This code list is used in association with the Capture Method attribute which is present within multiple OS NGD feature types across various OS NGD themes. The code list describes how an attribute was created, for example, via remote survey or via an automated process.
Automated Process
Data has been created using an automated process. This includes processes that involve vector and / or raster data.
Default Value
A default value was applied as a suitable value could not be determined through any other available method.
Data has been captured manually as part of a desk based activity.
Field Survey
Data has been captured using ground survey techniques.
Remote Sensing Survey
Data has been captured using photogrammetric techniques. Appropriate to the capture of geometry and attribution captured at the time of geometry update.
Sensor Measurement
Data sourced from sensor equipment in the field, for example, for road speed data.
Third Party Unknown
Data has come from a third party or multiple third parties and Ordnance Survey is not aware of the original capture methods that were used.
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