Through the OS NGD, Ordnance Survey aims to iterate and release data enhancements quicker than ever before. We want to be able to do this without disrupting customers who have adopted data schemas and are heavily reliant on a specification remaining the same for a longer period of time. With this in mind, the OS NGD is able to run multiple data schema versions for a single feature type at any given time.
Data schema version: The specification to which OS delivers an OS NGD feature type. This includes the attributes a feature type contains, what the attributes are called, the data types of the attributes, whether they are nullable, the precision (if applicable), the scale (if applicable), whether there is a code list associated with an attribute, and the max length (if applicable).
When we release a new data schema version in the OS NGD, the changes will be visible on the feature type pages of this documentation platform. As you can see from the image below, each attribute on a feature type page states which data schema version it is present within, with the Version Date attribute in the example below being present in both data schema versions 1.0 and 2.0:
Please note that data schema versioning is implemented at a feature type level. Therefore, increments and withdrawals of data schema versions are done at a feature type level and not at an OS NGD wide level.
As new enhancements are made to a given feature type in the OS NGD which require the schema to be uplifted (for example, new attributes being added, resulting in a major schema version increment from 1.0 to 2.0), the new data schema version will become available via the OS NGD access services (i.e. OS Select+Build and the OS NGD APIs).
There are two types of version increments that can be applied:
Minor: A non-breaking change that does not usually impact a customer’s implementation of the data, for example, the addition of an attribute value to a code list.
Major: A significant breaking change that usually impacts a customer’s implementation of the data, for example, the addition or removal of an attribute.
When a data schema undergoes a minor version increment, the previous version will no longer be available. This is because the change is deemed to be so small that there is little to no work involved in customers migrating to the latest version of the data.
When a data schema undergoes a major version increment, the previous version will become known as being in 'maintenance' and the new data schema version will be known as the ‘latest’. This reflects an understanding of the work required for customers to move to a new version and allows time for this to happen.
Latest: The latest data schema version released for a given feature type.
Maintenance: An older data schema version for a given feature type, but one which is still receiving updates and can be accessed by customers via OS NGD access services.
End Of Life: A retired data schema version for a given feature type which is no longer receiving updates and cannot be ordered by customers via OS NGD access services.
When using the OS NGD access services, you will be able to choose which data schema version you want to use for feature types when ordering or interacting with the data where more than one major version exists. You can choose from data schema versions which are in the 'latest' or 'maintenance' states.
If you choose not to specify a data schema version for a given feature type or if you don't change the selection from its default, then you will always be provided with the latest data schema version for that feature type.
Older data schema versions (i.e. those in a maintenance state) will remain in the OS NGD for a period of time; it's important to note that these maintenance versions will continue to receive updates. Before any data schema version is retired for a given feature type (i.e. when it no longer receives updates and will be removed from the ordering and selection process), customer communications will be distributed, and a notice period will be issued to allow sufficient time for customers to upgrade to a newer version of a data schema.
Code lists within the OS NGD have only one type of version increment applied: major.
A code list will undergo a major version change when a new code list value is added to it. Values will never be removed from a code list because this would impact temporal filtering within the OS NGD.
When a code list undergoes a major version increment, all feature types that implement the code list will undergo a minor version increment, reflecting the data change that will occur.
In the worked example below, we demonstrate how a feature type has new major data schema versions released (v2.0 and then v3.0), while maintaining older data schema versions (v1.0 and then v2.0), before the original data schema version (v1.0) moves into end of life and is retired.
In this example, the feature type starts with a single data schema version (v1.0), known as the latest data schema version.
At a point in the future, data enhancements are made which require the data schema version to be uplifted, so a second major data schema version (v2.0) is released. As there can only be one latest data schema version (v2.0), the original data schema version (v1.0) drops down into maintenance – but it still receives updates and is still accessible to customers via the OS NGD access services.
Further again into the future, additional new enhancements are made to the feature type, requiring a third major data schema version (v3.0) to be released. Again, as before, there can only be one latest data schema version for a feature type (v3.0), so the second data schema version (v2.0) drops down into maintenance. Two major data schema versions (v1.0 and v2.0) are now in maintenance, but again, both are still receiving updates and are accessible to customers via the OS NGD access services.
At a future point, and after customer communications have been distributed and a formal notification period has elapsed, it is decided to retire the original data schema version (v1.0). V1.0 moves into the end of life state, where it stops receiving updates and can no longer be accessed by customers via the OS NGD access services. V3.0 remains the latest data schema version and v2.0 remains in maintenance, with both data schema versions receiving updates and being accessible to customers via the OS NGD access services.
If you select an Annual Full Supply frequency for your OS NGD data order in OS Select+Build, we will provide you with the data as it was on 01 January of the current year. This means if a new feature type or a new data schema version of an existing feature type was released after 01 January and you order either of these as part of your Annual Full Supply, you will receive an empty data package for the newly released feature type / new data schema version of an existing feature type. The data for the new feature type / new data schema version of an existing feature type will then be included in your supply on the next 01 January after the release.
For example, the March 2024 OS NGD data enhancements release contained 3 new feature types (Field Boundary, Named Road Junction and Tram On Road), and 6 new data schema versions (Land v2.0, Rail v2.0, Road Link v3.0, Road Track Or Path v2.0, Structure v2.0, and Water v2.0). The data for the new feature types and the new data schema versions will not be part of Annual Full Supply orders until 01 January 2025.
Change-Only Updates (COUs) are only available for CSV data supplies of the OS NGD. The benefit of taking COU supplies is that you only receive the features which have changed since your last supply, reducing the overall size of the files you receive.
There are some restrictions on when you can choose to take COUs; these restrictions are dependent on the selections you make when ordering OS NGD data. Please see the 'Data ordering and currency' page for more information.
Upon OS NGD launch, if you choose to receive a COU supply for your CSV data, this can be provided on either a daily or monthly frequency. In both cases, your COU file will contain any changes which have been made to the underlying data within the selected time frequency. If no changes have been made to a selected feature type of your choice, then you will receive a blank COU file.
The key attribution required to use and implement a COU is detailed below:
Unique Identifier: The unique identifier for the feature type you are using is how you will ensure you are updating the correct records in your data holdings. In most instances the unique identifier will be the OSID, but this is not always true, therefore please check the appropriate feature type pages in our documentation.
Version Date: This is the date when the feature was last updated in OS product databases.
Version Available From Date: This is the date when the feature became the latest version and was published to customers.
Version Available To Date: This is the date when the feature was superseded by an update or ceased to exist.
Change Type: This is a code list which gives more information about the type of change which has occurred.
Please note, a single feature may be updated multiple times in a single COU file. This would happen where a single feature has changes committed in our product databases more than once within your selected COU frequency. Instead of suppressing all changes other than the last edit, your COU will contain all edits we have made to that feature. This is likely to occur more commonly if you choose to take a monthly supply, compared to daily, but it could also occur in a daily COU.
You can use the OS Downloads API to manage your daily / monthly COU supply of OS NGD data.
Please be aware that a feature can move between OS NGD feature types and even between OS NGD themes when OS makes data improvements or, in some instances, when a feature undergoes a change. For example, Pre-Build Address features will naturally change to Built Address features over time.
The following Core Principle pages provide an overview of the OS National Geographic Database (NGD). They cover the core elements of its design, including the format of data you can access, the coordinate reference systems used, and how Change-Only Updates (COUs) will be provided, amongst other topics.
These pages should be used in conjunction with the more detailed pages available within the Data Structure section which are specifically focussed on the different OS NGD themes, collections and feature types.
OS NGD data is available in four easy-to-use formats: GeoPackage, CSV (comma-separated values), GeoJSON and vector tiles. The download service of OS Select+Build supports GeoPackage and CSV. OS NGD API – Features supports GeoJSON. OS NGD API – Tiles supports vector tiles.
CSV files are delimited text files which use commas to separate each attribute from the next. CSV is one of the file formats available via OS Select+Build. A single record is commonly provided per line, with a new line being started for each new record.
Geometry attribution will be provided as Well-Known Text (WKT).
CSV offers the following benefits:
The single file is familiar to many customers and well used across GIS and data science tools.
It is plug and play with most databases.
The ability to quickly load large datasets using COPY method rather than INSERT.
If you want a file format that allows you to quickly load OS NGD data into a database / central data repository and the option to receive COU (Change-Only Update) supplies, then CSV is your best choice.
Please be aware that CSV files are designed to be opened in a database or GI system, and opening them in other software applications could corrupt the data. In particular, Excel has a row limit which might be exceeded by some of our CSV files containing OS NGD data, depending on the order you placed and its size. We recommend that you load CSV files containing OS NGD data directly into a database or GI system, rather than trying to open these files in Excel.
The following table shows how different attribute types in the OS NGD are delivered when you choose to receive a CSV format. This includes whether to expect quotes, and how NULL values are treated.
Some Text
Text (including comma in string)
"Some, Text"
Array (code list)
"item 1,item 2"
GeoPackage (GPKG) is an open standard data format as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It is one of the file formats available via OS Select+Build. GeoPackage is designed to be a lightweight format that can contain large amounts of varied and complex data in a single, easy to distribute and ready to use file. Please be advised that older versions of GIS software may need updating before being able to display and interact with GeoPackage files.
GeoPackage offers the following benefits:
The single file is easy to transfer and offers the end-user a rich experience.
Attribute names are not limited in length, making it user-friendly.
The file size limit is very large at 140TB, so lots of data can be easily accommodated (please note that a file size limit may be imposed by the file system to which the file is written).
It supports raster, vector and database formats, making it a highly versatile solution.
It is an OGC standard.
In most cases, it is a plug and play format.
If you want a file format that allows you to quickly load full supplies of OS NGD data into a GIS, then GeoPackage is your best option.
GeoJSON is an IETF standard designed to represent simple geographical features and their non-spatial attributes. It is used for encoding geographic data structures using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). GeoJSON is used by OS NGD API – Features.
More information about the GeoJSON IETF standard can be found here.
Supported geometry types:
Multipart geometries: MultiPoints, MultiLineString, or MultiPolygon features
Vector tiles are clipped tiles, or grid squares, composed of layers of vector features which are optimised for caching, scaling and producing map imagery quickly. They serve in a similar way to raster tiles but have the added functionality of being customisable by users. A client application requests tiles based on a zoom level and extent, and the server responds with binary data representing the vector tiles containing the layers to be visualised on that map.
OS NGD API – Tiles serves vector tiles as raw information which is presented using compressed packets of geographic data using the Protocolbuffer Binary Format (.pbf).
Vector tiles offer the following benefits:
User customisation and styling functionality – customise your map with full and dynamic design control.
Small file size – lightweight tiles that are efficient and quick to render in your client application.
Pixel perfect maps – high-resolution, beautiful mapping for all devices (web and mobile devices).
Snapping ability – due to the data being vector, data can be snapped to and traced.
Smooth zooming and scaling effect – a seamless user experience when zooming in and out of maps.
Advanced features – vector tiles contain geographic data (not just images) which can be interrogated and analysed.
When you place an order for OS NGD data via OS Select+Build, the following file naming convention will be applied to the data you receive:
In order to keep file names manageable and not overly long, shortened file names ('short codes') have been used for both the theme and collection. Using short codes in our naming convention also ensures we have consistency in naming between OS Select+Build and the OS NGD APIs.
An example of how these short codes are used is below, with the example showing a file name which would be created for an order of the Built Address Feature Type within the OS NGD GB Address Collection of the OS NGD Address Theme:
A full list of the short codes we use in OS Select+Build and the OS NGD APIs is detailed in the following table:
Building Features
Water Features
Water Network
Land Features
Structure Features
Transport Features
Transport Network
Administrative and Statistical Units
GB Address
Islands Address
Geographical Names
Named Features
The OS NGD will primarily use a new identifier called the OSID (OS Identifier) to uniquely identify features. The OSID will be used persistently and will allow the unique identification of records in the OS NGD. It should be noted that the OSID will not be unique across the OS NGD, but rather only unique at a feature type level. The reason for this is, when possible, the same OSID will be used on multiple features when they represent the same geographical feature. For example, a point feature in the OS NGD Geographical Names Theme which represents a water body will have the same OSID as the more detailed water body representation in the OS NGD Water Features Theme.
Other unique identifiers are also present in the OS NGD. These include the UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) and USRN (Unique Street Reference Number). These will remain the unique identifiers in our data to represent Address and Local Authority Street records respectively.
The TOID (Topographic Identifier) is also present in the OS NGD, but in most instances this is an optional attribute and therefore should not be relied upon to complete data linking or for implementing COUs. The reason for this identifier being optional is the improved currency on which the OS NGD will be published, meaning the TOID which is created in our existing OS product systems will not always be allocated to features as frequently as they will be accessible via the OS NGD.
To get access to the OS NGD you must first log into the OS Data Hub. The OS NGD will be accessible via both the Premium Plan and Public Sector Plan on the OS Data Hub.
There are three options within OS Select+Build in relation to the geographic extent of your order. These are:
Great Britain: Receive all data for the whole of Great Britain.
Customer Specified Area: Draw an area of interest (AOI) and only receive the data which intersects this area.
Pre-defined Area: Select a pre-defined area, and only receive the data which intersects this area.
The only exception to the above is the OS NGD Address Islands Collection; this collection contains data for Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands, and it will be provided as a full supply of data independent of any geographic filtering applied to your OS NGD recipe.
COU Supplies are not available for AOIs. Monthly Full Supplies are available for AOIs.
When accessing the OS NGD, the following order update options will be available:
One Off Full Supply
Regular Full Supply
Change-Only Update (COU; after an initial Full Supply)
No Update
The following frequencies will be available dependent on the type of order you place:
Daily Supply: This will provide you with the latest updates OS have loaded and verified for publication since the previous day as a COU file.
Monthly Supply: Either a Full Supply or COU Supply of all the changes which have occurred in the previous month.
Annual Supply: A Full Supply of the data to show how the data looked at the end of each year.
Further details about the options available to you can be found further down on this page.
Please note:
Monthly orders provide data for the 1st of the month. For example, if you ordered a Monthly order on 17 September 2024, you would receive the data as it was on 01 September 2024.
If you select an Annual Full Supply frequency for your OS NGD data order in OS Select+Build, we will provide you with the data as it was on 01 January of the current year. This means if a new feature type or a new data schema version of an existing feature type was released after 01 January and you order either of these as part of your Annual Full Supply, you will receive an empty data package for the newly released feature type / new data schema version of an existing feature type. The data for the new feature type / new data schema version of an existing feature type will then be included in your supply on the next 01 January after the release.
For example, the March 2024 OS NGD data enhancements release contained 3 new feature types (Field Boundary, Named Road Junction and Tram On Road), and 6 new data schema versions (Land v2.0, Rail v2.0, Road Link v3.0, Road Track Or Path v2.0, Structure v2.0, and Water v2.0). As per the bullet above, this data will not be part of Annual Full Supply orders until 01 January 2025.
For example, the September 2024 OS NGD data enhancements release contained 9 new data schema versions (Building v3.0, Building Part v2.0, Compound Structure v2.0, Land v3.0, Rail v3.0, Road Track Or Path v3.0, Site v2.0, Structure v3.0, and Water v3.0). As per the Annual Full Supply frequency bullet above, this data will not be part of Annual Full Supply orders until 01 January 2025.
If you choose to receive a COU supply for your CSV data, this can be provided on either a daily or monthly frequency. In both cases, your COU file will contain any changes which have been made to the underlying data within the selected time frequency. If no changes have been made to a selected feature type of your choice, then you will receive a blank COU file.
If you use OS Select+Build to access the OS NGD, then a separate download file will be provided for each feature type you order. For example, if your selected theme has two feature types you will be supplied with two separate files (CSV or GeoPackage) as part of your order.
The following tables summarise the different options available to you dependent on what you specify when ordering your data through OS Select+Build.
For the purposes of the tables below, the following definitions are being used:
Unfiltered means a Great Britain supply with no further attribute filters applied.
Filtered means an order for data which either has a geographic filter applied or an attribute filter applied.
Daily (filtered / unfiltered)
Monthly (filtered / unfiltered)
Monthly Full Supply
Annual (filtered / unfiltered)
Annual Full Resupply with data from 01 January
Please note that COU supplies are only available for CSV files; they are not available for GeoPackage files.
Daily (filtered)
Daily (unfiltered)
Daily COU
Monthly (filtered)
Monthly Full Supply
Monthly (unfiltered)
Monthly COU or Monthly Full Supply
Annual (filtered / unfiltered)
Annual Full Resupply with data from 01 January
You can use the OS Downloads API to manage your daily / monthly COU supply of OS NGD data.
Whether accessing OS NGD data through OS Select+Build or OS NGD API – Features, the following currency of the data will apply:
OS NGD Address (*N.B. Not available in OS NGD API – Features)
Both OS NGD Address collections
OS NGD Administrative and Statistical Units (*N.B. Not available in OS NGD API – Features)
OS NGD Boundaries
OS NGD Buildings
OS NGD Buildings Features
OS NGD Geographical Names
OS NGD Named Features
OS NGD Land Features
OS NGD Land Use
OS NGD Land Use Features
OS NGD Structures
OS NGD Structure Features
OS NGD Transport
OS NGD Transport Features
OS NGD Transport Network
OS NGD Water
OS NGD Water Features
OS NGD Water Network
*Please see the 'What data is available' (for OS NGD API – Features) page for more information on what features are available in this API.
For collections that are not updated daily, the table below provides the date of the last update. It also shows the version of the OS MasterMap product to which the OS NGD data corresponds:
OS NGD Boundaries
10 October 2024
Boundary-Line –
October 2024 publication
OS NGD Transport Network
05 February 2025
OS MasterMap Highways Network – February 2025 publication
05 February 2025
OS MasterMap Highways Network – February 2025 publication
OS NGD Water Network
16 January 2025
OS MasterMap Water Network – January 2025 publication
When accessing OS NGD data through OS NGD API – Tiles, the data currency is weekly for the basemap and variable for the three data overlays – please see the 'What data is available' (for OS NGD API – Tiles) page for more information on update frequency, available feature types and available attribution for this API.
Please note:
The OS NGD Address Theme is only available via OS Select+Build and is not available via OS NGD API – Features or OS NGD API – Tiles.
The OS NGD Administrative and Statistical Units Theme is only available via OS Select+Build and OS NGD API – Tiles and is not available via OS NGD API – Features.
Feature types in the Routing and Asset Management Information (RAMI) Collection (of the OS NGD Transport Theme) are only available via OS Select+Build and OS NGD API – Features and are not available via OS NGD API – Tiles.
The Waterbody Catchment and River Basin District Catchment Feature Types (of the Water Features Collection in the OS NGD Water Theme) are not available via OS NGD API – Features but they are available via OS Select+Build and OS NGD API – Tiles.
A theme is a macro grouping of features which all represent similar geographic entities. Themes are the highest level of grouping within the OS NGD, and examples include ‘Buildings’ and ‘Transport’.
Themes allow for quick discovery and navigation when using OS Select+Build or the new OS NGD APIs. They also give you the ability to quickly access all OS data relating to your particular theme of interest.
The nine OS NGD themes are: Address, Administrative and Statistical Units, Buildings, Geographical Names, Land, Land Use, Structures, Transport, and Water.
A collection is a sub-grouping of the OS NGD themes. Collections group together similar types of data within a theme. Examples include ensuring network and routing data is separated from topographic features. For example, in the OS NGD Water Theme, there are two collections: OS NGD Water Features (topographic data) and OS NGD Water Network (network data).
This makes it easier for you to access only the data you require.
A feature type is the most granular level of grouping within the OS NGD. Feature types have their own data model and specifications which are not commonly shared with other feature types. When you order data through OS Select+Build, the data you receive will be provided at a feature type level.
The OS NGD is available via the OS Data Hub on either the Premium Plan or Public Sector Plan. There are three access methods to choose from once you are on the OS Data Hub:
OS Select+Build: A download service which enables you to choose only the data you require and select how you want to receive your data.
OS NGD API – Features: An OGC API – Features service.
OS NGD API – Tiles: A vector tiles service based on OGC API – Tiles.
On the feature type pages (which are located in the Data Structure section), the following information can be found about each attribute:
Name and Definition: The name of the attribute and what it is describing.
Data Types: The values the attribute can take. For example, a numeric value or a string. This is provided for all three data formats – GeoJSON, GeoPackage, and CSV.
Nullable: A True or False value to denote whether the attribute always has to be populated with a value (False) or can be NULL (True).
Code List Name: The name of the code list used in association with the attribute (if applicable) and a hyperlink to the page displaying that code list.
Max Length: Values are given here to indicate the maximum length that you will find in the attribute, to aid in developing applications.
Multiplicity: Describes how many times this value is expected to be populated in the data.
1: There must be a value.
2: There must be two values.
n: There may be one or more values.
0: Population is optional.
These values may be used in combination.
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: A Yes / No value to denote whether you can refine your query in OS NGD API – Features specifically on this attribute.
OS Select+Build Filterable: A Yes / No value to denote whether you can refine your order in OS Select+Build on this attribute.
Data Schema Version: The OS NGD schema version the data above applies to. Please note that concurrent schema versions may be available at one time. For more information on how data schema versioning works in the OS NGD, please refer to the .
The GeoPackage and CSV formats accessible via OS Select+Build are available in four different coordinate reference systems dependent on your selection:
British National Grid (BNG: EPSG: 27700)
British National Grid + ODN Height (EPSG: 7405)
European Terrestrial Reference System (ETRS89: EPSG: 4258)
World Geodetic System (WGS84: EPSG: 4326)
The following table outlines the default coordinate reference system used by each OS NGD collection in OS Select+Build:
GB Address
British National Grid (EPSG: 27700).
Islands Address
European Terrestrial Reference System
(EPSG: 4258)
British National Grid (EPSG: 27700).
Building Features
British National Grid (EPSG: 27700).
Named Features
British National Grid (EPSG: 27700).
Land Features
British National Grid (EPSG: 27700).
Land Use Features
British National Grid (EPSG: 27700).
Structure Features
British National Grid (EPSG: 27700).
Routing and Asset Management Information (RAMI)
British National Grid (EPSG: 27700) for all feature types, except the Average And Indicative Speed Feature Type which is British National Grid + ODN Height (EPSG: 7405).
Transport Features
British National Grid (EPSG: 27700).
Transport Network
British National Grid + ODN Height (EPSG: 7405) for most feature types in the collection; British National Grid (EPSG: 27700) for the Ferry Terminal, Path, Road, Road Junction, Street and Pavement Link Feature Types.
Water Features
British National Grid (EPSG: 27700).
Water Network
British National Grid + ODN Height (EPSG: 7405) for the Water Link and Water Node Feature Types; British National Grid (EPSG: 27700) for the Water Link Set Feature Type.
When creating a new data package in OS Select+Build (the Download service for OS NGD), you can choose what coordinate reference system you'd like to receive the data in.
If you don't choose a particular coordinate reference system for your data package, OS Select+Build will automatically select the default coordinate reference systems for the feature types in your data package for you.
The GeoJSON format accessible via OS NGD API – Features is available in four different coordinate reference systems:
British National Grid (BNG: EPSG: 27700).
World Geodetic System (WGS84: EPSG: 4326)
British National Grid + ODN Height (EPSG: 7405)
Web Mercator (EPSG: 3857)
The vector tiles format accessible via OS NGD API – Tiles is available in two different coordinate reference systems:
British National Grid (BNG: EPSG: 27700)
Web Mercator (EPSG: 3857)
British National Grid (BNG: EPSG: 27700)
The British National Grid (BNG) spatial reference system uses the OSGB36 geodetic datum and a single Modified Transverse Mercator projection for the whole of Great Britain. Positions on this projection are described using easting and northing coordinates in units of metres. The BNG is a horizontal spatial reference system only; it does not include a vertical (height) reference system.
British National Grid + ODN Height (EPSG: 7405)
The BNG with ODN height reference uses the OSGB36 geodetic datum and a modified Transverse Mercator projection for the whole of Great Britain. Positions in this system are described by easting and northing coordinates plus a height value, all in units of metres. Please note, this will only be available for some OS NGD feature types.
European Terrestrial Reference System (ETRS89: EPSG: 4258)
The European Terrestrial Reference System uses the ETRS89 geodetic reference system which is the EU-recommended frame of reference for European data. Positions on this projection are described using latitude and longitude, and coordinates are provided in degrees. ETRS89 is a horizontal spatial reference system only; it does not specify a vertical (height) reference system. Please note, this coordinate system is only used for the OS NGD Islands Address Collection due to the coverage of this data being Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands.
World Geodetic System (WGS84: EPSG: 4326)
The WGS84 spatial reference system uses the WGS84 geodetic datum. Positions on this projection are described as latitude and longitude, and coordinates are provided in decimal degrees. There will also be an option to receive this reference system via CRS 84, meaning the coordinates will be provided as longitude / latitude rather than latitude / longitude.
Web Mercator (EPSG: 3857)
Web Mercator is not a recognised geodetic system, but it is used for many visualisation and web mapping use cases. It uses the WGS84 geodetic datum, and positions on this projection are described as easting and northing, all in units of metres.