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Temporal filtering allows you to order a one-off snapshot of data from the OS National Geographic Database (NGD) from a current or past date.
Temporal filtering is an optional step when you create a new data package against one of your existing recipes. For further information and step-by-step instructions on creating recipes and data packages, please see the .
You cannot apply a temporal filter to an existing data package held in your Data packages list; a temporal filter can only be added to new data packages during the data package creation stage.
The earliest date you can request for the majority of feature types in the OS NGD via a temporal filter is 29 September 2022.
Please note, as new feature types are added to the OS NGD, their temporal filter range will begin on the date they are added (for example, 28 March 2023 for the Waterbody Catchment Feature Type). Each feature type page states the earliest start date available for temporal filtering on that feature type.
If you request a temporal filter date for your new data package that precedes the date a feature type in the data package was added to the OS NGD, then no results will be returned.
To create a new OS NGD data package and apply a temporal filter to it:
Select Download from the main menu.
Choose OS Select+Build from the secondary navigation menu.
In your OS NGD Select+Build Recipe Library, scroll or search for the recipe you wish to create a data package against, select that recipe, then click the Add data package button.
Add the following details to your data package under Add a data package in the secondary navigation menu:
Give your data package a name.
Choose the area you want to receive your data for: Either all of Britain or Predefined Area (this means you receive data and it will not be refined by location) or Draw a polygon / upload a file / use an OS polygon to select a smaller area for your data to be provided for.
Select the updates you want: Instead of selecting the 'not required' or COU (Change-Only Update) frequency options (which are available under the 'Select updates' drop-down), to apply a temporal filter, you should select the option for a one-off snapshot of a current or past date by ticking the following check box:
Select the supply date needed for the snapshot:
Click the Create data package button.
You will receive an email confirming that your data package is being created and another one when your new data package is ready to download.
Log into your account.
Select the desired .
Select a file format: or .