Road Track Or Path
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Features representing, describing or limiting the extents of roadways, tracks and pathways. A road is a metalled way for vehicles. A track is an unmetalled way that is clearly marked, permanent and used by vehicles. A path is defined as any established way other than a road or track.
The earliest and latest dates on which you can request a one-off snapshot of a date in the past for the data schema versions available for this feature type are detailed in the following table:
29 September 2022
27 March 2024
25 September 2024
Please see Data schema versioning for more information about versioning in the OS NGD Transport Theme.
The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included with this feature type, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Primary identifier for the feature. The OSID is a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) and requires no centralised authority to ensure uniqueness. Note that the same OSID can occur in more than one feature type when a single feature is represented multiple times in the OS NGD.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 36
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
Topographic identifier (TOID) of the feature, as published in the OS MasterMap suite of products.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 20
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the version was last updated.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which this version of the feature became the latest version.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), DateTime (GPKG), DateTime (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which this version of the feature was superseded by an update or ceased to exist.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), DateTime (GPKG), DateTime (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which a feature was first digitised by Ordnance Survey.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The type of change that generated a new version of the feature.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: changetypevalue
Max Length: 50
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
Geometry for the feature.
Data Types: Geometry (GeoJSON), Geometry (GPKG), WKT (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
Geometry Type: Polygon
This attribute was called geometry_area
in data schema version 1.0 and was renamed geometry_area_m2
from version 2.0 onward.
The measured area of the geometry in square metres.
Data Types: Number (GeoJSON), Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: false
Precision: 15
Scale: 3
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the latest evidence was gathered to make an update if required. For example, the date of collection by a surveyor or the date the information was received from a third party.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the attribute was last updated.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The source organisation that provided the data.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 50
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Indication of the method used to capture or produce the data.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: capturemethodvalue
Max Length: 25
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
The OS NGD theme to which this feature belongs.
Data Types: Array (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: themevalue
Max Length: 40
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
A single descriptive value intended for a quick understanding of what the feature represents.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: roadtrackorpathdescriptionvalue
Max Length: 40
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the latest evidence was gathered to make an update if required. For example, the date of collection by a surveyor or the date the information was received from a third party.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the attribute was last updated.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The source organisation that provided the data.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 50
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Indication of the method used to capture or produce the data.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: capturemethodvalue
Max Length: 25
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
A high-level description of the land cover; more detail is provided in the OS Land Cover Tier B attribute.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: roadtrackorpathoslandcovertieravalue
Max Length: 15
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
A detailed description of the land cover type. Up to five distinct land cover types can be applied.
The max length specified below is the maximum length of 1 permissible value. This attribute can have up to 5 permissible values.
Data Types: Array (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: roadtrackorpathoslandcovertierbvalue
Max Length: 125
Multiplicity: [1..5]
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the latest evidence was gathered to make an update if required. For example, the date of collection by a surveyor or the date the information was received from a third party.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the attribute was last updated.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The organisation that provided the information.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 50
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Indication of the method used to capture or produce the data.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: capturemethodvalue
Max Length: 25
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
A high-level description of the main activity that takes place at the location or that the feature supports.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: landusetieravalue
Max Length: 50
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
A detailed description of the main activity that takes place at the location or that the feature supports.
This attribute was not populated in the first release of NGD data, meaning that OS Land Use Tier B values were NULL for Road Track Or Path features.
Data Types: Array (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: landusetierbvalue
Max Length: 200
Multiplicity: [0..2]
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: Yes
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the latest evidence was gathered to make an update if required. For example, the date of collection by a surveyor or the date the information was received from a third party.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the attribute was last updated.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The organisation that provided the information.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 50
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0
Indication of the method used to capture or produce the data.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: capturemethodvalue
Max Length: 25
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
An indicator that the feature lies within the foreshore, that is, within an area that is affected by normal tides in England and Wales or Spring Tides in Scotland.
Data Types: Boolean (GeoJSON), Integer (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
Indicates whether the feature is part of a larger structure and the nature of the structure, for example, a dam, bridge or breakwater.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: compoundstructuredescriptionvalue
Code List Version: 1.0
Max Length: 25
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
An indicator that the feature is at ground level but lies below another feature represented in the data. For example, a road with a bridge over it will have the attribute set to 'True'.
Data Types: Boolean (GeoJSON), Integer (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The relative relationship of the feature to ground surface level, where ground surface level is the lowest identifiable level that is not underground.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: physicallevelvalue
Max Length: 15
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
Indicates the capture specification used by OS when capturing the feature. This could either be Urban, Rural or Moorland.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: capturespecificationvalue
Max Length: 10
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
A count of the number of Land Use Sites the feature lies within.
Data Types: Integer (GeoJSON), Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
The identifier of the smallest Land Use Site feature that the topographic area feature lies within.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 36
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
A high-level description of the main activity that takes place at the location of the smallest Land Use Site feature the feature lies within, if any.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: oslandusetieravalue
Max Length: 50
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
A more detailed description of the main activity that takes place at the location of the smallest Land Use Site feature the feature lies within, if any.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: oslandusetierbvalue
Max Length: 200
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
A high-level description of the main activity that takes place at the location of the largest Land Use Site feature the feature lies within, if any.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: oslandusetieravalue
Max Length: 50
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
A more detailed description of the main activity that takes place at the location of the largest Land Use Site feature the feature lies within, if any.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: oslandusetierbvalue
Max Length: 200
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
An alternative land use classification that uses a code defined in the National Land Use Database schema. Populated in the first instance from the land use of the largest Land Use Site (if any) that the feature lies within, and if that does not apply, then by any land use implicit in the nature of the feature itself.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 4
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
A description of the highest (least detailed) level of an alternative land use classification as defined in the National Land Use Database schema. Populated in the first instance from the land use of the largest Land Use Site (if any) that the feature lies within, and if that does not apply, then by any land use implicit in the nature of the feature itself.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 30
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
A description of the second level of an alternative land use classification as defined in the National Land Use Database schema. Populated in the first instance from the land use of the largest Land Use Site (if any) that the feature lies within, and if that does not apply, then by any land use implicit in the nature of the feature itself.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 40
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
An alternative land use classification that uses a code defined in the Address/BS7666 schema. Populated only where local authority address information lies within a Land Use Site that the feature also falls within. The value is derived by analysis of the attribution of Address information that falls within the extent of the smallest Land Use Site that the feature lies within. Where the address information within the extent of the Site contains differing primary level classifications, then no Address Code value is provided.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 2
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
The description of the highest (least detailed) level of an alternative land use classification as defined in the Address/BS7666 schema. Populated only where local authority address information lies within a Land Use Site that the feature also falls within. The value is derived by analysis of the attribution of Address information that falls within the extent of the smallest Land Use Site that the feature lies within. Where the address information within the extent of the Site contains differing primary level classifications, then a value of ‘Mixed’ is applied.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 120
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
The description of the second level of an alternative land use classification as defined in the Address/BS7666 schema. Populated only where local authority address information lies within a Land Use Site that the feature also falls within. The value is derived by analysis of the attribution of Address information that falls within the extent of the smallest Land Use Site that the feature lies within. Where the address information within the extent of the Site contains differing secondary level classifications, then no value is provided.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 120
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
The unique identifier of the Lower Tier Local Authority administrative area provided by the Office for National Statistics that the Topographic feature lies within. Where a Topographic area falls into more than one Lower Tier Local Authority, then it will be assigned to the Lower Tier Local Authority that the majority of its area lies within. Where a Topographic area falls outside any Lower Tier Local Authority (for example, an offshore feature), then no code will be provided.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 10
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
The total number of Lower Tier Local Authority administrative areas the feature lies within. Where a feature falls within more than one LTLA and the resultant subdivided areas are either less than 10% of original total area or are less than 2 square metres in area then the count excludes these smaller subdivided areas from the value provided.
Data Types: Integer (GeoJSON), Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
The state of the feature in relation to either its physical condition or the activity the feature is intended to support.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: statusvalue
Max Length: 20
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
Date when the attribute was last updated.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
A cross reference table mapping the OS land cover classification to habitat classification schemes – European Nature Information System (EUNIS) and UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Broad Habitats – and providing the percentage of each land cover classification within a topographic area, except Water features.
See OS NGD Land Cover Enhancements for additional information about this cross reference table.
The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included in this cross reference table, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Primary feature identifier of the feature reference.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 36
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
The name of the land cover or habitat classification scheme. This is OS Land Cover Tier B, EUNIS Level 1, EUNIS Level 2 or UK BAP Broad Habitats.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 20
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
This is populated only when ‘Scheme’ is EUNIS Level 1 or EUNIS Level 2, and where a direct mapping is possible to the OS Land Cover Tier B classification.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 5
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
Classification of the type of land cover or habitat within a topographic area. EUNIS Level 2 and UK BAP Broad Habitat descriptions are populated where a direct mapping is possible to the OS Land Cover Tier B classification.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 80
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
Numerical value for the proportion of each land cover classification within a topographic area. Values are rounded up to the nearest 5 percent, with a minimum value of 10 percent. EUNIS Level 2 and UK BAP Broad Habitat percentages are populated where a direct mapping is possible to the OS Land Cover Tier B classification. This is not populated for Water features.
Data Types: Integer (GeoJSON), Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the latest evidence was gathered and used to calculate the percentage value.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
The date on which the percentage attribute was last updated.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
The date of the latest Road Track Or Path feature version.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0, 3.0
A cross reference table mapping Road Track Or Path to Site. The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included in this cross reference table, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
The identifier for the Site feature.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 36
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
The identifier for the Road Track Or Path feature.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 36
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0
The date this version of the feature entered the OS National Geographic Database.
Data Types: String (GeoJSON), Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS NGD API – Features Filterable: No
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 3.0