Release notes for OS Open Names product
This release note provides information about the January 2025 release of OS Open Names.
This release note provides information about the October 2024 release of OS Open Names.
This release note provides information about the July 2024 release of OS Open Names.
This release note provides information about the January 2024 release of OS Open Names.
A unique identifier that enables records to be identified easily. The identifier will be persistent for all LocalTypes, except Section of Named Road and Section of Numbered Road. Settlements will have a TOID range allocated. Postcodes will use the postcode without spaces as the identifier. Roads will reuse identifiers from OS MasterMap Highways Network. For Section of Named Road and Section of Numbered Road, a Fid is supplied as the Id. For example, ID_4e27cf36-1157-4748-a7ab-4c63283ba101. This Fid will not persist through product releases.
Attribute name: GML: namedPlace, CSV/GeoPackage: Id
Value type: Text
Size: 39
Multiplicity: 1
INSPIRE identifier for the Named Place which is maintained along with the version number and version date to reflect the life cycle of the feature.
Attribute name: GML: identifier, CSV/GeoPackage: names_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 75
Multiplicity: 1
INSPIRE identifier for the Named Place which is maintained along with the version number.
Attribute name: GML: inspireId
Value type: Text
Size: 60
Multiplicity: 1
For consistency with other Ordnance Survey products, this is the date of publication. This date will change with every refresh of the product.
Attribute name: GML: beginLifespanVersion
Value type: DateTime
Size: 30
Multiplicity: 1
The product only contains live names and as such this attribute will not be populated.
Attribute name: GML: endLifespanVersion
Value type: DateTime
Size: 30
vMultiplicity: 0…1 <<voidable>>
The proper noun that applies to the real world entity. Names that are prefixed by the definite article are not formatted for alphabetical sorting, that is, ‘The Pennines’ not ‘Pennines, The’. This is likely to be the attribute most used when searching the product.
vAttribute name: GML: spelling, CSV/GeoPackage: name1, name2
vValue type: Text
Size: 250
Multiplicity: 1…2
The language type is only set where more than one name exists. See Language code list.
Attribute name: GML: language, CSV/GeoPackage: name1_lang, name2_lang
Value type: Text
Size: 3
Multiplicity: 1…2 (CSV Multiplicity: 0…2)
providing/publishingOriginal data source from which the geographical name is taken from and integrated in the data set providing / publishing it. For some named spatial objects, it might refer again to the publishing data set if no other information is available. Set to <gn:sourceOfName nilReason=“unknown” xsi:nil=“true”/>.
vAttribute name: GML: sourceOfName
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 1
Always the endonym. The name for a geographical feature in an official or well-established language occurring in that area where the feature is situated.
Attribute name: GML: nativeness
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 1
The status of a geographical name that is the information enabling to discern which credit should be given to the name with respect to its standardisation and / or its topicality.
Attribute name: GML: nameStatus
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 1
The INSPIRE type of named place being represented by the specific feature.
Attribute name: GML: type, CSV/GeoPackage: type
Value type: Text
vSize: 30
Multiplicity: 1
The Ordnance Survey classification for the named place being represented by the specific feature. The LocalType will enable you to make your searches more efficient.
Attribute name: GML: localType, CSV/GeoPackage: local_type
Value type: Text
Size: 250
Multiplicity: 1
Point geometry in British National Grid. Resolution up to 1m.
Attribute name: GML: geometry, CSV: GEOMETRY_X , GEOMETRY_Y; GeoPackage: geometry
Value type: GML – GM_Point, CSV – Real
Size: GML – No decimal places, CSV – (precision, scale) x 9,0; y 10,0
Multiplicity: 1
The maximum recommended viewing resolution or scale at which the names should no longer be displayed in a viewing service such as a GIS.
Attribute name: GML: mostDetailedViewingResolution, CSV/GeoPackage: most_detail_view_res
Value type: Integer
Size: 9
Multiplicity: 1
The minimum recommended viewing resolution or scale at which the names should no longer be displayed in a viewing service such as a GIS.
Attribute name: GML: leastDetailedViewingResolution, CSV/GeoPackage: least_detail_view_res
Value type: Integer
Size: 9
Multiplicity: 1
Bounding box or Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) for roads and settlements. For Settlements and Sections of Named and Numbered Roads, the MBR gives a representation of the extent of these features and is not snapped to the real world extent. Postcodes do not have an MBR; the Most and Least Detailed View Resolutions can be used as a substitute in this instance.
Attribute name: GML: boundedBy, CSV/GeoPackage: mbr_xmin, mbr_ymin, mbr_xmax, mbr_ymax
Value type: GML – GM_Envelope, CSV – Real
Size: GML – 3 decimal places, CSV – (precision, scale) x 9,3; y 10,3
Multiplicity: 0…1
The postcode district (for example, SO15) is supplied for all features, except where LocalType is Postcode. This helps to distinguish between features that have the same name, which makes it particularly useful when creating a search function.
Attribute name: GML: inPostcodeDistrict, CSV/GeoPackage: postcode_district
Value type: Text
Size: 4
Multiplicity: 0…1
The Linked Data identifier for Code-Point Open. Linked Data is a useful way of looking at or utilising data associated with the feature.
Attribute name: GML: inPostcodeDistrict, CSV/GeoPackage: postcode_district_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 60
Multiplicity: 0…1
The name of the settlement that the point geometry given for the road or postcode is within, to distinguish between roads with the same name, to improve searches, and to improve identification of postcodes. Where the settlement has more than one name, the name is concatenated with a space, a forward slash and a space. This can be used to assist with identifying a specific road within the data.
For example, High Street, Southampton or High Street, Portsmouth or to extract all roads within a settlement.
Attribute name: GML: inPopulatedPlace, CSV/GeoPackage: populated_place
Value type: Text
Size: 103
Multiplicity: 0…1
This is the Linked Data identifier for the settlement. Linked Data is a useful way of looking at or utilising data associated with the feature.
Attribute name: GML: inPopulatedPlace, CSV/GeoPackage: populated_place_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 60
Multiplicity: 0…1
URI to the code list which classifies the types of settlement that the feature is within.
Attribute name: GML: inPopulatedPlace, CSV/GeoPackage: populated_place_type
Value type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The name of the District, Metropolitan District or London Borough administrative unit that the point geometry for the feature is within.
Note: These areas do not cover the whole of GB so some values will be blank. This gives additional context to the location of the feature and enables all features with the same value to be easily identified.
Attribute name: GML: inDistrictOrBorough, CSV/GeoPackage: district_borough
Value type: Text
vSize: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The Linked Data reference to the District.
Attribute name: GML: inDistrictOrBorough, CSV/GeoPackage: district_borough_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The URI to the code list which classifies the type of administrative unit.
vAttribute name: GML: inDistrictOrBorough, CSV/GeoPackage: district_borough_type
vValue type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The name of the County (non-metropolitan or Metropolitan), Unitary Authority or Greater London Authority administrative area that the point geometry for the feature is within or nearest to. This assists with the identification of specific features within searches and enables all features with the same value to be easily identified. There are some rules applied: If within COUNTY_UNITARY, select COUNTY_UNITARY. If not within COUNTY_UNITARY but is within DISTRICT_BOROUGH, then do not populate. If not within COUNTY_UNITARY and not within DISTRICT_BOROUGH, then select the nearest COUNTY_UNITARY.
Attribute name: GML: inCountyOrUnitaryAuthority, CSV/GeoPackage: county_unitary
Value type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The Linked Data reference to the County, Unitary Authority or Greater London Authority.
Attribute name: GML: inCountyOrUnitaryAuthority, CSV/GeoPackage: county_unitary_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The URI to the code list which classifies the type of administrative unit.
Attribute name: GML: inCountyOrUnitaryAuthority, CSV/GeoPackage: county_unitary_type
Value type: Text
Size: 80
Multiplicity: 0…1
The name of the European Region (was Government Office Region) that the point geometry for the feature is within or nearest to. This gives additional context to the location of the feature and enables all features with the same value to be easily identified.
Attribute name: GML: inEuropeanRegion, CSV/GeoPackage: region
Value type: Text
Size: 30
Multiplicity: 1
The Linked Data reference to the European region.
Attribute name: GML: inEuropeanRegion, CSV/GeoPackage: region_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 60
Multiplicity: 1
The name of the country that the point geometry for the feature is within or nearest to. This gives additional context to the location of the feature and enables all features with the same value to be easily identified.
Attribute name: GML: inCountry, CSV/GeoPackage: country
Value type: Text
Size: 30
Multiplicity: 1
The Linked Data reference to the country.
Attribute name: GML: inCountry, CSV/GeoPackage: country_uri
Value type: Text
Size: 60
Multiplicity: 1
When a feature (for example, a section of Named Road) is a section of another feature (for example, a Settlement), this attribute references the inspireId attribute of the whole feature. Examples are given in Section 1.3.
Attribute name: GML: relatedSpatialObject, CSV/GeoPackage: related_spatial_object
Value type: Text
Size: 20
Multiplicity: 0…1
References DBpedia for settlements. The reference to DBpedia, for example, Bournemouth = http://DBpedia.org/resource/Bournemouth.
Attribute name: GML: sameAsDBPedia, CSV/GeoPackage: same_as_dbpedia
Value type: Text
Size: 100
Multiplicity: 0…1
References GeoNames for settlements. The reference to GeoNames, for example, Bournemouth = http://sws.GeoNames.org/2655095.
Attribute name: GML: sameAsGeoNames, CSV/GeoPackage: same_as_geonames
Value type: Text
Size: 100
Multiplicity: 0…1
This overview introduces OS Open Names and gives context for all users – highlighting key features, providing examples of potential uses, and listing details such as file sizes, supply formats, etc.
OS Open Names is a geographic directory that contains basic information about identifiable places (i.e. named places). The content of the product is divided into themes based on type and local type classification values. The data contains accurate and current settlement names, road names and numbers, postcodes and their locations, with additional contextual information and links to other datasets. It is designed for use across all market sectors and can be used for web service and mobile development.
In addition to the data product, OS Open Names content is available through the OS Names API (application programming interface), which is accessible via the OS Data Hub.
The primary use of the product is to provide the location for a named place to support a wealth of activities such as discovery, identification, visualisation, geocoding, routing and navigation, and linking diverse information.
The name of the place is the key property used for querying. It is also recognised that a place may have multiple names as its official name may be defined in multiple languages (English / Welsh or English / Gaelic), for example, Cardiff (English) and Caerdydd (Welsh). Where relevant, we give a second name, with the language being specified.
Names are not unique, so additional location information is provided to enable users to refine their query to select the named place they are interested in. Additional location information includes postcode district, populated place, district / borough, county / unitary authority, European region, and country.
The OS Open Names specification will extend the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) Geographical Names theme to ensure that it is compliant with European open data initiatives.
OS Open Names has a resolution of 1 metre. The definition of how the locations are generated is outlined in the Technical Specification.
The persistent unique identifier enables features to be quickly and easily identified and can be used for better data management. The exceptions to this are Section of Named Road and Section of Numbered Road, which don’t have a persistent identifier. More information on this can be found in the Technical Specification.
The links to other gazetteers, such as DBpedia and GeoNames, encourage wider use of the product and enable users to embed it more easily into their systems and processes if they already use one of these gazetteers.
The contextual geography attributes, such as DISTRICT_BOROUGH, enable features with the same name to be identified quickly through enhanced querying for greater accuracy of results.
Bounding boxes, or Minimum Bounding Rectangles (MBR), are given for roads and settlements. These can be used to quickly zoom to the extent of a feature in a GIS (geographic information system) map widow, application or web service.
For guidance on using the data, please refer to the Getting Started Guide.
The October 2024 release notes for OS Open Names
This release note provides information relating to the October 2024 release of OS Open Names.
• Layer Name: The layer name changed from NamedPlace to named_place.
• Column Name: The geom column name has been changed to geometry.
The next release of OS Open Names is scheduled for January 2025.
This getting started guide provides instructions for using OS Open Names in different software applications. Users with limited technical knowledge will be able to follow this guide.
OS Open Names is a geographic directory that contains basic information about identifiable places in Great Britain. The content is divided into themes based on type and local type classification values. The data contains accurate and current settlement names, road names and numbers, postcodes and their locations, additional contextual information and links to other datasets. The primary use of the product is to provide the location of named places to support a wealth of activities, such as discovery, identification, visualisation, geocoding, routing and navigation, and linking of diverse information.
This focuses on using the product in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
OS Open Names is a comprehensive dataset of place names, roads numbers and postcodes for Great Britain. The data contains accurate and current settlement names, road names and numbers, postcodes and their locations, with additional contextual information and links to other datasets.
This product is updated quarterly in January, April, July, October.
Let your customer-facing staff find places quickly when talking to callers. OS Open Names provides the accurate locations of streets and postcodes in Great Britain.
Quickly look up places and roads with two names. OS Open Names contains place name data in English and their Welsh, Scots or Gaelic alternatives.
OS Open Names contains over 870 000 named and numbered roads, nearly 44 000 settlements and over 1.6 million postcodes, all matched/mapped to the National Grid.
Access: Download
Data themes: Administrative and Statistical Units, Geographical Names, Transport
Data structure: Vector
Coverage: Great Britain
Scale: 1:1 250 to 1:10 000
Format: CSV, GML 3.2.1, GeoPackage
Ordering area: All of Great Britain
Publication months: January, April, July, October
OS Data Hub plan: Energy & Infrastructure Plan, OS OpenData Plan (FREE), Premium Plan, Public Sector Plan
To access additional documentation and resources relating to this product, please refer to the following:
New users should start with the Overview to gain high-level insight into the product. The Getting Started Guide will help you to begin using product data in different software systems. The Technical Specification contains detailed technical insights.
The January 2024 release notes for OS Open Names
This release note provides information relating to the January 2024 release of OS Open Names.
GeoPackage attribution: The following attribute names have been changed from Title case to snake case:
The next release of OS Open Names is scheduled for April 2024.
The OS Open Names product is supplied in three formats (CSV, GML and GeoPackage) as an online download and as an application programming interface (API), both of which can be accessed from the .
Updates are supplied quarterly (January, April, July and October) and are provided as a complete resupply. Any features that are deleted between supplies are not included in the resupply.
OS Open Names covers named places for Great Britain.
The approximate file size of each data format is as follows:
CSV: 1.65Gb
GML: 9.1Gb
GeoPackage: 2.1Gb
The file structure of OS Open Names CSV format supply is:
Root folder: Readme.txt (summary of supplied data).
Doc folder: OS_Open_Names_Headers.csv (description of column headers) and licence.txt (important licencing information).
Data folder: 819 files in CSV format.
Each file contains data for a 20x20km area labelled with the corresponding grid reference, for example, HP40.csv.
The file structure of OS Open Names GeoPackage format supply is:
Root folder: Readme.txt (summary of supplied data).
Doc folder: licence.txt (important licencing information).
Data folder: opname_gb.gpkg (single file in GeoPackage format).
This file is a self-contained database.
The structure of OS Open Names supplied in GeoPackage
The file structure of OS Open Names GML format supply is:
Root folder: Readme.txt (summary of supplied data).
Doc folder: OS_Open_Names_Headers.csv (description of column headers) and licence.txt (important licencing information).
Data folder: 819 files in GML format.
Each file contains data for a 20x20km area labelled with the corresponding grid reference, for example, HP40.gml.
The July 2024 release notes for OS Open Names
This release note provides information relating to the July 2024 release of OS Open Names.
• Layer Name: The layer name changed from NamedPlace to named_place.
• Column Name: The geom column name has been changed to geometry.
The next release of OS Open Names is scheduled for October 2024.
OS Open Names can be used across all sectors of industry for a wide variety of purposes (only a few of which are shown in the following examples). Primarily, it can be used to identify and locate named places; however, when combined with other Ordnance Survey products, the range of uses for the product increases.
Some Public Sector services rely on accurate and up-to-date road names and numbers. Having access to a product that’s maintained quarterly is a huge advantage to delivering efficient services.
As an emergency services planner, you want to allocate your resources in the most efficient way when an emergency is reported. OS Open Names can be used as part of the process to quickly identify the location of an emergency and your resources to therefore determine the most efficient way to manage them.
As a land and property manager, you want to assess the suitability of potential sites for a new building. Using OS Open Names you can quickly identify the settlements and roads in an area as part of the assessment.
As a senior analyst for flood risk modelling for an insurance company, you may need to identify the settlements, roads and postcodes affected by a flood. OS Open Names can be used to quickly identify a list of named places, roads and postcodes in an area at risk of flooding.
As a tourist new to an area, you may want to discover places of interest or activities to take part in.
OS Open Names can be used to locate named places, and you can gain additional information by linking to Ordnance Survey data.
The table below gives some further uses and applications for OS Open Names:
OS Open Names is updated from Ordnance Survey’s data content stores.
Settlements are sourced from an internal OS data store. For LocalType City and Town, the geometry supplied is the notional centre of the settlement (the position that the majority of informed people would accept as being the 'centre' of the settlement) and the position has been manually captured.
For all other settlement types, the position has been generated from the major road junction within the settlement, using OS MasterMap Highways Network.
A single point is taken from Ordnance Survey’s database for the geometry of a postcode which is the notional centre created from all the addresses within the postcode unit.
The geometry for a road feature is derived from OS MasterMap Highways Network. The point has been calculated by finding the vertex closest to the centre of the bounding box.
A road feature will always have a point based on the entire road as shown in the diagram below. Furthermore, where a Road Name intersects a settlement or a Road Number intersects a City or Town, an additional point is created within the settlement.
For each section of road that intersects a City or Town, an additional point is calculated as per the method above. The image below shows an example of a Numbered Road that intersects two towns, the blue box is the bounding box for the entire road and the blue cross is the vertex closest to the centre of the bounding box. For each Town or City the Numbered Road intersects, a bounding box is created for the section within the Town or City, shown in red. The closest vertex to the centre of the bounding box is then selected as the point, shown by the red cross. The red features will reference the Topographic Identifier (TOID) of the blue feature through the relatedSpatialObject attribute.
For each section of road that intersects a settlement, an additional point is calculated as per the method above. The image below shows an example of a Named Road that intersects two settlements; the blue box is the bounding box for the entire road and the blue cross is the vertex closest to the centre of the bounding box. For each settlement the Named Road intersects, a bounding box is created for the section within the settlement, shown in red. The closest vertex to the centre of the bounding box is then selected as the point, shown by the red cross. The red features will reference the TOID of the blue feature through the relatedSpatialObject attribute.
The points are queried against Boundary-Line to populate the contextual geography attributes such as DISTRICT_BOROUGH or COUNTY_UNITARY. The inPostcodeDistrict attribute is populated for roads only and uses the postcode district.
This technical specification provides detailed technical information about OS Open Names. It is targeted at technical users and software developers.
OS Open Names is a geographic directory that contains basic information about identifiable places (i.e. named places). The content of the product is divided into themes based on type and local type classification values. The data contains accurate and current settlement names, road names and numbers, postcodes and their locations, with additional contextual information and links to other datasets. It is designed for use across all market sectors and can be used for web service and mobile development.
The primary use of the product is to provide the location for a named place to support a wealth of activities such as discovery, identification, visualisation, geocoding, routing and navigation, and linking diverse information.
OS Open Names is updated quarterly and released in April, July, October and January.
OS Open Names is available in the following formats:
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Geography Markup Language (GML) 3.1.2
The dataset uses the British National Grid spatial reference system. The National Grid coordinates are to a resolution of 0.1 metre. This is the resolution of the source data. Positions are described as Easting and Northing coordinates in units of metres.
The most and least detailed viewing resolutions suggest a suitable scale at which to view each local type. Where the most detailed viewing resolution is set as 'variable', the resolution is based on a calculated value per feature:
The maximum and minimum recommended viewing resolution or scale at which names in the product should no longer be displayed in a viewing service such as a GIS are shown in the table below.
This page describes the single feature type (Named Place) available in the OS Open Names product, giving the following information about each attribute:
For property locations, you will need one of the .
If your work requires the full postal address, we recommend .
Access to this OS OpenData product is free .
The structure of OS Open Names supplied in CSV is described in the .
The structure of OS Open Names supplied in GML format is described in the .
OS Open Names metadata is ISO 19115 UK GEMINI 2 compliant. For more information, see .
As a planner for a utilities company, you need to act quickly to deploy your resources following an incident. OS Open Names can be used to determine the location of the incident and to assist with the management of resources. When linked with the product, routing around incidents becomes possible.
OS Open Names
3 028 386
OS Open Names
3 018 903
OS Open Names
3 019 873
Central and Local Government
Locating where a person is, allowing nearest services to be matched to them.
Improving local planning capability and analysis. For example, journey information, patient transport, and traffic management.
Linking and collaborating with other departments through data sharing.
Enabling citizens to search for their location to manage tasks such as planning applications.
Also used in interactive maps for planning and for citizens reporting problems back to a council.
Land and property
Quicker, more accurate location searches for site analysis, planning applications and conveyancing.
Emergency services
Emergency planning.
More accurately identifying locations to help improve response times.
Recognising different names for the same location.
Web services
Location look-up for routing.
Location of a named place.
Where is someone or something?
Outdoor leisure activities.
Where’s my nearest?
Where am I?
Where do I want to go?
Desktop evaluation of locations for initial risk analysis.
50 000
50 000
150 000
100 000
Bus Station
50 000
Bus Station, Coach Station
50 000
100 000
Chemical Works
50 000
Cirque Or Hollow
30 000
9 000 000
Cliff Or Slope (Named Coastal Cliff Or Slope)
40 000
Cliff Or Slope (Named Cliff)
15 000
Coach Station
50 000
Coastal Headland
750 000
Electricity Distribution
50 000
Electricity Production
50 000
250 000
Further Education
50 000
Further Education, Higher or University Education
50 000
Further Education, Non State Primary Education, Non State Secondary Education
50 000
Further Education, Non State Secondary Education
50 000
Further Education, Primary Education
50 000
Further Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Special Needs Education
50 000
Further Education, Secondary Education
50 000
Further Education, Special Needs Education
50 000
Gas Distribution or Storage
50 000
Group Of Islands
3 000 000
5 000
25 000
20 000
Helicopter Station
50 000
50 000
Higher or University Education
50 000
Hill Or Mountain
300 000
Hill Or Mountain Ranges
3 000 000
50 000
50 000
Hospital, Medical Care Accommodation
50 000
Inland Water (Named Water Expanse)
500 000
Inland Water (Named Stretch Of Water)
35 000
Inland Water (Named Water Expanse Group)
40 000
800 000
Medical Care Accommodation
50 000
Named Road
20 000
Non State Primary Education
50 000
Non State Primary Education, Non State Secondary Education
50 000
Non State Secondary Education
50 000
Numbered Road (A Road Extent)
1 000 000
Numbered Road (B Road Extent)
250 000
Numbered Road (Motorway Extent)
1 000 000
Oil Distribution or Storage
50 000
Oil Refining
50 000
Oil Terminal
50 000
Other Coastal Landform (Named Area Of Coastal Rock)
50 000
Other Coastal Landform (Named Coastal Landform)
20 000
Other Coastal Landform (Named Coastal Ravine)
15 000
Other Landcover (Named Area Of Drained Land)
1 300 000
Other Landcover (Named Area Of Rough Land)
1 300 000
Other Landcover (Named Area Of Rural Land)
800 000
Other Landform
15 000
Other Settlement (Urban Area)
60 000
Other Settlement (Urban District)
60 000
Other Settlement (Crofting Locality)
15 000
25 000
Other Settlement (Rural Locality)
15 000
25 000
Other Settlement (Named Group Of Buildings)
15 000
25 000
Other Settlement (Named Locality)
15 000
25 000
Passenger Ferry Terminal
50 000
Passenger Ferry Terminal, Vehicular Ferry Terminal
50 000
Port Consisting of Docks and Nautical Berthing
50 000
3 500
18 000
Primary Education
50 000
Primary Education, Secondary Education
50 000
Primary Education, Special Needs Education
50 000
300 000
Railway Station
50 000
Road User Services
50 000
12 000 000
Secondary Education
50 000
Section Of Named Road
25 000
Section Of Numbered Road (A Road Extent)
25 000
Section Of Numbered Road (B Road Extent)
25 000
Section Of Numbered Road (Motorway Extent)
25 000
Special Needs Education
50 000
Spot Height
100 000
Suburban Area
25 000
Tidal Water (Named Tidal Inlet)
150 000
Tidal Water (Named Stretch Of Tidal Water)
100 000
2 000 000
125 000
Urban Greenspace
100 000
800 000
Vehicular Ferry Terminal
50 000
Vehicular Rail Terminal
50 000
250 000
15 000
Wetland (Named Inland Water Wetland)
200 000
Wetland (Named Foreshore Or Tidal Water Wetland)
15 000
Woodland Or Forest
400 000
The name is in the Welsh language.
The name is in the English language.
The name is in the Scottish Gaelic language.
The language type is not set if there is only one name. This appears as
<gn:language nilReason="inapplicable" xsi:nil="true"/> (that is, the concept of language is not applicable to ‘Accepted’ names).
NULL is also used if there are two names, and the language of one or both of the names is not recorded as English, Welsh or Gaelic. This appears as
<gn:sourceOfName nilReason=”unknown” xsi:nil=”true”/>.
administrative unit
Units of administration, dividing areas where Member States have and / or exercise jurisdictional rights, for local, regional and national governance, separated by administrative boundaries.
Geographical location of buildings.
A name related to a water feature.
A name related to land cover, such as a Beach or Urban Greenspace.
A name related to a land form, such as a hill, mountain or headland.
A name for a place inhabited by people.
protected site
Area designated or managed within a framework of international,
Community and Member States' legislation to achieve specific conservation objectives.
A name for a feature related to road, rail, air or water transport. The data only includes named and numbered roads.
A spatial object not included in the other types of the code list. Data includes postcodes.
A named area of ground where aircraft take off and land. It may have some permanent buildings, but it is smaller than an airport and may be for private use only.
A named site where aircraft land and take off and which provide facilities for handling passengers, air freight and servicing aircraft.
A named area of open water, which is largely surrounded by (and often sheltered by) land.
A named area of sand and / or shingle either adjacent to, or straddling, mean high water or the shore of an inland water feature such as a river or lake.
Bus Station
A named place where buses begin, break or end their journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark.
Bus Station, Coach Station
A named place where buses and coaches begin, break or end their journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark.
A named relatively narrow stretch of water, connecting two or more open bodies of water.
Chemical Works
A named site where the principles of chemistry are applied to materials to create different materials on a large scale.
Cirque Or Hollow
A named natural depression in the landscape.
A named centre of business and population, vested with City status by virtue of Royal Charter.
Cliff Or Slope
A named steep cliff or slope running from the clifftops down towards the sea.
Coach Station
A named place where coaches begin, break or end a journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark.
Coastal Headland
A named prominent mass of land raised above the surrounding tidal water on several sides.
Electricity Distribution
A named site used to handle electricity as part of the process of distributing electricity nationally.
Electricity Production
A named feature where electricity is generated on a large scale.
A named partially enclosed area of sea, at the mouth of one or more rivers.
Further Education
An educational establishment for academic and vocational qualifications below degree level undertaken after age 16.
Further Education, Higher or University Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Higher or University Education.
Further Education, Higher or University Education, Non State Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Higher or University Education, and Non State Secondary Education.
Further Education, Non State Primary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Non State Primary Education.
Further Education, Non State Primary Education, Non State Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Non State Primary Education, and Non State Secondary Education.
Further Education, Non State Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Non State Secondary Education.
Further Education, Non State Secondary Education, Primary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Non State Secondary Education, and Primary Education.
Further Education, Primary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Primary Education.
Further Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Needs Education.
Further Education, Primary Education, Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Primary Education, and Special Needs Education.
Further Education, Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Secondary Education.
Further Education, Secondary Education, Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Secondary Education, and Special Needs Education.
Further Education, Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Special Needs Education.
Gas Distribution or Storage
A named site associated with the storing or supply of gas to users.
Group Of Islands
A named set of islands in the sea.
A settlement smaller than a village.
A named area of naturally or artificially protected water on a coast where boats can anchor or moor.
Helicopter Station
A named facility from where bodies such as the police or ambulance service operate helicopter operations.
A named airport specifically designed for use by helicopters.
Higher or University Education
A named site where students study at National Qualifications Framework level 4 and above.
Hill Or Mountain
A named area of land that is higher than the surrounding land.
Hill Or Mountain Ranges
A named chain of mountains or hills bordered by highlands or separated from other mountains or hills by passes or valleys.
A named medical facility to care for patients with terminal conditions.
A named medical facility that provides second level care.
Hospital, Medical Care Accommodation
A named medical facility providing second level care and long-term medical accommodation.
Inland Water
A named area of permanent non-tidal water that cannot be given a more refined classification.
A named area of land completely surrounded by water.
Medical Care Accommodation
A named site that provides both long-term medical accommodation and medical care.
Named Road
Distinctive name for a road.
Non State Primary Education
An educational establishment for children from the ages of seven to eleven that is not funded by the state.
Non State Primary Education, Non State Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Non State Primary Education and Non State Secondary Education.
Non State Primary Education, Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Non State Primary Education and Secondary Education.
Non State Primary Education, Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Non State Primary Education and Special Needs Education.
Non State Secondary Education
An educational establishment for children of eleven years and over, that is not funded by the state.
Non State Secondary Education, Primary Education
An educational establishment providing Non State Secondary Education and Primary Education.
Numbered Road
Department for Transport road number for Motorways, A Roads and B Roads.
Oil Distribution or Storage
A named depot where oil is stored.
Oil Refining
A named facility where crude oil is refined.
Oil Terminal
A named storage point and distribution centre at the head of an oil pipeline.
Other Coastal Landform
A named area of landform on the coast, for example, a stand-alone rock or a steep-sided gully.
Other Landcover
A named area of land in rural areas.
Other Landform
A named prominent mass of land raised above the surrounding terrain on several sides.
Other Settlement
London Borough, Urban Development, Rural Locality, Crofting Locality or Named Group of Buildings.
Passenger Ferry Terminal
A named site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of pedestrian ferry passengers.
Passenger Ferry Terminal, Vehicular Ferry Terminal
A named site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of pedestrian ferry passengers, and ferry passengers and their vehicles.
Port Consisting of Docks and Nautical Berthing
A named complex with extensive infrastructure where a ship’s cargo is loaded and unloaded, or vessels berthed.
Royal Mail postcode, for example, SO16 0AS.
Primary Education
An educational establishment for children from the ages of seven to eleven that is funded principally by the state.
Primary Education, Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Primary Education and Secondary Education.
Primary Education, Secondary Education, Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Primary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Needs Education.
Primary Education, Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Primary Education and Special Needs Education.
A named railway network.
Railway Station
A named site comprising a building and platforms by a light railway network or railway network where a light rail vehicle or train may stop to pick up goods or passengers. Excludes tram stations / stops.
Road User Services
A named area for supply of fuel, refreshments and so on near a road.
A named area of sea that cannot be given a more refined classification.
Secondary Education
An educational establishment for children over 11 years of age.
Section Of Named Road
Section of road name inside a settlement, where the road passes through multiple settlements.
Section Of Numbered Road
Section of road number inside a town / city, where the road passes through multiple towns / cities.
Special Needs Education
A specialist school for the teaching of those with disabilities.
Spot Height
A named spot height, the location is usually, but not always a summit; for example, it may represent the highest point in an administrative area.
Suburban Area
A separately named urban area within a larger town or city.
Tidal Water
A named area of water affected by normal tidal action that does not fall into a more defined category.
A centre of business and population with an area in excess of 2.5 square kilometres. Some smaller places are also historically considered towns, for example, where they are market or former county towns.
A named system of guided busway(s). Note: This is not for normal bus routes or a rapid transit system, running on rails (often incorporated into a road surface) and powered by electricity from overhead cables.
Urban Greenspace
A named open (non-built up) area for recreation within or on the perimeter of an urban area.
A named natural linear depression, following the alignment of a natural watercourse.
Vehicular Ferry Terminal
A named site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of ferry passengers and their vehicles.
Vehicular Rail Terminal
A named facility where freight vehicles may be transferred to or from the rail network.
Settlement smaller than a town, but larger than a hamlet.
A named steep fall of river or stream water, where its course is markedly and suddenly interrupted.
A named area of land subject to regular and seasonal flooding.
Woodland Or Forest
A named area of natural or semi-natural tree cover.
OS Open Names is available in the following formats:
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Geography Markup Language (GML) 3.2.1
OS Open Names is supplied as an online download from the OS Data Hub.
In addition to the data product, OS Open Names content is available to PSGA (Public Sector Geospatial Agreement) Members and OS Partners through the OS Names API, which is accessible via the OS Data Hub.
OS Open Names is updated from Ordnance Survey’s data content stores and released to customers every three months (in January, April, July and October) to ensure the latest named features are published.
Coverage for OS Open Names is Great Britain. File sizes for the formats are as follows:
GML 3.2.1: 184MB
GeoPackage: 256MB
OS Open Names is comprised of a single feature type: Named Place.
The data provides a nationally maintained view of named places for Great Britain containing the following types of named places:
Populated places, including cities, towns, villages, hamlets, other settlements and suburban areas
Transport network, including named and numbered roads, and sections of named and numbered roads
The product represents named places as point geometries primarily for the purpose of naming and locating these features. Additional contextual location information is provided to aid with the identification of features. Links are also given to other gazetteers, including DBpedia and GeoNames.
The named places are discussed in this document and in the Technical Specification in INSPIRE-compatible terms with reference to the INSPIRE Data Specification on Geographical Names. INSPIRE is the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe; the INSPIRE Directive is designed to ensure that the spatial data infrastructures of the Member States of the European Community are compatible and usable between member states to improve decision-making and operations.
For consistency, the attribute naming convention used in OS Open Names takes into consideration the attribute names in other Ordnance Survey products.
The dataset uses the British National Grid spatial reference system. The National Grid coordinates are to a resolution of 0.1 metre. This is the resolution of the source data. Positions are described as Easting and Northing coordinates in units of metres.
External unique object identifier published by the responsible body, which may be used by external applications to reference the spatial object.
External object identifiers are distinct from thematic object identifiers.
The voidable version identifier attribute is not part of the unique identifier of a spatial object and may be used to distinguish two versions of the same spatial object.
The unique identifier will not change during the lifetime of a spatial object.
A local identifier, assigned by the data provider. The local identifier is unique within the namespace, that is, no other spatial object carries the same unique identifier.
Note: It is the responsibility of the data provider to guarantee uniqueness of the local identifier within the namespace.
Type: CharacterString
Multiplicity: [1]
Namespace uniquely identifying the data source of the spatial object.
The namespace value will be owned by the data provider of the spatial object and will be registered in the INSPIRE External Object Identifier Namespaces Register.
Type: CharacterString
Multiplicity: [1]
The identifier of the particular version of the spatial object, with a maximum length of 25 characters. If the specification of a spatial object type with an external object identifier includes lifecycle information, the version identifier is used to distinguish between the different versions of a spatial object. Within the set of all versions of a spatial object, the version identifier is unique.
The maximum length has been selected to allow for time stamps based on ISO 8601, for example, “2007-02-12T12:12:12+05:30” as the version identifier.
The property is void if the spatial data set does not distinguish between different versions of the spatial object; it is missing if the spatial object type does not support any lifecycle information.
Type: CharacterString
Multiplicity: [0…1]
Proper noun applied to a real-world entity.
Language of the name, given as three letter codes, in accordance with either ISO 639-3 or ISO 639-5.
More precisely, this definition refers to the language used by the community that uses the name.
The code “mul” for “multilingual” should not be used in general. However it can be used in rare cases, such as official names composed of two names in different languages. For example, “Vitoria-Gasteiz” is such a multilingual official name in Spain.
Even if this attribute is “voidable” for pragmatic reasons, it is of first importance in several use cases in the multi-language context of Europe.
Type: CharacterString
Multiplicity: [1]
Information enabling one to acknowledge if the name is the one that is / was used in the area where the spatial object is situated at the instant when the name is / was in use.
Type: NativenessValue
Multiplicity: [1]
Qualitative information enabling one to discern which credit should be given to the name with respect to its standardisation and / or its topicality.
The Geographical Names application schema does not explicitly make a preference between different names (for example, official endonyms) of a specific real-world entity. The necessary information for making the preference (for example, the linguistic status of the administrative or geographic area in question), for a certain use case, must be obtained from other data or information sources. For example, the status of the language of the name may be known through queries on the geometries of named places against the geometry of administrative units recorded in a certain source with the language status information.
Type: NameStatusValue
Multiplicity: [1]
Original data source from which the geographical name is taken from and integrated in the data set providing / publishing it. For some named spatial objects, it might refer again to the publishing data set if no other information is available.
Examples: Gazetteer, Geographical Names Data Set.
Type: CharacterString
Multiplicity: [1]
Proper, correct or standard (standard within the linguistic community concerned) pronunciation of the geographical name.
Source: Adapted from [UNGEGN Manual 2006].
Type: PronunciationOfName
Multiplicity: [1]
A proper way of writing the geographical name.
Different spellings should only be used for names rendered in different scripts.
While a particular GeographicalName should only have one spelling in a given script, providing different spellings in the same script should be done through the provision of different geographical names associated with the same named place.
Type: SpellingOfName
Multiplicity: [1…*]
Class of nouns reflected in the behaviour of associated words.
The attribute has cardinality [0…1] and is voidable, which means that:
In case the concept of grammatical gender has no sense for a given name (i.e. the attribute is not applicable), the attribute should not be provided.
In case the concept of grammatical gender has some sense for the name but is unknown, the attribute should be provided but void.
Type: GrammaticalGenderValue
Multiplicity: [0…1]
Grammatical category of nouns that expresses count distinctions.
The attribute has cardinality [0..1] and is voidable, which means that:
In case the concept of grammatical number has no sense for a given name (i.e. the attribute is not applicable), the attribute should not be provided.
In case the concept of grammatical number has some sense for the name but is unknown, the attribute should be provided but void.
Type: GrammaticalNumberValue
Multiplicity: [0..1]
OS Open Names extends the INSPIRE Geographical Names model by adding a LOCAL_TYPE which creates a useful hierarchy of themes to classify and identify features quickly and easily.
Inland Water
Tidal Water
Other Landcover
Urban Greenspace
Woodland Or Forest
Cirque Or Hollow
Cliff Or Slope
Coastal Headland
Group Of Islands
Hill Or Mountain
Hill Or Mountain Ranges
Other Coastal Landform
Other Landform
Spot Height
Chemical Works
Electricity Distribution
Electricity Production
Further Education
Further Education, Higher or University Education
Further Education, Non State Primary Education, Non State Secondary Education
Further Education, Non State Secondary Education
Further Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Special Needs Education
Further Education, Secondary Education
Further Education, Special Needs Education
Gas Distribution or Storage
Higher or University Education
Hospital, Medical Care Accommodation
Medical Care Accommodation
Non State Primary Education
Non State Primary Education, Non State Secondary Education
Non State Secondary Education
Oil Distribution or Storage
Oil Refining
Oil Terminal
Primary Education
Primary Education, Secondary Education
Primary Education, Special Needs Education
Secondary Education
Special Needs Education
Other Settlement
Suburban Area
Bus Station
Bus Station, Coach Station
Coach Station
Helicopter Station
Named Road
Numbered Road
Passenger Ferry Terminal
Passenger Ferry Terminal, Vehicular Ferry Terminal
Port Consisting of Docks and Nautical Berthing
Railway Station
Road User Services
Section Of Named Road
Section Of Numbered Road
Vehicular Ferry Terminal
Vehicular Rail Terminal
The naming of attributes will be different between the various formats due to the differing naming conventions associated with each format (for example, presence of underscores, character limitations and capitalisation). Therefore, the following table maps the differing format attribute names to one another.
A few attributes are not mapped to all formats; the absence of an attribute field is represented by ‘N/A’ in the table. For example, the Fid attribute is only available in GeoPackage format, so 'N/A' is noted in the CSV and GML cells in the table for that attribute.
<names:NamedPlace gml:id>
<names: inPostcodeDistrict xlink:title>
<names: inPostcodeDistrict xlink:href>
<names:inPopulatedPlace xlink:title>
<names:inPopulatedPlace xlink:href>
<names:inPopulatedPlace xlink:role>
<names:inDistrictOrBorough xlink:title>
<names:inDistrictOrBorough xlink:href>
<names:inDistrictOrBorough xlink:role>
<names:in CountyOrUnitaryAuthority xlink:title>
<names:in CountyOrUnitaryAuthority xlink:href>
<names:in CountyOrUnitaryAuthority xlink:role>
<names:inEuropeanRegion xlink:title>
<names:inEuropeanRegion xlink:href>
<names:inCountry xlink:title>
<names:inCountry xlink:href>
<names:sameAsDBPedia xlink:href>
<names:sameAsGeoNames xlink:href>
A named area of ground where aircraft take off and land. It may have some permanent buildings but it is smaller than an airport and may be for private use only.
A named site where aircraft land and take off and which provide facilities for handling passengers, air freight and servicing aircraft.
A named area of open water, which is largely surrounded by (and often sheltered by) land.
A named area of sand and/or shingle either adjacent to, or straddling, mean high water or the shore of an inland water feature such as a river or lake.
Bus Station
A named place where buses begin, break or end their journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark.
Bus Station,Coach Station
A named place where buses and coaches begin, break or end their journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark.
A named relatively narrow stretch of water, connecting two more open bodies of water.
Chemical Works
A named site where the principles of chemistry are applied to materials to create different materials on a large scale.
Cirque Or Hollow
A named natural depression in the landscape.
A named centre of business and population, vested with City status by virtue of Royal Charter.
Cliff Or Slope
A named steep cliff or slope running from the cliff-tops down towards the sea.
Coach Station
A named place where coaches begin, break or end a journey and at which passengers may embark or disembark.
Coastal Headland
A named prominent mass of land raised above the surrounding tidal water on several sides.
Electricity Distribution
A named site used to handle electricity as part of the process of distributing electricity nationally.
Electricity Production
A named feature where electricity is generated on a large scale.
A named partially enclosed area of sea, at the mouth of one or more rivers.
Further Education
An educational establishment for academic and vocational qualifications below degree level undertaken after age 16.
Further Education,Higher or University Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Higher or University Education.
Further Education,Higher or University Education,Non State Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Higher or University Education, and Non State Secondary Education.
Further Education,Non State Primary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Non State Primary Education.
Further Education,Non State Primary Education,Non State Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Non State Primary Education, and Non State Secondary Education.
Further Education,Non State Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Non State Secondary Education.
Further Education,Non State Secondary Education,Primary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Non State Secondary Education, and Primary Education.
Further Education,Primary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Primary Education.
Further Education,Primary Education,Secondary Education,Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Needs Education.
Further Education,Primary Education,Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Primary Education, and Special Needs Education.
Further Education,Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Secondary Education.
Further Education,Secondary Education,Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education, Secondary Education, and Special Needs Education.
Further Education,Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Further Education and Special Needs Education.
Gas Distribution or Storage
A named site associated with the storing or supply of gas to users.
Group Of Islands
A named set of islands in the sea.
A settlement smaller than a village.
A named area of naturally or artificially protected water on a coast where boats can anchor or moor.
Helicopter Station
A named facility from where bodies such as the police or ambulance service operate helicopter operations.
A named airport specifically designed for use by helicopters.
Higher or University Education
A named site where students study at National Qualifications Framework level 4 and above.
Hill Or Mountain
A named area of land that is higher than the surrounding land.
Hill Or Mountain Ranges
A named chain of mountains or hills bordered by highlands or separated from other mountains or hills by passes or valleys.
A named medical facility to care for patients with terminal conditions.
A named medical facility that provides second level care.
Hospital,Medical Care Accommodation
A named medical facility providing second level care and long term medical accommodation.
Inland Water
A named area of permanent non-tidal water that cannot be given a more refined classification.
A named area of land completely surrounded by water.
Medical Care Accommodation
A named site that provides both long term medical accommodation and medical care.
Named Road
Distinctive name for a road.
Non State Primary Education
An educational establishment for children from the ages of seven to eleven that is not funded by the state.
Non State Primary Education,Non State Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Non State Primary Education and Non State Secondary Education.
Non State Primary Education,Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Non State Primary Education and Secondary Education.
Non State Primary Education,Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Non State Primary Education and Special Needs Education.
Non State Secondary Education
An educational establishment for children of eleven years and over, that is not funded by the state.
Non State Secondary Education,Primary Education
An educational establishment providing Non State Secondary Education, Primary Education.
Numbered Road
Department for Transport road number for Motorways, A Roads and B Roads.
Oil Distribution or Storage
A named depot where oil is stored.
Oil Refining
A named facility where crude oil is refined.
Oil Terminal
A named storage point and distribution centre at the head of an oil pipeline.
Other Coastal Landform
A named area of landform on the coast for example a stand alone rock or a steep-sided gully.
Other Landcover
A named area of land in rural areas.
Other Landform
A named prominent mass of land raised above the surrounding terrain on several sides.
Other Settlement
London Borough, Urban Development, Rural Locality, Crofting Locality or Named Group of Buildings
Passenger Ferry Terminal
A named site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of pedestrian ferry passengers.
Passenger Ferry Terminal,Vehicular Ferry Terminal
A named site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of pedestrian ferry passengers, and ferry passengers and their vehicles.
Port Consisting of Docks and Nautical Berthing
A named complex with extensive infrastructure where a ships cargo is loaded and unloaded or vessels berthed.
Royal Mail postcode eg. SO16 0AS.
Primary Education
An educational establishment for children from the ages of seven to eleven that is funded principally by the state.
Primary Education,Secondary Education
An educational establishment providing Primary Education and Secondary Education.
Primary Education,Secondary Education,Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Primary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Needs Education.
Primary Education,Special Needs Education
An educational establishment providing Primary Education and Special Needs Education.
A named railway network.
Railway Station
A named site comprising a building and platforms by a light railway network or railway network where a light rail vehicle or train may stop to pick up goods or passengers. Excludes tram stations/stops.
Road User Services
A named area for supply of fuel, refreshments and so on near a road.
A named area of sea that cannot be given a more refined classification.
Secondary Education
An Educational establishment for children over 11 years old.
Section Of Named Road
Section of road name inside a settlement, where the road passes through multiple settlements.
Section Of Numbered Road
Section of road number inside a town/city, where the road passes through multiple towns/cities.
Special Needs Education
A specialist school for the teaching of those with disabilities.
Spot Height
A named spot height, the location is usually, but not always a summit; for example, it may represent the highest point in an administrative area.
Suburban Area
A separately named urban area within a larger town or city.
Tidal Water
A named area of water affected by normal tidal action that does not fall into a more defined category.
A centre of business and population with an area in excess of 2.5 square kilometres. Some smaller places are also historically considered towns, for example, where they are market or former county towns.
A named system of guided busway(s). See Guided Busway. NOTE: this is not for normal bus routes or a rapid transit system, running on rails (often incorporated into a road surface) and powered by electricity from overhead cables.
Urban Greenspace
A named open (non-built up) area for recreation within or on the perimeter of an urban area.
A named natural linear depression, following the alignment of a natural watercourse.
Vehicular Ferry Terminal
A named site facilitating the embarkation and disembarkation of ferry passengers and their vehicles.
Vehicular Rail Terminal
A named facility where freight vehicles may be transferred to or from the rail network.
Settlement smaller than a town, but larger than a hamlet.
A named steep fall of river or stream water, where its course is markedly and suddenly interrupted.
A named area of land subject to regular and seasonal flooding.
Woodland Or Forest
A named area of natural or semi-natural tree cover.
A comma-separated values (CSV) file is a common interchange format for spreadsheets and databases that facilitates the simplistic use of data. Each field is either textual (for example, SO515RU) or numeric (for example, 21). Within the CSV, each field is separated from the next by a comma. This method of representation can also be referred to as a comma-delimited file (CDF). CSV file format is universally supported for easy ingestion into all major database products.
CSV files are designed to be opened in a database or GIS application and opening them in other software applications might corrupt the data. In particular, Excel has a row limit that is easily exceeded by large CSV files. We recommend that you load CSV files directly into a database or GIS, rather than trying to open these files in Excel.
OS Open Names is supplied in Geography Markup Language (GML) version 3.2.1. It is recommended that you read this sub-section in conjunction with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) document 'Geography Markup Language v3.2.1' PDF document.
An understanding of XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language) and XML schemas is required. The XML specifications that GML is based on are available from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) website.
XML schemas are used to define and validate the format and content of GML. The GML 3.2.1 specification provides a set of schemas that define the GML feature constructs and geometric types. These are designed to be used as a basis for building application-specific schemas, which define the data content.
The Ordnance Survey application schema OSOpenNames.xsd, which is referenced by the data, is available on the OS website. It imports the GML 3.2.1 schemas which rely on XML as defined by W3C at: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace.html.
GeoPackage (*.gpkg) is an open, non-proprietary, platform-independent, standards-based, data format for geographic information systems (GIS), as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It is designed to be a lightweight format that can contain large amounts of varied and complex data in a single, easy-to- distribute and ready-to-use file. GeoPackage is natively supported by numerous software applications.
GeoPackage offer users the following benefits:
The single file is easy to transfer and offers the end-user a rich experience.
Attribute names are not limited in length, making the format user friendly.
The file size limit is large at 140 TB.
A file size limit could be imposed by the file system to which the file is written.
It supports raster, vector and database formats, making it a highly versatile solution.
It is an OGC standard.
In most cases, it is a plug-in-and-play format.
From January 2023, the following attribute names have been changed from Title case to snake case in GeoPackage format:
For general guidance on using the product in GeoPackage format, please see the .
As OS Open Names data is supplied in separate CSV files labelled by two-digit grid references, the files require processing before you can load them into a GIS.
The first step is to combine the individual CSV files with the header CSV file available on the OS Open Names download page. To move and rename the header CSV file:
Extract opname_csv_gb.zip to a folder on your computer.
Open the Doc folder and either move or copy OS_Open_Names_Header.csv into the Data folder.
Rename OS_Open_Names_Header.csv to a_OS_Open_Names_Header.csv.
Adding the “a_” prefix ensures that the files will be merged in the correct order. The header file will be added first in the output file as it is now at the top of the file list.
This section contains an example of one way to combine the individual CSV files into a single file using a batch (.bat) file.
The combined CSV file will be approximately 1.7Gb with about 2.9 million records. If opened in Microsoft Excel, only the first million records can be seen as the software cannot display more than this.
To combine the CSV files using a batch function:
Copy the following text and paste it into a new Notepad file: copy *.csv outputfile.csv.
Save the Notepad file with the .bat file extension (for example, combine_csv.bat) in the Data folder that contains the 819 CSV files.
Close the .bat file, navigate to the Data folder and double click on the batch (.bat) file that you saved in the previous step.
A MS-DOS window will open automatically and then close when the process is complete.
A new CSV file named outputfile.csv will display in the Data folder. You can now delete the other CSV files if you like.
outputfile.csv contains the content previously in the 819 individual CSV files that was copied over during the batch file process.
You will now have an output file that is ready to be used in a GIS application or database.
outputfile.csv might be too large to be opened in a text editor such as Excel.
This section describes the structured data types which make up OS Open Names. The attributes associated with these data types are listed below along with a brief description of their data properties.
This section describes how to load the combined CSV output file into five commonly-used GIS applications:
OS Open Names column headers are available to download as a CSV file:
An XML versions of the Local Type code list for OS Open Names is available from the .
Code lists provide a controlled list and formal definition for values used in certain attributes of the product.
The XML schemas for all OS Open products are available from the XML file resources page on the . The schema file for this product is included below:
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
The length of the attribute provided (optional).
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value.
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
This product is available to try out online using one of our three sets of sample data (Exeter, Newport and Inverness) through the OS MasterMap Product Viewer:
The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
The nature of the attribute, for example a numeric value or a code list value.
The length of the attribute provided (optional).
Describes how many times this element is expected to be populated in the data. An attribute may be optional or mandatory within the product. These are denoted by:
‘1’ – there must be a value.
‘0..1’ – population is optional but a maximum of one attribute will be returned These values may be used in combination.
The XML File Repository License, covering the terms and conditions for the use of all Ordnance Survey XML schemas, is made available through the Terms and Conditions page in the Resources section.