


A named area of ground where aircraft take off and land. It may have some permanent buildings, but it is smaller than an airport and may be for private use only.


A named site where aircraft land and take off and which provide facilities for handling passengers, air freight and servicing aircraft.


A named area of open water, which is largely surrounded by (and often sheltered by) land.


A named area of sand and / or shingle either adjacent to, or straddling, mean high water or the shore of an inland water feature such as a river or lake.

Bus Station

A named place where buses begin, break or end their journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark.

Bus Station, Coach Station

A named place where buses and coaches begin, break or end their journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark.


A named relatively narrow stretch of water, connecting two or more open bodies of water.

Chemical Works

A named site where the principles of chemistry are applied to materials to create different materials on a large scale.

Cirque Or Hollow

A named natural depression in the landscape.


A named centre of business and population, vested with City status by virtue of Royal Charter.

Cliff Or Slope

A named steep cliff or slope running from the clifftops down towards the sea.

Coach Station

A named place where coaches begin, break or end a journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark.

Coastal Headland

A named prominent mass of land raised above the surrounding tidal water on several sides.

Electricity Distribution

A named site used to handle electricity as part of the process of distributing electricity nationally.

Electricity Production

A named feature where electricity is generated on a large scale.


A named partially enclosed area of sea, at the mouth of one or more rivers.

Further Education

An educational establishment for academic and vocational qualifications below degree level undertaken after age 16.

Further Education, Higher or University Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education and Higher or University Education.

Further Education, Higher or University Education, Non State Secondary Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education, Higher or University Education, and Non State Secondary Education.

Further Education, Non State Primary Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education and Non State Primary Education.

Further Education, Non State Primary Education, Non State Secondary Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education, Non State Primary Education, and Non State Secondary Education.

Further Education, Non State Secondary Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education and Non State Secondary Education.

Further Education, Non State Secondary Education, Primary Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education, Non State Secondary Education, and Primary Education.

Further Education, Primary Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education and Primary Education.

Further Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Special Needs Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Needs Education.

Further Education, Primary Education, Special Needs Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education, Primary Education, and Special Needs Education.

Further Education, Secondary Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education and Secondary Education.

Further Education, Secondary Education, Special Needs Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education, Secondary Education, and Special Needs Education.

Further Education, Special Needs Education

An educational establishment providing Further Education and Special Needs Education.

Gas Distribution or Storage

A named site associated with the storing or supply of gas to users.

Group Of Islands

A named set of islands in the sea.


A settlement smaller than a village.


A named area of naturally or artificially protected water on a coast where boats can anchor or moor.

Helicopter Station

A named facility from where bodies such as the police or ambulance service operate helicopter operations.


A named airport specifically designed for use by helicopters.

Higher or University Education

A named site where students study at National Qualifications Framework level 4 and above.

Hill Or Mountain

A named area of land that is higher than the surrounding land.

Hill Or Mountain Ranges

A named chain of mountains or hills bordered by highlands or separated from other mountains or hills by passes or valleys.


A named medical facility to care for patients with terminal conditions.


A named medical facility that provides second level care.

Hospital, Medical Care Accommodation

A named medical facility providing second level care and long-term medical accommodation.

Inland Water

A named area of permanent non-tidal water that cannot be given a more refined classification.


A named area of land completely surrounded by water.

Medical Care Accommodation

A named site that provides both long-term medical accommodation and medical care.

Named Road

Distinctive name for a road.

Non State Primary Education

An educational establishment for children from the ages of seven to eleven that is not funded by the state.

Non State Primary Education, Non State Secondary Education

An educational establishment providing Non State Primary Education and Non State Secondary Education.

Non State Primary Education, Secondary Education

An educational establishment providing Non State Primary Education and Secondary Education.

Non State Primary Education, Special Needs Education

An educational establishment providing Non State Primary Education and Special Needs Education.

Non State Secondary Education

An educational establishment for children of eleven years and over, that is not funded by the state.

Non State Secondary Education, Primary Education

An educational establishment providing Non State Secondary Education and Primary Education.

Numbered Road

Department for Transport road number for Motorways, A Roads and B Roads.

Oil Distribution or Storage

A named depot where oil is stored.

Oil Refining

A named facility where crude oil is refined.

Oil Terminal

A named storage point and distribution centre at the head of an oil pipeline.

Other Coastal Landform

A named area of landform on the coast, for example, a stand-alone rock or a steep-sided gully.

Other Landcover

A named area of land in rural areas.

Other Landform

A named prominent mass of land raised above the surrounding terrain on several sides.

Other Settlement

London Borough, Urban Development, Rural Locality, Crofting Locality or Named Group of Buildings.

Passenger Ferry Terminal

A named site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of pedestrian ferry passengers.

Passenger Ferry Terminal, Vehicular Ferry Terminal

A named site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of pedestrian ferry passengers, and ferry passengers and their vehicles.

Port Consisting of Docks and Nautical Berthing

A named complex with extensive infrastructure where a ship’s cargo is loaded and unloaded, or vessels berthed.


Royal Mail postcode, for example, SO16 0AS.

Primary Education

An educational establishment for children from the ages of seven to eleven that is funded principally by the state.

Primary Education, Secondary Education

An educational establishment providing Primary Education and Secondary Education.

Primary Education, Secondary Education, Special Needs Education

An educational establishment providing Primary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Needs Education.

Primary Education, Special Needs Education

An educational establishment providing Primary Education and Special Needs Education.


A named railway network.

Railway Station

A named site comprising a building and platforms by a light railway network or railway network where a light rail vehicle or train may stop to pick up goods or passengers. Excludes tram stations / stops.

Road User Services

A named area for supply of fuel, refreshments and so on near a road.


A named area of sea that cannot be given a more refined classification.

Secondary Education

An educational establishment for children over 11 years of age.

Section Of Named Road

Section of road name inside a settlement, where the road passes through multiple settlements.

Section Of Numbered Road

Section of road number inside a town / city, where the road passes through multiple towns / cities.

Special Needs Education

A specialist school for the teaching of those with disabilities.

Spot Height

A named spot height, the location is usually, but not always a summit; for example, it may represent the highest point in an administrative area.

Suburban Area

A separately named urban area within a larger town or city.

Tidal Water

A named area of water affected by normal tidal action that does not fall into a more defined category.


A centre of business and population with an area in excess of 2.5 square kilometres. Some smaller places are also historically considered towns, for example, where they are market or former county towns.


A named system of guided busway(s). Note: This is not for normal bus routes or a rapid transit system, running on rails (often incorporated into a road surface) and powered by electricity from overhead cables.

Urban Greenspace

A named open (non-built up) area for recreation within or on the perimeter of an urban area.


A named natural linear depression, following the alignment of a natural watercourse.

Vehicular Ferry Terminal

A named site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of ferry passengers and their vehicles.

Vehicular Rail Terminal

A named facility where freight vehicles may be transferred to or from the rail network.


Settlement smaller than a town, but larger than a hamlet.


A named steep fall of river or stream water, where its course is markedly and suddenly interrupted.


A named area of land subject to regular and seasonal flooding.

Woodland Or Forest

A named area of natural or semi-natural tree cover.

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