This code list is used in association with the Description attribute which is present within the Structure Point Feature Type. The code list describes the types of structure features represented as points, such as a statue, a telephone call post or a post box.
Air Quality Monitoring Station
No definition available.
Aircraft Landing Light
A structure consisting of a light, that may be mounted on a support, designed to assist the take off and landing of aircraft.
Aircraft Navigation Beacon
A fixed signal, mark or transmitting beacon and associated facilities erected for the guidance of aircraft.
Aircraft Navigation Tower
No definition available.
No definition available.
Anchorage Post
No definition available.
No definition available.
No definition available.
A structure including a hollow metal object that, when struck, emits a ringing sound.
Bell Pit
No definition available.
Bell Tower
A free standing building taller than its diameter designed principally for the ringing of suspended bells. OR A free standing building taller than its diameter designed principally for the ringing of suspended bells, and of heritage interest. OR A free standing building taller than its diameter, upon a supported structure, designed principally for the ringing of suspended bells.
Bore Hole
No definition available.
Boundary Marker
A feature indicating the proximity of an administrative boundary alignment.
An Iron Age round defended house, found mainly in the north and west of Scotland. Brochs have a tapering profile and thick, usually hollow dry stone walls which contain galleries, cells and a stairway, with guard cells at the entrance.
Burial Chamber
A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a mound of earth or stone.
Burnt Mound
No definition available.
A low turf bank or stone wall used to shelter people whilst they shoot game.
Cable Terminal Station
No definition available.
A pile of stones marking a boundary; a route across high ground; the top of a mountain; or a memorial.
Cairn And Memorial
No definition available.
Cairn And Shelter
No definition available.
A cylinder or barrel revolving on a vertical axis for hauling chains or ropes, the power being supplied either by an engine or manually by movable bars in horizontal sockets around the top.
No definition available.
A construction wholly or partially buried, usually containing equipment.
Chambered Cairn
A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a mound of stones.
A vertical structure which discharges smoke or vapour, typically from an industrial process.
No definition available.
No definition available.
A device that indicates the time.
Clock Tower
A tall, usually square, structure having a clock at the top, often with a clock face on each wall.
No definition available.
A fixed mechanical device for lifting and moving loads. OR A Crane permanently in place on a fixed, elevated Structure.
No definition available.
A cross (or Site Of cross) of historic interest. A cross is defined as a metal or wooden structure consisting of a vertical upright with a shorter horizontal bar approximately three quarters of the way up, sometimes encircled by a vertical ring. Crosses are usually associated with the Christian religion.
Cross Base
The base for a freestanding cross.
No definition available.
Distance Marker
No definition available.
A non-floating structure not connected to shore that is used for mooring ships.
A house for doves and pigeons, usually placed at a height above the ground, with openings and provision inside for roosting and breeding.
Dry Weir
A low dam which was built across a river or stream in order to control the flow of water or change its direction but is now dry at normal winter level.
No definition available.
Electricity Sub Station
No definition available.
Electricity Support Pole
No definition available.
Electricity Support Poles
No definition available.
Emergency Assistance Or Equipment Point
No definition available.
Emergency Telephone In Call Box
No definition available.
Emergency Telephone On Post
No definition available.
Fish Trap
A fixed structure typically constructed of stakes or similar used to catch fish.
Fishing Platform
A structure on the edge or within a body of water from which fishing takes place.
Fixed Structure
A non-specific, permanent structure without moving parts. OR A non-specific, permanent structure without moving parts, upon a supported structure. OR A structure, upon a supported structure, through which liquids are channelled before discharge into the sea or a river.
No definition available.
Flare Stack
Pipes in oil refineries or other industrial complexes used to burn off waste gases.
Floating Structure
Objects floating on, and appearing above, the surface of water.
Fog Horn
A structure located near the sea that issues a loud noise during periods of reduced visibility to warn craft of danger.
No definition available.
No definition available.
Ornamental feature in a pool or lake from which water issues.
No definition available.
Gas Governor
No definition available.
Gibbet Post
No definition available.
No definition available.
A stone placed over a grave as a marker.
Guide Post
No definition available.
Guide Stone
A stone with associated information about direction, associated with roads, paths and tracks.
No definition available.
A prehistoric structure with elements including earthworks and/or positioned stones, incorporating a circular element within the layout, and being of historical interest.
A camouflaged barrier or enclosure from which one can view wildlife, such as birds, without disturbing them.
A device for raising heavy objects to a higher level.
No definition available.
Hydraulic Ram
A self driven static pump, designed to raise and move water and to regulate its flow.
A furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying.
Lattice Tower
No definition available.
No definition available.
Lighting Pole Or Tower
No definition available.
Loading Gauge
No definition available.
Mail Pick Up Post
No definition available.
No definition available.
Marker Post Or Stone
No definition available.
A tall post or pole with no identifiable purpose.
No definition available.
No definition available.
Memorial Fountain
No definition available.
Memorial Stone
No definition available.
Meteorological Station
No definition available.
Meteorological Tower
No definition available.
Mile Stone
No definition available.
Mine Shaft
No definition available.
Mooring Post
No definition available.
Mound Of Earth
A low hill, either natural or artificial, being of historical interest.
Nautical Beacon
No definition available.
Nautical Daymark
No definition available.
Nautical Daymark And Light
No definition available.
Nautical Light
No definition available.
Nautical Mark
No definition available.
Nautical Perch
No definition available.
Nautical Radar Reflector
No definition available.
A tall four sided tapering pillar, usually of stone, erected to commemorate a person or event.
Observation Point
No definition available.
Observation Telescope
No definition available.
Observation Tower
No definition available.
Open Kiln
No definition available.
Open Well
No definition available.
Ornamental Arch
No definition available.
Ornamental Structure
A structure created by shaping materials to form an artwork. OR A structure, upon a supported structure, created by shaping materials to form an artwork.
Other Support Pole
No definition available.
Other Support Poles
No definition available.
A structure through which liquids are channelled before discharge into the sea or a river. OR A structure, upon a supported structure, through which liquids are channelled before discharge into the sea or a river.
A tall, narrow, isolated structure.
A square block under the base of a column or statue.
No definition available.
No definition available.
Post Box
No definition available.
Post Box And Guide Post
No definition available.
Post Restricting Vehicular Access
No definition available.
Postal Delivery Box
No definition available.
A machine used to raise and move water where a more specific function cannot be determined.
Pump And Memorial
No definition available.
Pump And Well
No definition available.
No definition available.
Radar Mast
No definition available.
Radar Tower
No definition available.
Radio Telescope
A metal dish that gathers radio waves from space.
Rail Distance Marker
No definition available.
Rail Signal Light
No definition available.
Rail Signal Post
No definition available.
Rail Signal Tower
No definition available.
No definition available.
Remains Of Cairn
The ruined remains of a pile of stones that marked a boundary; a route across high ground; the top of a mountain; or formed a memorial and is considered of historical significance.
Remains Of Chambered Cairn
The ruined remains of a Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a mound of stones.
Remains Of Cross
The ruined remains of cross of historic interest. A cross is defined as a metal or wooden structure consisting of a vertical upright with a shorter horizontal bar approximately three quarters of the way up, sometimes encircled by a vertical ring. Crosses are usually associated with the Christian religion.
Rising Bollard
No definition available.
Road Mile Post
No definition available.
Road Mile Stone
No definition available.
No definition available.
Rock Shelter
No definition available.
Roofed Hopper
A top loaded, funnel shaped structure that includes a roof, for temporary holding of loose material that will be dispensed from the bottom.
Roofed Telescope
A built entity that includes a roof that includes a mechanism, attached to a telescope, allowing an observer to time the passage of a star.
Roofed Tower
No definition available.
Roofed Well
No definition available.
Ruined Structure
A building which has become completely or partly de roofed and is in a condition of decay. OR A ruined supported structure such as a pier , bridge or jetty. The feature should be in an advanced state of disrepair, possible collapse, and unusable.
Ruined Tower
Destroyed tall building (Unroofed), either standing alone or forming part of another structure.
Ruined Windmill
The remains of a building of traditional construction with wooden sails (which may now have gone) used to make use of wind power to grind grain or pump water.
Satellite Dish
A curved dish-like structure with an antenna which receives signals via a satellite in space.
A structure designed for sitting on.
A vertical or near-vertical tunnel into the ground, being of historical interest.
Sheep Dip
No definition available.
No definition available.
Shooting Tower
A tall structure used by hunters to shoot game.
No definition available.
Signal Staff
No definition available.
No definition available.
Sluice Gate
No definition available.
Solar Panel
Fixed, rigid sheets supporting devices for converting the energy of the sun to electricity or heat, when there are very few panels and the panels are fitted flat to the ground.
Speakers Platform
A raised stage from which an audience can be addressed.
No definition available.
Standing Stone
No definition available.
A carved or moulded likeness, usually of a famous person or animal, often displayed in a public place. OR A carved or moulded likeness, upon a supported structure, usually of a famous person or animal, often displayed in a public place.
Stepping Stone
No definition available.
No definition available.
No definition available.
No definition available.
No definition available.
A structure or area used for the testing of armaments.
Telecommunications Lattice Tower
No definition available.
Telecommunications Mast
A tall structure supporting the equipment for transmitting and receiving electronic signals.
Telephone Call Box
No definition available.
Telephone Call Box And Defibrillator
No definition available.
Telephone Call Post
No definition available.
Telephone In Wall
No definition available.
Tide Gauge
A structure for measuring the differences in height of water at low and high tide. OR A structure, upon a supported structure, for measuring the differences in height of water at low and high tide.
A structure in which human remains are interred.
No definition available.
A structure taller than its diameter with no specific function.
Ventilation Shaft
A vertical, or near vertical, structure allowing the passage of air from tunnels.
Viewpoint Guide
No definition available.
War Memorial
A memorial for people, normally service personnel, who died in a conflict. OR A memorial for people, normally service personnel, who died in a conflict, on a permanent supported structure. A supported structure is supported on legs or piers or at its ends and has accessible free space underneath.
Warning Marker
No definition available.
Warning Sign
No definition available.
Water Monitoring Device
No definition available.
Water Point
No definition available.
Water Pumping Chamber
No definition available.
Water Tank
No definition available.
Water Tower
A large tank of water supported on a high structure which supplies water at a steady pressure to surrounding buildings.
A low dam which is built across a river or stream in order to control the flow of water or change its direction.
A hole in the ground from which a supply of water is extracted.
Well As Spring
A Well from which the water emerges without the need to extract it.
Whipping Post
No definition available.
No definition available.
Wind Pump
No definition available.
Wind Sock
No definition available.
Wind Turbine
A building or structure specifically designed to generate electricity from wind power.
Last updated
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