GeoPackage is an open, standards-based, portable, platform-independent, compact format for transferring geospatial information. This allows Zoomstack to store geospatial data in a single file that is easy to distribute. It can hold large amounts of data and can support the different geometry types and indexes which make the data much easier to use. Quite simply it is a great Plug n Play format which works with a wide range of software implementations.
What are the benefits of GeoPackage?
GeoPackage offers users the following benefits:
The single file is easy to transfer and offers the end-user a rich experience.
Attribute names are not limited in length making it user friendly.
No file size limit so lots of data can be easily accommodated.
Supports both raster and vector making it versatile for any type of data.
OGC Standard.
Installing Zoomstack
The instructions that follow are for installing Zoomstack GeoPackage in various GIS software applications. Please refer to the relevant section based on the GIS software you’re using:
These instructions are based on QGIS 3.4 – a Long Term Release.
The easiest way to load the data is to simply drag and drop the unzipped GeoPackage (OS_Open_Zoomstack.gpkg) into QGIS, click Select All and Add layers to a group, then click OK.
In the Layers Panel, drag and drop the layers into the following order as this is the order in which QGIS will draw them:
It may take a little while for the data to render as this is a large file. You may find it quicker if you zoom in to street level as this will limit the number of features in your map window.
We would highly recommend using the stylesheets OS provides as this adds feature filters and styling. The following instructions show you how to use our QML stylesheets.
Using OS stylesheets to get started in QGIS
OS has supplied QML stylesheets for use in QGIS. The QML stylesheets allow you to add colours to features contained in the Vector Tiles to produce a far more vivid and visually appealing map.
The steps that follow will guide you through setting up QML stylesheets in QGIS.
Once downloaded and unzipped, navigate in the folder to GeoPackage → QGIS Stylesheets (QML).
Next, copy the folder of SVGs called os-open-zoomstack-symbols into your QGIS SVG directory (a typical Windows file path is C:\Program Files\QGIS xxxx\apps\qgis\svg, where xxxx represents the version of QGIS you are running). QGIS may require a restart in order to pick these up.
To add a sea tint to your map, go to the top menu and select Project → Properties... → General and change the background colour depending on your chosen style:
Outdoor: R169 G221 B239
Road: R213 G239 B248
Light: R197 G205 B208
Night: R4 G19 B38
To apply the QML, double-click on a layer to open up the Layer Properties window. Then, from the left-hand panel, select the Symbology tab, click Style → Load Style…
Next, click the 3 dots along from File.
Then browse to your folder of stylesheets, navigate to GeoPackage → QGIS Stylesheets (QML) and select the corresponding QML file (e.g. land.qml for the land layer), then click OK and Load Style.
You will need to repeat this process for every layer until they are all styled, and you have a gorgeous map.
Installing Zoomstack GeoPackage in ESRI ArcMap
These instructions are based on ESRI ArcMap 10.6.1. ArcMap versions 10.2 and above will support GeoPackage and versions 10.3 and above also support the editing of GeoPackage.
Browse to the location of your unzipped GeoPackage.
Double click on the .gpkg file then either select one layer, or hold CTRL and select all layers and then click Add.
The data will now load into ArcMap. This may take a while as this is a large file, but once it is loaded you will see the data rendered with default styles.
Render speeds can be quite slow when all the layers are visible. If you are only interested in a few layers, then you can turn the others off – OS Open Zoomstack is fully customisable in that sense.
It is highly recommended you use the OS stylesheet provided as this adds the relevant layer ordering and feature filters. The following instructions show you how to use the LYR File.
Using OS stylesheets to get started in ESRI ArcMap
Firstly, we’ll add a sea tint to your map. To do this, right click on Layers and then Properties…. In the Data Frame Properties, select Frame and change the Background colour depending on your chosen style:
Outdoor: R169 G221 B239
Road: R213 G239 B248
Light: R197 G205 B208
Night: R4 G19 B38
Next, set the Coordinate System to British National Grid. Select the Coordinate System tab and search for 27700, select British National Grid and click OK.
Click the Add Data button
Then browse to your folder of stylesheets, navigate to GeoPackage → ESRI Stylesheets (LYR) and select the style of your choice, then click Add.
If you see the following Label Engine Warning, click Yes.
The LYR File will then load into your Table of Contents but there will be a red exclamation mark against each layer and initially no data will render.
Click on one of the red exclamation marks to open the Set Data Source dialogue box then navigate to your OS_Open_ZoomStack.gpkg, select the corresponding layer and click Add.
You will need to repeat this process for every layer until they are all styled.
Note that Roads are in a group which you will need to expand before setting the data sources.
Although designed in ArcMap, the LYR Files will also work in ArcGIS Pro in the same way as described above. Due to a difference in rendering engine, your map may appear slightly different.
Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9
These instructions are based on Cadcorp SIS Desktop 9, released in November 2018.
The easiest way to load the data is to simply drag-and-drop the unzipped GeoPackage (OS_Open_Zoomstack.gpkg) into Cadcorp SIS Desktop.
Cadcorp SIS Desktop will automatically recognise the GeoPackage as OS Open Zoomstack, will load the Zoomstack layers (known as Overlays in Cadcorp SIS Desktop) in the correct order for drawing, will apply suitable scale thresholds to those Overlays, and will also apply default styling to the Overlays, using the Outdoor style.
Expanding the tree in the Maps control bar will show the loaded Overlays (those marked in italics are not visible in the current map view due to their scale-threshold):
Example view of Cambridge, using the Outdoor style:
MapInfo Pro version 15.2.2 and above supports reading, editing and creating GeoPackage Feature Tables.
In the following window, browse to the location of your GeoPackage and, using the dropdown, select GeoPackage as the file type.
Select OS_Open_ZoomStack.gpkg and click Open.
Select all the tables and click OK.
Your data will then render in your map view with default styles.
In your data folder, you will notice that TAB files have been created for each table.
Note that the GIS software packages above were used for demonstrative purposes in this guide and that many other GIS software applications can be used with the Zoomstack product.
Map data shown in GeoPackage format
Add Vector Layers window
Layers added in the QGIS panel
Layer properties window showing the Favorites context meny
Database styles manager menu
Database styles manager dialog
ArcMap Add data button shown in the toolbar
OS Open Zoomstack data shown in the Windows file explorer
Layer files shown in the Windows file explorer in the Add Data menu
Data frame properties window
Coordinate System settings tab in the data frame properties window
ESRI stylesheets files shown in the file explorer window
Label engine waring dialog
Table of contents showing open layers
Set data source window showing available data sources in the main filesystem
Loaded overlays
Cadcorp main map window showing Cambridge data loaded