
This code list is used in association with the Building Use attribute which is present within the Building Feature Type. It describes what the Building is used for and can have up to two values, delimited by the pipe character (|). The single value, 'Mixed Use' will be used when more than two uses are identified for the building.


Agriculture Or Aquaculture

Locations where the cultivation of crops or the rearing of animals, including fish or shellfish, takes place for commercial purposes, including supporting infrastructure.

Attraction Or Activity

Locations that provide non-sporting leisure activities and related services for the public.

Commercial Activity: Animal Services

Locations that provide medical care, temporary accommodation, or burial and cremation services for animals (including domestic pets, livestock, and / or wild animals).

Commercial Activity: Distribution Or Storage

Locations where goods or materials are stored and / or sorted before being further used. Includes non-retail parts of the distribution chain.

Commercial Activity: Industrial Or Manufacturing

Locations where raw materials are extracted or processed.

Commercial Activity: Other

Locations where commercial activities take place, where the locations are not otherwise categorised.

Commercial Activity: Retail

Locations that sell or serve finished goods, including food and drink, to the general public.

Community Services: Emergency Services

Locations used by the providers of emergency services, including supporting sites for administration and training.

Community Services: Funerary

Locations associated with the burial or cremation of the deceased, including areas used as a memorial for people or events.

Community Services: Other

Locations that provide primarily non-commercial services to the inhabitants of an area, where the location is not otherwise categorised.

Community Services: Religious Worship

Places of worship where members of a religious group gather to practice their faith.


An area in which construction work is on-going and the final nature of the site is unknown or where there are a mixture of end uses for the site.


Locations that support the activities of military forces.


Educational establishments and locations that provide academic and vocational teaching.

Government Services

Locations that provide and administer services on behalf of central or local government, where these locations are not otherwise categorised.


Locations identified as being of historic importance, including physical features, selected very important sites, and some disused features.

Medical Or Health Care

Locations that provide primary or secondary medical care and associated health care services.

Mixed Use

A building with more than two defined uses.

Residential Accommodation

Locations providing permanent private or communal accommodation.

Sports Attraction Or Facility

Locations for viewing or participating in sporting activities.

Temporary Or Holiday Accommodation

Locations that provide temporary occupation or sites that provide shelter.

Transport: Air

Locations that support the movement of people and freight using aircraft, excluding those that are for Defence purposes.

Transport: Rail

Locations that perform and support the movement of passengers and freight using railways.

Transport: Road, Track Or Path

Locations that perform and support the movement of people and freight using roads, tracks and paths. Includes movement via motorised (for example, cars, buses) and non-motorised vehicles (for example, bicycles), on horseback and on foot.

Transport: Water

Locations that perform and support the movement of people and freight using inland and tidal waterways.


The location cannot be determined

Unknown Use

A location which forms part of a recognised site whose function has yet to be determined.

Utility Or Environmental Protection

Locations that facilitate the provision of basic services (such as electricity, gas, water, waste disposal, and telecommunications) and locations used to monitor and control environmental risks. Includes services used by the public and / or services which maintain or restore the quality of environmental media through the prevention or reduction of emissions and polluting substances.

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