This code list is used in association with the OS Land Cover Tier A attribute which is present within the Road Track or Path Feature Type. The code list provides a high-level description of the surface type, for which more detail is provided in the OS Land Cover Tier B attribute.
A built entity.
A manmade surface that may be either sealed or unsealed.
Natural land cover that is mineral in nature, such as Rock, Boulders, Mud, Sand or Shingle.
Open Vegetation
An area of perennial plant cover, either of a wild or semi-managed nature, including Bare Earth Or Grass, Heath, Marsh, Peat, Rough Grassland, Saltmarsh, Scattered Coniferous Trees, Scattered Non-Coniferous Trees, Scrub or Vineyard.
An area that includes cone-bearing trees (for example, yews, pines, firs, and larch) and / or trees that do not bear cones (for example, Ash, Aspen, Birch, Horse Chestnut, Maple, Oak, Poplar, and Sycamore), where the trees are generally spaced not more than 30m apart.
A surface that has been recognisably modified by the passage of vehicles or pedestrians to form a communication route.
Tidal or non-tidal water.
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