GML overview

The product is supplied in GML version 3.2.1. This sub-section describes how OS Open Greenspace is defined in GML. An understanding of XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language) and XML schemas is required.

GML is an XML grammar for expressing geographic features. GML serves as a modelling language for geographic systems, as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet. More information can be found on the 'Geography Markup Language' page of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) website.

The XML specifications that GML is based on are available from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) website.

Information about Unicode and UTF-8 (the character encoding we use) is available on the Unicode Consortium website.

Use of examples

The examples in this section that mention specific data content are for demonstration purposes only and not intended for use.

Schema overview and location

XML schemas are used to define and validate the format and content of the GML. The GML version 3.2.1 specification provides a set of schemas that define the GML feature constructs and geometric types. These are designed to be used as a basis for building application-specific schemas to define the data content.

The Ordnance Survey application schema, OSOpenGreenspace.xsd, which is referenced by the data, is available on the 'OS Open' page of the 'XML file resources' section of our website.

Code list dictionaries

The product's two code lists are available at the following links:

Example records

Greenspace Site

  <ogsp:GreenspaceSite gml:id="id45CEA121-A4AA-51CD-E053-2362A00A34C0">
    <ogsp:function codeSpace="">Playing Field</ogsp:function>
    <ogsp:distinctiveName>Northfield Playing Field</ogsp:distinctiveName>
      <gml:MultiSurface gml:id="id45CEA121-A4AA-51CD-E053-2362A00A34C0-0" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::27700" srsDimension="2">
          <gml:Surface gml:id="id45CEA121-A4AA-51CD-E053-2362A00A34C0-1">
                    <gml:posList>391043.16 807998.57 391057.2 808010.9 391074.25 808015.9 391052 808085.2 391065.3 808092.15 391044.3 808164.2 390937.15 808226.55 390926.25 808254.55 390928.74 808288.15 390793.65 808280.8 390788.65 808305.8 390782.15 808316.1 390754.55 808328.6 390739.05 808327.05 390684 808228.65 390728.45 808181.85 390753.38 808138.18 390889.44 808144.4 390893.2 808096.18 390893.24 808095.64 390893.26 808095.52 390895.05 808072.4 390902.79 807954.2 390907.39 807954.45 390916.95 807961.9 391023.85 807965.95 391027.5 807985.05 391043.16 807998.57</gml:posList>

Access Point

  <ogsp:AccessPoint gml:id="id8DE0ED21-BOF6-4F69-8008-CD2AD0B537CD">
    <ogsp:accessType codeSpace="">Motor Vehicle And Pedestrian</ogsp:accessType>
      <gml:Point gml:id="id8DE0ED21-BOF6-4F69-8008-CD2AD0B537CD-0" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::27700" srsDimension="2">
        <gml:pos>394186.08 809827.7</gml:pos>

Esri shapefile Example records

OS Open Greenspace is supplied as an Esri shapefile. Shapefile is an open specification file format to store geometry and attribute information about spatial features. It is developed and regulated by Esri for data interoperability among Esri and other geographic information systems (GIS) software products.

Greenspace Site

Esri shapefile example records of Greenspace Site features.
Esri shapefile example records of Greenspace Site features.

Access Point

Esri shapefile example records of Access Point features.
Esri shapefile example records of Access Point features.

Last updated

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