OS NGD Talks, Webinars, Tutorial Videos and Case Studies


OS NGD Lightning Talks are available on our 'More Than Maps' site (a self-serve platform that provides a one-stop shop for all your OS technical geospatial support, including tutorials, demonstrators and case studies). The talks are presented by OS Technical Consultants who introduce the OS NGD data themes and show you what can be achieved using OS NGD data and how. New talks are added to the More Than Maps site periodically.

The same Lightning Talks are available to PSGA (Public Sector Geospatial Agreement) Members and OS Partners from the PSGA Members area and the Partner Portal, respectively.

The following video from the Geospatial Commission Public Sector Contracts Annual Conference in October 2022 gives a high-level introduction to the OS NGD, including what data is available, how to access the data, the support available, the benefits, and the roadmap for product enhancements:

🖥️ Webinars

If you are a PSGA Member or OS Partner and you'd like to know more about how to get the most out of the OS NGD, head to the PSGA Members area or the Partner Portal and watch the recordings of our recent webinars, including 'An introduction to the OS NGD' and 'Maximising the benefits of ordering OS NGD data using OS Select+Build'. New webinars are added to the both areas periodically.

📼 Tutorial videos

To help make getting started easier with OS Select+Build and the OS NGD APIs, we have created the following tutorial videos (available from our YouTube channel) to give you step-by-step guidance:

📔Case studies

Find out how customers across numerous sectors are using and benefiting from OS NGD data:

Last updated