This code list is used in association with the Road Width Confidence Level attribute which is present within the Road Link Feature Type. The code list describes the original capture specification for the feature used to indicate the width of the carriageway.
Please note that planimetric accuracy is the thematic representation of cartographic features.
OS Moorland And Full Extent
Data captured to 4.1m planimetric accuracy and entire link within relevant Topographic Area.
OS Moorland And Part Extent
Data captured to 4.1m planimetric accuracy and part of link not within relevant Topographic Area.
OS Rural And Full Extent
Data captured to 1.1m planimetric accuracy and entire link within relevant Topographic Area.
OS Rural And Part Extent
Data captured to 1.1m planimetric accuracy and part of link not within relevant Topographic Area.
OS Urban And Full Extent
Data captured to 0.5m planimetric accuracy and entire link within relevant Topographic Area.
OS Urban And Part Extent
Data captured to 0.5m planimetric accuracy and part of link not within relevant Topographic Area.
Last updated
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