
This code list is used in association with the Reinstatement Type attribute which is present within the Reinstatement Area, Reinstatement Line, and Reinstatement Point Feature Types in the OS NGD RAMI Collection. The code list describes reinstatement as defined in the 'Specification for Reinstatement of Opening in Highways' codes of practice in England and Wales, and the 'Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Roads' codes of practice in Scotland.


Carriageway Type 0

The carriageway has a limiting capacity of between 30 and 125 Million Standard Axles.

Carriageway Type 1

The carriageway has a limiting capacity of between 10 and 30 Million Standard Axles.

Carriageway Type 2

The carriageway has a limiting capacity of between 2.5 and 10 Million Standard Axles.

Carriageway Type 3

The carriageway has a limiting capacity of between 0.5 and 2.5 Million Standard Axles.

Carriageway Type 4

The carriageway has a limiting capacity of up to 0.5 Million Standard Axles.

Carriageway Type 6

The carriageway has a capacity of over 125 Million Standard Axles.

Coloured Surfacing

England & Wales definition: Inapplicable; Scotland definition: Where the carriageway is treated in a special coloured coating.

Friction Coatings

England & Wales definition: Inapplicable; Scotland definition: Where the carriageway is treated in a special friction coating.

High Amenity Carriageway

England & Wales definition: Inapplicable; Scotland definition: Where the carriageway is surfaced in special materials such as setts and block paving.

High Amenity Footway

Routes which have been constructed maintained and surfaced to a high standard.

High Duty Footway

Routes used by an exceptionally large number of pedestrians and / or cyclists.

No Designation Information Held By Street Authority

There is no reinstatement information.

Other Footways

Neither high duty or high amenity.

Porous Asphalts

England & Wales definition: Inapplicable; Scotland definition: Where the carriageway is constructed with special porous asphalts.

Last updated

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