ISO 19115 compliant UK GEMINI discovery level metadata is provided for the data and can be found on the AGI (The Association for Geographic Information) website.
The following list gives a detailed description of the metadata elements provided on the AGI website:
Title: The title of the product.
Abstract: The abstract gives a brief description of the product.
Currency: The currency takes the form of date of last update for the feature.
Lineage: The lineage metadata takes the form of product specification name and date of product specification.
Spatial extent: The spatial extent is supplied in the form of geographic identifiers (for example, England, Scotland and Wales) and in the form of geographic coordinates.
Spatial reference system: The spatial reference system for all products takes the form of a British National Grid system, namely OSGB36.
Data format: Data format takes the form of the name of the format or formats the product is supplied in.
Frequency of updates: Frequency of updates takes the form of a stated period of time.
Distributor contact details: Distributor contact details include postal address, phone number, email address and website.
Data originator: Given as the company having primary responsibility for the intellectual content of the data source; in all cases, this will be Ordnance Survey.
Other metadata available includes keywords, start date of data capture, access constraints, use constraints, level of spatial data, supply media and presentation details.