Average And Indicative Speed

This feature type provides two sets of speed information for all roads in Great Britain. These are:

  1. A historic average speed in kilometres per hours (kph). In this context, 'historic' means that the average speed data was collected over a six-month period for the selected road link. Average speeds are provided in different time periods for each road link. A single day (i.e. a 24-hour period) is split into 8 time periods Monday to Friday (MF) and 6 time periods Saturday to Sunday (SS), for example, Monday–Friday (MF) 07:00–09:00, Saturday–Sunday (SS) 14:00–19:00. There’s a separate attribute for each time period. For Road Links that can be traversed in both directions, In Direction and ‘againstdirection’ attribute values are populated for average speed. For one-way Road Links, only one of these attributes will be populated, dependent on the directionality of the Road Link. For example, if Road Link directionality = In Direction, then in direction speed will be populated, whereas if Road Link directionality = In Opposite Direction, then against direction speed will be populated.

  2. An indicative speed limit. This is an indication of the maximum speed limit for vehicles; the indicative speed limits reference road network data. Indicative speed limit values that apply over the majority of a section of road are provided in both miles per hour (mph) and kilometres per hour (kph).

Temporal filtering

The earliest date on which you can request a one-off snapshot of a date in the past for data in this feature type is 28 March 2023.

Annual Full Supply option

Please note that if you select Annual Full Supply with an initial supply date of 01 Jan 2023 as the update frequency for a data package containing this feature type in OS Select+Build, this will result in you receiving an empty data package. This is because the data for this feature type was only made available in the OS NGD from 28 March 2023. The Full Annual Supply option for data from this feature type will become available from 01 January 2024.

Feature type attributes

The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included with this feature type, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.


Primary identifier for the feature. The OSID is a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) and requires no centralised authority to ensure uniqueness. Note that the same OSID can occur in more than one feature type when a single feature is represented multiple times in the OS NGD. The OSID is populated from the Road Link to which the speeds relate, and therefore the same OSID is present in both feature types.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Max Length: 36

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


Date when the version was last updated.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The date this version of the feature became the latest version.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), DateTime (GPKG), DateTime (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The date this version of the feature was superseded by an update or ceased to exist.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), DateTime (GPKG), DateTime (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The type of change that generated a new version of the feature.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: changetypevalue

  • Max Length: 50

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


3D geometry for the feature.

  • Data Types: Geometry (GeoJSON), Geometry (GPKG), WKT (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0

  • Geometry Type: LineString


The measured length of the geometry in metres.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Precision: 15

  • Scale: 3

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The OS NGD theme to which this feature belongs.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: themevalue

  • Max Length: 40

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


A single descriptive value intended for a quick understanding of what the feature represents.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Max Length: 30

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The indicative speed limit in miles per hour (mph) for a road link.

  • Data Types: Integer (GeoJSON), Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The indicative speed limit in kilometres per hour (kph) for a road link.

  • Data Types: Integer (GeoJSON), Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The date on which the update trigger occurred. This date may be synchronous with the change date or may correspond to a prior date if the update trigger is a data issue that has been identified and reported for change. Synonyms: flying date, survey date.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


Date when the attribute was last updated.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The source organisation who provided the data.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Max Length: 85

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the speed limit.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 04:00–07:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 04:00–07:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Monday–Friday 04:00–07:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 07:00–09:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 07:00–09:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Monday–Friday 07:00–09:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 09:00–12:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 09:00–12:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Monday–Friday 09:00–12:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 12:00–14:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday, 12:00–14:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Monday–Friday 12:00–14:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 14:00–16:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 14:00–16:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Monday–Friday 14:00–16:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 16:00–19:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 16:00–19:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Monday–Friday 16:00–19:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 19:00–22:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 19:00–22:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Monday–Friday 19:00–22:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 22:00–04:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Monday–Friday 22:00–04:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Monday–Friday 22:00–04:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 04:00–07:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 04:00–07:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Saturday–Sunday 04:00–07:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 07:00–10:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 07:00–10:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Saturday–Sunday 07:00–10:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 10:00–14:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 10:00–14:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Saturday–Sunday 10:00–14:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 14:00–19:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 14:00–19:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Saturday–Sunday 14:00–19:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 19:00–22:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 19:00–22:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Saturday–Sunday 19:00–22:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing in the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 22:00–04:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The historic average speed in kilometres per hour (kph) of vehicles traversing against the direction of a road link, Saturday–Sunday 22:00–04:00.

  • Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Precision: 4

  • Scale: 1

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The origin or derivation of the average speed for the time period of Saturday–Sunday 22:00–04:00.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: capturemethodvalue

  • Max Length: 25

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The date on which the update trigger occurred. This date may be synchronous with the change date or may correspond to a prior date if the update trigger is a data issue that has been identified and reported for change. Synonyms: flying date, survey date.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


Date when the attribute was last updated.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The source organisation who provided the data.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Max Length: 85

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


A classification assigned to the RoadLink to which the Speed applies, which determines the type of road (for example, A road or B road) and aids routing.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: false

  • Code List Name: roadfunctionvalue

  • Max Length: 32

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The official road number assigned by the appropriate authority to the road link which the Speed applies to. For example, ‘A329(M)’ 'M27'.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Max Length: 10

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


Name assigned to identify the feature.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Max Length: 254

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The language type associated with name1. The valid values are defined in the Language Value code list.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Code List Name: languagevalue

  • Max Length: 3

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The alternative language name assigned to identify the feature.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Max Length: 254

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The language type associated with name2. The valid values are defined in the Language Value code list.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Code List Name: languagevalue

  • Max Length: 3

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


Another name for the road that the feature is part of. This is populated with the name captured by Ordnance Survey when it differs from that in Street.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Max Length: 254

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The language the name is expressed in, provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code ('eng, 'cym', 'gla').

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Code List Name: languagevalue

  • Max Length: 3

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


Another name for the road that the feature is part of. This is populated with the name captured by Ordnance Survey when it differs from that in Street.

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Max Length: 254

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The language the name is expressed in, provided as a 3-digit ISO 639-2 code ('eng, 'cym', 'gla').

  • Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Code List Name: languagevalue

  • Max Length: 3

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0


The identifier or identifiers of the Street to which this feature forms part of.

  • Data Types: Array (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)

  • Nullable: true

  • Multiplicity: [0..*]

  • OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No

  • OS Select+Build Filterable: No

  • Data Schema Version: 1.0

Last updated