Identifying Change in the Network

Use cases

  • Identify which features change and how that affects other information related to it.

  • Identify physical change to the road network.

  • Identify roads under construction and affects on service provision.

Steps to Success: Identifying Change in the Operational State of a Street

  • Common attribute is across all features

  • Gives the reason why a feature has changed using these values



New feature has been added

Modified Geometry

The geometry of the feature has been altered

Modified Attributes

One or more attribute properties have been altered

Modified Geometry and Attributes

Geometry and attribution properties have been altered

Considerations When Adding Your Own Data to OS MasterMap Highways

  1. Back up your data.

  2. Use feature validation data set (FVDS) to check which features are affected and how (TOID value and UPDATE, INSERT or DELETION).

  3. Connect data to either TOID or USRN as this are persistent with a finite life cycle.

  4. Further useful information:

    • BeginLifespanVersion – gives date of when the object was inserted or changed in the data

    • Validfrom – data when the custodian entered the data into LSG (Street records)

Things to Note: Data Captured Against OS MasterMap ITN Layer is Easily Transferred Over to OS MasterMap Highways

  • TOIDS are persistent across both products and have not changed

  • Data linked to ITN using TOID should link to Highways

  • FVDS can be used to identify where a reference may have changed

Steps to Success: Identifying Change in the Operational State of a Street

  • Operational State – indicates the construction status of the street

  • Streets – all values are permitted, default is open

  • RoadLink – Operational status defaults to open, although may occasionally be under construction

  • Special designations table – provides additional information and can be linked directly to Street by USRN.

Code List: OperationalStateValue



Plans have been submitted for development but construction has not commenced.

Under Construction

Construction has commenced but the road cannot be used.



Temporarily Closed

The way has been temporarily closed for a specified reason under Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Section 14 1(b):

• Streetworks

• likelihood of danger to public

• Litter clearing or cleaning (duty imposed by section 89(1)(a) or (2) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (litter clearing and cleaning) to be discharged)

Note: The operationalState shall only be set to Temporarily Closed when the duration of the closure is intended to last more than 4 weeks.

Permanently Closed

A Street that has been permanently blocked up according to a Stopping Up Order

Constraint: If the Street operationalState = Permanently Closed then the endLifespanVersion shall be set.

Last updated

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