The information on this page supplements that of the Transport Link page in the technical specification. Please read the two pages in conjunction for a complete understanding of the feature type.
A Transport Link is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of a road, path, rail, or ferry network between two points in the network. Transport Links are split for connectivity purposes (for example, at junctions) and Transport Nodes connect the Transport Links together. Each Transport Link provides a reference to the Transport Nodes at the start and end of the Transport Link.
Transport Links contain information about the type of link (for example, highway='motorway') and information about the access restrictions for vehicles to indicate which modes can travel along the link (e.g motor_vehicle=’yes’). There is also a maximum speed attribute, and two average speed attributes:
a conditional delimited list of all the speeds at different time periods
a single average speed using the Mon-Fri 12-2 pm period.
Transport Links also incorporate Modal Change links which are a linear spatial object representing a logical connection between the transport network and a transport site. See the Modal Change page for more information.
The Transport Link is attributed with a unique (but not persistent) WayID, which routing software uses to build out the network. Transport Links are also attributed with the OSID of the corresponding OS parent feature that is published in the OS NGD Transport Theme.
The information on this page supplements that of the Turn Restriction page in the technical specification. Please read the two pages in conjunction for a complete understanding of the feature type.
A Turn Restriction provides line geometry that indicates turn restrictions for the given Transport Link (for example No right turn or No U turn).
Where the Turn Restriction applies to specific vehicle type (for example, bus or HGV), this is identified by the corresponding separate attribute as described below, along with conditional values for when the turn restriction only exists on specific times or days.
The Turn Restriction is attributed with the OSID of the corresponding OS parent feature that is published in the OS NGD Transport RAMI Collection.
Turn Restrictions are named following a from-to-via pattern, where:
from is the wayid of the first Transport Link involved in the turn restriction.
to is the wayid of the last Transport Link involved in the turn restriction.
via is the nodeid of the Transport Node at the junction (when there are only two links involved in the turn restriction), or a wayid list of all the Transport Links which are not the from or to link (when there are more than two links involved in the turn restriction).
The OS Multi-modal Routing Network (OS MRN) premium product contains three feature types: Transport Link, Transport Node and Turn Restriction
The pages in this section contain additional details about of the attribution for each in the OS MRN and should be read in conjunction with the corresponding feature type page in the .
The information on this page supplements that of the Transport Node page in the technical specification. Please read the two pages in conjunction for a complete understanding of the feature type.
A Transport Node is a point spatial object that is used to break up the Transport Network for connectivity. The Transport Network splits at the following locations:
Where an attribute changes.
The intersection or crossing of Transport Links.
The start / end of a Transport Link.
Transport nodes build up the topology of the network and connect Transport Links together. They also represent Modal Change points where you can change travel modes. See the Modal Change page for more information.
Transport Nodes are also present at every vertex along the network. These ‘vertex nodes’ don’t split the network; they are provided to enable software that reads in OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to build up the network vertex by vertex. The vertex nodes allow customers to convert from GeoPackage format to OSM.
The Transport Node will be attributed with a unique (but not persistent) Node ID and also the OSID of the corresponding OS parent feature that is published in the OS NGD Transport Network Collection.