Historic Address
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The Historic Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that are no longer in existence. This can occur as a result of demolition or the merging of two built properties to become one new single address, or the splitting of a single property into multiple flats for example.
The earliest and latest dates on which you can request a one-off snapshot of a date in the past for the data schema versions available for this feature type are detailed in the following table:
02 November 2022
28 March 2023
More information about data schema versioning in the OS NGD Address Theme is available from the 'Versioning information' page and the 'Data schema versioning' page.
Please note that if you select Annual Full Supply with an initial supply date of 01 Jan 2023 as the update frequency for a data package containing data schema version 2.0 of this feature type in OS Select+Build, this will result in you receiving an empty data package. This is because data schema version 2.0 for this feature type was only made available in the OS NGD from 28 March 2023. The Full Annual Supply option for data schema version 2.0 for this feature type will become available from 01 January 2024.
The following sub-sections provide details about the attributes included with this feature type, their data types in the different output formats, and other important metadata about them.
Loading OS NGD CSV files into databases
Comma-separated values (CSV) file format is universally supported for easy ingestion into all major database products. Before loading OS NGD data contained in CSV files into a database, it is necessary to create relevant tables. Data definition language (DDL) statements for PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Oracle can be accessed in our .
For instructions on loading CSV files, see the guide.
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) assigned by a local custodian or Ordnance Survey as a persistent identifier.
Data Types: Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Date when the version was last updated.
Data Types: Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The date this version of the feature became the latest version.
Data Types: DateTime (GPKG), DateTime (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The date this version of the feature was superseded by an update or ceased to exist.
Data Types: DateTime (GPKG), DateTime (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The type of change that generated a new version of the feature.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: changetypevalue
Max Length: 50
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The OS NGD theme to which this feature belongs.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: themevalue
Max Length: 40
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
A single descriptive value intended for a quick understanding of what the feature represents.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: addressdescriptionvalue
Max Length: 50
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The organisation name is the business name given to an Address. For example: TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE. This field could also include entries for churches, public houses and libraries.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 100
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Text concatenation of 'PO BOX' and the Post Office Box (PO Box) number or the British Forces Post Office (BFPO) number.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 13
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The SubName is the secondary description for subdivisions of properties. For example: SubName: 'CRYNANT LIBRARY', Name: 'CRYNANT COMMUNITY CENTRE'.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 110
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The name is the English language primary description applied to an address, for example: 'SWANSEA UNIVERSITY BAY CAMPUS' (Welsh: 'CAMPWS Y BAE PRIFYSGOL ABERTAWE'). This attribute will also include numbers when the name contains non-numeric characters, such as 44A. Some descriptive names, when included with the rest of the address, are sufficient to identify the property uniquely and unambiguously, for example, MAGISTRATES COURT. Sometimes the name will be a blend of distinctive and descriptive naming, for example, RAILWAY TAVERN (PUBLIC HOUSE) or THE COURT ROYAL (HOTEL).
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 110
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The number gives a unique numeric identifier for addresses on a given street, for example, '11' (per Local Authority Street Naming and Numbering conventions). Numbers that contain a range, decimals or non-numeric characters do not appear in this field but will be found in the Name or the subName attributes.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 13
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Name, number or descriptor that identifies the nearest accessable Street that an Address is located on or close to.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 100
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Name of the area or geographical identifier within a town, settlement, village or hamlet that an address is located within. For example, a locality may be a suburb, housing estate or commercial estate.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Name of the settlement that the Street is located within. Where a settlement can be a City, Town, Village, Hamlet or Parish.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Name of the island upon which an Address is located. Note: This attribute is currently only populated in the OS NGD Islands Address Collection.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 50
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The postcode unit that the Address is situated within. A postcode is an abbreviated form of address, made up of combinations of between five and seven alphanumeric characters. These alphanumeric characters are used by Royal Mail to help with the automated sorting of mail. A postcode may cover between 1 and 100 addresses. Postcodes (for example, NW6 4DP) are comprised of two components. The first component is the outward code (or ‘outcode’), which is the first two to four characters of a postcode, constituting the postcode area and the postcode district, for example, NW6. The outward code is the part of the postcode that enables mail to be sent from the accepting office to the correct area for delivery. The second component of a postcode is the inward code (or ‘incode’), which is the last three characters of the postcode, constituting the postcode sector and the postcode unit, for example, 4DP. The inward code is used to sort mail at the local delivery office. This field will contain the Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) postcode where the Local Authority address has been matched to PAF. Where a match has not been made, the postcode information is sourced from Local Authority assigned data. In cases where the Local Authority do not hold a valid postcode, a spatial nearest neighbour function is used to spatially derive the postcode from the closest Address with a valid postcode.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 8
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Concatenation of the following address components: organisation (Pre-Build and Built Address Feature Types only), subname and / or name and / or number, streetname, locality, townname, islandname and postcodelocator.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 500
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0
Name of the geographical territory that the Address is located within, where a geographical territory represents either a devolved country or an island nation.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: countryvalue
Max Length: 16
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The alternateLanguageSubName is the alternate language secondary description for subdivisions of properties. For example: alternateLanguageSubName: 'LLYFRGELL Y CREUNANT', alternateLanguageName: 'CANOLFAN CYMUNED CREUNANT'.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 110
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The alternateLanguageName is the alternate language primary description applied to an address, for example: 'CAMPWS Y BAE PRIFYSGOL ABERTAWE' (English: 'SWANSEA UNIVERSITY BAY CAMPUS'). This attribute may also include numbers when the name contains non-numeric characters, such as 44A. Some descriptive names, when included with the rest of the address, are sufficient to identify the property uniquely and unambiguously, for example, MAGISTRATES COURT. Sometimes the name will be a blend of distinctive and descriptive naming, for example, RAILWAY TAVERN (PUBLIC HOUSE) or THE COURT ROYAL (HOTEL).
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 110
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The alternateLanguageNumber gives a unique numeric identifier for addresses on each street, for example, '11' (per Local Authority Street Naming and Numbering conventions). Numbers that contain a range, decimals or non-numeric characters do not appear in this field but will be found in the Name or the subName attributes.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 13
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Name, number or descriptor that identifies the nearest accessable street that an Address is located on or close to, defined in either Welsh (cym) or Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic (gla).
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 100
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Name of the area or geographical identifier within a town, settlement, village or hamlet that an address is located within, defined in either Welsh (cym) or Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic (gla). For example, a locality may be a suburb, housing estate or commercial estate.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The name of the settlement that the address is located within, defined in either Welsh (cym) or Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic (gla). A settlement can be a City, Town, Village, Hamlet or Parish.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Name of the island upon which an Address is located. Note: This attribute is currently only populated in the OS NGD Islands Address Collection.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 50
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
ISO 3166-3 Language Code for Welsh or Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Code List Name: languagevalue
Max Length: 3
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Concatenation of the following alternate language address components: organisation (Pre-Build and Built Address Feature Types only), alternatelanguagesubname and / or alternatelanguagename and / or alternatelanguagenumber, alternatelanguagestreetname, alternatelanguagelocality, alternatelanguagetownname, alternatelanguageislandname and postcodelocator.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 500
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0
Floor level represents either: the access point to the Address, or the floor level or levels that the Address is located on fully occupies or represents occupiable space within the property.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 30
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
In cases where the Floor Level attribute contains a list of floor levels (for example, where a commercial organisation occupies multiple levels within a building), the first value provided will be taken as the lowest floor level. For example, where Floor Level attribute values are given as -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, the Lowest Floor Level is -1. Mezzanine levels may be represented by a partial number, for example, 1.5. If the Floor Level attribute only contains one value, that value will also be used by the Lowest Floor Level attribute.
This attribute is derived from Floor Level attribute data. Where the floorlevel field is NULL, lowestfloorlevel values will also be NULL.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: true
Precision: 3
Scale: 1
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0
In cases where the Floor Level attribute contains a list of floor levels (for example, where a commercial organisation occupies multiple levels within a building), the last value provided will be taken as the highest floor level. For example, where Floor Level attribute values are given as -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, the Highest Floor Level is 3. Mezzanine levels may be represented by a partial number, for example, 1.5. If the Floor Level attribute only contains one value, that value will also be used by the Highest Floor Level attribute.
This attribute is derived from Floor Level attribute data. Where the floorlevel field is NULL, highestfloorlevel values will also be NULL.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: true
Precision: 3
Scale: 1
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0
Alphanumeric code used to classify the object using the AddressBase Classification Scheme, which is available to download from the AddressBase Classification Scheme page of the OS Download Products’ Documentation site.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 6
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Description of the classification code as defined in the AddressBase Classification Scheme, which is available to download from the AddressBase Classification Scheme page of the OS Download Products’ Documentation site.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 230
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
A descriptive term used to describe the primary classification code of this address.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 120
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0
A descriptive term used to describe the secondary classification code of this address.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 120
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0
A descriptive term used to describe the tertiary classification code of this address.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 120
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0
A descriptive term or collection of terms used to describe the quaternary classification code of this address.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 120
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 2.0
A description of the build status of the land and property unit represented by an Address, for example, 'Built In Use'.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: buildstatusvalue
Max Length: 12
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Date when the land and property unit entered the lifecycle state given in 'buildStatus'.
Data Types: Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The lifecycle status of a given Address, for example, Prebuild, Built or Historic.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: addressstatusvalue
Max Length: 11
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Identifies the source of the postcode assigned to an address. This attribute can be used to identify properties capable of recieving mail as defined by Royal Mail for PAF matched address records, or as defined by Local Authorities for records which are not PAF matched but which are believed to be capable of receiving mail. For example, flats behind a front door with single letter box.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: addressbasepostalvalue
Max Length: 75
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) of the parent record if a parent-child relationship exists.
Data Types: Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
In instances where an address sits in a hierarchy (for example, Child UPRN – Parent UPRN – Grandparent UPRN), the root UPRN will display the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for the top level AddressableObject in the parent-child structure, which in this example is the Grandparent UPRN.
Data Types: Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
In instances where an address sits in a hierarchy (for example, Child UPRN – Parent UPRN – Grandparent UPRN), the Hierarchy Level attribute will describe the position of the given UPRN within the overall set of relationships. Using a flat within a Halls of Residence Block in a University as an example, this would be described in the following way: FLAT 1 is the Child UPRN at the lowest level and its hierarchy level will be 3; its parent UPRN is BLOCK H, which will have a hierarchy level of 2; BLOCK H has, in turn, a Parent UPRN of EXETER UNIVERSITY, which will have a hierarchy level of 1.
Data Types: Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The Unique Street Reference Number (USRN), a unique and persistent identifier of a Street which is assigned by the Roads or Highway Authority.
Data Types: Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Description of the type of match made between the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) and its Unique Street Reference Number (USRN). A value of 1 is matched manually to the most accessible USRN, and a value of 2 is matched spatially to the nearest USRN, which may not be the nearest accessible street.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: usrnmatchindicatorvalue
Max Length: 17
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Numeric code identifying the authority responsible for assigning the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN), creating the address record and maintaining the address record.
Data Types: Integer (GPKG), Integer (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Name of the authority responsible for assigning the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN), creating the address record and maintaining the address record.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Max Length: 35
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The Office for National Statistics Governmental Statistical Service (GSS) code representing the lower tier local authority.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: true
Max Length: 9
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
X coordinate defining the position of the object in accordance with the British National Grid (EPSG:27700) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: true
Precision: 8
Scale: 2
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Y coordinate defining the position of the object in accordance with the British National Grid (EPSG:27700) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: true
Precision: 9
Scale: 2
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Value defining the latitude of the Address location in accordance with the ETRS89 (EPSG:4258) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: false
Precision: 9
Scale: 7
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Value defining the longitude of the Address location in accordance with the ETRS89 (EPSG:4258) coordinate reference system.
Data Types: Float (GPKG), Real (CSV)
Nullable: false
Precision: 9
Scale: 7
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Geometry for the feature.
Data Types: Geometry (GPKG), WKT (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
Geometry Type: Point
Local Authority assigned value giving a description of the accuracy of the coordinate position allocated to the Address location, for example, 'Central Internal Position' of a building.
Data Types: String (GPKG), String (CSV)
Nullable: false
Code List Name: positionalaccuracyvalue
Max Length: 25
OS Select+Build Filterable: Yes
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The date on which this record was inserted into the Local Authority database.
Data Types: Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: false
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0
The date on which the record ceased to exist.
Data Types: Date (GPKG), Date (CSV)
Nullable: true
OS Select+Build Filterable: No
Data Schema Version: 1.0, 2.0