OS VectorMap District is a simple vector dataset with a nominal scale of 1:25 000 covering the whole of Great Britain that has been designed for creating graphical mapping. The product can be used as mapping in its own right or can be used to provide a flexible geographic context reference for customers’ overlay information.
This product is updated every six months in May and November.
OS VectorMap District is great if your map needs a custom look. Or use our free stylesheets if you prefer consistency.
Show enough detail to give the lie of the land while avoiding overwhelming detail. OS VectorMap District lets you display just the map layers you need.
OS VectorMap District comes in two raster (flat image) versions: full-colour – good for print-outs; and backdrop – better as a backdrop for your analysis. They’re a quick way to get started with OS VectorMap District.
The purpose of OS VectorMap District data is to support a wide range of customer applications that utilise geographic information. These may include:
Backdrop mapping on your website.
Interactive web application development.
Displaying your business location.
Access: Download
Data theme: Contextual
Data structure: Vector (Points, Lines, Polygons, Text)
Coverage: Great Britain
Scale: 1:15 000 to 1:30 000
Format: ESRI Shapefile, GML 3.2 Simple Features, GeoTIFF with LZW compression
Ordering area: All of Great Britain or customisable area (100km² tiles)
Publication months: May, November
OS Data Hub plan: OS OpenData Plan (FREE), Public Sector Plan, Premium Plan, Energy & Infrastructure Plan
When you order OS VectorMap District and OS Street View, you will be asked to order by 100km area.
When you receive the data, you will notice that it is broken down into 10 km tiles for OS VectorMap District and 5km tiles for OS Street View*. It can therefore be difficult to establish exactly what tile(s) you need to access to look at your area of interest.
To help you know which tiles you will need to access, we have created a PDF document for each 100km tile of data in the National Grid showing the 10 km tile grids on top. This will help you to quickly establish the tile(s) of data relevant to you. Simply click on a tile reference above to open the PDF.
Access to this OS OpenData product is free through the OS Data Hub.
To access additional documentation and resources relating to this product, please refer to the following:
New users should start with the Overview to gain high-level insight into the product. The Technical Specification contains detailed technical insights.
This release note provides information relating to the May 2023 release of OS VectorMap District.
Functional Site
78 081
Motorway Junction
Named Place
397 233
Railway Station
3 042 153
Spot Height
33 243
We've updated some of our products available in GeoPackage format to align with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards and we've also fixed various formatting inconsistencies. Full details of these changes for OS VectorMap District can be found in the following sub-sections.
The following attribute names have changed from camel case to snake case:
N/A (attribute removed from GeoPackage format)
N/A (attribute removed from GeoPackage format)
The following layer names have changed from title case to snake case:
AdministrativeBoundary to administrative_boundary
Building to building
ElectricityTransmissionLine to electricity_transmission_line
Foreshore to foreshore
FunctionalSite to functional_site
Glasshouse to glasshouse
MotorwayJunction to motorway_junction
NamedPlace to named_place
RailwayStation to railway_station
RailwayTrack to railway_track
RailwayTunnel to railway_tunnel
Road to road
RoadTunnel to road_tunnel
Roundabout to roundabout
SpotHeight to spot_height
SurfaceWater_Area to surface_water_area
SurfaceWater_Line to surface_water_line
TidalBoundary to tidal_boundary
TidalWater to tidal_water
Woodland to woodland
The geom column name has been changed to geometry.
The attributes in the following feature type layers have changed order:
N/A (text_orientation_uom attribute removed from GeoPackage format)
N/A (height_uom attribute removed from GeoPackage format)
The next release of OS VectorMap District is scheduled for November 2023.
The following chapters include information about OS VectorMap District raster, file compression, symbology, georeferencing and formats.
Data Source: Derived data
Number of tiles in Great Britain: 2863 (edgematched)
Tile size: 10km x 10km
Because digital maps frequently cover very large areas they are split down into squares known as tiles, each of which covers part of an overall area.
Availability: National, country and tile supply available
Resolution: 254 dots per inch
Data structure: Raster
Data Specification: Selection of map features combined
Colour Palette: 256 fixed colours
Transfer format: TIFF 8-bit LZW* compressed
Storage Volume per tile: Compressed: approx. 6.7mb
Greyscale: A high-quality alternative to colour raster data is to use a GIS to convert data to a greyscale format.
*If LZW compressed formats are used then registration may be required.
OS VectorMap District is supplied in the following raster formats: TIFF 8-bit LZW compressed (6.7mb)
It is the flexibility to select and style the different feature classes in different ways that makes the vector format of OS VectorMap District such a versatile contextual mapping product. It can be flexibly styled in a wide variety of ways to best provide a geographic context to the customer’s overlay information.
The raster version is ready-styled as backdrop and full colour and these styles are fixed within the limitations of the image viewing software. Below is an example of both the raster styles. The full graphic legends are available as PDF downloads from the OS VectorMap District product page of the OS website.
OS VectorMap District is available as:
Vector: ESRI Shapefile with each tile dataset zipped using gzip.
Raster: TIFF and compressed using LZW (Lemple-Ziv-Welch) compression.
Data: GML v3.2. Simple Features and schema zipped as a single file using gzip.
OS VectorMap District can be ordered from the .
Ordnance Survey divides Great Britain into squares 100km by 100km. Each of these squares has a unique two-letter reference, for example, TG in the diagram below.
OS VectorMap District vector format tiles are identified by quoting the National Grid reference of the south-west corner of the 100km² area they cover, for example TG.
To describe an OS VectorMap District raster format tile, which covers 10km by 10km, first add a two-digit reference to the 100km by 100km square reference, with the easting first followed by the northing, for example, TG23.
For additional information on how to use the National Grid, visit the Ordnance Survey website at:
Coverage is England, Wales and Scotland.
55 tiles, each covering 100km x 100km comprise the national set.
Each tile comprises a set of up to 24 Shapefiles.
Each Shapefile holds a single feature type.
Features within each Shapefile are cut into a 10km x 10km grid.
Tile sizes range from 1 Mb to 697 zipped Mb.
The data is not encrypted.
55 tiles, each covering 100km x 100km comprise the national set.
Each 100km tile is split into 20km by 20km tiles (809 in total).
Each tile comprises of up to 57 Feature Codes.
Features that cross the grid line are split.
Tile sizes range from 1 Mb to 347 Mb.
The data is not encrypted.
2863 tiles, each covering 10km x 10km comprise the national set.
Tiles range from 2 Mb to 6.7 Mb.
In the vector product features that cross tile edges are included in both tiles, represented as hairy tiles. This avoids the creation of invalid geometries by arbitrary cutting, and facilitates greater use of the data in analytical applications. All features have unique identifiers which can be used to remove duplicates across tile edges, if required.
Note that these identifiers will not be persisted or maintained between product releases.
This document contains additional theoretical information related to OS VectorMap District. All users will find the Product Information document useful and informative.
OS VectorMap District is a free mapping dataset designed for providing contextual mapping output on paper, PCs, hand-held devices, or the Internet. Available as pre-styled static images (Raster data) and points, lines, and polygons (Vector data). The vector format of the product consists of layers to enable you to customise and style output to suit your needs.
OS VectorMap District has been improved to offer enhanced functionality as well as offering greater consistency with other OS products, including .
The product now offers significantly improved generalisation, resulting in a more attractive map that compliments the more detailed street-level .
The key features of OS VectorMap District product are:
Provides a clear visual backdrop map that can be easily styled to meet specific needs.
Offers flexibility to user through ease of use to control content display.
Suitable for varying scenarios around the mid-range scale of 1:25 000
Analyse data in relation to important public buildings, roads, railways, lines and more
The purpose of OS VectorMap District data is to support a wide range of customer applications that utilise geographic information. These may include:
You may want to style the data as a faded map backdrop to ensure your own or third-party overlaid data are clearly portrayed. For example, backdrop mapping can be used by public sector organisations to share information with the public. Such applications include providing the location of GP surgeries or dentists to the public, or the performance of schools based on exam results in a district.
OS VectorMap District has been designed for on-screen use, with generalised detail and an appropriate level of content that gives an uncluttered appearance. Subscribers to the OS OpenSpace® application programming interface (API) can build location-based services using the map to guide smartphone users and provide location-specific information.
Do you want to tell your customers how to get to your business? The district view of OS VectorMap District is ideal for creating a map of a suburban area or part of a city, complete with locality names for context.
Your customers can then zoom in to your business at a street level using the OS VectorMap District product.
OS VectorMap District topographic features are generalised representations of real-world objects, including buildings, roads, railways, and rivers. The data also includes non-topographic features such as administrative and electoral boundaries (GML and Shapefile format only), cartographic text and symbols.
Please refer to the Product Cartographic Stylesheets on the Ordnance Survey GitBook for styling options:
Compatible with other open datasets available from and many other sources.
For your area, you may wish to take advantage of free data on the Government’s website, for example, air pollution data. The layered structure of OS VectorMap District enables you to display the map to show only the features you want to show – for example, roads, place names and buildings.
The detail within OS VectorMap District has been generalised from Ordnance Survey large-scale data. Map generalisation is the process of reducing the scale and complexity of map detail whilst maintaining the important elements and characteristics of the location.
Map generalisation comprises of the following processes:
Selection/omission: Some features that appear at larger scales are not selected at the smaller scales. For example, in the public amenities layer individual features in close proximity can be grouped to a single point.
Simplification: Simplification can take a number of forms in OS VectorMap District. It can be line simplification, for example, in a vector product; a very winding stream could have the number of data points that represent it reduced.
Exaggeration: Features that are small but are too important to a particular landscape to be omitted are enlarged. For example, some isolated rural buildings are often enlarged to a minimum size rather than being omitted.
Aggregation: Aggregation is the combining of a number of small features to make a larger one, such as buildings.
Symbolisation: Features that are shown in detail in other OS products, such as OS VectorMap Local may be shown by standard symbolisation in OS VectorMap District. For example, railway stations are depicted as point symbols.
Displacement: The movement of the representation of a feature away from its ground position in order to maintain its prominence. There is very little displacement in OS VectorMap District, but in certain circumstances, some features may be moved away from adjacent detail if their representation would otherwise be lost; for example, some buildings are moved away from road edges to ensure they remain prominent.
The following is a description of the features that are available in the product. A full list of feature classes and their associated attributes is given in the .
Not all features available in the product are included in the raster format. For a full list of features and their styling in the raster format please refer to the legends in the .
The GML naming of attributes is used in the main text of this guide; the naming of the attributes in shape files will be different due to the limitations of the shape file format.
A built entity that includes a roof. This is a generalised building and could be made up of an amalgamation of other buildings and structures.
Shapefile: Building.shp
A building constructed largely of glass for the purposes of commercial horticulture. This is a generalised glasshouse and could be made up of an amalgamation of individual glasshouses. Only glasshouses larger than 5000m² are included.
Shapefile: Glasshouse.shp
GML FeatureType: Glasshouse
A road is defined as a metalled way for vehicles. A vehicle is defined as one with wheels on both sides of its body. Metalling is defined as any artificial (man-made) surface including areas of asphalt, concrete and gravel. Roads that form part of the public network and driveways to private properties that are over 100m in length are captured. Dual carriageways are represented by centrelines when the two carriageways are closer than 32.5m, roundabouts are represented by points when smaller than 450m², dead ends are removed when shorter than 36m and roads are simplified with a 4m tolerance.
Road alignments will have one of the following 13 classifications, each of which can be separately identified by the
‘classification’ attribute:
‘Primary Road’
‘A Road’
‘B Road’
‘Minor Road’
‘Pedestrianised Street’
‘Local Street’
‘Private Road Publicly Accessible’
‘Motorway, Collapsed Dual Carriageway’
‘Primary Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway’
‘A Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway’
‘B Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway’
‘Minor Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway’ Shapefile: Road.shp
GML FeatureType: Road
Roundabouts smaller than 450m² are represented as point features, and the roads are extended to meet at the centre point. Mini roundabouts are not included.
Shapefile: Roundabout.shp
GML FeatureType: Roundabout
See the Technical specification for full list of roundabout ‘classification’ attribute values.
Road tunnels are represented as approximate centrelines of the road that runs through the tunnel.
Shapefile: RoadTunnel.shp
GML FeatureType: RoadTunnel Differences between vector and raster formats:
A selection of road names and numbers are shown in the raster product, where space permits.
Point feature representing the approximate location of numbered junction on a motorway.
Shapefile: MotorwayJunction.shp
GML FeatureType: MotorwayJunction
An inland waterway body sufficiently wide enough to capture as an area feature. Small lakes and small islands in waterbodies are not included.
Shapefiles: SurfaceWater_Line.shp, SurfaceWater_Area.shp
GML FeatureTypes: SurfaceWater_Line, SurfaceWater_Area
In England and Wales these tide lines will be the levels of mean tides, for example, of a tide between a spring and neap tide. In Scotland the tide lines are those of mean spring tides. In places where there is no Foreshore (for example vertical cliffs), the TidalBoundary is classified as 'High Water Mark'.
Shapefile: TidalBoundary.shp
GML FeatureType: TidalBoundary
Polygons defining the extents of tidal water, up to the High Water Mark defined by the TidalBoundaries and the Normal Tidal Limit of rivers. Tidal water is not included under bridges.
Shapefile: TidalWater.shp
GML FeatureType: TidalWater
The part of the shore or beach which lies between the Low Water Mark and High Water Mark defined by the TidalBoundaries. The same condition may exist in non-contiguous off-shore areas.
Shapefile: Foreshore.shp
GML FeatureType: Foreshore
A line feature representing the limit of a government administrative area. In the event that a boundary represents the limit of more than one administrative area, classifications are applied in hierarchical order, with priority given to the largest containing area. An exception is made for National boundaries, which will be coincident with the underlying local government boundary.
The attribute ‘classification’ defines the type of boundary:
‘District Or London Borough’
‘County Or Region Or Island’
‘Parish Or Community’
Shapefile: AdministrativeBoundary.shp
GML FeatureType: AdministrativeBoundary Differences between vector and raster formats:
In the raster product only the national boundaries are depicted.
All railways are represented as lines and are broken where they pass under bridges, buildings or other obstructing detail. Railway sidings and the tracks of travelling structures are not included. The attribute ‘classification’ defines the type of railway:
‘Multi Track’
‘Single Track’
‘Narrow Gauge’
Shapefile: RailwayTrack.shp
GML FeatureType: RailwayTrack
Railway tunnels are represented as approximate centrelines of the railway that runs through the tunnel.
Shapefile: RailwayTunnel.shp
GML FeatureType: RailwayTunnel
Point feature representing the buildings and platforms by a railway line where a train may stop to pick-up or drop-off goods or passengers. The attribute ‘classification’ defines the type of station:
‘Light Rapid Transit Station’
‘Railway Station’
‘London Underground Station’
‘Railway Station and London Underground Station’
‘Light Rapid Transit Station and Railway Station’
‘Light Rapid Transit Station and London Underground Station’
The name of the station is held in the attribute ‘DISTNAME’ in Shape and distinctiveName in GML.
The position of the railway station will be close to a railway alignment but will not necessarily be coincident with it.
Shapefile: RailwayStation.shp
GML FeatureType: RailwayStation
A point feature that represents the location of certain types of function or activity with appropriate attribution. The classifications are:
Air Transport
Education Facility - School
Education Facility - Higher
Medical Care
Road Transport
Road Services
Water Transport
Place Of Worship
Leisure Centre
Police Station
Please note:
Only available in the vector product, functional sites include features previously supplied as ‘PublicAmenity’ and ‘Airport’ features. In previous product releases a cartographic selection was applied to these features, which is now replaced with a complete supplied set.
Some functional sites may contain multiple sites (points) such as Educational Facility where they may have both Educational Facility – School and Educational Facility – Higher.
Shapefile: FunctionalSite.shp
GML FeatureType: FunctionalSite
Areas of trees; coniferous, non-coniferous and mixed are represented as polygons. Small areas of woodland are omitted and small clearings in woodland are filled.
Shapefile: Woodland.shp
GML FeatureType: Woodland
Ornament features are facsimiles of artwork, represented as a polygon, these were originally drawn on paper maps to depict coastal rocks, outcropping rocks, cartographic slopes and scree.
Shapefile: Ornament.shp
GML FeatureType: Ornament
Cables used to supply electricity that is suspended between pylons.
Shapefile: ElectricityTransmissionLine.shp
GML FeatureType: ElectricityTransmissionLine
A representative point feature giving the general location of a settlement name or geographic place name, for the purposes of text placement.
GML supports all the characters in the Welsh language and all names are stored in the ‘distinctiveName’ attribute. Legacy formats such as shapefile, do not support the full Welsh alphabet, therefore an alternative is provided using either the ‘DISTNAME’ or ‘HTMLNAME’ attributes.
When using the OS VectorMap District shapefile NamedPlace.shp:
If labelling using the DISTNAME attribute, accents appear on vowels, but the Welsh consonants will have their circumflexes removed: W, w, Y, y.
If labelling using the HTMLNAME attribute, the accents on vowels will be the same, but the Welsh consonants will be encoded using HTML escape characters, which will display correctly when displayed using software that can interpret these characters (Ŵ,ŵ,Ŷ,ŷ).
fontHeight: the suggested height of the font is Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large
textOrientation: the orientation of the text string in degrees clockwise from horizontal. It is held as a number between -90 and 90. This is named ORIENTATIO in Shape and textOrientation in GML
Shapefile: NamedPlace.shp
GML FeatureType: NamedPlace
Point feature which in most cases represents the location of a summit of a hill or mountain, together with an elevation measurement.
Shapefile: SpotHeight.shp
GML FeatureType: SpotHeight
The vector product formats provide for the use of a variety of coordinate reference systems. At present, only the British National Grid (BNG) is used in OS VectorMap District. The BNG spatial reference system uses the OSGB36® geodetic datum and a single Transverse Mercator projection for the whole of Great Britain. Positions on this projection are described using easting and northing coordinates in units of metres.
The BNG is a horizontal spatial reference system only; it does not include a vertical (height) reference system. In OS VectorMap District, heights are given by the ‘height’ attribute in the ‘SpotHeight’ feature. The geometric attributes therefore contain horizontal geometry only.
OS VectorMap District is derived from large-scale data, copyright 2017.
During production many checks are undertaken to ensure that data supplied to customers are both accurate and complete. During digital manipulation in creating the data, all sources of that data are checked for conformance to specification.
These quality control checks take the form of:
visual checks by operators;
data testing against the product specification; and
testing is carried out on a selection of tiles from a full national set.
Coordinates have a precision of 1 cm and are stored to two decimal places of a metre.
A definition for registering raster images within a geographic framework is the process of assigning map coordinates to the raster image data and re-sampling the pixels of the image to conform to the map projection grid. This allows tiles of map data to be located in their correct geographic position relative to the map projection and also to themselves.
Great Britain is surveyed and mapped using the Transverse Mercator (or Gauss-Kruger) projection, so all raster tiles will be mapped to this projection as it applies to Ordnance Survey National Grid if using World or TAB files supplied by Ordnance Survey.
CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 79, "m", -2, 49, 0.9996012717, 400000, -100000 Bounds (4.17232513428e-011, 7.7486038208e-011) (700000, 1300000). This information relates to the Transverse Mercator projection, its position relative to the rest of the world and also an individual tile’s position relative to the projection. The record header is constructed as (not all fields have to be used):
CoordSys Earth Projection 8 The 8 relates to a MapInfo identifier, in this case the Transverse Mercator projection.
79 a MapInfo identifier, in this case this relates to Ordnance Survey of Great Britain 1936, Airy ellipsoid.
“m” relates to the unit of measurement, in this case metres.
-2 this is the origin of the projection in respect of longitude.
49 this is the origin of the projection in respect of latitude.
0.9996012717 indicates the distortion of the tile at the central meridian. A value of 1.0 would indicate no distortion at all. However, distortion within this projection is minimal even at the far western or eastern limits.
400000, -100000 these figures indicate the false origin of the British National Grid. They represent the south-west corner of the Transverse Mercator projection, which overlays Great Britain, so all coordinates for any tile, no matter what scale, will always be positive.
Bounds: (4.17232513428e-011, 7.7486038208e-011) these values represent the minimum bounding X and Y coordinates for the tile. (700000, 1300000) these values represent the maximum bounding X and Y coordinates for the tile.
Both Legends can be found on the .
Point feature representing the approximate location of numbered junction on a motorway.
Belongs to: Communications – Road
The motorway junction number assigned by the Department for Transport.
Type: CharacterString
Length: 10
Multiplicity: [1]
Point representing the position of the motorway junction.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
A built entity that includes a roof. This is a generalised building and could be made up of an amalgamation of other buildings and structures.
Belongs to: Buildings and Structures
Polygon representing the generalised building.
Type: GM_Surface
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
This technical specification provides detailed technical information about OS VectorMap District. It is targeted at technical users and software developers.
OS VectorMap District is a mapping dataset designed for providing contextual mapping output on paper, PCs, handheld devices or the Internet. The vector format of the product consists of layers to enable you to customise and style output to suit your needs.
The product can be used as mapping in its own right or can be used to provide a flexible geographic context reference for customers' overlay information.
The nominal viewing scale is 1:25 000, with a recommended viewing scale range of 1:10 000 to 1:25 000.
OS VectorMap District will be supplied in three open source formats:
Vector data in Geography Markup Language (GML) 3.2 Simple Features Profile level 1.
A national vector dataset in ESRI® Shapefile.
Specific National Grid Reference square(s) in ESRI Shapefile.
Each feature will be given a unique identifier. The GML product will have the property gml:id which will hold the features unique identifier. The ESRI Shapefile will have the property ID which will hold each features unique identifier. The identifier will not be persistent between product versions and therefore there will be no change history information for a feature.
The data structure is described below by means of UML class diagrams and accompanying tables containing text. The UML diagrams conform to the approach specified in ISO 19103 Conceptual schema.
Colour conventions have been used in the diagrams and tables to distinguish the properties that have been added in this specification.
In the UML diagram classes in the Ordnance Survey product specification are orange. All code lists are coloured blue. The tables which follow in this Technical Specification use orange for a feature type and blue for a code list.
Class names are conceptually meaningful names (singular noun) in UpperCamelCase
Class names end in “Value” or “Classification” where the class is assigned the stereotype <<CodeList>>
Property names (attributes and associations) are in lowerCamelCase
The following stereotypes are used on UML elements:
A spatial object type. [ISO 19136].
A controlled set of values for a free text data type that may be extended.
A road is defined as a metalled way for vehicles. A vehicle is defined as one with wheels on both sides of its body. Metalling is defined as any artificial (man-made) surface including areas of asphalt, concrete and gravel. Roads that form part of the public network and driveways to private properties that are over 100m in length are captured.
Dual carriageways are represented by centrelines when the two carriageways are closer than 32.5m, roundabouts are represented by points when smaller than 450m² dead ends are removed when shorter than 36m and roads are simplified with a 4m tolerance.
Belongs to: Communications – Road
The name of the road. When a road is dual named, the Welsh or Gaelic name is presented first, followed by a space, a forward slash, a space and then the English name.
Type: CharacterString
Length: 100
Multiplicity: [0..1]
For roads with RoadClassification of Motorway, Primary Road, A Road and B Road, this is the number of the road defined by the Department for Transport.
Type: CharacterString
Length: 10
Multiplicity: [0..1]
The classification of the road. The valid values are defined in the RoadClassification code list.
Type: RoadClassification
Length: 45
Multiplicity: [1]
The drawLevel value of the road, used for cartographic styling. The valid values are defined in the DrawLevelValue code list.
Type: DrawLevelValue
Length: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
The override value of the road used for cartographic styling. The valid values are defined in the OverrideValue code list.
Type: OverrideValue
Length: 1
Multiplicity: [1]
Line representing the alignment of the road.
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling. Each classification value has a unique feature code.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Cables used to supply electricity that are suspended between pylons.
Belongs to: Buildings and Structures
Line representing the alignment of the electricity transmission line.
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Road tunnels are represented as approximate centrelines of the road that runs through the tunnel.
Belongs to: Communications – Road
Line representing the alignment of the road tunnel.
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Railway tunnels are represented as approximate centrelines of the railway that runs through the tunnel.
Belongs to: Communications – Rail
Railway tunnels are represented as approximate centrelines of the railway that runs through the tunnel.
Line representing the alignment of the railway tunnel.
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Roundabouts smaller than 450m² are represented as point features, and the roads are extended to meet at the centre point. Mini roundabouts are not included.
Belongs to: Communications – Road
The classification of the roundabout. The valid values are defined in the RoundaboutClassification code list.
Type: RoundaboutClassification
Length: 45
Multiplicity: [1]
Point representing the position of the roundabout.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling. Each classification value has a unique feature code.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
A building constructed largely of glass for the purposes of commercial horticulture. This is a generalised glasshouse and could be made up of an amalgamation of individual glasshouses. Only glasshouses larger than 5000m² are included.
Belongs to: Buildings and Structures
Polygon representing the generalised glasshouse.
Type: GM_Surface
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
This section describes the three features available in the OS VectorMap District product. The attributes associated with these feature types are listed below along with a brief description of their data properties.
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
The length of the attribute provided (optional).
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ there must be a value.
‘2’ there must be two values.
‘n’ there may be one or more values.
‘0’ population is optional.
An association identifies the relationship between features. These relationships are by reference only and the value will be the identifier of the referenced feature.
OS VectorMap district contains twenty one feature types:
Point feature representing the buildings and platforms by a railway line where a train may stop to pick-up or drop-off goods or passengers.
Belongs to: Buildings and Structures
The name of the station, consistent with the names used by National Rail Enquiries. The suffix ‘Station’ is not added to the name.
Type: CharacterString
Length: 150
Multiplicity: [1]
The classification of the RailwayStation. The valid values are defined in the RailwayStationClassification code list.
Type: RailwayStationClassification
Length: 65
Multiplicity: [1]
Point representing the position of the railway station.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling. Each classification value has a unique feature code.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
This chapter describes the GML format for OS VectorMap District. GML serves as a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet. More information can be found on the Geography Markup Language Standards page on the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) website.
The XML specifications that GML is based on are available from the World Wide Web Consortium (The XML specifications that GML is based on are available from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) website.
Information about Unicode and UTF-8, the character encoding we have chosen, is available on the Unicode Consortium website.
Any examples in this chapter that mention specific data content are to be taken as examples only.
A property of a feature implemented as an XML element, as defined in ISO 19109.
Attribute as used in an XML context is referred to as an XML attribute.
Most feature attributes are encoded as GML properties – property means a GML property.
XML schemas are used to define and validate the format and content of the GML. The GML v3.2 specification provides a set of schemas that define the GML feature constructs and geometric types. These are designed to be used as a basis for building application-specific schemas, which define the data content.
The Ordnance Survey application schemas, which are referenced by the data, are available in the product release.
These schemas make use of XSDs (XML schema definitions) and DTDs (document type definitions) produced by the W3C®, which are available from the W3C website at http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace.html.
The W3C-provided XSDs and DTDs are:
xml.xsd – to allow the use of the xml:lang attribute for language qualification.
XMLSchema.dtd – required by xml.xsd.
datatypes.dtd – required by XMLSchema.dtd. The OGC-provided schemas are:
feature.xsd – the feature and property constructs.
geometry.xsd – the geometric constructs such as polygon and point.
xlinks.xsd – a schema based on the W3C XLINK recommendation provided by the OGC to make use of the XLINK constructs.
The Ordnance Survey-provided schema is:
district.xsd – the feature type, complex type and simple type declarations.
The ‘OSVectorMapDistrict’ schema document defines the following XML namespaces:
xlink: http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink
The location of the schema is defined as:
Features within each tile are provided in a FeatureCollection.
GML is designed to support a wide variety of capabilities, ranging from simple contextual mapping, such as OS VectorMap District, to products that include complex geometric property types or even spatial and temporal topology. The Simple Features Profile of GML 3.2 defines a restricted subset of GML, allowing scope for greater interoperability.
This product conforms to Simple Features Profile – Level 0.
A geometric property is one that describes a specific geometry. All geometric properties are encoded according to the Simple Features Profile, as referenced above.
The XML attribute ‘srsName’ shall be set to ‘urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::27700’, which uses eastings and northings specified in metres.
EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group) provides numeric identifiers for many common projections and associated projection or coordinate metadata (such as measurement units or central meridian) for each identifier.
All exterior polygon boundaries have an anticlockwise orientation and all interior polygon boundaries have a clockwise orientation.
Raw GML data extract from NT VMD GML open data styled using open GIS software.
All railways are represented as lines and are broken where they pass under bridges, buildings or other obstructing detail. Railway sidings and the tracks of travelling structures are not included.
Belongs to: Communications – Rail
The classification of the RailwayTrack. The valid values are defined in the RailwayTrackClassification code list.
Type: RailwayTrackClassification
Length: 45
Multiplicity: [1]
Line representing the alignment of the railway track.
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling. Each classification value has a unique feature code.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
The part of the shore or beach which lies between the Low Water Mark and High Water Mark defined by the TidalBoundaries. The same condition may exist in non-contiguous off-shore areas.
Belongs to: Hydrology
Polygon representing the area of foreshore.
Type: GM_Surface
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
In England and Wales these tide lines will be the levels of mean tides, for example, of a tide between a spring and neap tide. In Scotland the tide lines are those of mean spring tides. In places where there is no Foreshore (For example, vertical cliffs), the TidalBoundary is classified as 'High Water Mark'.
Belongs to: Hydrology
The classification of the TidalBoundary. The valid values are defined in the TidalBoundaryClassification code list.
Type: TidalBoundaryClassification
Length: 45
Multiplicity: [1]
Line representing the alignment of the tidal boundary.
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling. Each classification value has a unique feature code.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
An inland waterway body sufficiently wide enough to capture as an area feature. Small lakes and small islands in waterbodies are not included.
Belongs to: Hydrology
Polygon representing the area of surface water.
Type: GM_Surface
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Polygons defining the extents of tidal water, up to the High Water Mark defined by the TidalBoundaries and the Normal Tidal Limit of rivers. Tidal water is not included under bridges.
Belongs to: Hydrology
Polygon representing the area of tidal water.
Type: GM_Surface
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
An inland waterway body not sufficiently wide enough to capture as an area feature.
Belongs to: Hydrology
Line representing the alignment of the surface water.
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Areas of trees; coniferous, non-coniferous and mixed are represented as polygons. Small areas of woodland are omitted and small clearings in woodland are filled.
Belongs to: Land Cover
Polygon representing the area of woodland.
Type: GM_Surface
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Ornament features are facsimiles of artwork, represented as polygons, originally drawn on paper maps to depict coastal rocks, outcropping rocks, boulders, cartographic slopes and scree.
Belongs to: Land Cover
Polygon representing an individual element of hand-drawn ornament.
Type: GM_Surface
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
A point feature that represents the location of certain types of function or activity with appropriate attribution.
Belongs to: Land Use
The name of the site (for example, ‘Brighton College’). Note this may be null if the captured value is a house number.
Type: CharacterString
Length: 150
Multiplicity: [0..1]
A description of the actual function of a site (that is, airfield, junior school, hospital and so on.) The valid values are defined in the FunctionalSiteClassification code list.
Type: FunctionalSiteClassification
Length: 65
Multiplicity: [1]
A representative point giving the general location of the functional site, for the purposes of text placement.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling. Each classification value has a unique feature code.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Multi Track
A representation of two or three parallel or near parallel pairs of rails up to a specified distance apart.
Single Track
A representation of a pair of rails that are not parallel or near parallel to another pair of rails within a specified distance.
Narrow Gauge
A representation of a pair of rails that are more than 0.508m and less than 1.435m apart. Also includes monorails.
A code list or enumeration is a controlled set of values which can be used to populate a specific column.
Light Rapid Transit Station
A station on a railway designed for the transport of passengers within areas that are primarily urban. Characterised by high density of stations, large passenger volumes and relatively short journeys. They have many names in local use such as Tram, Underground, Metro, Tramlink and so on.
Railway Station
A station on the main national passenger rail network. Such lines may also carry freight. Also includes stations on railways that have been maintained or restored by an individual, group or society.
They may be open for tourist and/or local use and are often called Heritage Lines.
London Underground Station
A subtytpe of Light Rapid Transit Station within the London area managed by Transport for London. Stations, part of the London Underground network are uniquely identified for historic reasons.
Railway Station And London Underground Station
A station that functions both as a Railway Station and a London Underground Station. Also includes rare cases where additionally the station functions as a Light Rapid Transport Station.
Light Rapid Transit Station And Railway Station
A station that functions both as a Light Rapid Transit Station and a Railway Station.
Light Rapid Transit Station And London Underground Station
A station that functions both as a Light Rapid Transit Station and a London Underground Station.
A line feature representing the limit of a government administrative area. In the event that a boundary represents the limit of more than one administrative area, classifications are applied in hierarchical order, with priority given to the largest containing area. An exception is made for National boundaries, which will be coincident with the underlying local government boundary.
Belongs to: Administrative Boundaries
The classification of the AdministrativeBoundary. The valid values are defined in the AdministrativeBoundaryClassification code list.
Type: AdministrativeBoundaryClassification
Length: 45
Multiplicity: [1]
Represents the limit of a government administrative area.
Type: GM_Curve
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling. Each classification value has a unique feature code.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
Point feature which in most cases represents the location of a summit of a hill or mountain, together with an elevation measurement.
Belongs to: Height
The elevation of the point above datum, rounded to the nearest metre.
Type: Measure
Multiplicity: [1]
In most cases the location of a summit of a hill or mountain, rounded to the nearest metre.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
A multi-carriageway public road connecting important cities, always numbered with no addresses. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented separately when they are more than 32.5m apart.
Motorway, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
A multi-carriageway public road connecting important cities, always numbered with no addresses. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented by a single line when they are closer than 32.5m apart.
Primary Road
A public road, classified as an A road or B road, that has been additionally classified as a primary route by the Department for Transport, to supplement the motorway network connecting important cities. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented separately when they are more than 32.5m apart.
Primary Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
A public road, classified as an A road or B road, that has been additionally classified as a primary route by the Department for Transport, to supplement the motorway network connecting important cities. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented by a single line when they are closer than 32.5m apart.
A Road
A public road, classified as an A road by the Department for Transport, connecting areas of regional importance, always numbered, sometimes named, often with addresses. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented separately when they are more than 32.5m apart.
A Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
A public road, classified as an A road by the Department for Transport, connecting areas of regional importance, always numbered, sometimes named, often with addresses. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented by a single line when they are closer than 32.5m apart.
B Road
A public road, classified as a B road by the Department for Transport, connecting places of local significance, always numbered, sometimes named, often with addresses. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented separately when they are more than 32.5m apart.
B Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
A public road, classified as a B road by the Department for Transport, connecting places of local significance, always numbered, sometimes named, often with addresses. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented by a single line when they are closer than 32.5m apart.
Minor Road
A public road without a Department for Transport classification of motorway, A or B that connects the roads defined below to B and higher classification roads. In urban areas usually named, often with addresses. In rural areas sometimes named and sometimes with addresses. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented separately when they are more than 32.5m apart.
Minor Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
A public road without a Department for Transport classification of motorway, A or B that connects the roads defined below to B and higher classification roads. In urban areas usually named, often with addresses. In rural areas sometimes named and sometimes with addresses. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented by a single line when they are closer than 32.5m apart.
Local Street
A public road that provides access to land and/or houses, usually named with addresses. Generally not intended for through traffic. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented separately when they are more than 32.5m apart and a single line when they are closer than 32.5m apart.
Pedestrianised Street
Roads that have been altered for use principally by pedestrians but may provide some access for certain types of vehicle.
Private Road Publicly Accessible
A privately-maintained road or a road within a property boundary where access by the public is considered usual for at least some part of the day. For example, a road within a hospital, sports centre or school. They may extend through a site if more than one entrance exists. If only one entrance exists they are normally created to extend to the principal building within a single site or the boundary of the last property served for features accessing more than one addressed or otherwise identifiable property. They may be captured outside this definition if required to provide connectivity to a track or path. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented separately when they are more than 32.5m apart and a single line when they are closer than 32.5m apart.
Minor Road
A public road without a Department for Transport classification of motorway, A or B that connects the roads defined below to B and higher classification roads. In urban areas usually named, often with addresses. In rural areas sometimes named and sometimes with addresses. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented separately when they are more than 32.5 m apart.
Minor Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
A public road without a Department for Transport classification of motorway, A or B that connects the roads defined below to B and higher classification roads. In urban areas usually named, often with addresses. In rural areas sometimes named and sometimes with addresses. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented by a single line when they are closer than 32.5 m apart.
Local Street
A public road that provides access to land and/or houses, usually named with addresses. Generally not intended for through traffic. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented separately when they are more than 32.5 m apart and a single line when they are closer than 32.5 m apart.
Pedestrianised Street
Roads that have been altered for use principally by pedestrians but may provide some access for certain types of vehicle.
Private Road Publicly Accessible
A privately-maintained road or a road within a property boundary where access by the public is considered usual for at least some part of the day. For example, a road within a hospital, sports centre or school. They may extend through a site if more than one entrance exists. If only one entrance exists they are normally created to extend to the principal building within a single site or the boundary of the last property served for features accessing more than one addressed or otherwise identifiable property. They may be captured outside this definition if required to provide connectivity to a track or path. For dual carriageways, the carriageways in both travel directions are represented separately when they are more than 32.5 m apart and a single line when they are closer than 32.5 m apart.
A representative point feature giving the general location of a settlement name or geographic place name, for the purposes of text placement.
Belongs to: Named Places
The settlement name or geographic place name. When a place is dual named, the Welsh or Gaelic name is presented first, followed by a space, a forward slash, a space and then the English name.
Type: CharacterString
Length: 100
Multiplicity: [1]
The classification of the NamedPlace. The valid values are defined in the NamedPlaceClassification code list.
Type: NamedPlaceClassification
Length: 40
Multiplicity: [1]
A suggested text size to use for placing the distinctiveName as cartographic text. For most names the text size is proportional to the size of the area to which the name applies. For valleys the text size is based on the valley length and for hills/mountains, the text size is based on the height of the summit. The valid values are defined in the FontHeightClassification code list.
Type: FontHeightClassification
Length: 11
Multiplicity: [1]
Suggested text orientation (in degrees) to use for cartographic text placement of valley names, names of stretches of water and estuaries.
Type: Measure
Multiplicity: [1]
Point representing the cartographic position of the named place.
Type: GM_Point
Multiplicity: [1]
A unique feature code to facilitate styling. Each classification value has a unique feature code.
Type: Integer
Multiplicity: [1]
The default draw level. Roads with draw level 0 are to be displayed first, with draw levels 1 and 2 overlaid on top.
Used for road bridges and overpasses. Roads with draw level 1 are to be overlaid on top of draw level 0 roads.
Used in very rare cases when there are several coincident levels of road bridge or overpass. Roads with draw level 2 are to be overlaid on top of draw levels 0 and 1.
Primary Road
A roundabout smaller than 450m², where the highest classification through road is a Primary Road, as defined by RoadClassification.
A Road
A roundabout smaller than 450m², where the highest classification through road is an A Road, as defined by RoadClassification.
B Road
A roundabout smaller than 450m², where the highest classification through road is a B Road, as defined by RoadClassification.
Minor Road
A roundabout smaller than 450m², where the highest classification through road is a Minor Road, as defined by RoadClassification.
Local Street
A roundabout smaller than 450m², where the highest classification through road is a Local Street, as defined by RoadClassification.
Private Road Publicly Accessible
A roundabout smaller than 450m², where the highest classification through road is a Private Road Publicly Accessible, as defined by RoadClassification.
High Water Mark
In England and Wales this is the mean level of all the high tides, in Scotland this is the mean level of the spring high tides. In places where there is no Foreshore (For example, vertical cliffs), the TidalBoundary is classified as High Water Mark.
Low Water Mark
In England and Wales this is the mean level of all the low tides, in Scotland this is the mean level of the spring low tides. When there is Foreshore, this defines the lower limit of Foreshore.
The default value; has no impact on the styling of roads.
Used when a higher classification road (for example a slip road) terminates at a T-junction with a lower classification road. This scenario can result in the colour of the higher classification road bleeding into the lower classification road. This attribute is used to override the standard road hierarchy, allowing the higher classification road to be pushed down the drawing order.
Populated Place
Name of a city, town, village, hamlet or other populated place.
Name of a landform, such as a hill, mountain, island, coastal rocks and so on.
Woodland Or Forest
Name of an area of woodland or forest.
Name of an area of surface or tidal water, such as a lake, reservoir, bay, estuary, sea channel or sea area.
Name of an area of open landcover, such as a moor, heath, down or fen.
Air Transport
This theme includes all sites associated with movement of passengers and goods by air, or where aircraft take off and land.
Education Facility - Higher
This theme includes a very broad group of sites with a common high level primary function of providing education (either state funded or by fees).
Education Facility - School
Includes a very broad group of sites with a common high level primary function of providing education (either state funded or by fees) up to the legal school leaving age. Includes First School, Infant School, Junior School, Middle School, Non State Primary Or Preparatory School, Non State Secondary School, Primary School, School, School For Special Needs and Secondary School sites.
Leisure Or Sports Centre
A staffed recreational establishment that is publicly available (which may require membership) and mainly, but not exclusively sports based (both indoors and/or outdoors). This site may include swimming pools and gymnasiums, facilities for exercise classes, bars and health spas.
Medical Care
This theme includes sites which focus on the provision of secondary medical care services.
Place Of Worship
An establishment where people can worship according to their particular Faith.
Police Station
The local office of a police force in a particular area.
Road Services
Includes two types of site: Filling Station and Road User Services.
Road Transport
This theme includes three types of sites: Bus Stations, Coach Stations and Road user services.
Water Transport
Includes sites involved in the transfer of passengers and or goods onto vessels for transport across water. Includes Passenger Ferry Terminal and Vehicular Ferry Terminal sites.
Primary Road
A Road
B Road
Minor Road
Local Street
Private Road Publicly Accessible
Pedestrianised Street
Motorway, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
Primary Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
A Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
B Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
Minor Road, Collapsed Dual Carriageway
Primary Road
A Road
B Road
Minor Road
Local Street
Private Road Publicly Accessible
High Water Mark
High Water Mark Low Water Mark
Low Water Mark
Parish Or Community
District Or London Borough
County Or Region Or Island
Multi Track
Single Track
Narrow Gauge
Light Rapid Transit Station
Railway Station
London Underground Station
Railway Station And London Underground Station
Light Rapid Transit Station And Railway Station
Light Rapid Transit Station And London Underground Station
Education Facility - School
Police Station
Medical Care
Place Of Worship
Leisure Or Sports Centre
Air Transport
Education Facility - Higher
Water Transport
Road Transport
Road Services
Populated Place
Woodland Or Forest
(GML: classification)
Used to identify different types of feature within a particular class
(GML: fontHeight)
Indicative of the height of the text in comparison to other features
Small, Medium, Large or Extra Large
(GML: height)
Ground height of heighted point in metres
Name of the road, airport, cartographic text, station, heritage site, ground height value
Romsey Road; Liverpool John Lennon Airport; Croydon
(GML: roadNumber)
DFT road number
Motorway junction number
Orientation of the text feature in degrees
-90 to 90
(GML: not present)
This attribute contains all names, including all accents. Those accented letters that do not have an ASCII value have HTML control characters
Coed Ty'n-llŵyn will be recorded as Coed Ty'n- ll<f>ŵ</f>yn
Pont Rhŷd-Dwrial will be recorded as and Pont Rh<f>ŷ</f>d-Dwrial
Feature code which provides an alternative to using classification for styling
(GML: gml_id)
Unique identifier, which can be used for
de-duplicating across tile boundaries.
Identifiers will be regenerated for each product release
The alignment of the national boundaries, between England/Wales and between England / Scotland.
County Or Region Or Island
The alignment of the limits of an area of local government responsibility administered by county councils.
District Or London Borough
The alignment of the limits of an area of local government responsibility administered by district councils.
Parish Or Community
The alignment of the limits of an area of local government responsibility administered by parish councils.
This is a simple user guide for those with no previous knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS).
This guide will introduce users to downloading OS OpenData™, creating simple maps with Quantum GIS (QGIS), and exporting the map as a PDF or JPEG file.
The aim of this exercise is to produce a map of Southampton at a scale of 1:20 000.
OS VectorMap® District (Vector) format is updated twice a year and is appropriate for maps of scale 1:15 000-1:30 000. If a greater level of detail is required we recommend OS VectorMap Local.
For more information on OS VectorMap District go to the product's overview and technical specification pages.
The topics covered in this guide include:
This page details an alternative approach for applying a background colour to areas of the map that are not covered by Tidal Water. The solution requires an ESRI shape file defining the spatial extents of each product to be provided as a download on the Ordnance Survey website as found here:
Most GIS allow a background colour to be applied to the entire display window. In ArcMap this is achieved by right- clicking in the data frame, selecting Data Frame Properties, selecting the Frame tab and setting a background colour. The background colour should be set to be the same colour as TidalWater:
Polygons defining areas of land for the whole world can be downloaded from here: http://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/10m-physical-vectors/ (click on ‘Download land’)
This data is defined in the WGS84 coordinate system. Some GIS will transform this on-the-fly to British National Grid, for others it may be necessary to apply a coordinate transformation first. This data can be added to the map below the two existing layers (ProductExtents and TidalWater). This ensures that only the additional land masses beyond the areas maintained by Ordnance Survey are visible:
Once you are happy with the scale and position of your map, click Project > New Print Composer.
A window will open asking for an ID/Title, however it is not required. Click OK.
A new window will open showing a blank page. To insert the map from QGIS click on ‘Add new map’ (see below).
Left click and then drag a rectangle to select the dimension of the added map. Once added the position of the map within the frame can be adjusted by selecting ‘Move item content’ (see above).
Click on ‘Item Properties’ on the task bar on the right. The specific scale can be selected here, and if you scroll down there are several other options including ‘Position and Size’. Here the dimensions of the map on the page can be adjusted in millimetres. Careful, as when altering the position and size the scale will also change.
Once you are happy with the image you can export the map as an image or a PDF by selecting ‘Export as image’ or ‘Export as PDF’ respectively (see below). And save within an appropriate folder.
Your final JPEG image should looks similar to this:
This is a simple guide for those with no previous knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS). This guide will introduce users to downloading OS OpenData™, creating simple maps with Quantum GIS (QGIS), and exporting map images as a PDF or JPEG file.
The aim of this exercise is to produce a map of Southampton at a scale of 1:17 000.
OS VectorMap® District (Raster) format is updated twice a year and is appropriate for maps of scale 1:15 000-1:30 000. If a greater level of detail is required we recommend OS VectorMap Local.
For more information on OS VectorMap District (Raster) format go to the product's overview and technical specification pages.
The topics covered in this guide include:
Firstly OS VectorMap District (Vector) format needs to be downloaded from the OS Data Hub
Scroll to OS VectorMap District, ensure that the data type is Vector. Select grid reference square using the two letter reference list. Southampton lies in the SU grid reference square, so SU has been selected from the reference list.
Here is a larger image of the National Grid Reference squares:
Tick the box for Download (as seen in download page image). Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Next.
Fill in the details required and you will receive an email with a link to download the data as a .zip file. Save to a designated folder. Once the download is complete, extract the file.
Now you should have a data folder with the all the components as SHX, SHP, PRJ and DRB files.
As the download doesn’t come with Styled Layer Descriptors (SLDs), these need to be downloaded from the Ordnance Survey GitHub: https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/OS-VectorMap-District-stylesheets
On the webpage click ‘Download ZIP’.
Save the file. Once downloaded, extract the file and this will create a folder which contains both ESRI Shapefile stylesheets and GML stylesheets. Later we will be using the ESRI Shapefile stylesheets.
Open QGIS from Start > All Programs > QGIS Brighton > QGIS Desktop 2.6.1
To add the OS VectorMap. Select ‘Add vector layer’ from the application toolbar
Click ‘Browse’ and navigate to the data folder OSVectorMapDistrict (ESRI Shape File)SU > data.
Click on the drop down menu next to File name and select ESRI shapefiles (*.shp, *.SHP).
Select all the shape files and click ‘Open’. Now you should have a map that looks similar to this:
Once open you can move about and investigate the map using some of these tools:
Pan tool Zoom in/Zoom out
To restore the image to its original view, right click on one of the vector layers and click ‘Zoom to layer’.
Firstly, OS VectorMap District needs to be downloaded from the OS Data hub:
Scroll to OS VectorMap District. Ensure that the data type is raster, and select grid reference square using the two letter reference list. Southampton lies in the SU grid reference square, so SU has been selected from the reference list.
Here is a larger image of the National Grid Reference squares:
Tick the box for Download (as seen in download page image).
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Next.
Fill in the details required and you will receive an email with a link to download the data as a .zip file. Save to a designated folder. Once the download is complete extract the file.
Now you will have a folder containing 100 TIFF image files (.tif) from SU00-SU99, which are 10km x 10km tiles that are numbered to their relative position in the grid:
Open QGIS from Start>All Programs>QGIS Brighton>QGIS Desktop 2.6.1
To open the OS VectorMap District (Raster) format Select ‘Add raster layer’ (see below)
Click ‘Browse’ and navigate to the downloaded files that have been extracted. Select the required TIFF files. In this case SU41 is the required image. Click ‘Open’.
The opened map will look similar to this:
Once open you can move about and investigate the map using some of these tools:
To restore the image to its original view right click on the raster image layer and click ‘Zoom to layer’.
The map is most functional for scales 1:15 000-1:30 000. For this tutorial we want a map of an area of Southampton at a scale of 1:17 000. Use the ‘Pan tool’, ‘Zoom in’ and ‘Zoom out’ to position the map over Southampton at an appropriate scale, or alternatively set the scale of the map by typing in the scale bar, which is at the bottom of the screen.
For each layer present in the data the colours have been assigned randomly. To make the map legible the Styled Layer Descriptors can be applied to each layer.
To do this first right click on the ‘SU_Woodland’ layer and select ‘Properties’.
This will open a new window. Make sure the ‘Style’ tab on the left is selected.
Click ‘Load Style’ and a new window will open, navigate to the downloaded stylesheet folders
OS-VectorMap-District-stylesheets-master > ESRI Shapefile stylesheets > QGIS stylesheets (QML) > Full Colour style and select the Woodland QML file and click ‘Open’.
Repeat this for each layer selecting the respective QML file for each layer.
For maximum legibility rearrange the order of the layers to match the image below:
By clicking on the box next to the layer name the layer can be included or removed from the map.
The resultant map should look similar to this:
The map is most functional for scales 1:15 000-1:30 000. For this tutorial we want a map of an area of Southampton at a scale of 1:20 000. Use the ‘Pan tool’, ‘Zoom in’ and ‘Zoom out’ to position the map over Southampton at an appropriate scale, or alternatively set the scale of the map by typing in the scale bar, which is at the bottom of the screen.
• The map should now look similar to this:
A backdrop-style legend for OS VectorMap District is available as a PDF download.
A full-style colour legend for OS VectorMap District is available as a PDF download.
Our land tiles complete land areas at each zoom level, as required. They define the spatial extents of each product, so you can apply a background colour of your choice to areas of the map that are not covered by Tidal Water.
Our free 5km x 5km sea tiles and supporting TIFF World Files are free to download and let you complete sea areas at each zoom level as required. OS VectorMap District sea tiles are geo-tagged, so they don't require additional world files.
XML versions of the OS VectorMap District code lists are available below:
Code lists provide a controlled list and formal definition for values used in certain attributes of the product.
Once you are happy with the scale and position, click Project> New Print Composer.
A window will open asking for an ID/Title, however it is not required. Click OK.
A new window will open showing a blank page. To insert the map from QGIS click on ‘Add new map’ (see below).
Left click and then drag a rectangle to select the dimension of the added map. Once added the position of the map within the frame can be adjusted by selecting ‘Move item content’ (see below).
Click Item Properties on the task bar on the right. The specific scale can be selected here, and if you scroll down there are several other options including Position and Size. Here the dimensions of the map can be adjusted in millimetres.
Careful, as when altering the position and size the scale will also change.
OS VectorMap District is most useful to design a map within scales of 1:15 000-1:30 000, for this map of Southampton the selected scale is 1:17 000.
Once you are happy with the image you can export the map as an image or a PDF by selecting
‘Export as image’ or ‘Export as PDF’ respectively (see below). And save within an appropriate folder.
Your final JPEG image should looks similar to this:
The XML schema for OS VectorMap District is available from the . Previous versions of this schema are available to download from the website, the most recent version is included below:
The overview contains additional theoretical information related to OS VectorMap District. All users will find the Product Information document useful and informative.
The technical specification provides detailed technical information about OS VectorMap District. It is targeted at technical users and software developers.
The vector simple guide provides an introduction to downloading and using vector data for users with no previous knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS).
The rastersimple guide provides an introduction to downloading and using rater data for users with no previous knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS).
The downloads page provides links and resources to support the application of OS VectorMap District within your environment.
The XML File Repository License, covering the terms and conditions for the use of all Ordnance Survey XML schemas, is made available through the in the Resources section.