Data structure

The data structure of OS Open Greenspace in Geography Markup Language (GML) format is described by a Unified Modelling Language (UML) class diagram and accompanying tables containing text.


OS Open Greenspace geometry is published with a precision of two decimal places.

Classification scheme

OS Open Greenspace consists of the following classifications:

  • Public parks or gardens

  • Play spaces

  • Golf courses

  • Sports areas or playing fields

  • Churchyards or burial grounds

  • Allotments or community growing spaces

A full table of these classifications and associated Ordnance Survey real-world terms and their definitions is included in the Function Value Code List.

Model overview

Figure 2: UML class diagram for the Greenspace Site and Access Point Feature Types, and the Function Value and Access Type Value Code Lists
UML class diagram for the Greenspace Site and Access Point Feature Types, and the Function Value and Access Type Value Code Lists.

Last updated