Street Address
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The Street Address Feature Type provides street address information for any road, footpath, cycleway, byway, or bridleway that has been uniquely identified by the local Highway Authority, or Street Naming and Numbering authority and provides access to an address.
The earliest date on which you can request a one-off snapshot of a date in the past for data in this feature type is 02 November 2022.
The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included with this feature type, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Loading OS NGD CSV files into databases
Comma-separated values (CSV) file format is universally supported for easy ingestion into all major database products. Before loading OS NGD data contained in CSV files into a database, it is necessary to create relevant tables. Data definition language (DDL) statements for PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Oracle can be accessed in our .
For instructions on loading CSV files, see the guide.
The Unique Street Reference Number (USRN), a unique and persistent identifier of a Street which is assigned by the Roads or Highway Authority.
Data Types: Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Date when the version was last updated.
Data Types: Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The date this version of the feature became the latest version.
Data Types: DateTime (GPKG), DateTime (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The date this version of the feature was superseded by an update or ceased to exist.
Data Types: DateTime (GPKG), DateTime (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The type of change that generated a new version of the feature.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: changetypevalue
Max Length: 50
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The OS NGD theme to which this feature belongs.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: themevalue
Max Length: 40
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
A single descriptive value intended for a quick understanding of what the feature represents.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: streetdescriptionvalue
Max Length: 50
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Description of the street record type, for example, whether the Street has an official designated street name.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: addressstreettypevalue
Max Length: 33
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
A code for the primary street classification, for example, denoting it to be 'open to all vehicles'.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: streetclassificationvalue
Max Length: 26
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Description of the current state of the Street, indicating which point the street record is at within its lifecycle.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: streetstatevalue
Max Length: 18
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Date at which the Street achieved its current state in the world, as referenced by the 'operationalState' attribute.
Data Types: Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Name, number or descriptor that identifies the nearest accessable Street that an Address is located on or close to.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 100
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Name of the area or geographical identifier within a town, settlement, village or hamlet that an address is located within. For example, a locality may be a suburb, housing estate or commercial estate.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Name of the settlement that the Street is located within. A settlement can be a City, Town, Village, Hamlet or Parish.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Name of the Administrative Unit that the Address is located within.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Name of the geographical territory that the Address is located within, where a geographical territory represents either a devolved country or an island nation.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: countryvalue
Max Length: 16
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Name, number or descriptor that identifies the nearest accessable street that an Address is located on or close to, defined in either Welsh (cym) or Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic (gla).
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 110
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Name of the area or geographical identifier within a town, settlement, village or hamlet that an address is located within, defined in either Welsh (cym) or Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic (gla). For example, a locality may be a suburb, housing estate or commercial estate.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 110
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The name of the settlement that the address is located within, defined in either Welsh (cym) or Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic (gla). A settlement can be a City, Town, Village, Hamlet or Parish.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Name of the Administrative Unit that the Address is located within, defined in either Welsh (cym) or Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic (gla).
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0
ISO 3166-3 Language Code for Welsh or Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: languagevalue
Max Length: 3
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Alphanumeric code which identifies the Street Naming and Numbering Authority or the Local Highway Authority
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 4
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Name of the responsible Street Naming and Numbering Authority or Local Highways Authority
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Description indicating the type of surface finish on the Street, for example, 'Metalled'.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: streetsurfacevalue
Max Length: 10
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
X coordinate in metres for the position of the start point of the street defined in British National Grid (EPSG::27700) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: true
Precision: 8
Scale: 2
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Y coordinate in metres for the position of the start point of the street defined in British National Grid (EPSG::27700) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: true
Precision: 9
Scale: 2
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
X coordinate in metres for the position of the end point of the street defined in British National Grid (EPSG::27700) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: true
Precision: 8
Scale: 2
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Y coordinate in metres for the position of the end point of the street defined in British National Grid (EPSG::27700) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: true
Precision: 9
Scale: 2
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Value defining the Latitude of the position of the start point of the street defined in accordance with the ETRS89 (EPSG::4258) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: false
Precision: 9
Scale: 7
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Value defining the Longitude of the position of the start point of the street defined in accordance with the ETRS89 (EPSG::4258) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: false
Precision: 9
Scale: 7
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Value defining the Latitude of the position of the end point of the street defined in accordance with the ETRS89 (EPSG::4258) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: false
Precision: 9
Scale: 7
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Value defining the Longitude of the position of the end point of the street defined in accordance with the ETRS89 (EPSG::4258) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: false
Precision: 9
Scale: 7
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Geometry for the feature.
Data Types: Geometry (GPKG), WKT (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Geometry Type: MultiPoint
The tolerance of the Start and End Location coordinates in metres.
Data Types: Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The date on which this record was inserted into the Local Authority database.
Data Types: Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
The date on which the record ceased to exist
Data Types: Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0