weir | W |
The following table contains examples of combined abbreviations:
Combined abbreviations for boundary mereings in OS MasterMap Topography Layer.
Object or mereing | Abbreviation |
Centre of bank, basin, baulk, broad and so on | CB |
Centre of railway, river, road and so on | CR |
Centre of old course of stream | COCS |
1.22metres root of hedge | 1.22 m RH |
Special rules apply to boundary mereings, and only the more common ones are listed.
Where the mereing relationship of any boundary alignment changes or where a boundary changes from one side of a real-world object to another, the point of change is shown by a boundary half-mereing change symbol, usually in opposing pairs. The location of the boundary half-mereing symbol is coincident with the boundary alignment and not the feature to which it is mered.
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