Ferry Node
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A Ferry Node is a point spatial object which is used to represent the connectivity where the Ferry Link features start and end. A Ferry Node feature may serve multiple Ferry Link features if more than one destination is served from the same location. Ferry Nodes will always be referenced by at least one Ferry Link.
The earliest date on which you can request a one-off snapshot of a date in the past for data in this feature type is 29 September 2022.
The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included with this feature type, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Loading OS NGD CSV files into databases
Comma-separated values (CSV) file format is universally supported for easy ingestion into all major database products. Before loading OS NGD data contained in CSV files into a database, it is necessary to create relevant tables. Data definition language (DDL) statements for PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Oracle can be accessed in our .
For instructions on loading CSV files, see the guide.
Primary identifier for the feature. The OSID is a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) and requires no centralised authority to ensure uniqueness. Note that the same OSID can occur in more than one feature type when a single feature is represented multiple times in the OS NGD.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 36
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Topographic Identifier (TOID) of the feature, as published in the OS MasterMap suite of products.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 20
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Date when the version was last updated.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The date this version of the feature became the latest version.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), DateTime (GPKG), DateTime (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The date this version of the feature was superseded by an update or ceased to exist.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), DateTime (GPKG), DateTime (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The type of change that generated a new version of the feature.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: changetypevalue
Max Length: 50
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
3D geometry for the feature.
Data Types: Geometry (GeoJSON), Geometry (GPKG), WKT (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Geometry Type: Point
The OS NGD theme to which this feature belongs.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: themevalue
Max Length: 40
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
A single descriptive value intended for a quick understanding of what the feature represents.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: ferrynodedescriptionvalue
Max Length: 10
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0